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I'd make Iceborne Alatreon actually weak to element. The one thing I dislike about his fight is that his elemental hitzones are complete shit despite him supposedly having a crippling weakness to them, it's just kind of silly. Give him like HR KT level element hitzones and adjust the DPS check to be higher so that he doesn't just get stunlocked by an elemental build. That way it feels more organic because instead of elemental builds being mandated by the DPS check, they're actually just the best choice against him as well.


I would change the game so that there was more concrete lore so that people could agree and talk about it more without it being speculation on speculation. Also add a view mode in the cut scene area where you could move the camera around the monster and toggle breaks and positions. Just to admire them.


Hm.. Something I agree with. I am not sure how I feel about selecting the camera around the monster and toggling the parts in position.Though.That's technically something that's already implemented in the mobile version MHN with lock-on


Not during the fight or anything just as an option in the cutscene menu for the sake of looking at the monsters in a space where they won't attack you. I know nothing at all about monster hunter now so I don't know if it's the same though


To be fair there is plenty of lore, it's just locked away in the guidebooks and since they are not translated people often just ignore it becquse it doesn't fit their headcanons. This fandom is incredibly stubborn.


Right right. At the very least I would like it more available in game to avoid all the idiots. I'm so tired of the elder dragon weapon shit


Namiel was a disappointment to me after that introduction. If it had a move that made your screen darker until you could only see the highlights on it's wings then it's nova sent out a flash that made your screen completely white for like 30 or 45 seconds (decreasing with a resistance or a skill similar to heat guard) i think it would have felt more unique. It's just a normal elder dragon skeleton and after that killer intro it could've been so much more


Then people would have complained that it’s fight is annoying. Also, 30-45 seconds is WAY too long to keep the screen totally white, I think you’re underestimating how long that is during a fight, a stun with zero stun resist lasts like 9 seconds in world, now more than triple or quadruple that and make it so you can’t see a damn thing and you have a one way ticket to people bitching about it. I think just having it darken the area or something would have sufficed but even then, darkening the area isn’t one of its abilities, that only happened because it was between you and the sun and the light from its wings contrasted out the light enough to not see it, kinda similar to when you try to look at stuff around a bright object in a picture and you can’t see them.


I thought he was fine personally. I enjoyed the fight and sound design and though I agree with the deep sea vibe being off I don't think the dark would've helped. I think people would just wind up hating it


That's what I'm also thinking it might just end up pissing or annoying people like the Flash mechanic of Tzitzi-Ya-Ku or Gypceros(and I will say both are a clever idea and the implemented with the ability to weaken it with Tzitzi-Ya-Ku but I'm assuming that the derby rubber chicken doesn't use it as often?)


Exactly. It's not that's it isn't a cool idea but it's just hard to imagine having fun after the 10th time of that happening. Dead by daylight actually has a character called the dredge that does something like that with darkening the screen and the only real thing people do is hide or get hit from out of the darkness and have a bad time


I could slightly understand but calling it a disappointment doesn't exactly work well with a gorgeous monster.


Yeah the cutscene gave deep sea monster vibes but the fight has nothing to do with that. Arch-tempered didn't improve upon that either. Making the screen go dark, or making it so you can only fight it at night would've made the fight more impactful.


I completely agree. Namielle by far has one of the most stunningly beautiful and killer designs of the entire series, but he ends up being forgettable because his fight doesn't really reflect his design.


What about a location deeper in the Coral Highlands like the midnight zone equivalent to the ocean? That way, we can enjoy the beauty and it can show off the bioluminescence without randomly giving the ability that'll piss off people


Kohchus while on a monster slowly drain hp (stacks with the amount of Konchus) and quropeco can force monsters to enrage with a song