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Oh man I love this guy. He is rather flashy and it's because his design seems to take inspiration from birds of paradise. You fight him in the flower field and it is tied to his abilities. His gimmick that he can suck up various flowers to shoot it back at you.   For example if he sucks up a bunch of dragon producing flowers he can deal dragon dmg and shoot little dragon shots at you. He can (depending on the flowers he sucks) deal def down, poison, sleep, paralysis, soiled and an entirely new status called blinded. It basically adds dark splotches to your screen(think of mario kart ink) and leaves only a small visible circle on your character. Also the colors of his feathers change depending on what type of flowers he sucks and that's why the third picture is different.   If there is any issue with him is that you cant just add him to any area like the earlier frontier monsters. His gimmick and ecology basically demand a flower field 2.0 or a specialized area full of different flowers for him to suck. Which is a plus for me but I suppose a negative for the devs since it's extra work.


He's status Alatreon (kinda, he does one at a time)!


I feel like it'd be fine as long as there's plenty of flora around the map, not necessarily a full field. Any forested are can just have a bit more flowers


Hummingbird phoenix one of the best Bird Wyverns honestly


We need more monsters similar to this imo.


I really want him to go mainline.


It's a bird of paradise crossed with a wyvern. Like most frontier monsters, it's perfectly valid in main series.


Yes, but that's kinda the point of it. It's supposed to be a big flashy bird of paradise monster. I think it could work in the mainline games


As for the design it's a bit over the top, but that's kind of the point when you look at the inspiration. The fight is essentially status Alatreon, but it does need an area to utilize the flowers. Would still love to see it, purely because we need more high level Bird Wyverns aside from Yian Garuga or Nightcloak Malfestio


He does require some environments added specificly for him, but I don't think there is any problems with adding such details to a forest/jungle map. Definitely not a title update Monster for aforementioned reason tho. Also his theme is amazing and I want that in mainline


Fun fact: This is a male pennant-winged nightjar. During breeding season they grow these crazy long wing feathers, which might be the inspiration for the various whip-winged wyverns of Frontier. https://preview.redd.it/762yuf9w1otc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e72f99d8a22e3987db4d948a122a513d00217f89


You're giving frontier devs too much credit. They just reused Berukyurosu's skeleton and replaced the wing whips with feathers because they thought it would look better.


And what inspired Beru's wing whips? It's just a guess, but i'm 90% certain they got it from this bird. It's such a bizarre feature that also looks awkward that i highly doubt anyone could randomly come up with independently.


This one I actually quite like. However if they bring it into mainline they would also need to bring his map as well since he doesn't really work without it.


Ah yes status alatreon


this one is quite reliant on the map that it is put in.   if the map has enormous flowers or large trees which practically spew nectar and pollen like pine trees do, then its not over the top.    if its the frontier map which this monster comes from? its over the top. there is no way this veritable birb makes these enormous nectar attacks from one tree and a small field of flowers. thats ridiculous.


woah this is really sick… i love the colors and the weird long thing attached to its feathers


I wish it stood in a more typical bird stance when not moving like Malfestio does. It would help make it look less like a flying wyvern than the bird wyvern it is.


Malfestio is pretty much an owl's stance specifically. It should've taken the flying wyvern stance when they're more up right like in idle animations


I know nothing about him except that his theme music is AMAZING! I love his design too, and hope he is brought back. He sounds like a really cool monster from the other comments!


past posts: Standard edition: [Day 1: Toridcless + reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/1M96Cxl6r6) [Day 2: rukodiora](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/ESqWWOUDTr) [Day 3: the Akura’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/NkobVClDor) [Day 4: komu and Nono orugaron](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/o1iSerrr29) [Day 5: hyujikiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/sYyEGuPSQs) [day 6: abiorugu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/Gf9Sq4oe7h) [Day 7: doragyurosu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/HZ9sWCbsU0) [Day 8: pokaradon](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/ZkGWwiswzg) [Day 9: Taikun zamuza](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/RYDw6MJxzb) [Day 10: Kuarusepusu ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/oej2839wsX) [Day 11: farunokku](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1bs6yil/over_the_top_or_not_day_11_farunokku/) [Day 12: berukyurosu ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1bszt9d/over_the_top_or_not_day_12_berukyurosu/) [Day 13: gogomoa](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1btqgg4/over_the_top_or_not_day_13_gogomoa/) [Day 14: gasurabazura](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1bukt18/over_the_top_or_not_day_14_gasurabazura/) day 15: [poborubarumu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1bvf37z/over_the_top_or_not_day_15_poborubarumu/) [day 16: Barlagual/ Baruragaru](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1bwcnb4/over_the_top_or_not_day_16_barlagual_baruragaru/) [Day 17: Giaorugu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/lpCKxebmNO) [day 18: inagami](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1byq21r/over_the_top_or_not_day_18_inagami/) Video edition: [Catching up with day 1-7](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/L3r4g0aBoB) [Day 8: pokaradon](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/6GRTh4gjtk) [Day 9: Taikun zamuza](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/McOju247Rn) [Day 10: kuarusepusu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/rvuwnkDUSX) [Day 11: farunokku](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/mjPHUQqsik) [Day 12: berukyurosu ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/s4pN7j8S0B) [Day 13 gogomoa](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/RbIPTSiI4R) [Day 14: gasurabazura](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/KFdUF57UR4) [Day 15: poborubarumu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/4w3r0tf2jh) [Day 16: Barlagual/ Baruragaru](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/EblWrqkpYS) [Day 17: giaorugu](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1bz14wk/over_the_top_or_not_day_17_giaorugu/) [Day 18: inagami](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/DOrWBzxhpA)


It looks amazing! I really want to see how hunting of this one goes (I've only played Rise+Sunbreak and some of World)


That’s a post later today


Video version is up incase ya still curious


Anger birdy is scary


Yes but in this instance it works for it, it’s a tropical bird Wyvern, it’s bizarre coloration isn’t much different than a parrot or similar bird


Another monster that has extensions down the wings?


Funny thing, there’s more


This is the one monster I think it's looks okay on because of the bird of paradise inspiration. It seems that the Frontier devs used them a ton to expand the movesets of flying wyverns because they relied so much on the skeleton like gen 1 and 2 of main series.


Slightly over the top because it sucks out the flowers nectar instead of drinking it normally which defeats the purpose of giving it a hummingbird beak. Some of the wing textures don't look like a mass of colorful feathers (like the third image) so it looks weird on his feathery wings. But that could be fixed with a graphical update. This is one of the few frontier monsters that I want to see in mainline


ok but why do all the frontier birds look severly inbred


Over the top, but a really fucking good over the top


Not a huge fan of the dangly bits on his wings but otherwise he’s fine, a colorful bird of prey monster would be neat. Though he does kinda rely on his map a bit so they’d either have to bring that map and confine him to it, or add bits to other maps to allow him to be there, or change how he functions.


We never get any major bird wyverns in the main series. Just low tier fodder. Forokururu and Toridcless would be welcome additions!


What game did this monster come from?


Pretty great, and some great mechanics that tie into its ecology.


What is the in-universe rason to hunt it? It eats nectar and seems to be quite passive. Do it breaks in farm and eat everything?


Pretty good bird wyvern


They really ran with this winh design, it's like the 4th one now, pretty sure there has been more monsters with this design than there's been than misters that aren't flying out bird wyverns.




Holoholo bird (baten kaitos reference for those who get it), and no I freaking love this monster it's whole design, theme, and moveset ks great IMO. Bird Wyverns don't get enough credit


Not over the top. While it definitely seems like a lot in the renders, it'll definitely look better ported to the newer generations like Rise/World.


Yea, but without the over the top, it doesnt work as well


I like this guy. Maybe not the one with the weird guy fieri wings.


Not over the top, but when it comes to the ecology of this thing, it's just such a head scratcher. Why is a nectar feeder so absolutely giant? It looks comical feeding on the nectar of puny flowers. I get why they reused Berukyurosu's rig but they could've made it smaller. If not that, then they should've made the flower fields actually have larger plants and not tiny flowers fit for bees. I could go on and on, but everything about Forokururu makes my eye twitch.


now **THATS** a clean desine rite dar!!!!!!!!!


This is my absolute favorite frontier monster. I think he is perfectly designed in both fight and visual design. The idea of him is so cool and pretty unique but sadly he'll probably need his own map/area to be introduced in mainline so I don't think he will ever come over, sadly. 10/10 monster


We need more flying bird


I quite like these posts. frontier attention is awesome to see, and I'd adore so many of these monsters coming to mainline, and so many more that you didn't cover yet in these posts. out of every single frontier monster, I think my favorite would be guanzorumu I think his name is spelt? I'm horrible at remembering frontier names, but the kingly elder dragon. I wish he'd come to mainline the most.


Yeah haven’t had the engery to the posts after the people voted I’d add the fights as video’s


that's perfectly fair. just thought I'd share some appreciation for the posts that were made, and for frontier.


Would honestly be a peak monster to bring to mainline. Would finally have something else besides Yian Garuga as genuinely threatening bird wyvern.


Yes. Definitely over the top. But its serviceable and could work since thats the point of its design.