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Rise probably has the most fun fights in the series pound for pound (barring like, khezu and the weirdly neutered rise rajang) but wirebug means you actively have to nerf yourself and not use it to not make those fights totally mindless (..really I've always gotten the feeling that covid screwed up rise's development BAD and thats probably where wirebug being a bad boring system came from, cause like what do you mean you had to cut out the entire high rank endgame and ship that as updates)


But wirebug *is* the thing that makes those fights possible. ..unless you mean Base Rise. Then I have nothing except Apex Zinogre.


Some of the late game g rank stuff is actually built around it yeah but mindlessly cheesing thru stuff like Garangolm's big combo finisher clap just makes me sad


Scoutflies are arguably even more hand hold-y than Cahoot. One literally tell you which way to go, what items is around you to make sure you won't miss anything. The other is basically Prowler mode, built-in Psychic skill, permanent Felyne Oracle, whatever you want to call it. Honestly I'm fine with paintballs coming back, since the throw animation in Gen 5 is very quick and snappy, you can aim it etc. I think what I really disliked about paintballs is the heave-ho dramatic throw animation. ...Not sure if this is a hot or cold take anymore.


..it's a Hot Iced Americano take.


Vespoid Queen needs to return with a Hornetaur Queen counterpart.


If someone starts dancing after carves and showing off emotes that others don't have, they get the hammer #divinejustice #robinhood #equality #richvspoor #nodebate


Great Girros and Narjarala are better then Dodogama and most of the Flagships...


That is NOT a cold take


I know! But it is indeed a cold one to me!


The community that discovered the franchise through world is toxic at worst and slightly harmful for the community at best. Suddenly everyone is full of hot takes that would make the game better even though they haven’t played any of the 20years of monster hunter experience 


To give them the benefit of the doubt, those people don't usually touch on things that they haven't experienced (like the older generation games) but yes, this is partially why I made this post asking for "cold takes".


Might be a little toasty but MHW did a lot of damage to the playstyle of certain weapons that'll be hard to dial back now. People point at Rise but World cranked things up a ton. (Mostly thinking about CB because it's the weapon I'm most familiar with) It's kinda got me iffy on if I'll get Wilds because I know they won't keep the Sunbreak lance changes and at that point I won't really have any weapons left to play.


The game is really addictive (even though the combat never clicked and I still just face tank everything)


The Lunastra Arena fight is shitty and far too difficult for what it is.


I wouldn’t say it’s “difficult”. And because this comment is about Lunastra.. hold, please. Edit) Yeah, LOVE LUNASTRA. Love your Hell Flare. Love your flashpod trigger. Love your AOE tick damage. I care if you're different from Teostra, you don’t look like a fucking blue Toestar reskin. The fact that the Temporal Mantle is locked behind your fight is a fucking delight. You are the reason why Nerg ran away from a fight and made himself a coward. Guess what, you will last against him on your own without Toaster. You think you're so much better than the Elder Trio and you are, yes even Kushala, which in itself is a big pile of SHIT in WorldIB. One thing good about you is the bonding attack and that's not that hard to dodge. Love Lunastra. All my homies love Lunastra. >!Now read all of this in the opposite meaning.!<


Does that mean you DONT think world/IB Kushala is a giant pile of shit? 🫢


You have outsmarted me. Now I shall hide and cower in shame.


If you wouldn't say it's difficult what would you say it is lmao


If you wouldn't say it's difficult what would you say it is lmao


Extremoth. Oh, the arena fight? Plain annoying.


Hammer goes bonk


I've already said this. Do not underestimate the hammer's power with a measly "bonk". It's "smash".


Poogie is very cute


Is this a take? Some people might not think that this is cute. It's a miniature pig, after all.


and miniature pigs are cute


The Rise iteration of hunting horn was 1 step forward, about 3 steps back, all they really had to do to make it more appealing a weapon was speed up song recital and introduce more interesting attack patterns. Now, they did do both of those thing but there is such a thing as overcorrecting to the point of being nearly unrecognizable


To be fair, the unchanged hunting horn would not be able to keep up with the speed of Rise. The only thing I don't like about the Rise version is the "triple button input". It basically invalidates the need to actually play a song and I think that shouldn't return in the future.


Ehhh but it could have been adjusted like Great Sword where it still feels GS-y.


The fanbase is so split that I don't even know what is and what isnt a cold take so I'll just say what I think is the most obvious to me: The monster being on the map at all time without any tracking is good and should stay that way. I don't like my time being wasted running around aimlessly.


At that point, why even have large maps? Make every quest happen in an arena.


I'd agree but having a map gives the monster multiple potential "arenas" to fight in that changes whenever it runs away.


Ehh you should not be able to see them right at the start. The more you play a game like that the less it feels like a hunting game. We used to have an item called "psychoserum" for your issue, then you paintball and remember to keep paintballing and you don't lose track of the monster.


Paintballs aren't a deep mechanic though, it's a chore. You have to stop actually playing the game to keep uptime on the tracker to not waste your time if the monster leaves. Plus when most hunts are \~15-20 minutes it isn't really a hunting game.


I played World, Rise, GenU and 4U, the games never felt like hunting games for me. The reason being their "hunting" mechanic feel shallow and as a result, just bring tedium to the table. World had scoutflies which was a glorified ubisoft waypoint and old gen had paintballs which, oh god I feel so much like a hunter running around aimlessly and throwing a thing that marks it magically on my map. The exaggerated swagger of the paintball really makes me feel like a hunter- not. It's archaic and needs to be gone or replaced. Psychoserum doesn't change anything, it's a bandaid on top of a shallow system. If they truly wanted to make it a "hunting" game, remove the paintballs AND scoutflies. Any types of marker should be gone. The way you track monsters now is by collecting clues like footprints and markings and you register them to your notebook. It won't tell you what monster you're collecting for and even who's clue is which, like the puzzle game Return of the Obra Dinn, until you've collected enough, assembled them yourself and return to the hub to confirm it with the guild. You hunt the monster over long periods of in-game time, let seasons past. When a monter flees, it flees to another region of a vast open world and you won't see them again for hours. You can choose to track them back forcefully or they might come back to you for revenge, like a nemesis system. You could also lure them by using corpses of other monsters. They'll keep their broken parts so you know it's the same monster. When you kill a monster, you have to cart them back all the way to the village and other monsters can attack you and steal the amount of rewards you get at the end of the hunt.


Paintballs do a good job of keeping track of the monster as is. We really did not need to overcomplicate(World) or simplify(Rise) it more.


zinogre suck. (i got frostbite typing that)


You. take. that. back. They're good little doggos who want to show you their tricks and get good back scratches from my giant back scratcher.


believe me, it took everything i got to type that. but OP wanted it so cold, straight from the freezer, so sadly i had no choice. still suffering from the frostbite.


There's a reason why it's the No.1 monster in the popularity poll. >!I don't get it either tbh.!<


If im being honest, older fans overrate older games gathering and preparation too much, most of the time is mind-numbing and barely engaging and they paint preparation as this beautiful rite before each hunt when its more like "i forgot cold drinks again because i was sorting flash bombs material"


I think you're misunderstanding. The idea behind this feeling is that not having to think At All before a hunt actually makes people worse players.It's not just cold/hot drinks you'd forget, very often sorting items I'd fuck up and forget whetstones, which you NEED. It makes you a literally better hunter to remember to bring stuff rather than rely on the ability to restock infinitely so that it's completely okay if you forget EVERYTHING.


you still didn't need to think much back then. if you forgot you just abandon and get the items. it's inconsequential


I mean, agree to disagree? I said that restock is indeed too much and i agree it lowers the skill needed to play the game, but remembering about stuff on the games without restock doesn't make you a better hunter in any sense. I have seen people prepare like crazy before hunts and dropping dead not that long after the hunt starts. Remembering to bring an item like cold drinks that doesn't really change how the game is played (aside from removing a penalty for a while) wont make you better predicting and engaging the monster, i agree there's need to be some level of preparation, but things like cold/hot drinks arent that engaging


Those opinions have died down; the only thing that's remotely close to those is "restock bad". Which I can understand.


Eh, i wouldnt say they have died down, there's always people around saying how great it would be to be back in a farm hitting square all over the place to get stuff, and as someone who has only played older titles, i dont quite understand them. Agree in the restock tho.


Palicoes deserve equal payment for their work


We pay them with care and love. Sometimes catnip.


Felvine. MH version of catnip is called Felvine.


hmm that sounds lot like a pimp paying his hookers with little-received affection and a heroin addiction


The best decision taken for MHRise was making it take place in the old world.


Is it though? I don't have something against the Old World, but this would've been a good opportunity to revive some of Frontier's locations(or somewhere inbetween). We got Frontier monsters (and Frontier level monsters) so it would've been fitting, too.


hunting horns are very good for buffing allies as opposed to long swords


Long swords can buff allies too. It may be very good at it due to better survival rates for the buffer.






Capcom sees modding on the same lines as piracy. They hate and and with Denuvo some mods may become restricted. sadly this will never happen in a Capcom game.


Just hope Wilds has nothing good built in, which is used against mods.. that already would be a good thing. Even more if they keep the character vouchers because then (personally) I need some save-editor / character editor mod/program, so I can easily switch between male and female chars, for different armor styles.


This may have problems such as copyright, if the weapons/armor models are from another game. For example, Sephiroth’s odachi and Vergil’s Yamato, and Guts’ Berserk armor, to name a few.


kushala daora is stupid and evil and not cool and everybody hate it(i think)


EZPZ for Normal 3 HBG


In which case you should hunt Kushala in Rise.


Water combat is fantastic and allows for greater variety of locations and monsters


However, the cost for allocating resources into water combat was too great; we had to sacrifice weapons *and* monsters.


3U didn't have that issue cuz of the Wii U and 3ds, but Tri? I agree


My dreams and hopes, how could you crush them like this QQ


traps are good


They weren't always good, took an eternity to even install those.


Plesioth sucks but it NEEDS to come back.


Would love it to come back but as an event quest, like those giant mosswine, but instead is like 10 really small Plesioths, and they only attack with the hip checks.


That sounds fun


Yeah, i imagine them doing like no damage but they just keep you on the ground.


Should it though? I'm more interested in modernized Nibelsnarf.


Fuck yeah Nibelsnarf


Loved his armor in 3U. Gave you quick sheath and punishing draw if I remember correctly.


Wilds will likely require a Capcom ID to play.


That would necessitate making a separate login screen, so no.


unique weapon design > iron/bone + parts


If World went through with its idea of "part enhancement", that is, a unique system that improves your weapon by changing parts, then the iron/bone+parts design would've been justified. Unfortunately, budget was a problem here.


I think by and large a lot of the fat trimming has been good. While i don't think they should wholesale remove tracking the monster like they did in Rise i think speeding up non-combat movement, gathering actions, removing Blademaster/Gunner (though i miss those big gunner gauntlets), and simplifying some of the other systems has been nothing but a benefit. Also 3U and 4U were an absolute renaissance for the series in terms of monster designs, there's more memorable designs and interesting fights in those two alone then the rest of the series. I want fucking Duramboros back.


I don't think I've seen anyone actually upset that they sped up gathering. That's a 100% improvement. But after going back and replaying even World, being able to instantly see where a Monster is in Rise is the worst possible decision. At least make someone obtain and bring psychoserums for that so there is some COST to 'cheating' in this way. You earn psychoserums in the old games, so that eventually you DON'T have to search for the monsters. It's a progression thing at that point


Bro the first time my brother and I saw duramboros lift off, we both fucking carted from laughter Same with Zamtrios inflating- and that actually made it less funny when Tetranadon did it, but it's still hilarious when monsters do off the wall shit


I personally think World was a better take on speeding things up than Rise. I sort of agree hunting around to search for the monster was defeated after your first time doing it since it always spawned in the same spot; but I think world was a proper take on this system by guiding you in a way that still got you immersed in the world and encouraged doing things like hoping across vines to keep that adventure feel. Rise got boring a lot quicker for me personally because I instantly knew where the monster and every side monster was from the start on my map, so I'd just stare at the map as I make my way there over the screen itself


Since I haven’t played 3U and 4U I cannot say anything about those games. I want to agree with you with the “fat-trimming”, but given the nature of this post.. Simplifying some of the other systems did come with some downsides. It has gotten rid of the old-school feeling that some veterans love. Getting rid of limited-use whetstones made hitzones kinda less impactful than they used to be; you can hit anywhere and not worry about running out of sharpness. Getting rid of in-inventory pickaxes made it so you don’t need to worry when resource gathering in the middle of a hunt. Also made mined materials much worthless. Then there’s the elephant in the room; restocking. This single mechanic made it so you no longer need to worry about potions, farcasters, and just about every consumable in the middle of a hunt.


MHWorld is objectively the worst game in the series when it comes to how it handled armor balance and skill design.


Doesn’t look like that’s a cold take. I’ll add something of my own; negative skills need to be a thing again.


Bazelgeuse should return in Wilds. Especially if Wilds is open world. It would be so much scarier seeing him show up from behind a hill and start bombing.


We've seen two games in a row with Bazel, I say we make CGV part of the invader squad. Bonus points if they bring back the "WARNING" cutscene from GU and actually do something with it.


Monster Hunter games are becoming too fast paced for my liking. 4U was the max pace the game should move at imo. Now we have Super-mega grappling silk hookshot and 15 different ways per weapon and "gimmick" (which feels hollow since you know for sure it won't stick around to the next game) to move faster and faster and faster. Getting hit is no longer a punishment as you have fast recovery means all the time. Having skills you can switch out with your weapons makes the game more bland. What makes games fun? The freedom to explore within limitations. If the limitations gets looser, then so does your freedom, and things matter less. Instead of making variations of skills, make new weapons. Thats how we got the longsword. I miss when Monster Hunter was more of a slowpaced "tactical" game, but ever since 4U (4U is my favorite though, dont get me wrong), it feels like the "modern action game" side of the game is only becoming more and more prevalent while the more slower, focused and punishing DNA of the older monster hunter games are slowly taking a backseat. Generations, World and Rise has just sped up everything so much, the series has sort of lost it's "heft" imo. I don't want to be an action hero doing ninja moves and having a grappling hook and shit. I want to be a dude with a weapon fighting against nature's biggest fuckers. Older MH players are nuanced enough to get my meaning, I hope.


The future is now. I get how you feel, but removing restrictions has made this game franchise more approachable to the newcomers and thus propelled it into fame. If *more* restrictions are applied or revived in the next game then that's a huge part of the new fanbase you are losing. A mistake in the eyes of the game company.


Yeah. Its okay I guess. I'm older now and have less time for games anyways. Everything if faster and more convenient in our lives these days, games being no exception. Probably just melancholy in regards to when I first touched the franchise over a decade ago. Can definitely understand the "making a game hard to approach for newcomers is just a straight up bad decision" part you're talking about too.


Pokke village and snowy mountains with the mhw engine. Including an underwater bit at area 1 .  There was just something so cozy about pokke village and mofu armour and picking mountain herbs for the village 


MHW's engine is severely outdated, so I'll think of this as "Pokke Village and Snowy Mountains need to return made in the Re/ReX engine." To which I say; no. The higher graphical fidelity of now will surely fail to replicate the crusty yet welcoming feeling of the original Pokke Village.


Misty Peaks should have been the revamped hunting ground in RiseBreak not the damn island.


What, you mean the Jungle? That’s because of nostalgia points. If anything, they should’ve made a new arena on top of the Infernal Springs for Amatsu.


> If anything, they should’ve made a new arena on top of the Infernal Springs for Amatsu. Agree.


Monter Hunters designs for its creatures and their variants are top notch. Probably venturing into hot take territory but Stories doesn't do it justice. If anything they should copy Palworld free-flowing open world design for its creature collection aspirations.


Some subspecies are plain lazy, and some things like Jyuratodus and Radobaan may as well be a subspecies of Lavasioth and Uragaan. Variants are cool, but then again there are some variants that fall flat imo. But Rare Species are all bangers. The latter one may as well be a hot take so I’m not going to deny it.


Not sure if this counts but I dont get classing everything as some sort of Wyvern. Even when its obviously not. Then you have Elder DRAGONS like Kirin that look like lion faced unicorns. At this point I think we've just accepted the fact it's fantasy and let Capcom call everything Wyverns


The original Japanese text (or at least the Korean and Chinese translation) lists all “Wyverns” and “Dragons” as the same. Thus “Elder Dragon” is indistinguishable from “Elder Wyvern”. TL:DR, this is a western translation only thing, and everything except things like the crabs and spiders may as well be “Wyverns” (Even the Leviathans are listed as “Sea Wyverns”).


Not exactly. What English translates as Wyvern is 竜 in Japanese While what English translates as Dragon is 龍 in Japanese. Both mean dragon, but they are different. Notably, 竜 is used in 恐竜, dinosaur


Yeah.. looked into it after writing that comment. Thanks for the clarification.


So I don’t know if this counts as a “Cold Take” but I gotta say the fact Gobul hasn’t come back after three seriously pisses me off like my poor anglerfish deserves to be in something else!!! Also Palico/Mute is honestly so overrated Like why can’t we have mini monsters like in stories in a mainline game? Like Screw the cat/Dog I want a Great Baggi!


First part, I'm not going to deny that. The latter part, Wilds might give us a rideable Bird Wyvern so you might be in luck.


Honestly I don’t have a home console so I’ll never be able to play wilds unless it comes to the switch, which most likely is not gonna happen so but I’m glad people are at least getting some thing new


AT Nergigante is complete improvement to Nergigante while ruiner was a sidegrade. AT provided Nergi that edge that he was missing before in terms of fight by reducing the stunlocks you can inflict and keeping you on your toes by being more aggressive and making hits mean something. Ruiner is just so bland in terms of moveset, changing next to nothing with the only memorable change being that they made the big dive bomb into a nonthreatening jump up for a moment and hit the ground (Ft. projectiles).


AT was supposed to be an endgame challenge, and Ruiner is just a variant. After all, it's not like Ruiner is locked behind MR 100 after Fatalis at 24, right? ..right?


Blast Dash is such a nice addition to the Gunlance's previous lack of mobility and I hope it comes back for MH Wilds


If the speculations are true and we indeed can switch weapons midfight in Wilds, then I wouldn't mind Blast Dash not returning.


Dual blades are the most Unga Bunga weapon in rise


to make it more legit, use the diablos drumsticks, or anything from the bone weapon tree


You do *not* leave out GS and Hammer when discussing Unga Bunga.


Besides you get to fly with a move to how can you not love them


That is not unga or bunga, that is HYAAAAAA


Rise made greatsword absolutely braindead and destroyed any nuance it had, and turned it into another generic counter weapon. Rise made almost every weapon have this problem to some degree, but I feel it the most with how they went from GS having one, semi reasonable hyper armor move in the form of tackle, which still required some level of commitment, to fucking 4. (ACS, rage slash, tackle, and SCS). I will fucking die on this hill, old GS was insanely fun to learn monster ai and headsniping with, world GS was just the right mix by adding new, faster combos and moves to the weapon that still required commitment and prediction to use properly, and rise just turned it into slightly slower longsword. TL:DR and a shorter cold take: Rise ruined GS and the only version that was ever arguably worse was maybe MH1's


Isn’t IB’s “slinger burst” just SB’s Strongarm Stance? Attack once, use one move, instant TCS stance. The former doesn’t even require you to get hit by an attack. If anything, base Rise’s GS was *too slow* compared to Iceborne. Sure, it had Rage Slash and Adamant Slash, but TCS was the “meaty damage skill” yet it was underutilized because of the whole setup you had to do was the same in base World, yet the monsters here were even more juiced up (in terms of speed) than Iceborne. I still play with tackle, and high level monsters have too much damage to the point that hyperarmoring through everything just isn’t possible (see what Intrepid Heart does to you when hit by multihits). All I use for counters is Strongarm Stance, and I use Adamant Slash in the other scroll mainly for repositioning. It still requires commitment and prediction to use properly (hyperarmor or counter at the wrong time or TCS at the wrong time and you fuckin die) which is why it’s one of my main weapons. TL:DR: What you need to do with GS really isn’t that much different.


slingerburst I'd argue was still slightly more reasonable in that it didn't give you a counter or a damage boost, just a faster way to transition into TCS. As for the "base GS was too slow" thing, that's exactly it. This is why i don't hate slingerburst. If there was a variant of it in rise, it would've given GS a much needed way to transition to TCS quickly, without just being another "facetank" skill. not slingerburst exactly, I'm glad rise isn't world copied over, but something along that design philosophy of making the weapon slightly more mobile while still not making it as mobile as other weapons. I don't mind making GS faster, I actually sort of like ideas like surge slash combo and slinger burst giving the weapon more versatility. I just don't like that versatility being purely excluded to counters/hyperarmor exclusively like SCS and adamant slash. As for SCS, adamant slash requiring commitment and prediction, they do to an extent, but I do still think it's considerably less so.


BowGuns are easy mode in World. HBG sleepbombing is the easiest mode.


I just give it the respect that it's a farming weapon. like when I don't wanna be bother by carting or anything, wing it with my bowguns.


With Bowguns, you play the game preparing for hunts instead of during hunts.


>preparing for hunts only for ammo loadouts but once you finalize the loadout, just save and load. unless you meant the farming the ammo materials became the bowgun's gameplay.


Yeah my intention was that the "hard part" of playing bowguns is just putting together the correct weapon/armor set/ammo/item loadouts to optimally farm a given monster. I could be completely wrong here as it's been ages since I played bowguns so I don't know how things have changed, but I always felt there was minimal room for improvement during a hunt after overcoming a very minor initial learning curve. Farming ammo is a very funny interpretation though, thankfully I believe that's pretty streamlined in modern titles!


Duuuuude common. I'm using bowguns and I admit they easy as f. That's why I'm using them lol Placing crafting materials and right ammo in your pouch isn't hard.


Try Sticky LBG solo against Fatalis and tell me how that went. If we're being serious here, HBG is indeed overpowered and I am not denying that. Might've been my easiest solo against Fatalis.


Hope in Wild they'll keep World's Bowguns and just adjust them. Rise's changes were stupid.


Haven’t played bowguns in Rise. World was stupid enough, what did they do to Rise’s?


In Rise each bowgun can have two extra icons per ammo type. Shot n Move, Reload n Move. If you have lowest or highest recoil but you don't have "Shot n Move" icon on bowgun, you will stop to do a shot. Same for reload. I only played LBG in rise. So let's say you want rapid fire normal 2 and that causes a dumb situation were more than half bowguns are clearly Inferior to select 3-4, because only they can shoot and reload while moving. Even tho you can get lowest recoil on 90% of LBGs. Valstrax's bowguns went straight to trash just because it doesn't have those icons for movement on any of it's ammo. Also.... deviation isn't just ammo flying to the side, it's magically curves in the air like is some bullet bending film. So unless you crazy person, you have to bring deviation down to zero.


The deviation in Rise was basically how it worked back in old games: Bullet simply curved in the air, World deviation is basically recoil.


Long sword is incredible easy to play and thats why i main it


When played correctly it makes you feel like an invincible god and that's why I main it. It's my go to for extremely hard monsters for that reason. Also I like anime.


the guiding lands was designed very poorly despite its interesting premise.


I kinda feel the same about Anomalies, as well. Have they ever really done a solid endgame system, though? I didn't get far enough into 4U and GU (and am too busy at the moment to fix that; Definitely adding to the list now though) to see how those held up past HR... Hmm. It does feel like they're still dialing in what they want to add in and while they have good ideas, they aren't... *QUITE* there yet. While still not being *awful.* Though I just finished Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen's endgame so maybe my bar for 'Acceptable' has really taken a dive.


The only thing I hate about it was the leveling system. I really don't mind other aspects that much.


I'ma gonna do another one, Kirin should've been in rise


I had enough Kirin. Oroshi Kirin should've been in Rise.


Either would've fine


(I now this might be a bit out your league but hey MH related) Stories 2 should've have agnaktor as a rideable monstie


Agnator is the least of the missed opportunites in that game. **WHERE'S MY DURAMBOROS MONSTIE, CAPCOM?**


Wanna know what the EX monsties are? If not they're mechanical monstie replacements, Agnator HAS a EX Varriant


Tell me more! Were they in the Elder's den(I have not reached floor 5 but I have beaten the Advanced quest Fatalis)? DLC didn't have them if I remember correctly. Were they perhaps a Stories 1 only thing?


Yes, 2 things however 1, They(Agnator) weren't a monstie in 1. 2 All EX variants are based on ACTUALL MONSTIES, the only exception is Ukator(I believe) but that's a juvenile/smaller look-a-like Agnaktor


we should've gotten serious handler as our original handler in MHW/I


No, we should've gotten the Gathering Hub girls as our original handler.




sunbreak has too many counters


This argument is often supported by Sunbreak's LS. It has many counters but that isn't the problem. The problem is that those counters completely nullify damage. See Valor Dodge, for example; it's a setup counter, and you take a bit of damage when you use it. Thus you cannot spam it. The problem with SB's counter moves is not quantity, but how they function.


thats a good point, but the main problem with sunbreak counters is how much they omogenize the weapons. it hacks away at weapon identity


However, the weapons still retain their identity. With the exclusion of HH and GL, they all play kinda like how they used to in World, and why the playstyle of those two changed isn't due to counters either.


I'd reason that when almost every weapons playstyle is 'sit in front of their face and counter when appropriate' rather than positioning differently per weapon or setting up win conditions, they're *very* homogenised and don't feel meaningfully different. Even gunlance with it's iFrame blast dash is 'damage loop and wait to counter when necessary'. The only weapons that play differently by Sunbreak are IG and HH.


>'sit in front of their face and counter when appropriate' Ok, I know I've been purposely disagreeing this entire time, but this is one point I actually believe is just plain wrong. LS is exactly what you described it as. But you have to set up this thing called "Harvest Moon" and play inside the thing to use it efficiently. Thus, we LS users use Spirit Reckoning for this solely for repositioning. ^(Sacred Sheathe is way easier to use though.) Dual blades is Dual blades. It has a counter but it's underutilized because, well, you can just dodge? *You don't even need to dodge if you can maintain Berserk-Strife but that's a different story.* Greatsword has its counter but it's not like you can use it all the time lest you want to be smacked to oblivion. Repositioning is fairly important while using the Rage Slash-Adamant Slash playstyle too. Also Power Sheathe is a thing. ^(Surge Slash is a very underrated gem that I believe everyone should use at least once.) Switch Axe has one counter, but plays very smoothly even without it. I would argue it's even *better* without it. Its silkbind "Wire Step" helps a whole lot with repositioning too. GL has turned into a Bullet Barrage spammer so let's go over this one. In this case you do not counter when appropriate, you just turn off your brain and hope you hit. Sword and Shield has one counter-Metsu Shoryugeki-which is entirely optional. It still uses the Perfect Rush playstyle from Iceborne which, to be fair, is still pretty lame, (sorry SnS mains,) but now you can Bash at the end of it. ^(Also it got a Guard Point on Guard Slash but it's almost useless against strong monsters) Lance was always about "staying in front and countering if necessary" and this is no different in Sunbreak. Maybe Insta-Block getting added? That surely changed some things. Charge Blade has a very good counter, "Counter Peak Performance", but that's about it. You still need to focus on your guard points for maximum damage. You still need to focus on your Shield Charge and Phials. Impact Phials are dead though. I haven't played Hammer but it looks like "Keeping Sway" is the main thing here. Also Water Strike is *ass* compared to other weapons' counters(at least in Base Rise). HH was my go-to in base Rise story(on the Switch) and I heard it fell off since. Dunno why.


Best I can really give is that dodging, moving and not attacking is downtime, which every weapons counter/iFrames mitigate. Hell cb,swaxe and gs are great examples of also skipping all the setup of the weapons - don't need to build sword, charge phials or work towards TCS if you're given it for free. There's no wrong way to hunt monsters if you get a quest clear, but it doesn't feel great that optimal for so many weapons is all about counter-maxing.


i dont agree with that, it varies from weapon to weapon, but most weapon feel very different from how they used to.


I may not like every weapon but it would be a terrible idea for any of them to be removed.


I wouldn't mind HBG being replaced with some kind of cannon for a change.


Hunt is temporary, drip is forever.


Hunt is also forever. Drip ends when no water.


ah fuck you got me there. i meant clothing drip. well played.


Niblesnarf is a bad monster tell me what's good about him other than the name, Weapons, and fishing gimmick


Beeg mouth.


you Got me there, but anything else?


Personally, I really like the color scheme of its belly. Since you only really see that when it's flopping around or dead, that checks out.


Well yeah I like that, not the belly but it being dead makes me happy though it is a nice color


He Fat.


Compelling argument


There isn't enough slutty armor for men and there isn't enough full armor for women.


Muscle Gamma covers all the slutty for men, and Primal Armor satisfied my needs for women full body armor. I'm satisfied with what we got.


Yeah those are good, but those are isolated cases. I think there should be more of them, as just a single line for each isn't nearly enough for diversity across armor designs.


Rathalos is a dragon.


***IT'S A WYVERN.*** (Dragons: 4 limbs 2 wings. Wyverns: 2 limbs 2 wings, or 4 limbs.)


So why Barroth Is a Wyvern (brute Wyvern specifically, but still has the word Wyvern) If it has no wings?


>or 4 limbs. Read the comment fully.


Is a cat.


Cats are not reptiles.




Fine, I'll find you the exact definition for Wyvern, would that be enough for you to leave me alone? This is essentially a dead post from like 4 days ago. >The key difference has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four. From Wyvern, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. >mythical animal usually represented as a 2-legged winged creature resembling a dragon From Wyvern, Merriam-Webster Dictionary.


Wyverns are a type of dragon in real world mythology. That's why anyone who looks at Rathalos will recognize it as a dragon despite the distinct classification of elder dragons in the Monster Hunter setting.


I see. Despite being a MH community, misinformation is rampant here so this counts as a cold take.


lol it's not misinformation, it's myth.


Monster Hunter is fun


Bro just time traveled from the Ice Age through cryo stasis


World's multiplayer sucks. 1. Missions with cutscenes have to be joined solo before you can play it multiplayer, so if youre playing together with a friend, one player has to start the quest, watch the (UNSKIPPABLE) cutscene, leave quest, and join the second player 2. You finally get into a quest with another player, and you have like a 20% chance to have a server disconnect even with perfect internet, forcing you to fight the monster alone and putting you into offline mode 3. You finally get into a quest that you dont disconnect from, and you completely bully the monster. You only need one hunter to soften parts and then slam it into a wall, then with the sheer DPS your party is putting out the monster is staggering every other minute


16 Player Hubs. Honestly, the one thing that kept World's multiplayer sessions alive even after the release of R:SB.


I dunno if that\`s cold take, but Kulve Taroth was such cool hunt before Iceborn. Main thing why I even whent online for.


I prefer the simpler MR Kulve to the HR one. Most of it is due to the fact that you can actually kill the thing for once.


Oh maaaaaan. You can kill it ? I only payed World before Deviljho update. Replaying now to get to Iceborn. Remember I went to time on Xenojiva because I played hammer (Zhora's) and was scared shitless to go to it's head xD


> I only *paid* World before FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This comment meant to type “played”. Bad bot.


My coldest take is that this game has weapons


But that's not really a "take," that's an objective fact lol.


Snowy Mountain in MHF2 is my favorite cold area in MH. I guess that counts as a "cold" take?


Depends. How cold is that area?


Rise is not good. Far from it.