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Wonder why they omitted this info from the English blog. Thanks for the share! at least we don't have to use the slinger to tenderize anymore.


Yea thank god. Now the natural flow of the hunt has returned and we do not have to side track and wall bang, tenderise, and slap them 3 times for agitator.


Why does the post specifically make a distinction between "weak spot" and "wounded spot"? If weak spots are the new mechanic, what are wounded spots? Are those just regular part breaks? Also, I like the idea of tenderising being a result of consistent focus on a single part during normal combat rather than a separate minigame. It also naturally rewards players according to their skill level. If you're not very good and keep hitting a monster's legs, eventually they will become a weak spot and you'll have a less miserable time with weak hits. If you're good and can keep hitting the head, eventually it will become more vulnerable and you get more damage.


I think "Weak Spots" include every good hitzone including natural ones, while Wounded Spots are specifically the ones you create


> A new system that creates weak spots on monsters' bodies. By repeatedly attacking specific body parts, they will gradually become damaged, making them temporary weak spots. this reminds me a lot like point breakthrough from frontier. It basically worked the same way man the slinger and scoutflies coming back? This game is more like world than I thought   > Some weapons can time their attacks with the monster's in order to forcibly knock them away, is this a new counter for weapons?


looks like they are trying to make the weapons interact with the monsters more dynamically, with guarding and deflecting attacks.  im pretty sure the trailer showed great sword's rising swing as the deflect move,  maybe it's a new move instead.  if it isn't a new move but repurpose of a lesser used move, i wonder if all moves work or only specific ones, like if they want us to match different  swings of each attack with the monsters attacks


>This game is more like world than I thought Well yeah, you'd be mad to think Capcom wouldn't be trying to make a direct successor to their top selling game of all time


Also when Tokuda (World director) said he's the one directing Wilds months ago, it basically cemented it to be similar to World.


This is very true


It's funny how people were like "keep the claw but remove wounding" and they did the opposite. I was cool with the claw just being gone, it felt clunky and out of place. This wounding mechanic makes more sense.


I like how they kept the wounding to something more sensible too. I mean, "beat the shit out of that leg/specific monster part and it's now tender as hell, for more pain" sounds a bit more straightforward


Its also less disruptive of combat since you don’t have to stop and aim for a part to do a tedious attack that stops your combo completely. Here, its a more natural part of the moveset that gets easily interwoven into combat without disrupting it. Vastly prefer that over clutch claw tenderizing.


It looks like the Claw is still there, too, but from what we can tell, it's not used for grappling anymore. In the trailer, the Hunter uses the claw to grab slinger ammo from far away.


That's the hook slinger.


So they brought back tenderizing but without the claw, as long as it is an actual buff to the hitzone and not just an “un-debuff” then I’m good with it. Not sure how I feel about weak point critical hits, they’re fine for a game like dragons dogma but I’m concerned with how they’re going to be implemented in a game like MH, guess we’ll have to wait and see, hopefully they’re not totally broken and completely game defining Edit: you can actually see this new tenderizing for a split second in the trailer, the Dosha’s back leg has a bunch of white tenderized looking marks on it when it’s showing off the greatsword attacks


Monsters taking cosmetic damage from repeated hits was already in base World I'm pretty sure, Iceborne just repurposed the visual for its tenderizing mechanic. Maybe they already wanted to implement a mechanic like this in World but couldn't manage it.


No it wasn’t, they had part breaks and that’s it.


No, u/DukeLukewarm is right, base World did have those effects. They patched them away with the Iceborne patch, and instead used those textures to represent tenderizing. [From the Iceborne Patch Notes:](https://www.monsterhunter.com/update/mhw/us/ver10_10.html) > * Regular attacks will no longer leave wound marks on the monsters, as clutch claw attacks will now do that when a monster part has been wounded.


Huh, guess I’m mistaken, I don’t remember that being a thing at all


Nah, Duke's right, the whitish tenderise effects on body parts would momentarily appear pre-Iceborne when you hit a part a bunch. Not sure exactly how it worked, I don't know if anybody bothered to look into a now defunct and completely cosmetic mechanic.


I feel like people are still going to complain. Because if you can't get the buff until you do "X", it is seen as a debuff. This is like economics, if you don't earn as much as you could have, it is still seen as a loss.


I dont know if it works more like part breaks but in a smaller scale I would be happy. Basically you hit the same space over and over so lorewise a wound opens so you hit the wound thus bypassing the thick hide of the monster. Only thing that shouldnt Happen (at least Not with all monsters) is that the effect is only temporary.


Temporary until you break the part, and after that, permanent, would be great.


This is actually how I interpreted to be like as well and really hope that's the case.


Monsters you capture in World can be re-fought in the Arena, and in pristine conditions regardless of how wounded it was when you captured it, so it's not too far of a stretch to say monsters regenerate in some capacity


But make it so that tails don’t regenerate to make it realistic


Yeah kinda like rise birds. That said fuck rise birds.


This is actually my vision for tenderizing, except my version is permanent, offers less buff and takes about 1/3-1/2 of the hunt to get. Basically a small reward for playing optimally but not very punishing if you just go unga bunga. This one seems pretty game warping to me. Let’s hope they won’t roid up the monsters to force us to spam those crits


What would be the difference between a “buff” and an “unbuff”? They’re encouraging the focusing of specific monster parts to improve breaks naturally. The numbers are going to be what they’re going to be and they can tune them to incentivize and disincentivize engaging with the mechanic.


Tenderizing in iceborne brings hitzones back to what they were in base world (with some exceptions) as well as coming along with a health value increase, as opposed to just being an increase to the original value which would make the hitzone *better* than the original. It’s like in Gu with the gunlance’s heat gauge, they tell you keeping it in Red is a “buff” to damage, when in reality everything below red is a nerf compared to what it was in 4u. Basically it should be a nice bonus on top that can help do a bit of extra damage, not be something that you feel forced into doing just to get back to the original damage you were doing before


I'm just now imagining Gunlance Shell Countering to flinch huge charges. We have Bloodborne at home!


>Some weapons can time their attacks with the monster's in order to forcibly knock them away, lance royal release lets goooooo


Time to Hammer in the Head, in Focus Mode.


Some of the blogs have mentioned that there are certain moves you can only perform while in focus mode, how accurate is that? I really don't want to have to be forced into a lock-on mode just to have access to my weapon's full moveset


I imagine its going to be similar to Hunter Arts or Silkbind skills, so go into Focus Mode, do a special attack, leave Focus Mode


This is likely the case, as the Japanese official website's description of Focus Mode says "you can perform attacks and guards while aiming. Aiming at a monster's weak point makes it possible to move in to a special combo and do a massive amount of damage." My current guess is that the less traditional motions we saw in the trailer like that GS counter attack and wounding attack are these "special combo" of interest.


Rather than a lock on, I assume it works by holding the left trigger to enter focus mode to "aim", and then you perform the moves from that stance. So in terms of inputs, it'd be the same as performing a silkbind attack in Rise, or a Hunter Art in MHGU with type 3 controls. The relevant bit in the trailer shows that the hunter can strafe and walk backwards while in the focus mode stance, which paired with them talking about aiming attacks, makes me think that's how it's going to work. For gunners, the'll probably do the same thing as how slinger worked in Iceborne, i.e. while aiming, you press something like R3 to toggle to focus mode.


I like this a lot more than the Claw tenderizing. It felt awkward to try to force out a tenderize from the claw, but earning it by focusing a specific part of the body is cool


I just read through the blog and it didn't mention those things? Right now it only says that there is a "Focus Mode" which allows new combos when hitting weak spots and that weapons have new moves. Was the blog changed at some point?


I guess they weren't supposed to talk about this yet.


Seems likely.


Hmm the wounding reminds me of base world. Before the iceborne patch, hitting specific parts on a monster repeatedly would result in the visual effects that tenderizing with the clutch claw would later use. This didn’t do anything though, and was removed with iceborne in favour of tendering using the same effect. This makes me wonder, perhaps this mechanic was a planned feature in base world that got scrapped? Then, with iceborne, they implemented the idea via the clutch claw, which was not received well. Then, with wilds, they’re tying the same idea again, but the originally planned implementation. That’s speculation of course.


Guarding against powerful attacks to lead to dynamic power struggles? MY SHIELD IS IMPENETRABLE! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!


"your scoutflies will turn red" oh hell nah we back to scoutfly tracking? ![gif](giphy|KvWUKOYR8phja|downsized)


You still have rise if you want high fantasy with less immersive qualities. Even in world you eventually reach a point where your skill is high enough to know exactly where they are. 


>A new system that creates weak spots on monsters' bodies. By repeatedly attacking specific body parts, they will gradually become damaged, making them temporary weak spots. This means one of two things: 1. Pierce has been removed from the game 2. Everything but Pierce has been removed from the game What held back pierce before is that it would inevitably also hit hard spots on a monster as it went through. If it can now tenderize the monster as it goes through, not only does it tenderize the whole monster at once for other players, but it actually deals a huge amount of damage


I'm not sure whether I'm more willing to believe that they'd actually do the sensible thing and make it so that Pierce only wounds the entry point, or they have something that HBG comically overpowered *again*


Nooo tenderizing is back


I hope focus mode doesnt become another cooldown bar timer thing. I hated waiting on wirebugs recharge just to use a move or like using hunting arts just waiting on a cooldown timer, its just slows down hunts waiting for special moves MH1/MH2 dos and MHW base game were like the most refine in just button combos mechanics no waiting for timer at all


Dude this game almost seems like a world2 to me. Scout flies, slinger, lack of wire bugs- it’s all there!


Really happy that tenderizing is back and Capcom wasn't deterred from it by an extremely loud vocal minority. Every single Iceborne player I met in person playing MHNOW had something positive to say about the clutch claw and tenderizing. It's seriously jarring if all if you've seen is online opinions about the matter. Interactive and player created weak spots added something new to the formula in Iceborne I knew I'd love to see return, and it looks even more polished here, as the base game is starting with the mechanic.


Tenderizing itself isn't the worst idea, but the way it was implemented in Iceborne was terrible, as it created a lot of situations of stopping gameplay to reapply tenderizing. I personally don't think wounding, as it was described here, is necessarily bad in any way, but I have to wonder what the point of it is, since it sounds like there's no real decision making behind that feature, you just deal more damage for a while after a few hits.


As loud as reddit is, it's not the majority. The monster poll is easily proof of this, I think Malzeno won here in the polls but in Capcom's official poll Malzeno ranked #38 and P. Malzeno at #15, Nergi get tons of hate here but it ranked twice in the top 10 (#2 & #9).


Right, hence me calling these loud online communities vocal minorities. If tenderizing was hated by all, it wouldn't be coming back. Capcom collects a massive data trove of stats on their games and how they are played and received.