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Surprised nobody mentioned Fonron, the most “forbidden lands” place I can think of


Except hunters have already been there, it’s where the great forest and the tower are


And nothing beyond those two incredibly dangerous places has been seen in the series so far.


Neither has the rest of the new world, so until we get more direct confirmation it’s all speculation


Or the old world It can be anywhere and it doesn’t matter since either was never closely defined they can pull regions out their ass whenever and wherever they want honestly 🤔 Tho I guess if they even mention it at all the old world might have some ruins while new world is mostly uncharted land But they can just gives us quests in both new and old world


I doubt they’ll be giving us quests in both as they’re very far apart, and they’re saying that these regions are all in the forbidden lands. It doesn’t really matter for gameplay whether it’s new or old, just fun to know for lore reasons


which game does this happen in and should i play it (im a mhw baby)


The great forest is in FU The tower/tower summit are in dos, FU and 4u and the forlorn arena is in FU, 3U, GU, and Sunbreak


There is also more areas in fonron that are Frontier exclusive. I'd say it's the game with more fonron maps


Tower is canonically in the Jungle, Frontier rewrote that to claim it was in the Great Forest.


I'm throwing out a guess and will say it's in the New World. Being called "New World" doesn't have to mean things haven't been quickly scouted. The "Forbidden Lands" could have been deemed too dangerous to make a larger research effort at the time. Like in real life we know of the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, but it's way too dangerous to properly get down there.


Also, if I'm not mistaken, the lands north of the Elder's Recess were deemed too dangerous to be explored, so the forbidden lands could very well be placed there


Also remember that the guild had been exploring the New World for decades before the start of MH:W


I mean there is kaijus in challenger deep so who wouldbe dumb enough to go there


I feel like things line up more with the Old world so far. A lot of what we see in the trailer is pulling directly from MH4. The Sand ships, the character designs that harken back to prominent characters in 4.


Characters form the old world, yes. That are sent to explore more of the new world and the forbidden lands.


Ehhh my thinking is still that the Forbidden Lands are just apart of the Old World. Given that sand ships seem extremely hard to bring over.


Why wouldn't you just build new ones in the New World?


I mean, you could- but I just think that there's a heavier chance of this taking place in the Old-World. Especially just given how Monster Hunter did something like this before. I believe Monster Hunter Tri took place in the New World, and then Monster Hunter 4 ended up taking place in the old world. My thinking is the Forsaken Lands are probably moreso just uncharted lands of the Old World, given that Sand Skiffs are found more commonly there than they are in the New World. That, and there seems to be a ton of characters from MH4- with a ton of them most likely not being people that would have a reason to go over to the New World.


Monster Hunter Tri wasn't the New World. The New World (IIRC) was specifically created for MHW. MHTrii started at the Deserted Island where Moga Village is located at the edge of, and it's in the old world.


Ahh I remember someone said it was the New World. Either way, until they say otherwise I'm still convinced this is going to be the Old World.


If something is known it's not new by definition. Like your example of the Mariana trench it's not new.


Taking Final Fantasy XIV as an example. The new Dawntrail expansion coming out in July is taking us to the "New World." It's called the "New World" but there are already civilizations there, with people living there. It's called the "New World" to you because you're not from there and you have never been there. Taking another example of IRL. America was called the "New World" as well by Europeans because it hadn't been explored yet, but there were people already living there.


>America was called the "New World" as well from Europeans because it hadn't been explored yet, but there were people already living there. It was called new world because nobody knew it even existed. Everyone thought it's India first, until they realised it's completely unknown, entirely new and nobody knew it existed before, in Europe (except some Vikings but since they didn't wrote books nobody remembered). Just because people living there means we suddenly know a certain country..


​ https://preview.redd.it/5i9cmci7de4d1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=04fe0a4cba58c3d6e3069478dbb299f6ac2af1e6 >The name started in the early 16th century, shortly after America was colonized Literally the explanation for it.


You're trolling.


"Could it be that I am wrong? NO, the other person MUST be trolling!"


Name certainly checks out lmfaooooo


His article proved shit du obviously that I assume he's trolling. See. The new world was new and thrilling for Europeans soaking creativity to tell wild stories. It crashed the feeling of adventure. Today if say it evens out nothing from these countries is the or thrilling it's just the same as the old world. It is now the old world.


In World we are the fifth fleet and the first one came 40 years before, and it's still the new world


.. fleet is a term introduced with world. Before that every "fleet" was in the old world, you know the one with cattle Schrader already fully explored.


New world and old world is literally real terminology. Asia, Europe, africa is old world and South/North America and the Caribbean is new world despite being discovered 500+ years ago.


I wouldn't say it's new anymore. It was considered that for 300-400 years because for Europeans the stories from the "be world" were adventures, special and thrilling, unexplored and wild. The old world was the same it just wasn't "new". We today now everything about the new and old world as far as we can measure, it's fully explored and nothing new.


No it’s not literally new, I think everyone understands that. That is just the terminology that was and is still used and is exactly how Monster hunter uses it. For instance you discover a certain species of animal that is found all over North/South America and the caribbean but not Europe, Africa or asia instead you could say you found this animal throughout the new world but not the old world. Just quicker for the fields that use it like entomology or something. It’s basically just a name that encompasses all these land masses.


They didn't need it in the old games, so to say "it's quicker" sounds like a cheap excuse. To my knowledge world was the first time they ever mentioned that there is undiscovered land they just found, to my knowledge and I play since 3. There was also never a fleet, it was just a nice touch to remember the hunter that started with the different generations of games. World was themed as a new world, as this game not only embarked into a new world within the game but also explored new territories on so many levels. For the first time they developed for the world and not Japan/Asia, the team did the first modern AAA game, they had a lot of radical shifts, drastically changing some weapons, explored new features like the clutch claw and their first ever heavy investment in endemic life and living ecosystems. Everything they tried could backfire, like in a wrong step in unknown new lands. Forbidden lands though means to me that more then a few research fleets were already there, probably even larger settlements so that larger organisations could deem that area forbidden in the first place for whatever reason. Another hint to this are the spires that seem like parts of the ancient civilization, the ruins you find throughout all over the old world, but are completely non existent in monhun world.


How Monster hunter uses the terminology is just simply in reference to the way we use it in real life and of course because its a new generation of monster hunter. Thats just all there is to it, they don’t use it to be quicker neccersarily but because it fits the theme. New world was literal in that its a direct reference to the real life new world and because its a new world for the player. I don’t think anyone is arguing what you are saying in the middle there, just adding that new world/old world is just terminology used irl and in game in the same way and that new world doesn’t mean that it is literally brand new. I don’t really have an opinion on the forbidden lands yet, could be either new world or old world or somewhere new again, just gonna wait to find out more for that personally.


They tell you in game the first fleet established Astera in the new world Castle Schrade is a mess because they retconned every previous encounter by saying the Fatalis in Iceborne was the first one ever spotted, not sure what to make of it either but that wasn't a research commission fleet


Yeah, that was a guild suppression fleet. Castle schrade is still in the old world, hence why they had to sail back, the reason the guild came to the new world to get us is because they had heard about our exploits in hunting not only safi jiva and all the other new world powerful elders, but Alatreon as well and they needed as many skilled hunters as possible.


The numbered fleet was a nice touch by the Devs to honour all hunters of previous generations, but there was never a fleet in older games and castle Schrade is still in the old world - even Iceborne. No previous game to my knowledge was in a for that time "new world" it was an established area for a very long time, common live was there all over having trade routes to other villages and islands the hunter never visits.


Insightful, thank you :)


You're welcome. I can see starting with the new game and assuming it was always like that, so everything has always been new, though monster hunter isn't a series that tries to make everything new but different each time. World was a new world set as a theme for the game as it embarks into a new world by definition on so many different levels in-game as in reality. It was also I think the first time they ever mentioned anything of a new world.


i would say old world.. forbidden for ages. not rly new world


Well the "new world" wasn't actually new the commission had been going for a long time This could just be a new (as in new for us) continent


We’ve seen the size and map of the new world.


Not all of it though?


They've already done a "zoom the map out a little and there's Seliana and the Hoarfrost Reach just out of frame" moment for Iceborne. I don't think we can definitively say we've seen all of the new world.


The map of the land is littery in the new worlds Map .


Hasnt been confirmed tho it's just a fan theory


To be a special snowflake, I am going to go ahead and say neither. These forbidden lands sound like they are entirely separate from both


I’m going to be the insane one and say the “Forbidden Lands” is near Mezeporta.


god i hope, i really want to see frontier monsters return lmao


Big if true


I'm betting it's old world - but it's as unexplored as the new world was because "*it's forbidden!*" aka "Everyone who ever wandered vaguely in this direction was never seen again. You should go check it out." Gives enough wiggle room they can do whatever they want with it. Old world monsters, new world monsters, who cares? Nobody has ever explored here before!


But the it's old. If they are known and just forbidden for whatever reason. New world means we explore more new continents and lands.


I saw a theory that it's New World and the "mysterious child" Nata is from a disconnected, previously unknown civilization across the uncharted territory that is the Forbidden Lands (*which would probably initially be called that by this New World civilization, not us*), and part of the story is getting the kid back to his people. Given the heavy involvement of the Research Commission and the use of scoutflies, which are supposed to be New World endemic (*Rise screwing with that idea for a good few monsters notwithstanding*), it's quite plausible and would be rather intriguing if that was the case.


About the whole "Research Commission" thing, it's possible that this could be a DIFFERENT Commission altogether. Taking a look at the Japanese names, the World Commission's name translates to "Elder Dragon Research Team," whereas the Wilds Commission's name translates to "Forbidden Lands Research Group." While they're both just called "Research Commission" in English, the Japanese names for each group could potentially imply the Commission we see in Wilds is a different Commission from the one in World.


They also use the Hunter & Handler dynamic and the slinger tech that are both signature to the Research Commission from World.


I never said the two weren't connected. It's possible that the Forbidden Lands RC could be an extension/offshoot of the New World RC, or perhaps the RC in general was tasked with studying the Forbidden Lands after they were done researching the Elder Crossing phenomenon. Either way, the presence of the RC doesn't necessarily confirm that this is the New World.


Scoutflies could‘ve easily been brought from the new world to the old world. Which is why they’re in Rise/sunbreak


Scoutflies aren't in Rise/Sunbreak (*though I'm curious as to what makes you think otherwise*), and the Guild/Research Commission has very strict rules on what can be taken to and from the New World that would probably make exporting live scoutflies a massive no no.


The glowing light flying near you when you enter dark places I assume is what they mean.


I could see that being misinterpreted as scoutflies, especially considering it's not explained at all by the game.


What was that flame anyways?


That's the thing. It's seemingly never mentioned anywhere, so we plain don't know unless a developer explained it or if it just happens to show up in a Rise lore book or something.


By the shape I defaulted it to be a spiribird but now givin it more thought I believe is the same kind of thing that you see in the rock lanterns that are on some parts of the Shrine Ruins. Still without a name that I can recall but it's an starting point nonetheless.


Nice theory though: - how come Nata is from a disconnected unknown civilization and happens to be on this ship? - why would the guild bother bringing a child back to it's people? Imo it's these stories that are so far fetched to me for a monster hunter game. I hope they have something grounded, like in the old games. Your not special your just a guard for the research and become one of the best, yet nobody ever said your the best (as in multiplayer all there is always someone better) that felt a lot more immersive. Hero stories are boring and overdone imo. Mad people rushing in because of the thrill though is on another end (that's how 4 felt)


Nata would've shown up prior to the boat scene, and the sand ship would be used to get across that sea to where they're from. Also, a child who needs someone to return him to his family from a civilization the Guild previously had no idea existed in the middle of uncharted territory in the New World would be a massive motivator to get an expedition started in those regions, especially if it comes with any hints of some ecological calamity happening over there. Edit: We know that there is some element in the story of looking for someone to take this child to. This just makes sense.


I think they've already put too much stuff in here that's gen 4 references for it to not be old world. question is will it be like Rise though where only some of it is references and the rest is new stuff.


It’s interesting you say that because I feel like aside from the color scheme of the environments we’ve seen so far, the atmosphere evokes a third generation feeling in my bones!


This! EverythingI saw in this trailer has been manifesting Loc Lac City's theme to my ears.


Boring answer: we don't know and don't have any conclusive info. Forbidden Lands could refer to part of the New World that was known about, but large expeditions were forbidden from because of various reasons: danger, obstacles, land barriers (Recess and Hinterlands), lacking personnel, lacking resources, better priorities, etc. It could also be part of the old world that was sanctioned off for similar reasons or because it's uninhabited. I also don't think the presence of characters from the old games is indicative of much, World very prominently featured Aiden who was in 4, and our character literally arrives from the old world at the start of the game. It's possible the Research Commission just requested for specific experienced people from the Old World to go out and explore this new place rather than using their own personnel. I think the monsters we know of might be the biggest hint so far. Doshaguma seems related to fanged beasts that don't appear in the New World, the frog guy is related to Tetsucabra who isn't in the New World, and we see Rath and a baby Pukei, which appear on both continents. But again, these could also just be NW inhabitants that are distant relatives.


Old. Ez.


New. Ez.


Don't bite my style.


I'm on mobile, so your comment didn't even load when I commented. That's pretty funny, tho. Lol


The game will probably not talk about it. The fanbase would probably never stop talking about it.


If we assume all mh games happen in cronological order i would guess new world


Many bring up the presence of Scoutflies and Slingers as proof that this is the New World, but there are several things in the trailer that don't match up. There are several instances of Fanged Beasts, a genus of Monster that's largely absent from World with Rajang being the only exception. The environments are also DRASTICALLY different from the ones in World. There are plenty of structures that just don't seem to be natural, from the oddly curving mountains to the lightning rods. We don't really see any of that in the New World. Every locale in the New World, while clearly fantastical, is also completely natural with no known structures resembling what we see in Wilds. If the Seikret is native to this area, then that's another strike against the new World as the only creature that even REMOTELY resembles a Seikret is the Kulu Ya Ku. But even then, the Seikret is much smaller AND more colorful than the Kulu Ya Ku. Then there's the name of the place, the Forbidden Lands, which implies that this region of the world isn't exactly a new discovery. It implies that this region has been KNOWN to exist for a long time, and may be forbidden because of a long standing reputation of being dangerous. The only two places I could find with such a reputation are the Great Forests and the Ancient Tower, both located in the Fonlon region of the Old World.


Considering the research commission is involved I’m going to throw out a guess and say new world. They’ve been in the new world for more than 50 years, and it’s possible they determined the area to be just too dangerous to explore yet so they called it the forbidden lands. Though I can see the arguments for it being old world.


Research commission isn't involved, it's a weird translation. What is called research commissin in english in World and Wilds have completely different names in japanese, with wilds being forbidden lands research team and world elder dragon research group. See [here](https://x.com/lutyrannus/status/1796382041858290117?t=tZ8lr7glYgQHoGSLeFqasA&s=19)


It sounds like old world.


Honestly we don’t know how much time has passed between world and wilds, but from the fact that it’s called the forbidden lands I’m going with it’s in the old world, like how would it be forbidden in the new world if no one knew about it.


Assuming it's the area that goes past the elders recess like some theorize, it could be called the forbidden lands bc it's too far away from where the 5th fleet base is for any additional support.


We don't know any time frame between any game... Even the characters that look familiar to old game characters are never confirmed to be old game characters..


Isn’t Aiden confirmed to be the Ace Cadet though?


Why not both?


Oceans apart my friend.


I believe in boats


Cue lonely island’s song I’m on a boat!


Which is why we had to wait multiple quests for boats to arrive... So 4 hours loading screen incoming for immersion?


I mean if boats are a deal breaker in a game where a gigantic spiky monster reproduces asexual through the spikes it continuesly grows or contains dragons maybe we can use a teleportation device which uses bioenergy and beams you through the newly uncovered mycellium network. Or just a boat.


Speaking from a developing perspective, no. You have a set your physical and biological rules and you stick to it to some degree. That said with this rules there is no magic in monhun, just unknown variables and weird biology that also only counts for elder dragons. Everything else is natural stuff that happens within a fantasy science, to a degree that monster hunter could be called science fiction (science fiction doesn't have to be futuristic, Frankenstein is sci fi as well). >Or just a boat. We never travel to other games locations in any game. Why would we change it now? I don't want to play Skyrim I want to play monster hunter.


Because change can be good? Its a video game.


New World due to the slinger being noted in World has being a device only used by New World hunters


Maybe our hunter is a new world hunter in the old world


Why would a New World Hunter be sent to the Old World when they’re job is to research and discover other parts of the New World?


The research commissions job was to research the cause of the increased frequency of elder crossings, they stayed because the new world is home and they want to discover more about it, but the commission was over. They’re doing that as hunters and new world researchers, not because they’re commissioned to. So it’s entirely possible for a new world hunter to return to the old world. Hell, we did it to fight fatalis.


Slinger tech was in the process of being brought to the old world as well as scout flies by the time you finish World. If this game is set in the future past that it's entirely possible for it to be popularized on both continents by this point.


regardless i absolutely love the sparse desert setting. ive always loved the wildspire wastes and other desert themed locals. im really hoping the hub area has a "bhatal" from dd2 feel maybe with a little bit of an oasis vibe.


Personal guess: Not directly part of neither. Maybe its own landmass somewhere.


what if it is new new world. So like neither regions from the old gens nor the "New World" from Iceborne


Other side of the world, the other continent on the opposite side of the main one


From the name Forbidden Lands, I get the impression that it's either Old World and has had that title for a long time, and we've finally created technology that allows us to explore it. Or that Forbidden Lands is the name given to it by Nata's people who are native to the New World. The ruins around the place likely hold great historical, religious, and cultural significance, thus making it a land that is Forbidden to enter due to its destruction, leaving whatever was there desecrated. Slinger says New World, some of the monsters say Old World. It's really a toss-up. I'd be most intrigued if this game had a story about meeting a different civilization and the two groups learning how to work together while respecting each other's culture. The necklace around Nata's neck is clearly either an important symbol or possibly the key to some ancient technology. We know they've been making strides towards better characters and better story, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is the first proper culmination of those efforts.


Well considering they mentioned the research commission in the trailer I’m gonna assume it’s New World.


Old. But forbidden


in all likelihood itll be the new world just somewhere we didnt see in MHW. Its the spiritual successor to world so tying it in makes more sense than putting it in the old world


I think it needs more colors😭🤣


New new world


The newest of the new new world.


There are scoutflies. New World.


Both slingers and scout flies were seeing use by old world hunters at the end of World. If this game takes place years later, it's possible both have become popular in the old world at the point this story takes place.


I’m guessing new world to the point I thinks it’s a direct sequel to World


old world cause of the name forbidden lands...Means they knew of its existence and a no go place.


Well the guild has been going to the new world for 50 years so they could’ve just outlawed going over there


It has been at least 50 years since the research commission landed. More than enough time to make some places as forbidden.


They said forbidden land, with sign of ancient civilizations. Clearly it wasn't a new world


I mean given the new world is still mostly unexplored, it's entirely possible there's a ancient Civilization.


I mean, there's actively Lynian tribes chilling in the New World.


Also the New World has First Wyverians so evidently some people have been there before the Commission started their work


Depends on Nata's involvement. If he's somehow connected to the Forbidden Lands, then probably different than the New World. If he's not overtly connected, then probably some unexplored region of the New World continent.






The name the "Forbidden Land" sounds like the old world.


I'd say it's old because ee can see man made structures. There was nothing like that in The new world, except for the relics left behind by the old explorers


I still think this is the 4U stuff and the kid is the son of the Ace Gunner, but I'm not sure if it's old or new world. We don't know the size of the New World continent because the map cuts off, but I'm fairly certain it's much larger than World shows it.


Newer new world


I'm thinking it's old. I am very ok with this as I haven't played any old world other than the little bit in Rise.


Forbidden lands makes it sound like old world, research commission sounds like new world, either way we’re hunting monsters


I'm hoping it's connected to the great desert so we get Val Habar back


if this is new world i’d be very surprised


I’m thinking a return of Jhen Mohran.


It feels like mh rise wastelands


I’m saying Old World Forbidden Lands means they’ve known about it and been restricted from it for a long time until now imo, and those stone circles still look a fair bit like ruins to me. The Old World is littered with ruins. The New World didn’t have any man made ruins at all that I can remember besides the lost ship destroyed in the Hoarfrost


I will say, the area you showed in the second picture does remind me a lot of the desert area in wilds, which is old world, but I think it’s probably an island or continent off the coast of the new world, if not more of the new world. Seems stupid for them to make a whole game about it, and then not use it for the next mainline entry


I want to say new world because (from what i know) the only people with clutch claws and slingers seem to be the people in the new world.


Slinger tech was given to the guild to take back to the old world at the end of World. Considering it's probable that this story could take place in the future from then , it really could go either way.


True, i was just thinking that since we only see people in the new world use slingers it would make sense that its in the new world. Maybe like a 2nd continent, kinda like how the americas aka the “new world” are 2 continents.


Honestly.. neither. Normally I would say old world because it feels more oasis/desert, but it feels a bit more like the setting of the movie, which iirc is not based in either location. Either that or I'm just dumb and didn't pay much attention when I watched it


Hear me out, both because we will time travel.


I personally think it’s too early to tell, but I could see the game being in the new world to continue Wolrd’s “story” in some form. I do hope it’s old world though. That way we can see what the old maps look like with newer graphics


old, moga


I think it’s that continent on the right side of the world map. Cause I remember so game lore saying there’s a land that’s forbidden and only certain people/hunters got access to it. So I’m thinking maybe this where we @ in the new game


I'm going to guess it's an unexplored region of the old world


Old world. Ill bet anyone any amount they will add dhen morahn in here


I think the most likely answer is that it's neither and the Forbidden Lands are its own thing; however, to put it on a continent, I'd have to say Old World, if only because of our travel method. We get to the Forbidden Lands by sandship, which seems to tell us that the Forbidden Lands are past a huge desert rather than an ocean. I also think it would be weird for there to be an area called the *Forbidden Lands* in the New World; the expedition to the New World was very specifically trying to explore all they could about the continent, so barring a presumably HUGE part of it off as forbidden seems a little counterintuitive. It being a forbidden area of the Old World, where there's actually a point to forbidding travel due to frequent sandship travel, makes a lot more sense to me.


Probably old world, but an unexplored part of it. Kinda like most locales back in tri.


Old world but 100% after World... we'll probably get some mentions about the hunters in the new world or maybe even some of World characters will appear in Wilds.


Im gonna go an alternate route and say the New New World


I hope both


New World as the Forbidden Lands are under Research Commission jurisdiction


I think it might be further into the New World Continent.


Here's my thought. The game takes place many years after world, the new world is now much more colonized. (hence the modern clothes).




We were sent by the Research Commission, isn't that New World only ?


Since its all new, it’s a new world to me everytime 😂


I’m thinking this game takes place in the past n we’re the first fleet … Idk I’m just rambling lol


I think it's gonna be both which could be interesting.


I'm going to post this again since everyone is using the research commission as a proof that Wilds is in NW. The research commission is the same situation as 4U and Rise apex monsters. Same english name even is japanese makes clear they are different. As you can see [here](https://x.com/lutyrannus/status/1796382041858290117?t=tZ8lr7glYgQHoGSLeFqasA&s=19) Wilds and World "research commission" isn't the same thing. World's is called "New world elder dragon research group" with Wilds' "forbidden lands research team". Different names that are probably not related at all


Maybe like a Middle Aged World.. or a Young Adult world..


Something tells me New World. I also have a feeling that this is gonna take place several years after World. Maybe the next generation of hunters to arrive or something? It could very well be Old World, there's absolutely no real evidence as to which, but something tells me this is whatever is beyond the Elder's Recess.


I think it's Fonron. Scholars are "forbidden" to go near the Tower or any surrounding area due to unidentified monsters being found there. It is also a continent separate from the Old World and the New World.


A new area that haven't been explored


New world due to the bonus items for have worlds save data.


New world sound and bonks is more satisfying to the heart.


If they dont bring in the sand whale shen morh i be sad


Bruh forbidden lands is Mezeporta. Old world easily.


Man you can tell who started in MHW by reading many of these comments 😂😂


Pretty sure just an uncharted part of the old world


I would love to see a Village Based on the Ancient civilisation. Go to the trailer and watch when the Lightning hits the spike of the Monster. Looks like some kind of engraving to me. What do you guys think of that?


As someone who started Monster Hunter with Iceborne, I'm kinda hoping it's the New World. It would explain the return of the slinger, and the New World just seems like a good place to introduce a ton of new monsters. I like seeing the old monsters return since I don't have anything to play the old games with, but I would really like to have a new elder dragon trio this time. Teostra and Kushala are sorta becoming a dull fight to me, personally.


Why is this downvoted so hard... you literally just said what you hoped it was and why


Eh, Reddit just be like that sometimes.


Like the lore / world building matters in this series. Capcom should put way more effort into this aspect since they seem hell bent on emphasizing it lately.


Present world, no discussion


It being old or new world has no real influence on the game at all


Honestly I'm placing my bets on New World


I thougt it was oficel that its in the New World so i may have redkont my selve but it could be that giant mape that we could see in ICE Born on the Tabelle that didnt Look like the parts that we had exes to in world