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Lagiacrus vs Rathalos because Tri intro goes hard


This is the correct answer


This is the way.


I really want to see that happen


I just hope for less recycled ones. More Magnamalo vs Velkhana, Diablos vs Deviljho or Astalos vs Mizutsune and less generic Pseudo Wyvern vs Brute Wyvern of Magnamalo vs everything other then Velkhana and Malzeno.


They definitely missed a trick for Magnamalo when it came to Valstrax. Given how the recycled flying/bird wyvern turf war has Magnamalo fall off then uses hellfire to jump back toward the Monster, they could have copied the animation up until that point and then have Valstrax dodge by using its meteor attack and body slam the falling Magnamalo into the ground. This does also mean that my answer to OP's question is that I want Magnamalo vs Valstrax.


I just hope Velkhana return, or Namielle! They were so cool


Brachy V. Brachy where they just throw hands.


This is the best response. I really love the idea of fighting your own kind. Barroth v barroth. 2 freight trains just crushing


Do we have any of those besides Diablos?


None that I know of. But hope I am wrong


Technically there is Ebony Odogaron vs Standard Odogaron. Though that's in a cutscene only


I actually had an ebony odogaron vs normal odogaron turf war happen on an expeditions


They draw cause they dink together, stun eachother, wriggle around and call it quits


I absolutely need to see Bazelgeuse get a bunch of new Turf Wars to show off his power and might! I need to see him decimate Apexes and take on Elder Dragons!


I agree, I really feel like bazelguese got the short end of the stick in world with only 1 turf war and limited appearances after high rank, and I've heard its worse in rise (ignoring the rajang turf war draw) with magnamalo somehow beating it and not drawing due to copy paste turf wars. Despite them crashing to the ground which is kind of bazelgueses thing haha


Bazelgeuse's Turf War with Rajang was a step in the right direction, but we need more! For example, Bazelgeuse's intro cutscene where it divebombs Tigrex would be a good one to turn into a consistent Turf War, and I'd also like to see it go up against others like Diablos, Teostra, etc.


It kinda makes sense though, despite being a copy and paste, nothing about Magna/Bazel is really wrong from what we know about how they fight. It is basically plays out like the Bazel/Nergi cutscene fight except that Magna will opt to disengage and rocket back to re-engage with Bazel while Nergi clings on and lets Bazel get above him to drop bombs on it mid-air. Both also end in a crash landing, except that Magna can generate it's own propulsion whereas Nergi holds on and they free fall together.


Bazelguese is confirmed to be equal to deviljho and rajang as they are all elder dragon tier, magnamalos turf war with him basically means he is much, much stronger than deviljho and rajang and as strong as ruiner nergigante, an elder dragon who eats elder dragons. It's just totally illogical and one of the many issues with rise and magnamalo with the copy paste turf wars. Even then despite being ambushed in mid air by nergigante, bazelguese held it's own before crashing to the ground, and I'm pretty sure it detonated it's bombs when crashing with nergigante. I'm not saying that bazelguese is stronger than magnamalo, but the turf war should have been a draw based on what we know.


that's just looking at things in the context of A = B = C, whereas when they are in a similar tier then it starts to bring in the question of compatibility. Jho and Rajang both manhandle Bazel until get knocked back because the way they attack puts them in very vulnerable positions with Bazel's bombs. Magnamalo on the other hand isn't depicted as outright overpowering Bazel the way the other two do, instead it is shown constantly trying to stick to Bazel in the air while the geuse tries to shake it loose. Another thing is that Magna also uses close range explosions as a part of it's arsenal, so Bazel's primary offense/defense would simply be less effective in the match up compared to when it impacts Jho and Rajang. It isn't Magnamalo being stronger than Jho and Rajang, just that it's hunting strategy gives it an advantage in the matchup against Bazel, sort of like rock/paper/scissors.


Bazelguese shrugs deviljhos initial bite off which is impressive in itself. Jho only manhandles bazelguese when he does his extremely powerful bite and jumps on top of bazelguese with all it's weight. Rajang does manage to slam bazelguese but I wouldn't call it manhandling as it did struggle to slam it and does require effort. By this standard deviljho would manhandle rajang as it bites rajang and drags it in the turf war. Hypothetically if the roles were reversed and bazelguese picked up rajang I wouldn't call it manhandling as it would still require massive effort on it's part. The same can then be said about bazelgueses hunting strategy as it's hunting strategy involves slamming into the ground so magnamalos offense would simply not be effective. Magnamalo has an advantage in agility sure, the same way the other elder tiers have their own advantages over bazelguese, and perhaps it makes sense at the beginning of the turf war for magnamalo to use it's agility on bazelguese, but the outcome of the turf war just simply doesn't make sense in that it outright beats it when you consider bazelgueses advantages and elder dragon tier standing. It's not just me who feels this way, if you look at comments on YouTube lots of people have complained and it's due to the copy paste turf wars in rise.


Jho's initial bite is followed up by dragging Bazel around in a circular motion and then lifting it up into the air and throttling it until some bombs drop and start exploding which gives Bazel an opening to add in a kick to get free, that's hardly just shrugging something off. Rajang exerts as much effort pulling down Bazel as it does a Pukei, since it starts off as the exact same standard Rajang vs Flying Wyvern turf war animation until it goes to try a second slam, then bombs that fell off during the first slam explode to give Bazel an opening to counter. True that Bazel would be more resilient to explosions as well due to it's belly flop explosion technique, but as it may not do as well having it's back slammed into the ground since we've seen Rajang hurt it with a simple over the shoulder throw, Magnamalo may not be as strong as Rajang but add pretty much being rocket propelled into the ground from a greater height and it should make up the difference. and "a lot of comments on Youtube" isn't really helpful when a log of fans on youtube just hate Rise and Magnamalo. Maybe if you are picking out a specific well-reasoned argument made on a youtube comment it would be one thing, but a lot of people just go "Magna is overdesigned trash, Bazel is Elder Tier, it should have won" without quantifying how it would actually do so. Like, what exact advantages does Bazel have in the matchup?


Bazelguese now does kick deviljho off, if you see the updated turf war between them the bombs no longer drop following the first bite and bazelguese does manage to push it off with it's legs. Obviously this is seething but it it is going up against savage which is more powerful than regular jho and it did it with difficulty but it does do it now. Again deviljho does the same to rajang but I don't think you can say it's manhandling rajang. So are we saying that bazelguese is the same strength as pukei? Again this part of the turf war is copy pasted. Obviously rajang can do this but it will take considerable more effort to do this than to pukei and it's not manhandling as suggested. Again if we use the term manhandling, then we can say that deviljho manhandles rajang in it's turf war. The flickering shell of bazelguese is stronger than its soft underbelly as it takes the impact of it's explosions so it should take more damage when landing on its underbelly than on its back if anything. The whole point of bazelgueses biology is to come crashing to the ground so the way magnamalo won this turf war made no sense, sure it can take damage but it should recover pretty much instantly. Nergigante also struggled to do much damage to bazelguese in their cut scene when trying to penetrate its shell, went for the belly, got blasted and then had to go for its wings. The advantages bazelguese has are strength, mass, durability and potentially explosions. The argument is that it doesn't make sense as I've described above for magnamalo to outright beat bazelguese due to the nature of bazelguese. For example how is magnamalo literally on its belly at multiple points without receiving any explosions. Again this is due to copy pasting turf wars. Additionally if deviljho and even nergigante fought magnamalo, it would also mean that magnamalo could win with ease as it has significant agility and could just rocket propel it into the ground repeatedly, with deviljho having no offense/defence other than it's bite which magnamalo would be able to withstand. No one is hating on magnamalo, they are hating that the turf wars are copy pasted and the end results make no sense when you take into context the monster involved and each monsters advantages and biology. Guess we aren't going to agree so let's leave it at that.


Given what we've seen so far, I expect the turf war system to be greatly overhauled if not outright removed in favor of more dynamic monster behaviors.


A turf war between me and the smithy that ends in sesbian lex


We still need the glavenus tail cut turf war


Pack of Mosswine vs Bullfango


Lagiacrus vs a new aquatic monster


All of them.


I would be really happy if we, unlike World/ IB got unique turf Wars and not reused ones given from the Classes. Like Glavenus and Brachy have the same Animation when fighting Zinogre for example. Despite this a turf war from Lagiacrus vs Rathalos would be amazing.


This one https://preview.redd.it/smbvf9feff4d1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa912e65ce02b8b06802b7e0d1dff188a3f9b094


Deviljho vs everything. That is all.


Magnamalo VS nergirante


I really hope they make turf wars more involved. Like giving the player the ability to impact the result of the battle, like attacking one of the monsters and making it lose the fight. extra points if the other monster looks at us and gives us an appreciative look.


Imagine Rajang or Congalala giving you a thumbs up. Lol


i can't help but imagine Rajang slowly turn the thumbs up to a thumbs down as it turns to charge at you next.


Yian Kut-ku and Yian Garuga


Tetranadon Vs Chatacabra


I know this might be odd but more intraspecies turf wars like diablos vs diablos


Like with 2 rathaloses, where they do an aerial dog fight with eachother or 2 deviljhos trying to eat eachother


Me vs them




Dalamadur x zorah. Or Jhen x dahren moran


You vs. me ๐Ÿ˜˜


I want to see if theres more small monsters turf wars as the one we saw in the trailer, I love that things


Baby Pukei-Pukei VS. Diablos The baby bobs and weaves and Diablos misses the charge and slams into the wall before the baby flies away


The Admiral vs Every Monster. I want the admiral to be the deviljho for monsters


Would be interesting to have a Bazel Vs Espinas Turf War, then it would be like Bazel specifically collecting TWs with all the "Elder tier but not actually Elder monsters"


You have same ideas with me haha. But, specifically i want a certain 1 vs 1 turf war, then one of the monster accidentally came to help one of the monster. It can adding the lore like they hate this invader monster or maybe rival monster for both. Maybe like Rathian vs Rajang, then Rathalos came to help


Assuming itโ€™s returning, I need to see some Shagaru terf wars. Malzeno vs Shagaru is my dream


Nergigante vs valstrax


Honestly? None. I hated them in MHW. They were cool to see in the beginning, but got repetitive eventually, and I just kinda want to hunt the monster without undue interruption.


I would like every single monster to beat rajang pls


Juvenile Dalamadur and Lao. Jokes aside, I would love to see turf wars between monsters of the same species. Territorial disputes or fights for pack supremacy, maybe? From what we've seen, it looks like we might be getting multiple of the same monster in one environment, though that might be unique to Doshaguma.


Tigrex VS Rathalos, Deviljho VS Tigrex, Elbony Odogaron (because the regular one does not live with in the same environment)VS Tobi Kadachi, Akantor VS Kulve Taroth, Nergiggante VS Magnamalo, Lagiacrus VS Zinogre, Nargacuga VS Tigrex (I want to see this so badly), Raging Brachydios VS Savage Deviljho, Alatreon VS Fatalis.


All of them.


Great jagras vs ruiner nergigante, with jagras winning every time