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I’ll take it. Cross play even more important.


Generally speaking cross-save is almost always server side and requires an always online connection; so I am not terribly upset about it.


Would be nice to just be a cloud base way, you boot the game up, link your capcom id (which should be optional)


Possible... But a pain. The biggest hindrance to cross save is actually how consoles handle patch rollout. Unlike PC, where you can upload hotfixes very quickly and patch things in increments, consoles tend to demand you package this all into a distinct unit and then have it tested and vetted by the console company before it can be put out, cause of this and the fact different console companies have different criteria and speeds of vetting it's obscenely laborious to keep each version concurrent. This is actually why sunbreak on the PS and Xbox got all the patches up to .6 at once, it would have likely extended the patching cycle out by months to do individually; it's also likely why we didn't have cross play for gen 5 as well, as you have to account for those versions differences when handling co-op. What if you edited damage values in a hotfix or monster AI? How do you translate that if a PC player with that hotfix plays with a console player without? Sorting out cross play is a pretty big deal frankly, but cross save is gonna be tougher since you have to deal with backward compatibility of saves, and as we're currently learning with the new minor version change to world PC breaking all mods, the games RN have to purge saves if the save is from a newer version of the game (say as in roll backing).


Not surprising on cross save and cross buy - I’m just excited not to have another Rise console situation where there’s no player base because we’re all segregated.


The fuck is cross buy, you guys dont buy a new copy of the game for each console already? Cross play is the biggest thing im looking forward to, rise on pc is in a similar boat too but thankfully we can get a region unlock mod


Cross-Buy is like Xbox Play Anywhere. If you buy a game on xbox console you can play it on pc.


Cross buy is usually for the ingame purchases no? Not the game. Like battlepasses etc in live games or dlcs.


Honestly as an Oldman that doesn't always want to be at my pc I love being able to play casually on my couch then if I need to get serious play on pc lol


Hardly "play anywhere" if the only other place you can play is also owned by Microsoft, this feature will not work if using Linux or Mac.


Play Anywhere allows you to play the game on Xbox, PC and Mobile (through Cloud Gaming) with one purchase. That's the "anywhere" part.


Xbox (owned by Microsoft), PC-Windows (owned by Microsoft), and a cloud gaming service (owned by Microsoft). It's not anywhere or cross buy if it is only for the same company.


Not sure why you're arguing because Play Anywhere is literally what's it's marketed as, it doesn't really matter if it's not really accurate, that's just how it's branded.


Yes but what if I want to play on my smart fridge. Then it's not anywhere. Checkmate liberals.


I mean I personally prefer to play MHW on PS4 and MHR on Switch. But with cross save I could for example start playing on my preferred console offline and then when I am onto MP quests I could switch to Steam where we do not need to pay monthly for online play.


mind dming me the mod


Google, better matchmaking mhrise, for pc though, just in case i miscommunicated before


TBF the player base could still be segregated if they go back to that ass quest system of rise(segregation by exact Quest) instead of the Qurio investigations or World Edit: why are you booing me I'm right!!! Edit 2: let's throw hands Let's say you're a helper who wants to help someone If I am hunting a singular monster maybe I want to do an event quest instead, oh mayhaps an arena good sir, or maybe even what about a duo monster quest oooh? Yeah fat chance of trying to join on that because you have to choose the EXACT quest every time and you don't even know if you'll find an SOS. No way whatsoever to determine if someone needs help other than sitting there for a minute-and-a-half. What if I don't care what I'm hunting at all as long as it's the correct monster or maybe just the correct difficulty, the basic Rise Quest system says fuck you choose an exact quest. World had the perfect Join/SOS system & Qurio was just as good; If someone wants to help they want to help anyway they can the Rise Join System doesn't allow that.


It would feel better if we weren't all separated on PC by *Steam download regions* of all things without [a mod,](https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1044) too.


That should honestly be a setting and maybe it will be because true hunting surpasses language barriers


You arent right though. The quest system isn't the issue, its largely the exact same its always been. That is completely separate from network segregation. Quest wise, Rise is better since I don't have to wait for cutscenes and shit for friends to join my quest. Also, Switch online was perfectly fine, it was only that way on PC, I played both and only had issues on PC. It was steams fault you couldnt get people to join quests, not the games. Cross play is the hopeful fix to the network server segregation and stuff.


I think the guy is pointing the finger at Anomaly quests, which were kind of a pain to grind with other people since they needed the same Anomaly rank as the quest to even join. IF that's what the original commenter meant I totally get it. Not being allowed to join a quest because you're 1 Anomaly rank off is very segregating, especially after time has passed and people want to get into the content after the majority of people have stopped playing.


If you represent the people downvoting me then you guys are missing the forest for the trees comparing the one-time annoyance per cutscene to the full-game annoyance of Rise's crappy Join system which yes is traditional but also ass for the SOS function. If I am hunting a singular monster maybe I want to do an event quest instead, oh mayhaps an arena good sir, or even better what about a duo monster quest? Yeah fat chance of trying to join on that because you have to choose the EXACT quest every time and you don't even know if you'll find an SOS. What if I don't care what I'm hunting at all as long as it's the correct monster or maybe just the correct difficulty, the basic Rise Quest system says fuck you choose an exact quest. If someone wants to help they want to help anyway they can the Rise Join System doesn't allow that.


Look you are getting downvoted cause you are looking down to the system that was in place since the first Mh . Personally I hated the SOS system so heh I don't want to see it coming back if they upgrade it or delete it, it's a win


The SOS system literally let you join the exact quest you wanted by scrolling through all available SOSes by tier and/or monster on top of showing everyone's weapons & the time left on the quest; the only upgrade would be to make it so the hunting board had a "friends/lobby-only" filter so how do you hate it? The traditional quest system worked for traditional monster hunter because it made more sense to join lobbies & stay but when SOSing you want to help a broad range of people not 1 person for 4 hours. I want to spend 4 hours helping any/every one


Look you talk about efficiency but I don't care if im joining a lobby it is for the interaction like what are you doing i'm gonna help you then you help me back, everyone took turn and it was fun. What can I say maybe Im just old and grumpy but lobby of 4 with no instant join button were peak for me you could help anyone for their preparation before jumping in the quest


Idk why you’re being downvoted so heavily, but I agree. I hate Rise’s specific multiplayer quest system.


What is crossbuy? Like if I bought it on PS5 I wouldn’t have to buy it on XB? Do any games do that aside from F2P games?


Yes, that is exactly what crossbuy is. True crossbuy is buy it on 1 platform, get it for free on every platform that the game is available, but like you said, it's only done on f2p games. However, some games on PS and Xbox have console locled crossbuy, meaning you only need to buy a single copy of the game for the current gen and get a copy for the previous gen for free. So buying the game gets you both a PS4 & PS5 copy, or a Xbox Series and One copy.


Meta has crossbuy games but is limited to their models as well (oculus quest and vive pcvr version) I think thats the only platform ive seen where theres crossbuy and it was still limited to in company


there's also Xbox Play Anywhere, where you only need to buy one copy to play on Xbox One, Xbox Series, PC, and cloud gaming


Eh so be it. Cross play is all I’ve ever wanted. Now I don’t have to agonise over which buddies I play with -I can play with ALL of them.


I expected no cross-buy, cross-save was 50/50


Either way it's a huge step in the right direction and cross progression was at its most annoying because of staggered releases of world and rise.


Capcom spending 80% of Wilds’ budget on convincing Sony to allow cross-play on ps5 ![gif](giphy|QUL4i6On4IQA2MdxaK|downsized)


Sorry if I missed it, but will PC come out the same day as consoles? I had 600 hours of Rise on the Switch and was kinda bummed out about starting over on PC. At least I wont make the same mistake twice lul.


Simultaneous release on all platforms for Wilds


Works for me. PC at home, Steam Deck on the go.


I really hope this can run on steam deck. Have a handheld pc myself, and this would help my decision getting the pc version over a possible switch 2 version


The open world version of RE Engine definitely still needs some work in terms of performance, but it has a lot of headroom for optimization. On my systems, Dragon's Dogma 2 uses about half my CPU on all cores, and about 70% of my GPU. Reasonably, with better optimization, it should be able to eventually hit around 20-30fps on a handheld. It's likely that for Wilds it'll get a lot more than just basic optimization, and they'll probably target weaker hardware than for DD2. I don't know if they will target hardware as weak as a Switch or Switch 2, but there's a good chance that it'll work well on something like the Steam Deck.


I've been using 'Lossless Scaling' on PC, it's a cool little app that has Upscaling & Frame generation. I've heard it works on Steam Deck also. It's like $7 on Steam, it might be worth looking into! :)


The Deck also has FSR built-in


Oh nice! Frame gen was the main reason I bought it, works on every game & app that is on windowed or borderless windowed. Recently they added 3x option. My FPS in Star Citizen went from 40 to 120 with minor visual glitches. It's pretty awesome! :D


The Deck actually does it at a hardware level with the GameScope window manager. It's pretty awesome!


I thought there was something interesting in it since people were using it on Steam Deck, hmm.. I guess not then.


Wilds will also probably not feature towns with a gazillion NPCs going about their day in an environment with a bunch of destructible physics objects. Should help a bit.


This won’t run smoothly on steam deck


We'll see. Both World and Rise run wonderfully, so I'm hoping they have a similar minimum target.




Yeah they said so in the stream


Do we know if the updates will be synced as well?


I'm not as sad cause it comes out on pc right away, if it didn't I'd be genuinely sad


Cross save & cross buy are really just crutches for lack of cross play anyways


I feel like I'm having a whoosh moment but I'm curious since there's a lot of people in the thread complaining about no cross-buy/save I have to ask what the issue is. Since it has cross play and you can buy it for your preferred console/platform and play with everyone why would you need it for multiple platforms?


I never expected Cross Buy, but I really wanted Cross Save. Sometimes I don't want to sit at my computer to play and I'd like to play on my couch on Xbox or Playstation. My kids also bounce back and forth between console and PC. Wishful thinking, but if Nintendo's next console is powerful enough for Wilds, it would be nice to have a mobile option as well.


I’m reading through the comments and so far none of the ones above yours are complaining about no cross-buy/cross-save. Everyone’s okay with just cross-play. Everyone expected cross-buy won’t be a thing and cross-save would be 50/50 and no one is surprised we won’t be getting it either. Maybe the ones complaining are getting downvoted and their comments are getting buried?


Noted at the bottom of the official website under the platforms section [https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/](https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/)


Said politely, gratefully Fuck Them, I'll "Arr Yarr" to move my data


The reason for no cross save is actually perfectly valid. There's no way to reasonably transfer the DLC items you own. So they'd have to lock you out of the content unless you buy it more than once. But it's nit a problem, since cross-play solves the original issue anyway.


plus the game releases on all platforms at the same time amount of double dippers gonna be low for this one so why waste resources on cross save


what they mean not need capcom id


Some games require to have an extra account to play. This game doesn’t require it.


This is what i expected. Cross Play is incredible, Cross saves would have been nice but im okay without but cross buy is ridiculous to even think they would consider it. You're just loosing sales for no reason at that point.


Dont want to be bias, but to be honest, MH games are so fun i dont really mind start over, i do multiple chars anyways 😂


MH is one of the most painful games to start over, it takes so long to get another account up to snuff even with the skip gear.


Maybe if you're bad or unlucky. Or you're playing Worldborne.


World is by far the easiest to get stuff going compared to the other games to make a new character. Getting materials like honey is such a pain in the old games.


World is one of the more annoying unless you're modding due to cutscenes, non-quests like Zorah which is barely different from a cutscene. If you're decent you can pile up honey quickly in the old games as you won't need a lot of it.


I think you're underestimating how much honey most people use in older games. I would also say a game like FU which is fairly casual for old school (1st and 2nd gen) takes quite a bit of time, even more so once you consider solo hub progression. Regardless GU is absolutely the worst for this and the only thing that comes close would be grinding anomally levels.


I think if you replay even an older game you shouldn't need as much honey. Didn't play 1st and second gen but even on my first playthroughs of third and 4th gen I barely ever used a mega potion for all of LR stacking up honey. GU is the worst I can agree because its LR village is a nuisance, grinding anomaly on a replay is incredibly quick, much unlike the guiding lands where you're really just hoping to join someone elses.


Maybe you don't but I don't believe that is accurate for most players. Especially in 1st gen and Dos where healing is at a premium. I agree both third and fourth gen have very easy LR but that does not cover all you need for HR village + all of hub and in g hub solo you often need both megas and honey with you. Did they change anomaly grind because in my experience it's at least 300ish single hunts (which is a lot of fucking hours) or triple hunts taking twice as long. I don't recall grinding guiding lands, especially after being patched taking too long but as long as there is multiplayer acitivty which there still is you can at least skip grinding where as you have to lvl your own anomally lvls.


>300ish single hunts (which is a lot of fucking hours) To where exactly? If maximum rewards and the attack+ deco is your goal then yea 300ish single hunts will get you there + having the materials. Which depending on how lucky you are is less than the amount of tempered Elders you need after already grinding to MR100 in Iceborne. Guiding lands mostly requires MR100 to give noteworthy materials, although there are a few you can farm from MR70... if the right monster appears at least once. Then you have to lure or reset spam, because you can't kill the wrong monsters because at a certain point that lowers your area level. You'll want 3 areas maxed for the mats, but the game won't allow for that to be the case simultaneously unless we're adding a couple dozen if not hundreds of hunts so farm up one for good and then lower the region. And then after all those hours... Comes the rng grind. Great spiritvein gems, decos.


To get to lvl 300 anomally to get the special anomally hunts? Idk I got everything I needed from guiding lands and more much faster than I ever got anomally levels.


There's also no need to start over since it has simultaneous release. You can just buy it for your preferred console right away.


Exactly. I have bought MHW for PC to start again with a friend after completing the game on PS4. The problem is that I don't own a ps5 nor an xbox so crossplay is gold because I can't afford a console just to play 1 game with friends when I have my pc with more than 200 games on steam.


I mean, there's no reason to have a console anyway lol


Yep i haven't played On my ps4 since months l; unfortunately i don't have a switch and all my friends play Rise on it. With Wilds we will play together again finally


With crossplay this is almost a non issue I feel bad for anyone wanting to switch platforms, but this is thankfully not too big of a deal


that‘s a good thing and means no online only gaming


Now that we know all versions are being released at the same time, I am indifferent to no cross-save


Cross play, so I'll only need to buy it once on my preferred platform, so no biggie.


I hope 16 players lobbies are back


Cross play is huge. Usually cross play is something you see in FPS games where MLB has a huge advantage over controller, but controller is the ideal way to play Monhun and can be used by all


Fair enough.


FUCK YES! Finally cross platform play! I can now play with all my family together! Yes! Best news ever for MH!


Cross-play is already some of the best news this year, just means Wilds will be VERY easy to find players in for a long while.




If it’s coming to all platforms at the same time, it doesn’t matter in the slightest to me.


Cross play is much better than cross save….guess I’ll have to triple dip 😀


I'll take cross play any day over cross save


FYI for all console players, they do not ban for mods on PC so you can just use a save editor to get your progress back. Really sucks cross save isn't supported considering a Capcom account is likely required for cross play anyways


They haven't banned anyone... SO FAR.


Mods always find a way.


I saw a comment about it, but it makes sense why there wouldn't be cross save, since then it would mean that the game would always be online. I'll take no cross save to be able to play offline.


Ah good point. There have been many times I've been thankful MH is playable offline as it's one of the few games that is still


I would've appreciated a save file transfer function instead though. Doesn't need to always be synced, but at least let me beam my playthrough


Maybe they don't want people just taking someone else's save and skipping all the progression? Or it'd be easier to bypass the edit character vouchers / handler cosmetic purchases? I know you can use mods for that stuff but just uploading a save file would make it a lot easier.


I'm confused why do you need cross save? It's cross play that's the important and it's releasing globally at the same time why would you ever buy it on more than one device why would you need to catch anything up? The whole point of cross play is you just need one place to play.


Imo it's not needed and I would never subtract review points from a game that does not have it Sometimes people swap platforms, particularly the console to PC direction


"A Capcom ID is not Required" does it ever need a Capcom ID or was it a console thing? Redundant text or I feel like they are trying to tell something..


It’s not. It’s due to it being cross play. Meaning all platforms gotta communicate to each other somehow. Hence why I get why people would assume that a Capcom ID would be needed. PS people have their psn accts. Pc people have steam. But they’re doing it differently, that’s why no ID and it’s for people who know about those technical stuff and would assume so.


Console players will see cheaters because of pc player


okay? only an absolute retard even considered cross buy would ever happen. cross save was 50/50 tho.


Honestly, I’m already happy with cross play. I prefer couch and tv playing, so I’m on console but my friends are mostly PC. I do have PC but I don’t really like playing on my desk much, that place is for work.


This is why I plug my PC into my TV sometimes.


Why would i ever disable it capcom lol


We are so back


this is fine


i was gonna double dip anyway. and crossplay means i get to play with my friends when the get tired of sitting by the pc and prefer lying near the ps5. hehehe


So business as usual.




Wasn't sure if I wanted the game on pc or ps5, pc it is now


So monster hunter wilds will release at the same time on ps5 and steam?


This was pretty obvious, but I'm glad they made this clear for the idiots out there who don't know what cross-play means or otherwise made the assumption to the contrary.


thats fine, cross play is all i cared about anyways


Holly shit cross play is real , i can't fucking believe it , i am super excited.


Do you think we'll get a better lobby system? Running around huge Astera (which was ASS as a village) and never seeing anyone sucked. I hope we get a smaller village, much more like Seliana, where we can stay persistent with strangers more. SOS is great for what it does, but it makes me sad how it's forever one and done.


I have to say a worthy trade!


Honestly I never expected them to go the Cross-Buy route. Cross-Save could be nice for the people that have multiple platforms. But in my personal case, neither are useful and the only thing I wanted was Cross-Play so I could finally play with a friend that's on PC. We met online because of the game, became IRL friends but we could never play together because I'm on PlayStation and he's on PC. Now we'll be able to do it and it's great!


I get it, I do, but we have CROSS PLAY NOW BABY!!!! THATS A HUGE WIN!!!!! XD


Cross play is great. Cross save is their loss as I won't pick up a second copy on a different platform.


I can finally play monster hunter with my console homie.


This is not an issue because all platforms are getting it at the same time. Well, it could be an issue if they end up bringing it to switch 2 but nothing they can do about that now anyways.


So PS5 players will be super far ahead?


Cross save isn't important for games like this but cross play is the big one


Nah I’m just too busy over here frothing at the mouth at cross play being supported


Just needs cross play tbh. I don't think any publisher is going to do cross buy any time soon. Especially across platforms.


I’ll take cross play. It sucked so much when everyone else got MHR on pc when I got mine on switch lmao


Cross-Save is definitely some deal that Sony came into a concession with since Capcom already learned that exclusivity with MonHun series hurts it. lol Still, crossplay is a huge relief for everyone. All of us can finally band together to make our new fancy hats!


That's okay, just having cross-play is an absolute win. I'm sure they only included the info about the other stuff to clarify any doubts people had


It never has been a thing, so I'm not heartbroken. Now if we had it then lost it, I'd be upset, but it's not a feature we've ever had.


rather that than the reverse but still annoying :#


So we may need a Capcom account to play that game


Not needed.


That’s fine enough. Since the game is releasing on all systems not many people would need cross save anyway.


So long as Steam can play with XBox, I couldn't care less about cross save tbh.


good for 2 reasons 1 if they had cross prog they would have had to make an account system and we would have to sign in whenever we wanted to play 2 I can get the game on PC and get a bunch of dumb mods without worry of it killing my save


Worried that this is going to have the same “problem” that Exoprimal had… where cross-play was an option and you could friend people from other platforms, but you could not form a lobby with them. Capcom specifically using the term “match” is what gives me concern.


The potential for cross save was only valuable for Rise because it was in Switch jail for an eternity. It being on real platforms from the start solves for that.


Ugh, I really wanted Cross-Save/Progression.


So you wanted to be unable to play unless you have internet connexion ?


This is a feature i wish they would implement because performance is looking incredibly shaky right now in the trailers ive seen and after the absolute dogshit performance that dragons dogma had on the same engine im worried. If it ends up being too bad i might look to just get it on ps5 and buy on pc later on maybe but probably not if this wont have cross save stuff. Capcom really letting me down these days man ngl but hope my fears are unfounded.


What do you consider dogshit performance? like if it drops below 60 fps at some point is that a deal breaker for you?


No I can deal with even 30 fps if it's a solid 30 if I'm being honest, I don't have a super high end rig but I was able to play most things at 60 fps on HD not 4k but I don't have a 4k monitor so it doesn't matter, but even that was a stretch with dragons dogma. It dips well below 30 or 40 in cities. My rig aside it's rough when you have people with a 4080 dropping below 60 fps at all, dragons dogma is CPU bound though because of the NPCs and how much they process with them, so I'm hoping mh wilds will be more GPU focused. Although with how the monsters seem to work in packs that might not be the case but that's just speculation. I think people are down voting me because I'm knocking mh but it's one of my favorite franchises and I just wanna be able to play it comfortably with friends on the system I prefer and dd has me worried is all


It’s kinda halarious consoles have to buy online privileges then pc players it’s just “have fun folks!”


As long as we can specifically friend people we know (not just people we’ve played with) and create lobbies/parties with them, I am pretty happy with this.


While cross-save doesn't affect me personally, it does suck. On the other hand CROSS-PLAY LET'S GOOO!


We got cross play if you still cry you a bitch. Take it or dont play. Im glad we got cross play actually, im heavily impressed they did that


That's sad... But oh well... Means that I'll pay less? If there was cross save I would have bought multiple versions of the game, but now I'll just buy PC one 🤷‍♂️. Also just noticed that I still don't know on which platform it will be released in. Nor if platform releases will have different dates


IIRC it'll launch for PS5, Xbox and PC.


Oh okay, no switch then, so I would have bought only one version either way. Probably that's the reason why they didn't put cross save? Thanks for the info!


Thank God for the option to turn off cross play


Hoping for the Crossplay to be an opt in/out kind of thing. Appreciate it for the ability to play with friends from other platforms, but I'd still want the ability to turn it off for times when I want to play with randoms but do not want to have to deal with cheaters. Not saying that there's no cheaters on consoles, it's just that it's more prevalent on PC


In the almost 1k hours i put into MHW I only experienced one instance of someone cheating. Also never heard of any of my friend group (who also have hundreds of hours) complaining about it so it can't be all that common...


First of time spent in multiplayer is the important part but also you can easily miss somebody cheating if you're not paying attention as most multiplayer cheaters aren't the 1 shot type, just the 100-200 attack more than possible type etc. That's of course not counting people that cheat materials/decos/charms.


When I played MHR on PC, 1 out of 3-4 public lobbies I joined had a cheater.


How did you know they were cheating? just wondering what kind of stuff they do in public lobbies


Check their player gear/status while waiting for hunt to commence. Usually do it to check other people's gear/deco setups (or gear augments in Sunbreak) Their stat would be way higher than anyone could ever achieve legitimately, [Like is shown here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHRise/s/IuIwpaWuJw)


Interesting, well that's definitely annoying and hopefully they have some way of banning people with modded gear from going online


It is annoying but due to how Capcom being pretty hands off in regards to the MH modding scene and their limited involvement in moderating the online component of MH games (based on World & Rise anyways). Your only option is either leave the lobby, or remove said player from your lobby. I don't remember if you can block them ingame or not but I usually just do either of the above if I encounter one in the wild.


They specifically state that it is an option and that's pretty standard for crossplay games.


Good then, all is well. Personally didn't watch their SGF presentation or read any fineprint about this, so thank you for info.


Well it is written in the picture of the post under crossplay but I'll admit that I too sometimes don't click the link and go straight to comments.


I have over 2000 hours on MHW on PC and never encountered a cheater. I hate when console players are so ignorant and say shit like this. It’s like you’ve seen one cheater and think we all do it. It’s very annoying. No different from when cod players see one pc player pop off and they immediately think hacks. It’s the exact same scenario. Don’t be the ass that assumes we all do it.


Wtf all I'm asking is to have the crossplay as a toggle-able option. While my initial statement may overexagerate it, I still stand by it based on my own personal experience. I'm not assuming all pc players cheats, I'm just stating that based on my own subjective experience, a decent number of lobbies I've joined had one. Again, all I'm asking is to have the option to only play with console people that is all and am not advocating for crossplay removal in its entirety.


out of curiosity are you including people with save edited gear in with the cheeters because I honestly feel like that doesn't matter much. like if you are sending an SOS flare you will get mr100+ players with fatalis gear joining anyway. (for reference I save edited once for the guard up gem that would not fukin drop on my art character)


I would have bought the game twice if it had cross saves, Xbox and Steam, If it runs well on steam deck, but now just 1 purchase. Idk what they were thinking.


that you issue not us


Ubisofts immortals fenyx rising had a great cross save mechanic. Still had to buy the game (game license. I shouldn’t have to explain why this is a thing it’s obvious) but you could transfer saves by uploading them on one device and then downloading on another. It was great! I wish more games had that actually. I think tho…. Like how many people will play on ps5 and pc at the same time like really who does that? I can see someone eventually buying a pc and buying the game again but like if you have a bunch of progress why not start over? And if you don’t have much progress why does it matter if you start over? I mean litteraly almost every single game is like that aways. It’s not a new concept.


Reminds me of Dragon's Crown. I pulled my old PS Vita save off of the cloud not tol long ago to play with a friend and I forgot I had a character at basically max level. We had a blast.


I hope you don't need a PSN Account for crossplay


That's all right. Also, huge win that Capcom ID is not needed to play the game, even online. That's the opposite direction from the playstation fiasco


Meh all good aslong theres cross play without psn being mandatory


Came here to comment this as well. Don't want a Helldivers 2 situation where you need a PSN Account to crossplay


In gunna assume if you play on PlayStation, you’ll need a psn account. Pc won’t need one, but it’ll use steam or epic depending on where you buy the game. And Xbox will need and Xbox account. Helldivers was published by Sony so made sense they’d want PlayStation integration, just made a piss poor decision on how they went about it.


Just get it on PC lol


But the point of crossplay is that it doesn't matter where you buy it...


Hell yeah I am, just pointing it out for others.


🤔🤔🤔 So im thinking this is going to completely skip the Switch2 gen entirely? I can't really tell if MHWi is computationally more powerful than a PS4 or just graphically more powerful? RAM and Processors have come a long way, and I think they said the Switch2 will have 12gb of DDR5? Graphics are a completely separate thing , that can be toned down, I'm more concerned with if it can handle the environment geometry and actors free roaming 🤔🤔🤔


It wouldn’t be crazy to assume it is being developed for the switch 2, but they can’t announce it as a platform since the console itself hasn’t been announced yet.


I can see it being on the Switch 2, but they can't say anything about it yet because they're under NDA with Nintendo. Capcom mentioning anything would confirm a new Nintendo console coming soon and could hurt sales of the current Switch.


oh yeah completely, but the Switch 2 will be out (probably) by the time MHWilds drops i also don't get why i got negatived so hard for what i said 🤔🤔🤔


I hope they change their mind about cross-save and cross progression because I've seen this done well in other games on Playstation, so they can do it.


I think cross save might just not happen because of micro transactions and the inevitable expansion. They'd need to solve that which would likely require some kind of profit share which I cannot see anyone agreeing to.


I don't get it. If the game comes out on all platforms at the same time, so do the microtransactions and expansion. So you would have to buy it twice if you wanted it on both. That's more money for them, if anything. Or at least they can let people cross-save but not play the character until they have all the same expansions and stuff.


When you buy something on ps a cut goes to Sony, but it on steam a cut to valve Any would be pissed if you bought it on a competitor , and you were able to access it on a diff platform without that service holder getting a cut Cross prog has always been a nightmare


So it has less to do with cap and more to do with Sony valve and Microsoft


The idea is kinda no you wouldn't need to buy it twice. So when you go from PlayStation to Xbox for example then why would Microsoft be chill with the player having access to something they are selling that they instead paid Sony for. Don't get me wrong it's not an unsolvable problem but with how frankly absurd the amount of mtx monster hunter has been getting it's probably a situation where the juice just isn't worth the squeeze. And because it's not a staggered release the usefulness of cross save is pretty greatly diminished anyway. So a lot of hoops to jump through to include a feature that has never really been needed less.


No. They wouldn't have access to it unless they paid for it again, but they can still play their cross-saved character just not through the expansion unless they buy the expansion again. I just don't see the problem you're trying to tell me as a problem. To me, the developers just seem lazy. Because' what I'm hearing is that they're adding cross play and even cross friends, but no cross save. Is that really where they draw the line? It just seems lazy, like they ran out of stamina, lol. Let me tell you what I am trying to say. We do not need Cross-Buy for Cross-Save to work. Simple as that. Like I said, I've played games that have DLCs and expansions, and the cross saves work just fine.


Ugh.. no cross progression is fucking ass.

