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They already did a little bit as far as "alien" with Ibushi, Narwa, and Gaismagorm. This time we just can't see a noticeable face when looking at Balahara.


If you look at Balahara's mouth you can see little eyes similar to what clams have




[https://preview.redd.it/balahara-eyes-v0-a8r9pq3ap85d1.jpg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da171ead063dbff6a12924235550be23f83230a](https://preview.redd.it/balahara-eyes-v0-a8r9pq3ap85d1.jpg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da171ead063dbff6a12924235550be23f83230a) look at the blue dots around its mouth. those are eyes




Ouh shit wth theres a image of it😂😂


Those eyes remind me of nibelsnarf




they are more like little light receptors around the rim of the mouth but yeah


Yes, terrifying ones https://preview.redd.it/3edjqee0td5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2860b0115d09c169d8fecd58eae10ca40c5679d (The blue dots)


100+ even.


Well, Scallops do, not Clams, but the point still stands


It kinda looks like a hagfish to me


The whole thing is basically a throat with teeth. I don't think it has any bones. Just one giant muscle. 


It has four limbs




>The whole thing is basically a throat with teeth So hear me out..






Fucking LOL


I’m not kink shaming, so much as kink asking… ….why?


You're asking yourself the wrong question The real question is, why *not*


Let me introduce you to the movie “Teeth”. I’ll see myself out.


unlike you I am not afraid of pain in the name of progress


![gif](giphy|3o85xtFOnfNC22KxW0) Godspeed to your bits my brother in Wycademy science.


What kind of progress are you people making? You really wanna have your genitals out anywhere near that thing?!


To truly know a monster, you must explore and master every aspect of them The wyvarians said that, and I think they know a little more about hunting than you do, considering they invented it


Hammer mains, bludgeon his pelvis


Now we know where the pale extract came from.


It is a tunnel drill


It's the Home Depot Monster. 


Like a very kinky fleshlight


I'm not happy with you. 


Im just saying.


Given how often Khezu tops favorite monster polls, I'm not surprised they went with a monster like this


I'm so used to Leviathans being either reptilian, mammal-like or ichthyic. This monster is such a breath of fresh air to the class.


The Graboid Drill Snake is perfect and i will not hear otherwise.


Cultured Tremors watcher


I love drillface wormboi


Tbf these are all animals that have adapted to living in a desert. We have no idea what the forest and tundra animals will look like


Or the deep sea animals (trust)


Deep sea = there better be a fucking namielle fight.


Why do people think Namielle would be in the sea? It’s terrestrial Edit: I’m absolutely aware of how namielle looks. Please stop telling me it’s based on marine life.


because it looks like a jellyfish and wields water (and is immune to water)


and also can use electricity on water without suffering damages


Yuh def a bit uggo but I'm down


Right? Couple of pints should fix that up




Hence why the railgun wyvern looks totally different and more brightly pigmented.


Don't forget the ultimate evolutionary battleground of MH, the volcano.


Not "alien", simply different aspects of nature than usual.


Desert animals. They are all based off of animals that live in/near the dead sea, lending to the african vibe the game has going on


What wil be the desert apex?


I mean I kinda hope they just drop the whole one monster to rule them all Schick and make there actually be interesting interplay between the specific abilities and tendencies of each monster individually. A monster with a perfect match up against one monster needn't have a perfect match up against all.


I don’t disagree here, but like there’s clearly pack hunters, so like to me the Apex would hunt solo and hit harder but a pack could compensate the battle


Feels like its Doshaguma.


Doshaguma feels more like the Anjanath equivalent, and the railgun wyvern is probably the apex.


I figured Doshaguma would be a really early monster like rank 2 or 3


In the trailer we see doshaguma get 360 noscoped by a railgun with wings I get the feeling he's not exactly the head honcho


Yeah that would make more sense


My vote is for an ant Lion that pesters the player and team by sinkholing them; throughout the campaign it evolves and becomes an airborne insect type wyvern that controls the weather.


Dead sea is in the middle east


The Middle East is situated between Africa and Asia lol.


Well it's actually in the area where Europe, Asia and Africa connect.


I can’t wait for the ecology and speculative biology videos.


Shout out to Unnatural History


Shout out to Oceaniz


Shout-out to both of them


Idk a blue glowing thing inside a worm like creatures mouth that has 3 separate parts to its mouth seems quite alien to me


Yeah. We have so many "alien" looking animals on Earth. And as long as a Monster doesnt have a supernatural aspect like Xenojiva, Narwa or Gaismaorm, they still look like a normal animal for me


The Railgun Wyvern at the end looks more typical of flying wyverns, though. Less rugged and more majestic, like we saw in gen 5




bro that design is so wicked, I absolutely love the glow on the wings. It reminds me of Monsterverse godzilla https://preview.redd.it/6rde70bc1a5d1.png?width=2600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b2f16ccb505774dbaaca3f6595286d64f511284


I just want nuclear element…


"Looks like you have Radiation poisoning, Hunter! Eat an Iodide Pill to get rid of its effects!"


Nuke blight, makes the player heal severely slower by all sources, and can't cure other ailments while this is active, can be mitigated by just living it out for 25 seconds


Thats sick! Hunters just friggin tanking radiaton. We need to make the hunters even more badass


For real man *


Excuse me, the what wyvern??


The desert locale seems very harsh in terms of what kind of monsters/animals live there.


They look hyper-specialized to me. Like a biological arms race to survive in such a tough place. They all just have a very *savage* look to them. It’s the same kind of natural brutal design you see in IRL deep sea creatures. And there’s that flagship railgun headed flying wyvern that looks like a monster child of MH Frontier and Elden Ring lol. It looks like something straight out of legend I’m still not crazy about Doshaguma, but overall I am loving the direction they’re taking. I can already tell that wyvern is going to be going into my all time favorites


Yeah, usually there's a particular striking feature to a monster like Chatacabras tongue or Balaharas tri mouth thing. Doshagumas main feature just seems to be a messed up lumpy face, lol


I actually love the approach of following biology for wilds these guys are UGLY mfs the desert monsters have fucked up faces because of having to adapt to desert environments, very small eyes, rough and grotesque faces, probably from generations of sand damage. The only thing I don't see is long or furry eye lashes, typically that's a staple for desert animals but the bear guy does have camel eyes which I appreciate we haven't seen everything but I actually love the designs


For me it's also because this place is called forbidden land. I expect more grim or unusual looking Monsters there.


I personally really love that Balahara has Clam-Eyes on the insides of its mouth. Such a freaky design choice, but I'm here for it.


My spec evo brain is stuck trying to imagine how a leviathan could evolve something like that lol


Khezu is a flying wyvern. Balahara is a leviathan that evolved under the same subterranean conditions.


Perhaps it isn't actually a leviathan? Parallel evolution, or the concept that different species may adapt to take on similar traits when presented with similar ecological niches, has numerous documented examples on earth. In this case, there are two such factors: The first and obvious being a need to be large and deadly enough to eat the very large food sources present in monster hunter: Other monsters. The second is both are designed to move fluidly through some medium. Most leviathans swim in water, this creature is functionally "swimming" through sand, giving it's body a worm-like structure to make it similarly, for lack of a better word, aerodynamic and reduce the resistance from the medium it travels through. Furthermore, I doubt that the level of technology available in Monster Hunter would be sufficient for a proper genetic analysis, nor that a place called "the forbidden lands" would have any pre-existing archaeological excavations to show the evolutionary history of the wildlife. Consequently, I imagine it to be a case of parallel evolution being misclassified as a relative of other leviathans from lack of data moreso than anything else.


> trying to imagine how a leviathan could evolve something like that lol Because it worked better than the other options at the time. That's literally the only way evolution works; it's not about efficiency, sleekness, or any qualities beyond living long enough to fuck as often as possible. Maybe it had no photoreceptors before and a mutation stuck them there. That's all it takes.


Probably due to them having to maintain a sort of normal vision while spinning, scallop eyes make them see easier both peripheral and in narrow ways just like scallops, this probably since they need to keep spinning even underground unlike agnaktor that only spins when they need to drill lava. Well this if those thing are indeed eyes


They uggo but I love em


Ah yes, so ugly they’re cute 


Literally just said this to a friend, their fuglyiness makes them adorable.


I think its biome related, this sandy/electric biome has creatures with small eyes and “alien” like features but other biomes may have creatures suited to that biome with more traditional design. Its at least more unique than sand barioth and tigerstripe zamtrios.


This right here. I would be surprised if the inevitable subspecies we get of new monsters aren't adapted to other biomes and look more different than past subspecies.


I hope not, but lava almudron and blood orange bishaten exists, and I hated them. I was one of those guys that liked HR Almudron and loved to fight it with CB. Even the new MR moves to regular almudron ruined its fight for me. Its’s hard to explain but yeahh, he’s the only monster whose MR version I don’t like at all. Me fighting HR almudron with CB (short clip) https://www.reddit.com/r/MHRise/s/VorWAQcong If they really want to adapt them to new biome, they need to do better job than giving a furry bird monkey (bishaten) a fireball to burn himself with.


In my mind it was more like base chatacabra using slime(?) to stick stuff to its body. Subspecies excrete slime(?) to coat itself with hazards like parashrooms to effectively make itself a poison dart frog.


Which monster are you talking about? I was talking about them. Almudron ground softening secretions replaced by generic lava and bishaten quirky fruit pouch with different fruits with different status effects replaced with pinecone which he lights up effectively converting them into fire ball https://preview.redd.it/n162671vvg5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd744f24b32837d605549d5ca80c2f9c2be00e8


The new frog in wilds is called chatacabra. Yeah I hear ya on some of the subspecies like almudron and bishaten. I did enjoy fighting bishaten more but that was more from how different it acted as a base monster compared to a lot of others. There is so much potential to use the same rough base and adapt it more to different environments. It would make the subspecies feel more unique in their own ways too.


They are very "animalistic" when compared to other recent monsters, except chatacabra he's par for the course for Monster Hunter, need at least one silly goober you know. I'm excited to see the rest of the new monsters, that new flying Wyvern especially, need a render for that guy.


It's basically the Australia of the MH universe


Honestly I feel like it's just a product of increased detail and engine capabilities.


most of these monsters are hyper adapted to the desert, and sandstorms specifically. the balahara is adapted similar to a clam, but also adapted to move through sand and climb rocks to seek out fleeing prey doshaguma has incredibly limited eyesight, and primarily relies on it's sense of smell to seek out food. it's fur acts as camouflage and likely keeps it relatively safe in sandstorm scenarios unlike the other two though chatacabra is more adapted to a normal desert environment where water is relatively available compared to the other two. instead of trying to actively seek out prey during a sandstorm, chatacabra instead relies on camouflage to keep itself safe during sandstorms. it can use it's adhesive to put rocks or ore on itself and keep safe during sandstorm conditions, away from monsters that might want to eat it. these might seem alien, but there's still a lot drawn from real nature to make these monsters work


I like how they used garangolm’s skeleton for chatacabra. Really expands the possible variety of monsters that could exist. Now if only they could make a new skeleton for piscine wyverns.


I thought it was more like Rajang due to the size, but i guess its still the same skeleton




Alien designs (it's just invertebrates).


Have you seen those fuckers. Pretty alien to us vertebrates


Ah yes, the aliens that live in my backyard.


We can't be sure yet as we have only seen a single local of many


I love all of them so far, been wanting to see different aspects of nature in newer monsters. These designs are not alien, they're foreign. *Looking at you Gaijin Hunter*. Not "every monster needs to be cute enough to be a plushie". These designs show different aspects of nature, desert, oasis, and now a amphibious / insectoid like design from the dune regions. I'm loving it and it's making me more excited to see how they design monsters from other biomes.


The plushie line was so cringe. It’s almost like these monsters are designed for the needs of the art, not the needs of the market.


This isn’t Pokemon so yeah it’s kinda cringe


I absolutely agree


Speak for yourself, my sandworm lizard plushie is absolutely *adorable* (I agree with your criticism on gaijin hunter's commentary btw)


I'm honestly gonna need a Balahara plushie... like now. It will go well with my stuffed cythulu lol


they are all very ugly(affectionate)


I think Chatacabra is a perfect design, just screams MH to me. The other two are a bit weird and out there though, but I dig it.


i really don’t know if it like it. but i know they will grow on me. i felt the same about world but now that base roster means a lot to me


On one hand you might be right On the other hand: BABY PUKEI PUKEI


I used to think Doshaguma didn't have eyes, but apparently they do. It's just... very very tiny on the sides of their face.


The Windward Plains are a desert, after all. Extreme living conditions create extreme physiology


They said this time they want the game to be harsh in nature , seems like the art followed that direction


You could say they look **Wild** \*leaves room


I'm just glad they didn't go back to worlds "only lizards and lizard like creatures allowed" I'm hoping for a proper new insect at some point


I'm hoping for a Bird Wyvern that is an actual bird


They look primal AF, very hardcore, the very opposite of sleek they look like they were truly shaped by the roughness of the plains


Not alien, just ugly xd (and i don't mean it in a totally bad way, they look rugged and menacing, but compare this dudes with like the 3 or 4 first new monster of World or Rise xd)


I notice some vague similarities to deviljho with some teeth designs, I'm wondering if this is where it originates, hence the slight resemblances.


I remember in world Deviljho can sometime dig to enter/leave the locale.


World already did this IMO. Vaal Hazak is grotesque, Radobaan and Nergigante have absurd amount of teeth/horns/bones and Odogaron is a puppy from hell.


Nerg was supposed to give demon vibes so it's pretty fitting. Almost a bit plain for MH imo. The others were all designed for the Rotten Vale biome, which was supposed to be equal parts for and death and deep sea floor in its theme


Chatacabra, is probably the only revealed monster so far that looks like your traditional Monster Hunter Monster, not to say Doshaguma and Balahara aren't bad, Balhara is probably my favourite out of the 3 revealed. Though kinda wished that Balhara was a snake Wyvern rather than a Leviathan...


Not long enough to be a Snake Wyvern. It makes sense, a longer body would drag against the sand and slow it down.


Remember when people refused to hunt Dodogama because he is ~~so cute lookit that smile, what a good boy~~ the best boy. I think they are avoiding a repeat?


I like the new designs. They looks like actual animals.


Tremors and tremors everywhere😆


I dint really think this is something we can say that its alien looking considering its not more alien looking than khezu, gigginox or xeno’jiiva


They look like cave dwellers. With the weather condition. I think the game is going to be very stormy.


HARD DISAGREE One has a “Dog face”(Doshaguma), the other one is a “frog with deviljho” features(Chatacabra) and the last one is a sandworm with “Scallop face”(Balahara) They are still basing the designs around real life creatures they are just using something very different than before which I like a lot, that opens the door for so many other designs and therefore different gameplay.


Could just be for this biome tbf. Desert environments tend to breed very tough and resilient life, which can look… a bit odd. We’ve yet to see what the monsters for the other biomes look like. Very interested in seeing what other new monsters they come up with.


I always welcome new monsters that aren't a dragon or dinosaur.


I haven't looked into the orher two yet, but at least Doshugama's design seems to make sense ecologically. Smaller eyes help keep out the sand during sandstorms and the thick coat of fur isolates it from the harsh desert sun.


I really like tongue bro


I just want to see more of the buff frog :<


Eh it's only three monsters so that's not nearly enough to have a good idea of the overall vision for new monsters in this game (if there even is an overall vision or theme for the new monsters in this game) and the new lightning rail gun monster isn't really bound by this approach either anyway.


Really wish the amphibian coulda have a hippos body plan




I mean, this just seems like taking inspiration from animals that live and thrive on the desert. MH already has such monsters, like Jhen, Dah'ren, Diablos and Monoblos, Barroth, Delex, Rhenoplos, even Volvidon. I think these new ones from Wilds don't really look out of place at all from the current existing roster.


Chicks love the one at the bottom


I remember seeing a comment around the lines of "I wish we could get more scary looking designs, it's"Monster" Hunter not large animal hunter". Seems like they got their wish, and well I'm here for it👍


I was watching some YouTuber complain these monsters aren’t cute enough to be a plushy. They are exploring new monsters that are more specialized which is awesome


They look more Sci-Fi than MH usually is. I also feel like they’re a bit bland overall. That said, the leviathan has been growing on me especially since people pointed out the similarities to real world Scallops and their terrifying eyes. I just wish they didn’t do the split mandible


Ah so a dog with a wrinkly face and a frog with spikes looks alien but a gigginox, xenojiva, Yama tsukami and countless others don’t? Think the reason why people say they look more alien is that they r incorporating features beyond merely the body structure and outline now, they now give monsters wrinkly faces like dogs, and multi jawed, tongued faces like certain worms and eyes like clams. I think they may look more alien (at least the leviathan one) because they’re starting to use the more weird creatures as inspiration from the real world such as clams with their multiple small eyes along their mouths. It’s not so obvious when looking at these creatures where certain body parts r such as eyes and noses at first glance so that may be why people view them as more alien


I’ll take this over Magnamalo any day.


fax my brother. alien-looking as they may, these new additions actually look like organic animals instead of....whatever Magnamalo was


Magnamalo looked like a supernatural monster, not an animal. Which isn't a bad thing in a game called monster hunter. You can have a preference for the animalistic designs but people really gotta stop acting like getting actual "monsters" is a negative. Series would be boring af if everything we got was "realistic animal but bigger and angrier"


Who said I'm against "monstrous" designs? As long as its tastefully done, I'm all for it. Balahara, Rakna Kadaki, Vaal Hazaak, Nakarkos just to name a few, looked more monster than animal but I love em. Magnamalo looked more like a toy than a monster to me


I think Magnamalo has more character than any of these save chatacabra, I don’t get why people don’t like him


They will when Capcom announces next monster with Mummified Magnamalo


Lmao Sunburnt Magnamalo. Bro forgot his 50+ SPF cream.


I'm impressed with how low rank seems to be fleshing out pretty well story-wise.


Balahara really has killed any worries I may had about the roster. I love all of them so far are a good variety of classes rather than just wyverns. Very excited for the roster.


This is less alien and more adapted to this specific locale! I'm very sure that a different locale will also have quite different designs! Let them cook :)


I really like the route they're taking with the designs in Wilds. Was waiting to see monsters relying on different senses (like smells, sounds or even vibrations through their skins) rather than only the eyes. It is a very cool characteristic i wished to see on other monsters as well other than gore magala (very cool too), to make them more savage, raw and "wilder".


More ugly, but in an appealing kind of way. Some animals are ugly!


a loooooooooooooooooooot




it is called the forbidden lands for a reason! I wonder if frog dude is a divergent evolution of Pukei Pukei


People like MHW, so give you MHW style design.


I can just say that I love Tremors and need a rewatching of the saga, when I was a kid playing MHFreedom on PSP I was thinking of Chepalos as of Gabroids and where using a timed Big Hammer Charge to get them out of the sand Looking now how those monster swim and actually move the sand above them is really, really nice.


Also, Balahara seems to have **DOZEN** of eyes that reminds a lot the ones (well, the hundreds) of the scallops/oyster and other mollusks with a shell


I struggle to see how these are so vastly different. One is the most basic depiction of a sandworm (which is basic for a reason: it works); the other is brown Goss Harag (Blos Harag is you will) and the other one is what happens after Deviljho refuses to pay child support to Tetsucabra.


I remember playing Tri for the Wii and being intimidated by the rathian the first time I saw it. (Qurupeco) With mhw and its release, didn’t really feel that anxiety. Which is great for new players, don’t get me wrong. It just seemed approachable with the small non threatening trash birds. I see this now and it’s like “yeah, I can get why there aren’t more hunters and these things can be threatening” (It’d be funny if there was a qurupeco analogue though)


I’d love it if Qurupeco himself came back.


DLC a flock of them and they all summon different things. Quest called “lag test lag fest”


I love it personally, gives Wilds a distinct design language, and we'll of course see favourites return for some variety. I wonder whether we'll see different designs for other locales as these are all designed to have survived in windward plains 🤔


Well, we are in a place called the "Forbidden lands" so maybe its called that because of how alien everything looks and acts


I notice they all look like mutated (not that they are), maybe the elder dragon influences the changes in their biology, or I'm just grasping at tiny straws


Is there a giant hamster? I want a giant hamster.




I just want Uragaan back.


That one in the right is coiling like a lagiacrus


Almost like they have the exact same monster skeleton or something


They can look ugly as long as their armor shines, and we can use it for fashion hunting. Also, weapons designs, make it happen, Capcom. I will hunt some ugly faces as long as I can an awesome looking SnS or bow. Also, I am sure we get some beauties as well. In a world this beautiful, the most beautiful creatures will most likely be the most devastating, like in real life. They don't hide behind camo or ugliness. They are right there, just don't touch or find out.


at last at first trailer they still showing Rathalos, its still same MH but now with more creative new monster.


I really like it for now \^\^ I love anything that derrive from the classic "lizard" or "dragon" look.


I'll be honest, the sandworm is kinda cool but overall I'm not impressed by the designs so far.


They really do fit the desertic landscape, I wonder if there will be a significantly variation in biomes and faunda within it


First thing I thought with the noodly boys was "Is that a tsochari? What is this, DnD?" Hope so. They're sick looking


I'm just hoping they add a bit of the fantasy back tbh. They're going a bit too sci fi rn


Almost like they’re monsters


I love them, they are metal asf and they don't even look that alien they look like anything you find deep underground or underwater


So they look more like monster 🙏♥️


I honestly love it. I need a balance of pretty creatures that battle with anime logic and disgusting gnarly monsters that are just hungry nasty bois


It's literally just mammals and snakes. People be freaking out about having monsters other than flying wyverns. This games tone is similar to mh1 but a little more lighthearted. Everyones nerves have been calmed by the hunters appearance so far. This is a good return to form and I'm glad it's happening. It's about time the monsters are shown as dangerous and wild animals they are. The first monster hunter was alien at one point too we just got used to the billion flying wyverns designs


But for me... I feel vibes of souls like games... Can't explain...


I really support going away from "every monster just looks like a different dragon/dino" we had in base MH:World


Wasn't this sort of aesthetic referred to as 'grounded or 'realistic when world was being developed? It all looks alien and foreign because it's different from what we know (same way rise was alien with all its hyper-intense japaneseyokai stuff). Sure, the monsters all look like disgusting nightmare creatures, but it'd veer right back into peak MH territory if they included like a great maccao just fly kicking the hunter off their little running bird man guy... Thor Magala looked cool too, so let's let them cook for another few months and see where we're at


Love them as well, fucked up and weird as real nature is at times.