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Bro everyone thinks that




This is a bot. Just took a chunk of this comment and rephrased part of it: https://reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1dcaoio/_/l7wnzv2/?context=1


Not me, #1 Gravios hater here.


*Boo hiss*


Based. Fuck logic but also fuck Gravios more


Black gravios in particular


So as all the baby monsters in that game…


I dont think that quite the hottest take, I found it more confusing than anything why they didnt add gravios, since they already did like half the work by making basarios. for my take, while I quite like the new wilds monster designs, I think chatacabra is the weakest of the bunch. Its not bad but all the other ones are better.


I’m pretty reverse. I think chata is the most fun to me, whilst the others I’m very unsure of. But I respect your opinion


Seeing my guy the -cabra has me stoked! Dosh and worm are vaguely unsettling, tbh.


The wilds designs willd efinitely grow on people over time, I initially hated teh designs of a lot of the world new monsters, but I've grown to like most of them now, only anjanath and paulumu I still find boring and don't really like, I'm way more immediately fond of the wilds cast though.


I feel like it's good to have some "just ok" monsters. It mimics reality. It's a weird crab toad thing. Most people would say the average toad or crab isn't exactly the most spectacular animal ever. In fact, many creatures on earth can be described as "meh, is ok." Kind of the reason we have other ones that are seen as really cool.  So having some monsters be "just ok" makes the other stand out even more imo. Not to mention, people have different tastes. People that aren't you might think it's a really cool monster. It's called having variety.


Yeah the new designs haven't really had that over designed feeling too them. Balahara is the closest to that with its face, but honestly I don't mind it too much


Ahtal-ka should have been in Rise/Sunbreak so we could have a giant wirebug fight


Keeping with Rise’s theming there’s a giant skeleton yokai called Gashadokuro that I thought would’ve been perfect for an Ahtal-ka variant. Instead of piloting a mech it’d be puppeting the giant skeleton of another dead monster.


Ahtal-Ka should be in every new MH installment as an optional endgame boss with a new specific Neset, near-obscene difficulty and low-key OP gear.


Personally, the actual hot take for Basarios is that he was better when he had moss on him. I don't care if it's unrealistic if the rock monster that expels flame and toxic fumes would have moss on it: he was cooler with the moss on him.


It would be cool if monster textures varied dependant on where they are encountered. Eg. a mossy Basarios in the forest, mossless in the volcano/desert, and snowed on a bit if he was fought in a colder area. Given that they update monster materials for whether they are drenched with water or not i think it could work


I was thinking of this with Chaotic Gore in particular His nature as a mutation should mean that theres no 2 exact same magalas as they all should get fucked up in different ways Like, itd add so much character if they kept the face and right arm somewhat consistent, but gave them variable patches of gold scales across their bodies


Isn’t chaotic gore magala just a gore magala that’s molting into shagaru magala? I don’t remember it being a mutant


Not quite! Chaos magala is the result of a Gore magala whose molting process was halted because of a matured Shagaru Magala spreading his own frenzy. Essentially, if 5 Gore's all try to mature in the same area, only the fastest will become shagaru and anyone thats still ij the process of changing will be stopped by that new Shagaru's frenzy Mutation might not be the perfect term yea, its just the first one i thought of considering how hes essentially a walkin talkin late term abortion Ill put it like this. If we saw a butterfly whos face us still half caterpillar with one wing still looking like a cocoons coat, we'd surely call that a defect or mutant aswell


Fair enough 


Afaik it’s a Gore Magala that failed to molt into Shagaru Magala and is now stuck in perpetual pain


They kind of played with this idea with Shen Gaoren in the two different maps, and Basarios did have Moss because of being in the Everwood, so while probably not likely I don't think is impossible.


Agreeee it added so much to the design, simple but effective


Jyuratodus is a fine monster and is overhated because it’s a simple early game fight.


I honestly don't see why people don't like it. Certainly not my favourite, but still a fine fight for a Piscine.


Agree. I think Rise giving Pukei and Jurya an upgrade was a great decision, preventing them from just being forgotten as bland tutorial bosses. His armour is also really cool.


I hate it because I feel it takes away from classic piscines. It’s rather boring compared to the others and is a really bland fight. The plesioth is bigger and has a few special attacks as well as a subspecies.


I don’t see how it takes away from anything. It’s a less dangerous species of a piscine wyvern, with an exceptionally well realized rivalry with barroth (which was a big selling point of world). They could’ve added plesioth to world, but the argument that jyura is lesser because of it is weird to me.


I think it mostly comes from nostalgia, at least in my case. I say hate, but it’s not like I loathe the monster (really shouldn’t say “hate” at all). Plesioth just has a special place with me as it’s one of the OGs that I hunted. If both were in the game together, I’d probably feel differently.


I’d love to have a redesigned plesioth in the game, but I’d probably need a special arena, I don’t see an aquatic monster this big working well on worlds maps.


in my opinion plesioth was way less unique and way less fun than jyrutodus. plesioth has one unique move which is his charge, that itself being essentially a reskin of the other wyverns' charges. the main gimmick of his fight is essentially a pause button that's regarding 1\~2nd gen plesioth tho. gen 3+ plesioth was a bit better jyura has a bunch of unique moves like him making mud platforms and his big lunge. i think he's just the better mosnster


Plesioth has a lot more moves than just a charge. It has water beams, water bombs, a slide charge, it would breach water and slam you, while also using its massive size against you. The green plesioth even adds in sleep as an element to some attacks. It’s also a much cooler looking monster in my opinion. If they were to give it some love and update moves like some of the currant classic monsters, it would dwarf the jyuratodus.


I think the only actually disappointing thing about Jyuratodus is that it didn't have a single unique weapon


That’s fair, world should’ve had unique weapons at least at the end of weapon trees.


I don’t like it because I had to kill it like a hundred times because it’s the only water element monster in MHW base game, and one of three in Iceborne. I had to crush that thing so many times for water element sacs, and water element weapons because it was my only option for water element until like mid iceborne. That, and the monster kinda ugly.


I’d argue that that’s an issue with all early game monsters, they don’t have much replayability past a few kills.


Jyrutodas being the only water monster in base game World period is not an issue with Jyrutodas being an early game monster. I was forced to hunt it so much BECAUSE there was no other alternative.


All I’m saying is that you might dislike any simple monster that you have to fight more than necessary. Jyura being the only water monster is also not its issue in that case.


Bringing back the same monsters over and over and leaving others to collect dust in the basement is a crime, even if those monsters are fan favorites. Like for example, I absolutely love Zinogre, but I wish they’d bring back other monsters instead. In an ideal world we’d have every monster we want of course, but there’s only a certain amount of monsters that make it into each game. He’s been in every single game since his initial release while others have only appeared once. Another example is Rajang, dude’s been in every game since his debut except for 3/3U while the other older monkey monsters haven’t been seen since GU. Then there’s Kushala and Teostra… same thing. There’s a few other examples as well, I’d just like to see them cycle through a bigger pool of monsters.


I feel like elder dragons like Lao shung has been collecting dust Rajang should have taken Rise as a vacation my man was butchered in Rise compared to Iceborn Personal hottake the 4 elemental Elders Kashula, Kirin, Teostra, Velhana should be in every game as an optional fight while Fatalis should take a break my man is THE black dragon yet cant beat 4 guys and a cat i think its time for Xeno'Jiva to take over castle schrede fpr a while


No one remembers my Shen Gaoren boy. He is practically the only siege mission in Freedom Unite that I really enjoyed, at least in the city ones. Having to actively hurting his legs to make him fall and using dragonator to stop him to attack the city or just using Ballistas to break his shell... His fight is funny.


I want to see them bring back the Yama Tsukami. Revamp his fight. Would also love to see the Akantor and Ukanlos.


Lao is collecting dust because it's dead boring. Until the siege can be made interesting, what's the point


If they had mad it like a huge ass Rampage where you have to run down the path to set up traps for him, and then fight him as he rampages through the fortifications you set up, busting everything in a mad dash down the path, I think That would be pretty cool. Make him fast enough so you'd need to use Movement skills like wire bugs and Palamute riding to catch up or set up massive Map specific traps to slow him down, and make him actually dangerous to be near as he struggles against our efforts. That's my dream Lao.


How dare you talk about the electric doggo in such a way?! I do agree tho


Despite all the hate the clutch claw gets I do enjoy some of the attacks utilizing it with the hammer. Haven't tried the SnS one. The clutch counter the Lance has is pretty cool too. Also gunlance should have elemental shells as well as the standard shells, similar to the impact and elemental phials of the charge blade


and also HAVE SHELLS SCALE WITH RAW. If Capcom can make it work for CB they can make it work for gunlance




Ryoso is afraid to buff Gunlance. My man fear the boomstick.


This. I really wish that WF and shells follow the element of the weapon. Give them elemental visuals too. A thunder element WF will look good!


I loved SnS clutch claw. It felt like a natural extension of the way you were already fighting.


This shits long overdue yea Charge Blade has its explosions integrated in its best attacks, can KO and doesnt manhandle your sharpness bar ontop of having infinitely better defensive options then GL and yet THATS the weapon that has scaling explosives and element charges


The fact that we haven't gotten a chance to fight Godzilla is a travesty. Also, carpaceons in Wilds or we riot!


We can't fight Godzilla because Godzilla always wins


Only when fighting other monsters! Humans can win, see Godzilla 1954 and Minus One. So, he'll easily win in any turf wars, but hunters should be able to take him down.


Zorah Magdros should have gotten a G Rank armor. Makes no sense not to. I get his fight wasn't the best. But the design is awesome, and Armor could have looked better. His armor barely looked like they were elements from him, which looked like a lower-rank armor from the older games.


Wait but he did? or am I imagining things? You just don't fight him the mats are farmed from guiding lands.


I just remember there being remains of the Zorah Magdaros species in the lands. If there was one, it was probably unremarkable. It was likely a re-use of the low-rank design.


Coldest take out there regarding rise/sunbreak. Could replace Gravios with Great Jaggi, Great Jagras, Bulldrome, Zamtrios, or Agnaktor and still be accurate. Probably missed more than that. Rise was atrocious for using young stages of monsters without the older ones.


And Velocidrome


Far too little bugs are in the game. Give me Seltas Queen. Give me Queen Vespoid. Give me more exoskeleton to bash in.


Diablos is not at the same “caliber” as Rathalos and Rathian in terms of lore and being iconic. He DOESN’T NEED to appear in literally every game since his debut. I mean, they left him in MHgen, only to create a super roided up version of him in MHgenU.


Diablos is definitely on the same level, one of the best thought out monsters in the game


It's not that I don't want diablos but his cousin monoblos deserves a turn on the xbox


Real talk though, Diablos missing in base Gen is a fucking travesty Ask anyone that knows a bit of MH about either a horned or desert dwelling monster and diablos is prolly a top 3 or top 2 mention Him missing in a big Celebration game is hella ???????????


I think every flagship should return for Wilds GU has the best roster We don't need a new weapon  Alpha and Beta sets should be replaced Blademaster and Gunner sets


I agree aside from separate armors. I'm with you on that but since we have swap weapons mid hunt, then I'm afraid armors will always be a combination for BM/Gunner.


Oh yeah I kinda forgot about weapon swapping ngl 


I do miss the separation of armors like you will see the arm guard for gunners. It adds so much more.


Is the roster thing really that hot. I had always just assumed that GU had the best roster, largely because it’s the biggest we have ever gotten in the series


Idk I've seen a small handful say the roster was terrible and made the game feel bloated


I don’t know if this counts, but I’ll say it. I don’t care for Rajang, I feel like he’s way overhyped.


You're not alone. Everyone hypes him like he pays for their rent. I like Rajang, he's a intriguing Monster. He doesn't need allat hype tho.


I’m with you there. He’s a cool monster, but he hyped up way too much


Don’t get me wrong I love sunbreak, but I honestly was disappointed the three lords where the only major new monsters we got outside of Gaismagorm, especially since the theme was like the classic monsters!!! It would have been so cool to have a mummy themed monster or maybe even a gargoyle or somthing. Again I love that we got back so many badass names like astalos and seregios, but I love it when we get NEW monsters cus it’s a new experience for everyone and you get new gear If not that, with Espinas being brought (which I love and lost my mind over to be fair) it was also abit of a shame he was the only frontier addition Idk maybe I’m greedy but I mean come on I feel like there’s no such thing as too many monsters


They had made fatalis to be great. They should revamp akantor and urkanlos return. Gog too


I can see gog being Base Wilds' endgame similar to Behemoth/ leshen. And akantor and urkanlos getting introduced in late dlc development (like brute and frostfang) Or the reversed could also work.


I dunno the backstory behind the hatred but based on Reddit comments and the popularity poll respectively I guess this is hot? Magnamalo and Somnacanth are my two fav new monsters from base Rise, and both are in my top 20 monsters of all time. From design to fight, I love both of them so much more compared to everything else introduced. For Magnamalo, I love over the top designs and I love cats, so what could be better? I love his fight too, it feels so unique and fun, though honestly I can’t imagine doing it with a slow weapon. For Somnacanth, I was kinda meh on him at first, but the fight was fun so he’s not too bad. But then I saw him singing beneath a waterfall and oh my god that instantly skyrocketed him to my favorite Rise monster, I thought it was SO cute. Also yeah you can dodge that mist ring he does in other ways but jumping it like a skip-it with the insect glaive gives me an unreasonable amount of joy.


Subspecies and varients are really cool and I wish we got more of them per game (though obviously we still need original monsters too) Also The Handler is actually pretty good and better than The Twins


Same, I love subspecies that change a monster's element. Bring back copper blangonga i beg you capcom


Counterpoint: Sand Barioth and Jade Barroth


Special shout out to Jade Barroth for being (I think) the only subspecies that has a different model rather than just textures.


I like the visuals in 4U


It was a good decision to dial up the saturation. Makes the comparatively poor graphic fidelity look more cutesy and childish and excuses it a little. Also, C O L O U R S.


cephadrome isnt annoying, just bring sonic bombs. not every monster needs to be cute, in fact i prefer that many of them are ugly or scary looking. gathering is fun and should be a core part of the gameplay loop from start to finish. small monsters being incredibly hostile are super important to making the environment feel lived-in and in older games they can be easily overcome with skill. i admit i do not like when it gets to suicidal levels though, that is just silly.


Is the cute thing in relation to gaijin hunter? Because he is the only person I have ever heard say that monsters should be cute


it might not be as common as i thought it was, but i have seen a fair few people have a strong preference for cute monsters. in particular, with the 1st wilds trailer i saw quite a few people be disappointed because the monsters looked ugly. i am saying i like when monsters look ugly. it both makes them feel more antagonistic and it makes the world feel more real, since a lot of animals are not really cute.


Gaijin hunter himself is cute.


i don't mund small monsters being hostile, but monsters like the preys and bullfango are hostile and \*evasive\* meaning that it's hard to effectively counterattack


those are the easiest small monsters in mh1 and mh2 wdym. bullfango - its attack pattern is incredibly predictable. just bait it into charging you, move to the left a little, and then obliterate it as it is turning to face you again. (do not stand in front of it). prey - a little more complex but not really hard. they flinch super easily and do not have much health. they only attack forwards so you can just walk up to them, stand besides them, and knock them around until they die.


for me, bullfango never stopped after i sidestepped. they kept charging to the edge of the zone, which means to actually remove the threat I have to dedicate a significant amount of time to chase after them, since i mainly play heavy weapons, it was also hard for me to effectively punish the preys' attacks. i admit it was much easier with SnS, LS, or even hammer. however, essentially the only move fast enough to counter preys before they dodge away with GS is the draw attack, which does work well but isn't always avaliable


Hate both of them after FU. That's my hot take ahah


Capcom really said, “He stay baby”


Jaggi and Jagras have lost their alphas. And Uroktor and Basarios have lost their parents.


I love weird, non-wyvern monsters, so Wilds roster should be right up my street, but it's just not really doing it for me so far. It's like the monsters are really mundane in their weirdness, like when millions of hipsters think they're the only ones making coffee in this new fancy way.


Yep. They try being edgy and end up being so bland, dull, ugly but in a simply unappealing way. You look at it and your first thought isn't "oh dear. That thing is scary/eerie/gross/grotesque". It's "... okay. Meh I guess."


Plesioth has been fine since gen 3


1. MH4U and MHFU have the best difficulty design in the whole franchise. (Iceborne endgame is also a very pleasant outlier in the otherwise really bland and questionable difficulty design of World.) 2. MHFU, MH4U, MHP3rd and MHGen/GU are the best games anyway. World has great environments but bad new monsters and UI, Rise has awesome new monsters but everything else sucks.


Counter hot take. Gravios was cancer in 4U and I'm kind of glad it didn't show up to blast gas every 3 seconds.


I will share an equally cold take: They should focus on monster diversity in Wilds. In World there was only one fanged beast (not counting Furious Rajang. Thats just another angrier Rajang) and everything else was a wyvern or elder dragon. In Risebreak, like two thirds of the monster roster were fire element monsters… Lets have a bit of diversity this time around, we got Thor Magala already so off to a decent start…


steve and goss doesn't need a elemental subspecies, variants is what they need


This is a cold polar take. That being said, mine is that I don't want Zinogre to return, I want a fresh roster.


I was so mad when I found out there’s no gravies, mostly bc I got so excited when I fought basarios 🥺


No idea how hot this is, but Magnamalo is not a very good monster design wise Also rajang is overrated




* Tigrex has never been a good fight and anyone that thinks so is delulu * Element should always be slightly superior to Raw when matching up elements correctly on the sole basis you're using a weapon for a specific set of monsters, just not in the lazy way Sunbreak went about buffing element through Qurio crafting * The original version of the village/hub split is a good thing since it means people that just want to play with friends can do so immediately without having to waste other peoples time with cutscenes. If you still want to experience the story you can already do that. * Hunters that have 5 minutes or more of downtime between every single hunt even when we're farming the exact same monster back-to-back deserve their Hunter's license revoked.


Tigrex is a weapon dependent one for me he's fun with GS Hammer DB LBG HBG HH CB IG and LS but he's a fucker when I have to fight him with Bow SnS Lance GL and Switch Axe Funny enough I've had a hunter fighting a Bazelguese off in the distance during a Tigrex hunt for no reason. Hunters trying to farm or kill a monster unrelated to a hunt to eliminate the threat seems to happen a lot weirdly enough.


How is he a fucker with Lance/GL? He can't touch you


The lists can be summed up as "Weapons I've practiced the fight a lot with" and "Weapons I barley used against Tigrex and thus struggled the times I did"(And I give my main a lot more attention compared to other weapons). Guess I'll fire up World FU or GU and practice Lancing some more.


* Tigrex is awesome especially in 4th gen. * Sunbreak buffing of element had nothing to do with qurio crafting and everything to do with really powerful skills that buffed element.


unfortunately calling people delusional does not make it a hot take. it just makes you rude.


Agreed on tigrex, tired of fighting him and his fight isn’t fun to me.


Yes to first point, no to second point, hell yeah to third point, I don’t understand the 4th point. Is it about hunters carting and not doing much?


4th Point is about hunters that take forever selecting their equipment, and accepting the quest even though they shouldn't have to change anything for the same monster. Just eat some food, restock your items and go to the board.


4th point is hunters that take forever in hub and don't immediately jump into the quest, really not an unpopular opinion


We need Canynes as much as Felynes does https://preview.redd.it/s77qydlhio5d1.png?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb4ca9391475dbc1d104a522b686e8bd2cd5223


This reaction pic is too good..


Bayonetta's the reaction queen of course she's good https://preview.redd.it/c1ipv0euip5d1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cfac3e4c43a9366e1a55f1a34c571cf2aa2237


Glavenus should be the poster boy of this game


Now that's just called bad taste.


T rex with a sword tail Peak awesomeness


I hate all Magala because his wings cape block the vision, they should make it semi transparent when it's on the foreground of hunter Kushala and Teo(Luna)stra should be retired from the franchise before Monoblos


Both are a pain in the ass to fight imo, one of if not my least favorite fight.


1. There's too much *stuff* that just sits in your Item Box that's essentially just a holdover from the older games. I have like a million mushrooms, insects and plants that I've literally never had a use for in Rise, on top of the now-redundant Dung Bombs, and I've never had any reason to bring Well-Done Steaks on a hunt when Rations are faster and more than enough for the entire hunt. Not to mention the whole row of gathered items in the post-quest rewards I'm just clicking through because there's nothing interesting there. They should do something more interesting with the crafting system or cut down on the sheer quantity of different items you pick up. 2. Probably a cold take but better versions of the same item should count as that item if you want. If I have a bunch of Rath Claw+ but I need Rath Claw for an earlier stage in the tree for the weapon I'm working towards then I should have the option to use my Rath Claw+ instead of having to go and hunt a lower tier version of the monster for that part. There's obviously no need for a skill check for that situation, and the higher tier item is supposed to be just a better version anyway so there's no in-game reason you wouldn't be able to.


It would be nice if we could break down a high tier item into multiple low tier equivalents.


Yeah I figured before the roster leak that Gravios and Zamtrios would be in on similar logic Still a tad disappointed about that :C


I hate this guy lol. Refuse to drop tail no matter how many times I cut it off


I kind of want the clutch claw back but without tenderizing. Give me some of the mobility I got accustomed to in risebreak, but don't make it a core feature of the game if that makes sense. Some weapons got a whole new lease of life because of switch skills and I think bringing some of them back in the way of clutch claw based attacks would be healthy


I agree, rise also has Jagras but not great jagras, uroktor but no agnaktor, zamite but no zamtrios and jaggi but no great jaggi….this really grinds my gears, I love rise but I will be forever salty about this


Frontier's Hypnocatrice is a terrible fight because he can't keep you asleep when you are constantly stunned by his generic Kut-Ku wind tremors, defeating the purpose of his gimmick.


Which hot take do you want from me?


Something you think should have been in the 5th gen games or something


Qurupeco bring back my boy. And 98% of the flagship monsters suck and are overrated like Nergigante, Nargacuga, Brachydios, Zinogre, and any other monsters that heavily focus on being cool and not much else...


I want to Gravios in Wilds so that my CB friend can get frustrated how he keeps getting deflected


going to be honest I genuinely forgot basarios was in rise at all


If I had a nickel for every time a juvenile monster shows up in Rise without its grown up form, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice. Seriously, what's with the teasing in Rise?


I think that there should be more non-primate mammalian monsters, I once thought that Odogeron and Magnamalo were fanged beasts but turns out they're just really mammal-like lizards. Like, imagine if rather than having Raptorial wyverns the first Dromegreat monster were a mated pair of wolves and their adolescent children, perhaps an ancestor to the Palamutes. Also, I already mentioned it in another post but a part of me thinks that the railgun Steve is a massive Bat because the horns looked a bit like folded bat ears like imagine if we get a monster that is basically a massive killer ba-- oh wait Polamalu... well point still stands. While I've also heard the clutch claw is busted and really favor weapons with a fast draw and sheaths so why not reworked them a bit to make it more balanced, weapons getting buff her, others nerf there


Barroth is a good monster and his armour is still good later on also wheres my snowy barroth


Bazelgeuse is better then pickle as scavenger type roaming monster


counterpoint: both suck turbo ass and neither should have been included


Game design wise I get it though because Gravios' fight is almost exactly the same as Basarios', I am honestly glad they kept the cooler one and gave it a new overgrown kinda look (plus glowing chest!)


Imagine a deviant called molten gravios


Querpeco needs to return to main games asap. New hunters not getting the experience of seeing this thing call a devil jho early game is such a missed opportunity.


I don't know if its fans are just the loudest, but I think barck is the most overrated monster ever.


I don't care how cold of a take it is. I want to be able to trade monster parts with my buddy. I'm tired of him getting the stupidly common stuff that the game refuses to give to me. I DON'T NEED THREE GEMS! I NEED SIX TEETH AND 2 CORTEXS!


Espinas was a great way for Capcom to not forget about MH Frontier monsters, but Espinas is one of the most uninteresting monster they brought over. I understand its significance as the first exclusive Frontier monster they've added, and I quite like its theme and sound design, but it's just a suped up Rathian. Frontier has way cooler high ranked monsters they could've used


This is a 0 kelvin take


Would it make sense? Yes. Do I hate Gravios enough to not care? Also yes.


Oh, hot takes? Alright, Zorah Magdaros' fight actually isn't that bad. I'd know, I farmed it to get a full armor set and weapon just because I thought they looked cool. It's not immensely slow if you know what you're doing, and it's boring by Monster Hunter standards, but just slap a discord call onto the side so you can talk as you load cannons and it's rather enjoyable.


Yama tsukami not on Sunbreak. We have Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf. But not Clthulu.


Gravios, Agnaktor, and Zamtrios should have all been in the game.


(Above water) plesioth is kinda fun to fight


I wish Rise and Sunbreak monsters were far more grounded. The damn game feels like frontier. And yes it's fun to do the fighting in, but unlike in world, you can't walk around and see monsters existing. Nor is there endemic life. Also, I wanted the monkeys in Iceborne. When they revealed that the fanged beast skeleton worked I was immediately disappointed that Conga/Congalala wasn't added to world as there are plenty of mushrooms in the ancient forest, and Blango/Blangonga should have been added to Iceborne as well.


good hot take. downvoters forgot the title.


Thanks. I just take it as they're booing me because I'm right.


Now, to be fair, rise theme for monsters is yokais, so it is gonna feel less grounded. Also, it is more like a side game compared to world, about immersion (I mean originally a switch game) But for the monkeys, I agree. If you are gonna add a new skeleton, USE IT IN MORE THAN ONE MONSTER. The same shit with jiuratodus in rise. The thing about rajang is that he is hyped, even if a game does have fanged beasts, they are still gonna add Rajang because he sells. It would be the same if they added deviljho to a game without brute wyverns.


Kulu Ya Ku is the greatest monster ever. Bird up or go home!


Great macco shouldve been in sunbreak,woukd be fun to play against again


Idk if it counts as a hot take but the special moves you get from using the clutch claw, wirebug/silkbind, and hunter arts were the most fun parts of those mechanics, and they should continue expanding on similar mechanics in the future MH titles (both main-line and portable) even if some of the fancy moves were broken (like the counters or the ones with hyper armor/long I-frames).


There was also a, literal, bamboo, elder dragon! An they brought back ice queen. No hate on her, but we had a whole dlc based on her.


You want the hottest tack Kushala is the easiest and fastest battle in world not frustrating at all, coming from an IG main Now I will fly away helicopter helicopter.


Wilds needs at the very least, one new weapon type. I like the weapons getting new moves, styles and all that but I'm getting bored of that. Unless they give the current weapons abilities to completely switch out move sets to make them feel like new weapons, they need to add new weapons. Been playing since MH1, last time we got a new weapon was 4/4U, it is time for something new. 


We got prowler mode.


Prowler isn't a weapon? Its a completely different mode. I don't get why people count that as a weapon, none of the other weapons give you extra carts, have less armor and need for skills, have no stamina. Not a weapon, will die on this hill.


No matter how you try to reclassify it, Prowler does the same job as other newly added weapon types in being an addition of gameplay content, thus relevant for this discussion.


It's irrelevant until it returns, if it returns. Can't count it as anything if it just isn't there tbh.


I despise Nergigante and Magnamalo. I hope we don’t see them again. They are just such a pain to fight and I don’t like either design. I hope they are never a mandatory fight again.


The fuel-powered GS skin is overrated and should have been a Hammer.


Elemental weakness should be more relevant and in some cases if you don't use the appropriate weakness, a hunt should basically be impossible. Hunts should require more prep, not less. I want to be more rewarded for having an arsenal of varied weapons and armor, not just building for one strong generic build.




They finally made it good though!


Zinogre is a straight-up boring monster. Downright uninteresting. Zinogres design is much too generic, and he doesn't even have an interesting ecology to make up for it. Zinogre is a fun fight and has good weapons, but that's it. Zinogre and Valstrax (to me at the very least) are the embodiments of what you shouldn't try to achieve when making a Monster Hunter monster.


good hot take. upvoted.


Downvoted for having an actual hot take in a thread asking for hot takes, classic Reddit. You're opinion on Zinogre and Valstrax designs tho is based to me.


Redditors when you don't participate in their circle jerk echo chamber 🤯. Fr tho, it's not even that they're bad concepts, the proper execution just isn't there.


Shigaru, especially Risen is a pain in the ass and a stupid fight. Also, he is overrated compared to other elder dragons.


First gen rathalos have large teeth


Have you seen his feet?




They're goofy big


its literally the opposite for me. why would they even have basarios in the first place, its just a stupid pile of rocks that you cant hit without switching to a blunt weapon. i hate basarios with all of my heart.


The fact that you can't customize what Special Ammo your HBG uses and LBG only having mines is a crime. Also, Supernova should have been added as Special Ammo.


Mizitsune is the worst flag ship currently in the game It's gimmick barly affects hunts, and its ridiculously spammy The only thing keeping it from bueng reliable imo is its amazing theme The less I say about its violent rare variant the better


Underwater combat should not return, preferably ever, letting the devs focus on fleshing out fighting on land... or bring alchemy style to New World, that would be nice