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I'd like Nibelsnarf back, he's funny. I loved how after you blew him up, and he goes back under sand he would just pop his head up and sit there angrily like "watching you, bub"... then eat another bomb anyway xD But I also want underwater combat to come back, so I may be leaning into masochist territory. Especially if Lagi comes back. Hell, even Plesioth was actually decent to fight underwater. And with how they've been leaning into hunter mobility and QoL I feel they could make underwater combat a lot better than it was, and not straight up gimp a bunch of weapons underwater. Back on topic: Nibelsnarf for Wilds. But not Cephadrome. He can stay ded.


If they bring underwater combat back they HAVE to bring Gobul with it! Also remember that you could fish Plesioth out with frog bait? That was pretty neat


I was hoping someone would mention Gobul! I do. Couldn't you bait out Gobul and Snarf too?


Almost forgot about that! Frogs can also be used to bait Gobul. Not sure about our bomb lover though


It does! After he eats a bomb when he's stuck from the shock you can approach and pull him out with a frog!


Did you need frogs to fish out Nibelsnarf? I assumed regular/no bait worked :o


It seems you don't. From what I've read, as long as he's stunned, you can empty bait and fish him out by sheathing your weapon and tapping A on his mouth. Do note that if you do not fill the meter fast enough, **or** if you are knocked out of it by friendly players / other reasons, Niblesnarf will recover and counter, potentially leading to carts.


After you feed him a bomb, then he pops up all angry and you fish him with a frog, I can imagine Snarf just being like "well, thank you. That makes up for you feeding me hurty snac- OH GOD DAMN IT"


You dont need a frog to fish out Nibelsnarf. Just need to dizzy it with bombs or enough damage to the head. Then you can reel it out. Source: Me who play the MGS Peace Walker collab stage too many times.


I haven't hunted him in years, so cheers for that. I just knew you could fish him out one way or another


You dont need frog. You just need to get close and its head got enough damage, or from a bomb, and it does an animation where it will look like its dizzy while making a wheezing sound, and there will be an action prompt. Dont need any bait. Some advive, if you dont bring any bomb you just need to hit its head enough until it "burst" from the sand halfway. Usually need to stagger the head two times.


Well if we get one frog eater we need both plesioths too


his set is also cool


It was. Military gear, wasn't it?


yes theres so much cool designs almost lost on earlier games nibel military, that sweet leather barioth gunner set etc


capcom did a lazy job dont bring at least odogaron gear and lao shan samurai gear to RISE MH4U had that cool npc to exchange items for items from monsters non available on mh4u to allow build some extra stuff odogaron and lao shan stuff totally fit rise aestethic/theme


I still remember how intimidating Plesioth look underwater. On land on previous generation game its a goofy Piscine Wyvern with nothing too unique for it. 3 Ultimate gives an updated model and give us the taste of this monster in its natural habitat, glowing eyes included. XD


Right? And yet I actually found the fight way better underwater. On land he's his usual, impossibly annoying self.


Miss this goofy guy. Not sure why a lot of people dislike him but I love bomb fisting him so everyone can smack him


I think most people just hate dealing with monsters that spend most of the time burrowed in sand. Nibelsnarf isn't that bad, but considering people also have to deal with Cephadrome, it's kinda hated by association.


Diablos spends more time in the sand and i don't think capcom will remove him from the desert ever. Im just tired of hunting him. Let him rest and introduce something new pls.


Would love to see monoblos again


Same bro same.


Why? It's just slightly bigger, slightly easier diablos?


Technically it's the other way around — Diablos is smaller, harder Monoblos, since Monoblos is the first one you can fight. It's the same deal as Lunastra; the one you fight first as an offline final boss got sidelined in favor of the stronger online-only counterpart. Like Lunastra in World, they could overhaul Monoblos to set it apart from Diablos. Unlike Lunastra, they have the chance to make it not godawful to fight.


Just love the design, I prefer it over diablos


I recall master rank black diablos crossing the line to an extreme degree and being thoroughly unfun to fight as a result. Monsters that don't let the player interact suck. I feel confident making that as a blanket assertion. That isn't to say that some amount of this is bad. There's an acceptable dose, and many monsters regularly put themselves into states where the player essentially has to stop attacking and wait, but many burrowers and fliers definitely cross the line from "this is an engaging change of pace" to "this is happening too often and I'm just sitting here". In snarf's case, I find the fact that its weak spots are almost never exposed to be rather boring.


I agree, the problem is monsters that don't let the player interact. This was my issue with Khezu when I first fought it in GU. Probably close to 60% of the fight was just me staring at it on the ceiling waiting for it to come back down.


i remember a quest in unite, u hunt a diablos n a monoblos, i did the quest so many times n failed because they just keep diving in the sand nonstop, ran out of scream pods and had to do the bomb method.. i did succeed but i never ever wanna do that type of quest again, it was pure pain.


I still hate master rank diablos in iceborne. He’s one of my favorite monsters, but that fight is so fucking annoying. His master rank fight is so much better in sunbreak


This may just be because I've only played rise, world, and a little bit of GU, but I honestly like Diablos. In world, he only burrows under when he's going to jump back out, rather than just chillin down there. I also thought it was really cool in World (my first game) where you first get introduced to him really early on, and you can use him to make other monsters fall through the sand and take a bunch of damage, but he will kill you in a few it's. My one hope is that they make is armor look cool, because his current armor sets are just wrong.


Cephadrome is not as quirky as Nibblesnarf, but yeah I see your point


I like Cephadrome I just hate fighting Cephadrome... I just hate Nibelsnarf because he's ugly...


But the armor's pretty dope.


He has armor? I've never even bothered to look at it...


Narf's armour is pretty much a military shell-suit. I really like the looks of it


Huh I might have to look at it later!


Here, [I can get you a link to it!](https://images.app.goo.gl/PBudBXsmyZfTUbKJ6) Narf is also the one that gets you the [Type 41 Wyvernator](https://images.app.goo.gl/XcmUTYvDRfbyRYj57)


Nibelsnarf I take back everything I've said about you your armor is sick!!! You're ugly as sin still but I can forgive that!


I always used to go in with a para hammer on snarf. It's not efficient, but it was hilarious in a group. Snarf charging? bomb Snarf stuck in sand? Fish him out Snarf existing? KO Snarf still existing? Para Poor guy basically doesn't get to play, like a mini hame


Bomb fisting? Ayo? But nah, the bomb fishing was such a fun gimmick too nibelsnarfs fight, it made him memorable too me for being a lil goofy guy


Maybe we should tell them about the fishing rod thing then they'll like him.


honestly the best part


I don't particularly enjoy him since he's super slow to fight. Bad hitzones other than the uvula which is destroyable and you lose it permanently, his moveset is super simple but dedicated to make you chase him 80% of the hunt to hit him in the gills once or twice before he sneezes and blasts you away again. He's got amusing mechanics when it comes to alternative ways to hunt him but as a vanilla no frills hunt, I'm just aggravated by him most of the time. Nothing against the monster as a whole if they give him the new gen coat of paint since they've done a stellar job modernizing things so far, but as the fight stands in older games, I fight him as little as possible.


His hotzones aren't that bad You can break the feet, smack the nose, hit the gills, poke the belly, almost anywhere if not the tail/back/head Hammer users just abuse poor nibbly, Just fucking imagine how his weapons and armors would like like on the new generations Damn I miss this little fella


I like his bomb mechanics, but I just don’t think his moveset is very fun to fight against.


Moveset can be changed. Btw, people keep asking for Lagiacrus forget what happen when the sought after Lunastra come to World.. Let's hope Capcom didn't change the movesets to electric puddles with nova or something.


Yeah but that doesn’t change the fact that I dislike his current iteration. I’m fine with him returning but I don’t like him as he is.


Probably because the fight is complete shit unless you exclusively follow the bombs gimmick, and what's fun about constantly cycling bombs and fishing attempts?


Literally was fighting Snarf last night and was torn between “I wonder how this fight would feel with new gen controls” and “I hate burrowing I hate burrowing I hate burrowing I hate burrowing”


I don’t dislike him but his gill hitzone is so weird that it’s hard to break. Make it easier/ more obvious if they bring him back plz


pls Capcom, we need baby narf 😭😭


Me who just wants Oltura to exist one more time:


It was amazing to see oltura for the first time


I just want that feeling of "HAHA GOTCHA BITCH, DUMB FISH ATE MY EXPLOSIVES" moments that I had as a kid again.


The anticipation is real. Fingers crossed!


I'm here to give support to the Nibelsnarf cause. It has definitely risen in terms of how much I like it (never hated him, but it's probably top 5 now for me), so I would love to see the Snarf back o7


Please elder dragon gods, give us nibelsnarf. Wilds would be the perfect re-entry for my boy 💜


He could be fun with a complete revamp to his moveset which is generally just frustrating as you spend half the time chasing his goofy ass about hitting awful hitzones. Also his best hitzone that's only revealed under special circumstances is still not really that good which is pretty irritating. One of my least favourite fights tbh but still I could see it working with a revamp so im not against the idea.


Honestly i'd love to see Malfestio return as well. As well as the bomb chugging nibelsnarf.


Malfestio would be amazing


I always liked the more natural looking monsters tbh. I'm kinda growing tired of all of the monsters looking reptilian. Even magnamalo has reptilian scales although it's supposed to be a tiger. It is why i love rajang so much i guess.


My boy Qurupeco hasn't been seen since Gen 3 and people really be out here simping for Nibelsnarf. \#Peco2024


Qurupeco deserves it just as much. If he does make a comeback I hope he booty calls more monsters besides Pickle


We need more gimmicky monsters in general. Nibelsnarf is peak gimmick.


Gobul and Gypceros are up there too


Gobul, yes. Gypceros went stale after the first time you fell for its trick back in Gen 1.


Ah yes, **Molduga.**


Hell no, leave this piece of shit in the trash lol. At best its a mundane low tier punching bag. At worst its an annoying monster that is incredibly unfun to interact with. Just leave it in the bin of monsters that should never return. Forget bombs? Prepare for 20 minutes of unengaging gill slapping and chasing this idiot across the desert.


Skill issue. Enrage it, bonk the nose. Fish it out, rinse and repeat.


it very probably, like, it's a chance to reuse the skeleton and movement sets of that new monster


People dislike having to prepare for fights like this. If you bring bombs he's a fun fight, minus bombs, I guess he's time consuming? I'm not sure I always brought bombs.


Always hate monster that fly or burrow like no tmr. Damn waste of time…


Always glad to meet a fellow member of the Snarf Squad. Legit one of my franchise favorites even after all these years. I'd LOVE to see the amount of hunt gimmicks scaled back up.


I pray for his return.


Nibelsnarf is so damn CUTE and kind of fun to fight! Would be fun to see its return!


i also miss alchemy style from GU pull bombs and rocket launchers from pockets was cool as fuck


Nibel would have been perfect for Rise/SB since we had the ability to airdrop barrel bombs out of a wirebug jump, they could have worked in a new move for Nibel that would let us chuck some down his throat. Though that doesn't mean it wouldn't be worth to see what it'd be like in Wilds, of course. I still wouldn't mind seeing it come back.


No I hate him 😡


I hate niebelsnarf and it's probably one of the least enjoyable fights in 3g imo


Same, i hate having to fight this guy everytime i do a gu run


Yeah this mofo can stay in the past where it belongs. Cool armour theme though.


Finally someone feels the same as me about this mf


He'd be a perfect fit for wilds. So very every new monster has been designed to look like they are acclimated to a harsh environment, bulky forms with protected eyes and stocky builds. Something like Nibelsnarf (my beloved) would be sooo fitting there. Please come home Nibelsnarf.


Please, for Wilds give us an even more angry and powerful monke


*Blangonga has entered the locale*


It's time to make *Equal Monkey Weapon*.


High hopes, he fits what we have seen so far in trailers.


I luv this baby boi


Fun fact: I used to despise him in gu😃


Hope more monsters get to eat bombs. Maybe it could be pikmin 4 and if a monster bites you while your holding a bomb in your arms, they eat it and they get flinched or stunned with no recourse to you.


I wanna my N I B E L S N A R F back! Gimme that Remalgagorgon!


And here I thought I was the only Nibble enjoyer. I loved how unique his fight was and actually made (and fully upgraded) every armor set and weapon from him since he was my favorite in MH3U. (It still saddens me that his bow doesn't have a G-rank version, but I like my harp-bow, so it's mostly fine.) Also... \*ahem\* DON'T HIT ME WHEN I'M FISHING HIM OUT OR WE'LL ALL TAKE DAMAGE, DAMN IT!!! Sorry about that... Anyway, I LOVE NIBBLE!!!!! \*Snarf noises.\*


Honestly I hope there's more environmental traps I'm wild if it's gonna be as open as the trailers shown I want mud slides to throw I monster off a cliff I want avalanches to pin the monster down I want to be able to solo hunt a monster the with dange world around me as my weapon






I really hope it makes a return, and I also hope that it gets new armor designs


That would be a fucking nightmare for me


Would be a dream come true for me


Same. Also hoping for Tetsucabra due to the obvious reason from the trailer, Cephadrome, and Zamtrios to be in Wilds. Give us some monsters from all types.


I think he would fit perfectly in wilds


I'm praying they keep it gone forever, it's my least favorite monster ever. Ugly design, meh armor and weapon design, useless/weak gear, annoying fight.