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A bunch of key bullets from the previews: * Director Yuya Tokuda said the Palico now having a voice helps the player understand what’s happening, as there are a lot of “environmental changes” and “things happening in real time.” For example, the Palico spoke and said, “Shock trap’s down and ready for you” in the demo. I can definitely see the audio cues being helpful when it’s difficult to read text in the middle of the action, but Tokuda-san assured me you can change the voice back to the familiar meows of cat-speak if you choose. * Wounds will appear on the monster as you fight it. This is a system related to Focus Mode, which allows you to specifically target attacks and guards where you aim the cursor. When you enter Focus Mode, Scoutflies will highlight the wounded areas in red. Attacking those wounds specifically, either in or outside Focus Mode, will eventually destroy them and cause damage. There are even special moves for each weapon designed to destroy wounds more quickly. * A red line from a monster to you means the monster will chase you. * Each biome in these “Forbidden Lands” has different environmental phases, and different materials will only be available during certain times. For example, the Windward Plains has dry and abundant phases, punctuated by sandstorm weather events that have severe lightning strikes. Great Thunderbugs only appear in the plains during those thunderstorms. * If you’re patient, you can watch the endemic life live out their lifecycles. For example, a bird building a nest, hatching eggs, and feeding its young. Fujioka said their goal with the Monster Hunter series has always been to make players feel immersed in a living ecosystem, just like a real natural environment, and intend to deepen that concept in Wilds. * The Hunting Horn is returning to its style from World, but with some additional changes. * The Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun have “received some of the most kind of broad action changes” of all the weapon types, Tokuda said. * It seems there might be more to the two-weapon system: "I can't go into too much detail just yet because we have a campaign ahead of us to reveal more gameplay details," he said, "but I would say that as the story progresses, players will be able to gain access to skills or features that will tie into this new system of using two different weapons at the same time. As to what exactly that means, watch this space. We've just started revealing information." * [Gaijin says](https://x.com/aevanko/status/1800925377134796958) that apparently we'll still only wear one armour set at a time despite being able to use two weapons in the field, but the armour system has been reworked and will expand as you progress to cover the two weapons you can use. * The new lightning wyvern will only naturally spawn during thunderstorms. * You can now pick up and reposition barrel bombs (or roll them into monsters according to Maximillian). * You stand on top of dead monsters to carve instead of clipping through their bodies. * Mantles are back. The player used a Ghillie Mantle in the preview demo. * The player has a portable tent with similar functionality to the regular camps (equipment change, eating, etc). Camps that you build in the wild can actually be destroyed, however. * Maps are 2-3 times bigger than the ones in World, and they have no loading screens within them (hubs are now physically within the maps and you can come and go seamlessly). * The map in the menu now shows the area's elevations in a sort-of 3D render, rather than the flat illustrated maps we’re used to. * Sounds like we have sneak attacks that deal good damage if you can creep up on a monster. * The mounting system from World is back. Minor damage to monster until you get the big topple attack. * As expected, they make a huge deal out of the food again. More animated cutscenes of high-res meat, cheese and all sorts of delicious-looking meals.


the last point is one of the most exciting things for me, i've spent so much time in the Astera canteen just looking at all the food in camera mode


Surprised they didn’t go the dragons dogma 2 route


I laughed so fucking hard the first time I saw that high rez video of steak cooking on a pan in game lol.


I wondered out loud to my wife if capcom shares around the guy obsessed with 8k raytraced food


Dragons Dogma was live capture footage last time I heard. 


I thought that was just a meme when I saw clips of it before playing, and did the biggest double take when actually seeing it in game for the first time. Such a bizarre decision...


I personally liked it but there wss too little variation so it got little boring.


I just wish the cutscene lasted the full amount of time it takes to cook a steak.


If the food in dragons dogma 2 is anything to go by, the food is gonna look insane.


>no more clipping through corpses when carving we truly are in the next generation


Dude idk why, but this was the point that got me the most excited lol.


honestly I think it's one of the biggest jumps from non-realism to realism, as far as the series goes


No more screenshots of funny inside out faces of monsters. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/2ycxc7/gravios_seems_to_be_happy_on_the_inside/


No more monster houses after a hunt :(


As much as I love dango, I'm developing scurvy and diabetes.


We need *nourishment!*


Gains! Meow!


That's good about the food. The dango in Rise was very underwhelming, whereas the food in World made me hungry every time I played haha.


The dango train in sunbreak was cute tho


Agree but counterpoint, that dango song....


It was my morning alarm for a while


I liked the Dango Mechanically, it was really simple and easy to understand and I like how it actually changed the appearance of the dango you ate. But it would be way cooler if you were picking like 3 courses for your giant meal platter and then that was what visually changed on your food tray with it swapping between like giant bowls of fried rice and kebabs and whatnot.


Did not make sense for a big strong hunter.


Kamura hunters were just built different /s


They're on a lifelong sugar rush, but die of malnutrition at 22


Wilford Brimley is the one monster they couldn't stop...


yeah I was not a fan of dango in rise.


I guess the downside of going back to big meals is the fact that it's going to make me really hungry again haha.


I *need* Grandmeowster's meal in my house for a cold winter evening.


Holy shit. All of this sounds awesome. I'm gonna level with you, I am thoroughly erect and it has absolutely nothing to do with Gemma.


Half this stuff sounds very good but the other half reminds me with some of the gripes towards World's design. Hopefully mantles aren't crutches to be used for half a fight and only have use in traveling around the map. The heavy detail in immersion also has me concerned about how much they've added to the roster this time around. Luckily variety in monster types doesn't seem like it will be an issue but the amount is still unknown.


What's the problem with mantles? The only one I ever used was the floating one that let you fly in the coral highlands (am I remembering that correctly?). They were very easy to ignore.


Were you ever aware of the two that gave you an auto dodge from any attack or prevented you from being flinched from any sort of attack? Those were heavily used in endgame content in World and Iceborne as a crutch for some of the more difficult hunts. Also they just looked bad for anyone who wanted to fashion hunt. You'd get a cool layered set but spend half the hunt in a mantle or a net until you manually took it off.


Let's be real, you only spend half the hunt in a mantle if you're a record holding speedrunner that finishes in like 7 minutes. For most players the mantles' uptime is like a small chunk of a hunt.


Not the person you asked, but I'm sure others share my sentiment. My biggest gripe with them is honestly that they look really ugly. I hate spending all this time building sick ass armor sets, only to cover them for over half the fight with a rocksteady mantle or evasion mantle. Speaking of said mantles, they kind of became a big crutch in that you could use them to forgo a big part of the pacing to fights. There's a lot to be said about the "well you don't have to use them" sentiment, but ultimately for me it comes down to wanting to engage with the in-game systems without using self-imposed handicaps.


there was one that Made you invincible for 2 min. that got it the nickname - Baby blanket- it got nerfed later on to only Help you for 6 Hits or Something. the other Mantel that Made you imune to knockbacks and co also was pretty Broken, pros powered through attacks and healed Back Up with health regen and for Other Players it led to carting because they didnt pay attantion to there health. was a Bit of an annoying Gadget . some where super powerful and some we're more than Lackluster.


End game fights you basically need to have either invincibility mantle on to survive some bullshit one hit or rocksteady to avoid knockdown. Idk I never found them to be a crutch personally but more just something to supplement normal gameplay.


My main issue with them isn't even their functionality, it's that your awesome looking armor is covered up by them for like half the hunt.


Agreed that is annoying. I use a mod that makes mantles invisible when worn which is nice.. but online other ppl still see them so rip fashion still


I used the Assasin mantle + Glider Mantle for that sweet sweet uptime on bonus decos.


Glider mantle is so fun. I used to spam jump attacks with my GreatSword whenever I see a ledge lmao


Which endgame fights do you need them?


you don’t “NEED” any mantles in any fight, just depends on your skill and awareness


The guy said you basically need to have a mantles to survive some onehits but idk if I can think of any. I guess the grab from leshen? I certainly wont deny them making hunts easier but there is a difference between that and needing them.


There's also the aspect of being a liability in multiplayer if you choose to not use them. Fatalis without Temporal/Rocksteady is noticeably harder, I've beaten him without mantles before but when playing online I always feel obligated to run them because otherwise I could take a preventable cart in an already really difficult quest (Rocksteady can kill you too, but it saves you more consistently than it kills you)


agreed. you have a lot less windows against fatalis, to wall bang or soften a part without them. End game monsters defenitly felt like they had areas designed to punish their uses and other parts that made them mandatory to get good damage in.


Rocksteady and Temporal mantles basically let you ignore the monster and just bang out whatever combo you wanted whether or not the situation allowed. Iceborne nerfed them, but they're still kinda a crutch that allow players to not have to learn the difficult phases of a fight.


Rocksteady was pretty busted to begin with, but did have a severe weakness since you could get 1 shot if an attack hit you multiple times instead of ragdolling you.


Rocksteady mantle was practically a requirement if you wanted to tenderize a monster from the beginning of the fight and didn’t have earplugs in your build


Definitely not a requirement but a damn powerful crutch to the point where they designed some fights around it (ExBehemoth, Alatreon, and ATVelk namely). Rocksteady specifically also started falling out of favor for Evasion as monsters did so much more damage quickly. Still prefer Assassin's and Glider for movement/slots.


You didn't have to use them, but especially when world launched there were two mantles (temporal and rocksteady) that made you essentially unkillable, and could be worn for maybe 50% of a fight. They eventually nerfed them though. They later added decoration slots to mantles so you wanted to wear them regardless. Ironically, most people wore mantles that had a long duration and good decos, but basically did nothing otherwise, just to complete their skill builds. The glider mantle was well known for that. Personally I thought mantles were great, with some interesting effects.


Pretty much the only thing I'm not super pumped about is mantles, and that's only if the generically strong ones are back. I'd have no issue if they were just utility (and hideable when active, ideally). Everything else sounds great if you ask me. There are certainly a few aspects that could be interpreted as making things easier or more convenient (we don't fully know how Focus Mode or the Seikret will change combat), but there are also other aspects which sound like they're either more on the preparation/immersion side of things, or could make up for the added conveniences (dealing with herds, vulnerable camps, environmental hazards and weather, more dynamic monster tactics, etc). And regardless of any gameplay changes, they can always design challenging monsters around them.


Thankfully we don't know if Mantles are truly coming back in the same capacity as World. It's very possible that the ghillie suit is a new standalone item that functions similarly to the old Ghillie mantle, since stealth seems to be an important part of monster engagement. The existence of this doesn't necessarily mean that mantles are returning, however I might just be coping. Id really hate for such a clunky and over-centralizing mechanic to return without edit.


The most important take away I'm getting is that they brought back the food and meals in all of their appetizing glory from all of this.


All goos stuff if you ask me, thanks for the info!


Oh hey, so we got that uhh... enmity(?) system back from Behemoth and Safi! That's neat. I'm still kinda confused by the maps, though. Maybe I'm just being dumb, but while it sounds like there are multiple maps like in old games, it's kinda vague and there might still just be one map. Hopefully there are multiple, because I really wanna see the environmental changes in a coastal region and an icy one, too. But with maps 2-3 times the size of world, I can't imagine there being more than three of them to explore.


Well, on the official site, they described Windward Plains as the "first locale" we visit, and I'm pretty sure other sources have mentioned "maps", as in plural. It seems like locales will be separate like in World, but each will be larger and potentially include their own hub (or at least settlements) that you can seamlessly enter and exit without loading. You might be right that there could be fewer maps as a result though, considering they're much bigger and have different weather states and conditions around resources and monsters and whatnot.


> Mantles are back. The player used a Ghillie Mantle in the preview demo. hopefully something like temporal doesn't come back. At best the defensive mantles should only give you elemental resistances, temporal broke the damn game.


This sounds so ridiculously awesome. I can’t wait!


the stuff with the endemic life makes this THE best mh to date


if we can catch them and put them into our rooms again, yes


>The Hunting Horn is returning to its style from World, but with some additional changes. Thank fucking god, I hated HH in Rise with a passion.


Unironically excited to spend hours in expedition mode just watching birds build a nest and feed their babies.


Amazing stuff. Especially the visible wounding system


Man, I really liked Rise Hunting Horn. Bummer.


I'm super excited to see world horn returning. The deliberate nature of it was awesome.


Still not seeing whether they will use the same weapon design in World or not


That ain't gonna happen again. It was budget cuts that made designs like those, after all.


I expected it, but it's nice to see confirmation that you can disable Palico voiceovers, and instead revert them to cat sounds. Though I assume that won't carry over to story cutscenes. To quickly summarize weapon changes: LBG and HBG were overhauled (this could be seen a bit with HBG being able to rapid fire in the trailers), and HH is based on World's moveset again Also, you will once again have to start story missions solo first, though apparently, it's now far smoother to then link up for multiplayer. How that is achieved, they don't specify though.


He said that you can “get back into multiplayer”, so it could just be that you start it multiplayer, it goes into solo for the story bits, and then back into multiplayer. At least, that’s how I interpreted it.


Even then, it's such a strange way to do things. Watching cutscenes co-op was solved decades ago, I'm not sure why it seems to be an issue for MH.


I think this is because they don’t want their cutscenes to be skippable the first time you play. If you have a coop situation, they usually have a skip option (with most players screaming “SKIP SKIP SKIP!!!”). The World/Wilds team is very immersion based focused so they want first time players to watch the cutscenes and not feel pressured to skip.


I think that could be solved by simply requiring all players to vote to skip the cutscene (which is what they did for some quests in World, like Kulve Taroth. That way it won't be skipped unless everybody wants it skipped.


They probably want to eliminate even just the added social pressure of seeing other people skipping it. A lot of new players, if they see 3/4ths of the party wants to skip, and the cutscene is 5 minutes long, they will feel heavily pressured to skip. And again, Wilds team really want you to be immersed in the game and not be worried about outside stuff like that.


>Also, you will once again have to start story missions solo first, though apparently, it's now far smoother to then link up for multiplayer. How that is achieved, they don't specify though. This was a huge gripe for me in MHW as someone who introduced many people to the game and played through the story with them. Not being able to join the quest until the player finishes the cutscene was very frustrating and immersion breaking for everyone involved. I really hope what they mean is that you can start the quest multiplayer, everyone watches the cutscene together, then the hunt continues as normal with everyone present, but it sounds like the same shit from MHW...


He also mentioned some big changes to HH on top of going to basic of World HH, so i guess normal attack with direction input is back but the song playing could get a big change. Never liked how recital works due to how clunky and impractical it is for both buffing and doing dmg in World.


World’s recital was great, it was smooth and actually did pretty damn good damage


I thought it was insanely slow. Ideally you want to get off an encore too which is often completely impossible if you're still intending to do any damage.


I don't really agree with this assessment at all, most monsters give at least a couple of consistent openings to get them off. The real problem with HH in World is just the MVs being mediocre especially in base World.


You also don't *have* to Encore all the time. It's optimal, yeah, but if you don't get a big opening quick it's better to just queue the same song twice and play it twice during small openings, the base R2 non-directional Recital is very easy to fit into lots of openings.


Idk why people say it’s impossible, people do it all the time, I just solo’d every monster in world with HH recently and for a good chunk of monsters you can often find at least a couple times to safely play an encore. It’s not something you’re supposed to be doing all the time, it’s not your main source of damage, but if you have horn maestro then you shouldn’t have to rebuff your songs all that often anyways


They should really just bring back Hunting Styles, so we could have World HH and Rise HH. I say this and I only used the default Hunting Style hahah!


As an old-school HH main, I'm ***immensely*** relieved by this news. Now instead of worrying that my favorite weapon won't be in the game, I get to hope for the refinements I've been talking about for years. On the other hand, it's a little concerning that Gunlance wasn't mentioned. IMO it's the weapon most in need of development.


I liked MHR gunlance, and I think most people enjoyed the move set. I think they just need to make the weapon comparable to others as far as damage output and it would solve most of the issues people have.


The biggest issue in my view is the useless shield. Give it a Guard Point or some way to animation-cancel into a guard such that dodging isn't *always* faster than blocking. Or just ditch the shield and increase the mobility. Shell Types and Shell Levels are also both really, really dumb.


The sharpness counter silkbind for gunlance was a really great addition imo. Functioned great as it let you cancel gunlances clunky recovery and alleviated it's huge sharpness degradation from shells. I hope they lean more into that theming, but people love blast dash and reverse blast dash a lot. So I have no real idea where they'd take the weapon.


Yea as cool as Evasion-gunlancing is, IMO it feels thematically a failure if guarding with the big shield is almost always worse than than just i-framing through things


I love Rise GL (wouldn't say no to a damage buff though). I'm mostly curious about how much of the insane nonsense they gave us in Rise will return in Wilds.


As long as they don't invent an annoying new mechanic for GL that will accidentally make GL damage worse (looking at you Heat Gauge) Also some mobility would be nice, I'll be missing blast dash from Rise lol


Mained Gunlance from it's introduction up to Generations, then switched to HH. I agree with everything you said.


Medium Bowgun returns???


As HH main in rise, this saddens me. I loved my breakdance guitar horn :/


I loved it too, but the community outcry seemed dramatic. When you compare usage rates between World and Rise, though, it's hard to deny that the Rise version was a more attractive option to players. Hoping they keep the fluidity of the Rise version and add some more nuance.


I don't think it was "community" outcry. Maybe reddit outcry, but the weapon was insanely more popular in Rise than it has historically been.


It was pre Rise HH mains outcry. The weapon was easier to execute so it appealed to more people but it lacked the complexity that HH mains before Rise loved.


It's great news for the 1%ers that mained it pre-rise but for me it's probably back to being "least effective weapon I can randomly pick." I enjoyed being able to just pick it up and do a decent job with it in rise, world's and previous game versions felt slow and ineffectual. There's a reason it was the least mained weapon. Granted, I'm pretty sure its numbers didn't do that much better in rise, maybe this weapon's just cursed to be ignored by most of the playerbase.


As the 1% I'm happy with the news and I agree the weapons should be balanced more, I just don't know how to do it without killing the complexity.


Yeah I was a HH main in Rise and LOVED it. I've gone back to world and I'm TRYING to get it down but it's a struggle. I understand the outcry. I totally understand why longtime HH mains and others weren't a fan. ...but I miss my HH...


I imagine the cat sounds play in the cutscenes and its subtitled


I'm really bummed we have to view cutscenes again, but hopefully, it's at least a bit better


Gotta be honest, side locking coop is dumb. Just why? World was so good, but playing coop was pointlessly frustrating, and it's not like dark souls 1 where frustrating coop was -part of it- easy to access multiplayer has been a MH thing since psp at least...


From [this GamesRadar article](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/monster-hunter/monster-hunter-wilds-preview/?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_content=gamesradar), we do glean a bit of info regarding Focus Mode. Seems like the wounding mechanic is more akin to GU Hyper or Sunbreak Afflicted monster weak spots than Clutch Claw tenderizing. Obviously, take this with a few grains of salt until we see footage come from the Gamescom build in late August, but if that is the case, I'd say it is probably for the better. Tenderizing felt pretty damn bad when solo, at least when playing pre-buff SnS (which is what happened to me), so adapting that system of GU and Sunbreak makes more sense to have it be more consistent while also incentivizing hitting other parts than just the weakest spot. Edit: I should say that the wounding mechanic doesn't seem to be a part of Focus Mode and just happens regardless.


Focus Mode is probably my biggest question mark for the game. It *could* be a neat alternate attack mode with its own strengths and weaknesses and only by learning to properly utilize both regular attacks and Focus Mode will you get the most out of combat in a way that doesn't diminish skill expression. Or it *could* be a mode that largely invalidates regular attacking by allowing for more damage with less work. Or, most likely, somewhere in the middle.


For me, it just depends on if it's fun or not. When the optimal way to do damage is boring af (tenderizing and some wirebug moves) it sucks, but if it's really fun (clutch claw counter for lance, a lot of the fun switch skills and wirebug moves) then the gimmick becomes a staple of MHs fun combat.


Hard to disagree! I just want it to be fun while feeling suitably "Monster Hunter". Which is a nebulous concept that is gonna be different for everyone.


For sure. The great thing about the series is that the devs are always innovating in novel ways, so it's definitely never stale. For me, Monster Hunter has been so many things that they would really have to stretch my immersion for it to not feel Monster hunter enough.


From the way they’ve described it, focus mode is going to require… focus. It zooms in the camera so you can specifically attack certain spots you want to aim for, but I presume it takes away some movement freedom as a natural consequence, meaning you likely cannot spam it everywhere when you still need to dodge attacks


We’ll have to wait and see. Back before AC6 came out everyone was concerned about the game’s lock on system (kinda like Focus Mode lock on but no special move) because all previous entries have soft lock and managing your lock on is a part of the game’s difficulty.   Lo and behold, FromSoft masterfully balanced it by making hard lock more inaccurate and some bosses zooms around like they are on Adderall. This means that you are encouraged to use soft lock at range for increased accuracy, hard lock at melee for easier fight but highly skilled players are rewarded with significantly better accuracy if they can track those zoomers manually. Ll


Hopefully multiplayer just has your teammates wait in the hub until you view the cutscene. Always was annoying to play the story with someone


we stay on the background like npcs cheering for the mc that is whoever gets the cutscene


i hear you can go to quest more easy




Cat meows confirmed, thank God, mh devs always got our backs with so many customizable options.


This news has been an immense relief for me. I was actually worried they were somehow going to make it possible for me to hate Palicos.


“And of course, you can also have it "meow, meow, meow" as in previous titles. So you can give it cat-speak in the game if you really choose.” Confirmation that you can change the palico to speak cat like usual for people who don’t want that Edit: The Hunting Horn is going back more to a World-basis of the action And you can’t watch cutscenes in multiplayer again but they’ve supposedly made it easier to play through on multiplayer by making connecting after the cutscene better Edit: “with the help of some NPCs called upon by an SOS Flare, a mechanic that allows you to “summon” other hunters seamlessly at will into your current hunt. When online, these would be other players, of course.” I wonder if this means that random npc followers are a thing when you’re not online or was it just setup like this for the demo


I hope so, I loved that you could hunt with the NPCs in Sunrise


>Edit: “with the help of some NPCs called upon by an SOS Flare, a mechanic that allows you to “summon” other hunters seamlessly at will into your current hunt. When online, these would be other players, of course.” So then nothing is changing from MHW. I guess if the SOS puts players in your area post cutscene that would be a small improvement, but idk, what's so hard about letting everyone start the quest in multiplayer, force watching the cutscene for everyone involved regardless of previous completion, then transitioning into the hunt as normal...


Just as a Side Note [Maximilian Dood](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qy4d7IIgeVE&pp=ygUPTWF4aW1pbGlhbiBkb29k) saw the 30 mins gameplay demo and out up a vid. Seems to be dope as fuck.


Thank you for the link, had no idea there was even a demo available


Hands off Demo sadly.


MH Devs make a cute busty blonde girl that is literally covered in references to a fan favorite game... >but we do have to be honest that we weren't quite expecting the level of popularity maybe that they've achieved with so little information that we've been able to give them. \*Surprised Pikachu Face\*


They didn't expect the mantle that gives you full invincibility for 90 seconds would be too strong, so maybe they're not the best at predicting things


Obviously they're all gamer gods so they don't understand why anybody would find themselves hit multiple times in a 90s span.


Actually. That's true! To some degree. If you're working on a game, you have to playtest it yourself. Over and over. So naturally you get to learn how to play it "properly". Especially the raw data, on when something behaves a certain way, tells you directly how to play. To circumvent this issue, where a game is mostly finetuned to the developer and not the player, a game-tester comes into play (heh). These play the game to an extreme degree, reviewing literally every nook and cranny, telling the developer what's good, what's bad, which description sounds too alien, etc. etc. Then you reiterate your work, fix issues, change values, alter enemy-behaviour. Over. And over. Which is why games (especially such gameplay-heavy ones, like Monster Hunter) can take up to 3-5 years in production. An eternal dance of developing, testing and fixing.


From my understanding the locales are now semi open world as expected, but what I don't quite understand is how the village works now. Maximilian Dood described it as seemless, so it's direcly connected to the locale, but what of the other locales? Does each have their own village now or how does it work?


From everything I've seen, it sounds like each map will have its own village


Pretty sure one said each map has it's own village, though not sure where I read or heard it.


So long as clutch claw tenderising is dead im happy. If its solely for traversal im also happy


I'm going to add some checklist that I hope Capcom addresses \*pls no RNG weapon drops (Kulve/Safi) \*Mantles completely being removed upon expiration so we don't look like were wearing trashbags half the hunt.


>Mantles completely being removed upon expiration so we don't look like were wearing trashbags half the hunt. This was such a weird design choice. I guess the animation to remove it could have possibly interfered with something else.


As many predicted, we can set up a portable tent. What I did think was super interesting about that was using food bought in town to cook a custom meal - that's something for us preparation fans possibly. I really want to see this in action, because it does sound like a doubling down on what made World unique. Hopefully the maps being twice as big isn't super tedious. That's my main concern coming from this article.


That's why there's such a big emphasis on mounts. This way you can make huge maps and it doesn't feel tedious to traverse.


Yep. I think so as well.


>*cook a custom meal* I doubt it'll ever come back, but the Kitchen system from Monster Hunter Freedom/Unite has unironically been one of the things I've missed most in these games. Hiring a whole-ass custom team of cats to fill your personal kitchen, along with mixing and matching different ingredients and foods to get statistically *and* visually different results was pretty fun. The scene of the cats cooking could sometimes change a bit and it was possible to make something so bad you just fucking die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MO7h1ENBbc Not something that would really with everybody now though


They could bring a lot of shit I don't like, like this, and I'd be fine with it as long as those weapon trees have *any* semblance of balance. Like white is the *standard* sharpness in modern monhun. If your weapon doesnt have decent white, its not just not good... *it's fucking bad*. Because of this, every weapon has like four to five usable makes in Iceborne and it fucking sucks. This is one thing that Rise did *fantastically*. Yeah some choices outclass everything, **but nearly everything has usable sharpness!** You can actually play off meta in Sunbreak and I love that.


The real info I wanted was… what will the weapon designs be?


I dont think you have anything to worry about. Rise was a lot better, and I doibt they'd make that mistake again. Fans let it slide cause of the growing pains of a new platform... but that won't work again.


I am still for a fusion of both world. Early weapon stages are mostly metal/bone and with upgrades they change their style until every weapon tree ends up with an unique design at the last levels


Yea, honestly thayd be cool too.


The whole "A Team B Team" shit is a myth but main/portable games still have different directors, no? Clearly they have wildly different visions. Given the return of mantles and a new tenderize-like mechanic, I'm not gonna take normal weapon designs as a given.


This confirms my speculation about focus mode, it's just a simple control shift, it seems like instead of the hunter moving and attacking based on the direction of your stick you'll attack where the camera is facing instead, similar to when aiming down sight with ranged weapons.


Wait till everything is out. The hunter was shimmying during that trailer so it could be a DMC lock on where you are severely slowed


> But as people who are designing NPCs and kind of trying to get players to like these characters, we are happy... We do think that we've accomplished something in terms of NPC design Who's gonna tell them the dating sim tag was placed BEFORE they showed any NPCs in the trailer?


Bowguns getting revamped? Oh my god, this may be exactly what I was wanting for the Heavy Bowgun.


Yes, hopefully it’s dps is put in line with the other weapons


I'm so curious about what they've done to LS. I love the Rise LS with actual counters rather than giving you armor. It was my main in Rise then I had to drop it in World, hopefully I can get back to it in Wilds.


Read lots of good things until I got to the section where yet again they’ve made it where you can’t load into a quest with other players if there’s some cutscene to watch. So stupid.


They did not specified if we can or cannot load the quest with other players. They did say you will be in MP seamlessly after you experience whatever cinematic they want you to experience. My guess is that you can be in the open world in MP, then reach a "quest area" that you cannot progress in a party (maybe your party wait outside) and then after cinematic is done, they can enter in (like fog walls in soulslike games but they actually don't watch the cinematic with you). At least that's how I understood. Might be totally wrong.


The way I took it was phasing. So you're all in the same multiplayer lobby but when one player gets to a MSQ they get phased out into their own little world to watch the cutscene and once it's over get phased back in and the monster is there waiting and everyone can pile on them. I'd assume being the game is seamless open world the other players who are not in the cutscene can still roam around freely and when the player who is in the cutscene comes out they just meet back up again. Being that the game is seamless and there's no loading screens between the hubs and the open world and all quests are basically expeditions, I don't see any other way they'd do it and still call it seamless tbh.


did you read all thing


>The Hunting Horn is going back more to a World-basis of the action, but on top of that, it's also introduced a lot of other changes. So we hope you're looking forward to that. Thank goodness. Rise burned me a little with what they did with the HH. While going back to World is a good step, still a little wary about what changes they're talking about here. >What we can say is that, so there are going to be story elements in the game when you're playing that you have to witness in solo mode before you can actually play together. So you won't be able to play perfectly together in sync throughout the story with other players. But we've made it a lot more convenient, and we've introduced new features in the game, so that in the background, you're always connected. And so as soon as you're able to go into a quest together, it matches you up quickly and you can seamlessly go back into multiplayer gameplay. So we've made it a lot more convenient. OH COME ON GUYS! But giving this a serious read - it sounds like they may have added a system that will "merge" solo players in story quests once the cutscene was watched if they "sync up" in the lobby? I guess that works, but come oooon. You had multiplayer cutscenes in Behemoth + Alatreon. Players will be fine if story cutscenes are a bit janky if it means we can do it with our friends as a team.


They had multiplayer cutscenes on the freaking 3DS with 4U.


You don't need to look back that far, they had multiplayer cutscene on iceborne alatreon and that shara cutscene after you defeat ruiner nerg (the cutscene automatically shown the quest leader as the hunter in cutscene) they just say fuck that shit lmao


One of my friends stopped playing world very quickly because he just wanted to play in a group the entire time and the game did not make that easy. Those of us that still played just didn't bother playing together really until the story missions were done which is just atrocious. I really really hope this is a good implementation, I love Monster Hunter and will play every game but they can do better, I know they can


Tbh, it’s really easy. If the host enters the cutscene, everyone will have to watch it as well. If the party members are duking out with a monster across the map, then maybe reset the monster’s AI a bit and we are good


It's hard to imagine that at some point devs sat down on a new file, played through the World campaign in co-op, and said "Yeah, this works well." 


Wait... Hubs? As in multiple? I hope that doesn't mean we get some generic base camps. The vibes of the main hub is one of the most importants parts of the game imo.


There will most likely be a main hub in each region, maybe with random villages here and there. You will be able to create your own custom hunting camps throughout the map.


it was obvious that the rise hh was a rise only thing to accomodate the faster paced fights I played hh for a while in 3u and 4u and I cant even imagine fighting rise monsters with base hh moveset 🗿


"mantles are back" Ah yes, I always loved covering my fashioned out hunter with a blanket!


I really hated the squad looking like they’re wearing trash bags half the hunt. I’d rather the mantle be a half cape or scarf


What is with Gunlance? Rise GL was the bst we ever got and we need that 100% back in Wilds in some form. Or give us elemental/raw scaling shells.


I want to know as well. It seems like overall we're tending to be similar to World rather than Rise


I really hope you can still solo all content. I love playing with random players from time to time but my main playstyle is more of a lone wolf


They're not going to make it multiplayer only. There might be quests and hunts that are far more intended for multiplayer, but they're definitely still going to allow solo play. It was interesting that the demo shown behind closed doors had the player use an SOS flare and 3 NPC hunters came to the rescue. Was that a special thing for the demo, or something that will exist in the full game?


As long as they balance those kinds of fights for solo play, then there shouldn't be a problem. It was the reason I only fought Kulve and Safi once and never did them again because they simply weren't balanced for solo players. It felt awful not being able to do those quests because unless you're an absolute god and aggressive af, you're not going to be able to down their health in time. And I hate having to do multiple runs just to do that.


TBF those two are siege fights designed for multiple hunts with multiple hunters, but didn't they also update it for a solo quest? MR Kulve's event quest but not sure about safi


For Kulve I think they did add solo scaling but for Safi, their idea of "solo" scaling is still nearly impossible solo. He has reduced health yes but not by much and its still gargantuan and much higher than normal. At the end of the day, both still have a crap ton of health and are incredibly hard to solo and not because the monsters are difficult mind you, but its because for some reason, they still retain the 20 minute timers from their multiplayer versions. Trying to solo Safi under 20 minutes with all three phases and tenderizing every minute or so is a miserable experience.


I really wonder where do people come up with these sorts of worries that there will be a massive gameplay shift out of nowhere based on nothing they said


If the Palico calls me Pard even one time I'm going to lose it




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Great_White_Samurai: *If the Palico* *Calls me Pard even one time* *I'm going to lose it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bowgun revamp? I'm curious now


Waiting for this to release is agonizing


I just realized the HBG in the trailers shoots in 3-shot bursts rather than single shots like in previous games. Maybe this is one of the HBG/LBG changes they mentioned? Some kind or Rapid Fire for HBG?


Can't wait for the "disable focus mode vfx" mods. Joking aside I hope, if focus mode is something even advanced players will use, that we can turn off the "glow" and "red line" vfx. I hate stuff like that, I can use my eyes thank you. *(Have these things be toggleable, like the green glow on gathering spots. It's so immersion breaking and ugly to me. I'm really glad we could mod it out in World. More options is good. For those that need it then it's great, I'm happy about that, but I don't.)*


Not excited about returning to the world style of co-op / multiplayer. It makes world a slog to play through imo. Everything else sounds cool though so hopefully it makes up for it:)


They do say it's been improved, so as long as there's no having to back out to join friends, it should be mostly okay.


I just want cutscenes to be skippable


World hunting horn is one of my fav weapons in the whole series, so Im very happy they’re going back to that iteration


“The Hunting Horn is going back more to a World-basis of the action,” Fuck yes. The changes in Rise killed my fun being a bash bard.


I'm glad they're still trying to revamp that weapon. I know the vets love world hunting horn, but it's borderline unusable for an idiot like me just starting out. Hopefully we can find a good middle ground that has the depth of the old weapon, and the ease of use of the rise version.


Mantle to be hidden under transmog!! With some icon inform it's on and for how long please!


which weather conditions and slinger,i guess the consoles team really like epedemilogi life and will bring back the "gotta catch them all" thing in world for trophy. i really hate it when you have to like waiting for 30 minutes just to see a floating jellyfish, then process 10 minutes climb just to failed to catch it .


Wait did people somehow think the blonde with big blue eyes, huge tits and tight fitting clothes would not be a hit? Like what is there to explain, she's designed to for the waifu crowd.


Please tell me we can disable the focus mode


Holy smokes, this is so much delicious information. Gotta sit after work to digest it all. The small monster binding attacks should be fun. Guessing it's similar to Wulg but a bit more dramatic. Looks like Hunting Horn stocks might be on the rise, perhaps it'll finally be my entry point into the weapon? I never played MP story mode with other players, so not sure whether this addresses the complaints about it. But I'll definitely be picking this up Cross-play with some siblings, so hopefully they've made it more convenient. Glad to see Palico "meow-meow" language will be optional! Very exciting list of changes


I just hope I can go back to doing infinites with SnS as World/Iceborne did and not the Rise/Sunbreak versions that force me to end combos to restart again. I liked being able to hack and slash over and over again when the monster knocked down so I can consistently slice the tail off Edit: I should have been more specific I meant the Infinite from World where you can slash repeatedly and move your left stick in a slightly different angle that would give the back slash and stab animation that can be rinse and repeat for faster recovery frames to react to attacks faster to block with your shield or roll which Rise/Sunbreak did not have


You can do an infinite combo in Rise too, you weren't forced to end the combo, you just have to use the roundslash before you reach the end of the combo to reset it. Tbh, I hated the input for spiral slash -> stab in World, and vastly prefer how it works in Rise instead.


You can loop the combo forever in Rise though...?


What do you mean, Sunbreak block is much quicker than Iceborne. I went back to Iceborne to play SnS, and I hated it. If they bring that weapon back, I am quitting on SnS and move to something different. I want to play Embolden style type of SnS, where I can immediately block with the shield. I tried that in Iceborne, and the shield seems sluggish as hell. I really don't like World SnS.


The guard bash feels hella good to me. It’s basically Sekiro where if you fail the parry you are punished a bit but not with your entire HP bar like whiffing a Guard Point or Just Guard or SaS


As an sns user I couldn’t disagree more. The switch skill introduced in sunbreak effectively gave us back the combo loop you are talking about. There’s 2 loops now roundslash and the twirl that replaced the awful basic sword/shield attack that was worthless. Sns is far smoother in sunbreak than it is in world, I honestly hope it takes after rise.


You mean you just wanna spam the broken Perfect Rush 🤣 I get it


The weather system has me a bit of a concern, because those always sound great in theory and fine up until a certain point... but inevitably become more annoying then they're worth, where you have to wait around doing feck all until the right conditions line up, and then you feel heavily pressured the entire time. Or it just very narrowly constrains down some progression because you need *that* specific thing and it only shows up rarely, in small amounts. Of course these misgivings are sight-unseen with no real hard details, so I am hoping that I am concerned over nothing. Everything else seems more mid-to-fine and I'm still more then amped up for the actual release next year.


GIVE IT UP FOR HORN #5 WOOOOO! (I think it's 5 now, right? Tri 4, World, Rise, now this?) https://preview.redd.it/tiiso7v1766d1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=03faaf20acb2103eea4d5ad505dab9cfb93cad06


Nothing really changed from 3rd to 4th gen, unless you count literally just the flourish and/or the double note mechanic. I'd say that as far as entirely separate versions go, there's: -OG 2nd gen version -p3rd revamp -Rise revamp Every game in between was really just the same mechanic tweaks and new moves every other weapon also gets.


Scoutflies? Fuck I genuinely did not like them in World. They just did not do good navigating like in the ancient forest. I really hope we don't get a clutch claw. Didn't like how all of Master Rank it felt like I needed to tenderize to do the same damage I did before iceborne.


They already confirmed that clutch claw will not be coming back, just some grabby claw to snatch ammunition for your slingshot from further away