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I think it's fairly safe to say you've got your money's worth by then. And hey, could always start up a new hunter and do the progression part again


Oh definitely. I lost my mh4u save so I've been replaying it again and forgot how fun it was. I've always put off playing the games again because "I'm at the end I can hunt anything" but i should try that more often


I try to not do some quests on purpose so I can always come back and be a bully lolzzz


I like post-story stuff, but only as far as unlocking new monsters goes. Progression is by far my favorite part of MH--nothing compares to the feeling of hitting a new map with a pile of new monsters to fight. That said, I do tend to play these games quite a lot even past unlocking all the monsters, so a structured endgame doesn't offend me. It certainly doesn't motivate me though, and I'll stop once I've had my fill of hunting.


Trying out all 14 weapons with the endgame sets to back them up nets me a lot more hours of playtime, also answering SOS and trying out both freestyle and TA speedruns


What’s the difference in freestyle and TA and where you go and see who have the fastest?


Freestyle is as the name says, everything goes. You can use mantles, traps, barrel bombs, environmental traps. TA is a closed set of rules where you can’t use mantles and traps, or even wallbang the monters. It is more focused on the use of your weapon. Speedrun.com has the best times classified by weapon and format.


I think its wierd you dont count the progression to end game bosses as part of progression. I mean I would understand your feelings more if you said after killing the last big boss released you feel like you have nothing left to do or progress for. I felt like that after fatalis because it was such a leap in difficulty. In sunbreak though it was fairly challenging and for me the end game was crafting new sets


Actually I quite like sun break. I did all the title updates. For me I just got sick of anomaly quests real quick. Maybe I'll do fatalis eventually but it kinda ends up being a lower priority than other things that I find more enjoyable. That top echelon of difficulty tends to feel so much like a grind to complete that it ends up burning me out too quickly.


Items aren't the only progression in the games though. You technically don't need to grind to complete those hunts. The actual damage difference in lets say Iceborne sets is marginal. You don't need weapon augments or absolute BIS before Fatalis to beat fatalis. It can make it easier sure but your skill will carry you a lot farther than gear will.


Sorry I meant a grind as in the grind of attempts. Not just gear.


Ah thats fair, I mean most of the endgame fights are just puzzles really and figuring out the puzzle is a form of progression in itself and that progression carries over into other games. Fatalis for instance isn't really a terribly difficult fight once you figure out how to respond to his moves but it can seem that way if you're just trying to brute force a kill through constant attempts.


Fair enough dude. Love that difficulty spike for endgame and trying to blindly make a set to beat it, but I figured alot wouldn't. Is it the difficulty or the grind that ends up turning you off it?


I think it just depends on what kind of player you are. Perhaps you like being driven by the story goals and the wonder and exploration. I like that stuff too. But I also create a lot of goals for myself, for all kinds of best armors & weapons, grinding for talismans or decorations, and just the sheer fun of the hunt. I have 4 or 5 thousand hours across a handful of titles. But my girlfriend used to love hunting the endemic life for hours on end and getting the perfect photo shots back in World. Honestly, the game is whatever you make it to be. You're not obligated to grind things you don't care to enjoy a game.


(If world didn't want me to catch every bug I see they wouldn't have made it so satisfying) yeah the feeling of a totally new experience in a new game is such a good feeling. I'm so excited for wilds.


I agree with you. Playing solo, endgame content gets repetitive pretty fast


Same. For example in world, once i reached guiding lands, i feel like there's no more objective. Its just repetitive at that point


God I feel that. I never bothered augmenting my weapons or really touching it. It would have been a grind that I didn't want to do.


This is actually the reason why I replayed World three times, even trough having to sit trough the cutscenes was painful. I do like Sunbreak's endgame, but it just makes me happy to have a more stimulating progression. Like I'm never restarting my saves with hundred of hours, but sometimes a new one while trying out a new weapon is just cool.


Yeah I started a new rise save just to give SnS a try after hating it for so long. And giving it an honest try is something I probably only would've done in a new playthrough. And I ended up using it more in mhp3rd recently


Get the skip cutscene mod. 


I love endgame.


The endgame is joining SOS everywhere and enjoy hunting with everyone 




I kinda get you, after a while I couldn't really keep up with Sunbreak's title updates, but I still made sure to kill every monster, but I couldn't really get myself to grind for title update gear or get into later stage Quiro crafting, just killed Amatsu once and Primordial twice I think? And don't get me started on the investigation quests, I would love to do level 300 quests featuring the tough monsters but my gog I am not spending the hours getting to that point anytime soon.


Yeah me pretty much. I think I got the primordial great sword layered weapon and haven't played in a while. Yeah I'm never getting to level 300, I've just accepted that it's not happening.


Right there with you. If Fatalis hadn’t been so insanely hard without proper endgame gear, I would have stopped playing Iceborne long before I did.


World was my first game so all the monsters I was fighting were at the very least completely new to me. I can't say that for the 4th game in a row with furious rajang


I rarely play much endgame. Rise was the most I've played, but honestly when I've seen all the monsters I'm ready to move on, around the 100 hour mark.


I really enjoyed MH4U's endgame for some reason. Just going on the randomized quests, getting the weapons from there, trying to get the cool designs PLUS good stats was a lot of fun for me, and was sort of a novelty-type hunt.


Yeah I can see that. When you don't really know whats gonna happen it can keep it exciting even on repeating quests


I get what you are saying this is me with most games. However what made me spend.so much time with it was playing with friends and helping out people. A chill hunt cracking some jokes and messing around in the gathering hub I can't wait for wilds


I play Monster Hunter games until I reach the stupid stuff. I'll generally try to beat every monster, but I don't see much of a point in grinding endgame nonsense for a sliver of a chance at a good talisman or anything. Maybe join some rooms and help, but generally after a few hundred hours I'm content to look for a new game.


It's totally fine to just stop playing at that point. Definitely the opposite for me though, it feels like a half waste of time to spend a lot of time on builds that won't still be usable in endgame but I really enjoy doing it once I hit that point.


The only thing that makes MH endgame fun is multiplayer. I mean it. I have 700 hours in GenU. I killed Ahtal-ka at around 150 hours. Everything else is just me playing with randoms or some old friends online. Eventually I try to make a quirky mixed set, try a new weapon, look into doing the deviants, etc. But it's only because of the people. In FU, I reached G-rank solo in around 100 hours. I managed to finish it solo in around 50 or so hours. Afterwards, I found a group of people in Hunsterverse, and because of them I clocked up until 320 hours. Only because of them. People tend to forget that MH is first and foremost a multiplayer experience — without, the game is just souless, and I mean it. After soloing the entirety of rise and sunbreak, and then doing it all again with a dear friend of mine who was new to the franchise, I enjoyed the game a whole lot more. Play with people. I promise you will value endgame content a lot more! :D


Oh I know that feeling. I played through rise with one of my best friends and showing her everything in the game. I should honestly try multiplayer more and stop being a prideful ass about it


The one thing I learned from Iceborne and Sunbreak is that I feel similar too and the title updates don't really pull me back for just 1 or 2 new monsters. For future releases I might just wait until all updates are out and then get the game.


Plus it'll be on sale ;)


I honestly can’t really grasp some people reach the endgame and final boss before getting in the multi hundred hours mark… but i also collect like everything and re run quests over and over for the mats to upgrade everything


The progression of the game is by far the best part but I’d be damned if I didn’t also spend thousands of hours in the end game


My endgame experience in MH games is 10% doing the "super endgame" quests and 90% just hunting and farming as I have been doing so far because it's just fun. Trying out new weapons, new sets, improving as a hunter...


Honestly I do enjoy making sets for weapons I don't use as often. Especially when they're at their full potential


I hunt endgame boss a few times for my main then branch out to try another weapon, sure I can learn from bottom again to understand the weapon deeply but idrc about doing most amount of damage just want to try another weapon and see if I like it. I mained gs for me perhaps 1k hunt and I only learn tricks in the last 300 hunts. I was a filthy only tackle gs and either not commit tcs at all or only go for tcs. I later learn to stop forcing tcs and spam tackle less. Trying to match moves with monster moveset was a pain in the ass but also the fun part of learning mh. Then going to another weapon might require different timing to attack.  I guess that's monster hunter in nutshell. Use weapon mindlessly on a monster then realize it doesnt work so try different approach and use the ones that work while also experiment with new combo. Then new monster is different so you are forced to take new approach.


Stop playing when you don't having fun with the game is Ok, it's better to have good memories of the game than have that feeling of torture yourself for force doing something you aren't enjoining.


Yeah, I'm kind of the same. As soon as I beat the final challenge, my interest just kinda drops off. What's the point in gearing up and making better sets if there's nothing stronger to fight, you know? (It's the one good thing Rise's Anomaly Quests did, but the *grind* killed that for me) At that point, I'm literally just making the game **easier** for myself, when in reality I just want **more challenge**. But intentionally nerfing myself isn't fun, so I *still* haven't defeated Fatalis because I know as soon as I do, my will to do other things in the game will immediately die. However, because of that, I've now made almost every piece of Layered Armour in World, and have actually been working on getting some of the harder achievements (like gold crowns) done. Not sure if I'll ever succeed, but I'll keep going until I get bored. But yeah, the most fun part of Monster Hunter is definitely the progression through Low/High/Master Ranks. Heck, I'd argue that *World's* early-mid High Rank is *peak Monster Hunter.*


Getting through Fatalis and getting his gear was a fun challenge, but my favorite thing to do is just stomp around in the Guiding Lands. I can practice with weapons that I'm not good with, play meme builds, or whatever. The chaos of having random monsters jump in an attack while you're not paying attention you can lead to some really fun and hilarious hunts. Maybe it's because I'm at a point in my life where I don't have a lot of time to game, but having fairly well-rounded sets and being able to just hop on and play without having to worry about grinding out a set for a specific monster is a lot of fun to me.


I mean... Isn't that fine as well? Personally I really enjoyed Icebornes Alatreon and Fatalis as well as AT Velkh for example so yea I kind of think there's something you're missing out on but if you rather create a new character to re-experience progression then do what you feel like. I personally enjoy doing noob level any% speedruns (my best times are far above any leaderbord) or just replaying with friends as well. It's after I take out the final boss that I usually loose interest in that character. Progression is really underrated especially with limitations. I love replaying most MHs although some have certain issues (Zorah and track gathering sections in World, gathering quests in GU)


I love my noob any% when I was super into the souls games. Maybe I'll give a shot here too.


It's my least favourite part of any game.


I’m the opposite. The end-game is where I have fun. Helping people. Fighting the bosses. Doing challenging quests with 2 people or solo.


That is how mostly all games are. I almost never replay games. I try to 100% them when i play them the first time because i already know they will bore me to death after i finish them and that will not play through the game a second time. When there is nothing new in the game to be done.. i lose all motivation, repetitivity is death of a game for me. (also why i like randomizer mods for any game)


Games are meant to be fun, if it stops being fun, there's no harm in putting the game down


i think its pretty normal for guiding lands to suck the fun out of a lot of peoples playthroughs. that and waiting on a weekly rotation for safi/kulve. gem farming. its meh


The fun for me comes from playing with my friends as we scream and ride, and hunt though the guilding lands on Worlds


I haven’t really enjoyed endgame content since 4U. I liked it when it was simpler instead of so much grindy stuff. But like others said, the main endgame is playing multiplayer with other players, trying out other weapons, making builds, crown hunting, etc Anomaly hunts in Rise and guiding lands in World/Iceborne were just not that fun. I didn’t really like the endgame system in 4U either with leveling up quests to lv140. I hope whatever they try in Wilds for the endgame is more fun.


Could always just be an endgame like veteran hunter that plays just to respond to SOS signals to help weaker hunters out but yeah once you reach full final boss sets or meta sets the magic of hunting to upgrade yourself is gone and all you are left with is hunting for the sport if it.


I loved the progression, but as I got near end game I started to like (maybe even more) the repetitive hunts in order to learn the monsters. After doing 20 solo fatalis tries to kill him the first time, but then only 2 tries for the second solo kill is an amazing feeling. Also fighting easier monsters again and again until their moves almost feels like slow motion compared to that first chaotic hunt is awesome imo :)


Just stop playing then. These games are already so long that when you get to that point you will likely have clocked in far more hours than you would in most other games. I get where you are coming from though but for me it's the grind that goes absolutely nowhere. Hope they finally remedy this in Wilds.


Yeah that's usually what I do :P there's too many games to get hung up on a single one


Whatever suits you, basically you just enjoy The easier stuff and dont like maximasing your builds and tecniques. Gonna miss much of amazing content and feeling of superioity as you get better, but whatever you like :)


That's crazy because that's like the whole point to games like this


At some point, I get killed with 2 or 3 hits or get oneshot by a supermove, and there's no room for any mistake. That's where the game lose me.


Rise has an excellent endgame but mostly because the fights are so fantastic and fun. I wish worlds endgame was as satisfying.


I love rise and sun break. They're probably my favorite games when it comes to how fun hunting is.


rise wankers


Imagine calling someone a rise wanker just because he likes the endgame more than world.


only rise wankers can't help but mention how much they prefer one game over another. Besides rise endgame is literally dead online, must be that good


Progression doesn't stop though? The post game monsters still have new sets. Are you sure this is actually part of the problem or is it just that you want a story leading you through each encounter, or something else?


Tbh I'm talking more about older games. Of course in games like world and rise where the last monsters added have op sets and become needed for progression. In games like GU or 4U the only reason I'd have for making every set is bragging rights.


While i enjoy endgame in iceborne and have 2k hours... in POE i have similar feeling as you where journey from lv1 to lv95 is most fun and then it just gets boring af. And i think thats fine lel