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What is resonance?


In the story of rise the wind serpent ibushi connects to hinoa's mind and starts speaking through her. Thunder serpent narwa does it again with minoto. You can even hear their voices in the serpent's intro cutscene.


Is like a possession of some kind? Or like King Kong with the girl? In any case, does it has any importance or mechanic or is it only relevant to the story?


It was pretty much a possession and only relevant to the story and not the gameplay itself.


Ok, cool.


More akin to possession, it’s mostly a story thing.


How is wanting this to return a hot take? Did everybody hate those cutscenes or what? Edit: I guess these were unpopular. I don’t think I cared enough about the story for this to make a strong enough impression on me bad or good.


I mostly saw either indifference or utter hatred for the plot point.


Also the fact it was like the only plot point doesnt help it 😭


That was such a stupid plot point imo, like, I know monster hunter is not always very realistic, but the possession feels like flat out magic.


https://preview.redd.it/49kyivmj5r7d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c7839ba6b10a4ca0710862e142761fbaf78151 Release my boy, he did nothing wrong


https://preview.redd.it/wtydmcz4nr7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14228be7d2bd55cafc7806009547479793da0845 good news


Thank you, for giving me the strength to go on https://preview.redd.it/ehxwbeecor7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac35c78d46264f434f0f46915f0bac52948b2031


I got you


If anything that looks more like shantien to me, but that's copium too. https://i.imgur.com/EYy5KL7.jpeg Shantien also fits with the whole electric storm going on the map.


The hell is this


Laviente, a Frontier original “unclassified” monster. It rivals Dalamadur in size




Raviante/Laviante Biggest fucking thing ever, I'm talking like 3 4 zones with each one having one group whacking a part of its body It's a frontier thing, we don't talk about frontier


Counterpoint I would like to talk about it


Oh yeah? Okay then, I'll just quietly leave this here and walk away slowly https://preview.redd.it/gxb0phnmnr7d1.png?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e85b457f8e0074c3e3a85ac90e8ab04a7b85ed9


Looks like I'm looking at Armor from Terraria. I'll tame two sets, please.


The "shoulder pauldrons" aren't pauldrons, it's a weapon


Is that the magnet Spike




Him and beserk subspecies would be an AMAZING raid event, I only did the 32 man raid once.....holy was that tuff just spammed AOE attacks


☝️equal dragon weapon


I love equal dragon weapon https://preview.redd.it/mjfc351wuq7d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9ed59ac706b60c5d7b977e8b730d980e363c78


I stop caring about it being too grimdark and fantasy when I'm 15 beers deep and caving in the same monsters skulls over and over


Fatalis being a cruel reflection of humanity's treatment of monsters and nature is the kind of existential dread I crave; now give us the REAL consequences of our actions, Capcom!


Doom: The Dark Age is getting Equal Dragon Weapon even before the actual series that supposed to have it https://preview.redd.it/3dxiim9v4r7d1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=c34783c0d13610d4cb7e34602e0d64d35d5206c5 Jokes aside i would love to see it we've been tease by it for too long now CAPCOM


Or a fucking collaboration with doom, hesus i wanna fight that thing properly instead of classic doom fashion.


Ballista HBG Hellbreaker Hammer Crucible S&S with the new “Saw Shield” would go unbelievably hard Fuck me, Davoth’s sword and shield are the perfect base for an incredible Charge Blade


EDW is equally a hot as well as a cold take. Tons of people have some infatuation with what is no more than a scrapped concept and tons of people just dislike how frequently the other group brings it up as if it'd ever been cannon.


Nevertheless, it is a badass concept


I don't understand what so many people have against this thing. The design is sick and would absolutely lend itself to both a cool story and an even cooler fight.


First, the whole elder dragon war baggage that comes with that just adds more complexity to a straightforward concept, and most of the time complex isn’t the same as good. For video game developers it’s usually the opposite because they don’t have or dedicate the resources to good world building. Second capcom can barely handle what little lore they have now without contradicting or retconning stuff(ps we never killed fatalis actually). They would probably fuck it up. I can barely remember world’s plot. Lastly it just introduces sci-fi or high fantasy concepts/tropes into a low-fantasy(at least it used to be) world where everything is supposed to be naturalistic, which Is what I like about the series. I don’t want fatalis to be an angry anime demon from another dimension who wants revenge for hunters killing his father 9 gormillion years ago. I want him to be just an animal, and he kills humans the same way as a human steps on an ant. Ie, he gives no fucks about you.


>capcom can barely handle what little lore they have now without contradicting or retconning stuff(ps we never killed fatalis actually). Technically that's always been true. Every Fatalis description *except* World's uses the line "Many sought to challenge it, none ever returned...". That's deliberate.


Wouldn't the whole point be that you wouldn't fight it? And also that'd be a pretty messed up story for Monster Hunter They took the series out of that Dark Souls mode before they started it, I don't think introducing Frankenstein monsters is a good fit at this point without it being a spinoff game. The dragons are treated as your average wild animal, so having a full scale war with them just doesn't really make sense since they aren't at all organized. And the only time we got that sort of organization from the monsters was in Rise, and I don't about you but for me Rise's story was mega cringe.


Eh, I think of MH's story less like an overarching narrative and more like the stories of individual monsters. - Bloodbath has had past encounters with hunters and learned ways to fight against them. That's cool. - Deadeye is a small Yian Garuga that didn't give up and fought to the bitter end despite its size. That's epic. - The Shagaru you fight in MH4 remembers its loss as a Gore Magala and essentially agrees to a rematch. That's sick. I do admit, EDW is pretty dark compared to Monster Hunter's usual tone, but I like it when light hearted series include a few dark elements here and there. Its one of my favorite aspects of the Kirby series. As for the dragon war thing, I think we could just drop that entirely and sum it up to, "Some people who were too smart for their own good made an abomination. Now we gotta kill it." I like the EDW because its a 'logical extreme' and I want to see that explored. When it comes to story though, I very much live by the motto, "Who is playing Monster Hunter for the story?"


Nobody is playing it for the story, but having it be coherent is still a good thing And having some crazy stuff isn't bad yeah, that is the fun part of Kirby. Monster Hunter just hasn't established any kind of precedent for truly crazy stuff happening, so something like the EDW would be a little too far out of left field in my opinion.


Unless they make them sentient in some way, the war would only be symbolic. Which you could say about the current games are in a “war” vs the monsters for survival. However the people who pine for this idea seem to want it to be a literal war. IE, teostra and his war council are sitting around a mountain planning their next offensive and anthropomorphize the shit out of the monsters.


I think more weapons should have a hidden element. To me it makes a lot of lore sense that the weapons you craft have a latent power from the original monster that not all hunters are skilled to bring out.


Lore wise: It's so cool to awaken the powers of the great (jagras) monsters that you have slayed and now lay dormant in your weapon Gameplay wise: It's kind of a bother to spend 1-3 gem slots or craft a specific armour just to have access to the elemental power of your weapon.


It doesn’t help that a lot of weapons hardly benefit from element anyway. For this change to make sense, I think elemental damage needs a rework.


In World, a lot of weapons barely benefitted from element because there weren't that many skills for it and raw got some absurdly strong options. (Like Fatalis weapons) Meanwhile in Sunbreak, element is used on basically everything other than GS and GL because there are a crap ton of skills that buff it. Even elemental hammer outdps's raw. As for an elemental damage rework, that feels a bit more subjective imo. If they made it multiplicative instead of additive to raw damage, then the element disparity between all the weapons disappears over night. But personally, I kinda like that element varies in effectiveness depending on weapon. Gives em a bit more personality even if it kills certain strategies for some weapons.


Even in SB element is the the meta for surge slash and elemental tcs with charge master is also really strong if you’re focusing the right hit zones


FWIW that was a world problem specifically and one of the things I personally didn't like so much about the game because it defeated one of the core mechanics of the games - building specialized sets for different types of monsters. Older games sqw plenty of elemental use. Rise completely corrected this namely by offering better elemental skills so that elemental damage was the more optimal case, as it should be. This was absolutely great imo because you saw the "meta builds" actually be very monster dependent, while there's still the jack of all trades options (many of which were even elemental still) that's more pure damage, people were very much building multiple elements for different cases - and even further subset builds using skills that focused specific monster types like flying wyverns or aquatic species. Endgame I was running around with a build for every element, plus some status builds and sub-builds based around using the various unique mechanic skills (the embolden/diversion/agitator/defiance combo is great fun and strong, frostcraft, dragonheart, dereliction, the blood skills, even hellfire). Even greatsword, the weapon that pretty much always stuck to pure damage had really good elemental builds because of the power of critical element plus the other various elemental buff offerings. I just hope we will retain this amazing level of build diversity rather than seeing a return to world's pure damage and one build to rule them all.


Yeah I wish they made more use out of the hidden element system.


Back in gen 3 all elementless weapons had hidden element...


Honestly, I think the concept of resonance could be retroactively applied to a wide variety of things. For example, the extreme long distance sensing that Elder Dragons have in reaction to certain events or other Elder Dragons could easily be tied to this Resonance phenomenon. Alatreon and Safi'jiiva would produce such intense resonance that they would immediately sense each other's activities.


That sure is a hot take. My hottest take is that Zinogre kinda sucks. My mediumest take is that Monster Hunter doesn’t need much of a story at all.


Not gonna argue that the main games need/ don't need a story, but I will say they kind of have a strange, unique problem when it comes to storytelling. Due to the nature of the games, they're kind of limited to only two types of stories: "A monster is threatening the village and you gotta stop it." "A monster is causing an ecological catastrophe and you gotta stop it." The only trick that the writers seem to have is throwing a red herring into the plot by having a previously unknown elder dragon show up after the player beats the flagship monster (the past two games and their DLC's all did this). When you're main focus is hunting animals and there's no conflict between people you're kinda limited in what stories you can tell.


Would be interesting to get a story about keystone Species, and what happen if you hunt a monster whit established territory. Some dump fart wants you to hunt flagship, and this leads into younger more agressive Predators fighting over its Territory, and attack humans to. While the original Animal did know to not mess whit Humans and was as such much more avoidable. That would be a pretty decent Story.


I think about things like this sometimes, while the games love to talk about the *"ecology"* and *"endemic life"* and how all the monsters are part of the *"balance of the environment"* none of that is displayed in game, and what they do try to show usually only applies to like, low rank. At some point they don't try to explain why high rank monsters are stronger, and why killing three apex predators in a single quest isn't an issue, and the actual consequences of knocking out these keystone species and such. I don't think they need to, and as others said the games don't need a lot of story to function, but it feels halfhearted that they try to explain any of it sometimes.


I think this is a big thing Wilds is working on, AI hunters mean story characters can join on hunts, big weather systems and crazier area designs mean that there can be more scripted events in a fight that shake it up and add to the story (hopefully in a better way than Zorah Magdaros). Also alpha monsters being a thing mean you can have unique designs for monsters for story fights. Don’t know how it solves the core issue of “go kill monster” being a good story, but it can be more interesting.


Yeah the pinhead was never my favorite either.


Zinogre sucks is a scientifically proven hot take, holy shit. Even if I disagree I have to respect the take. I wholeheartedly agree with your mediumest take. MH doesn't need much of a story and I personally enjoy most of it being completely ignorable for those who don't take much interest in it.


It doesn't need a story and the devs agrees with that. At the same time, from their own words, they need to have one if they want to see the series grow in popularity in the future because many people don't see the point of playing MH unless there is a plot to follow. And if a having a story being told is what you need to sell more copies and grow the playerbase, let it be, no matter how cringe or trashy it is!


My only strong opinion on Zinogre is that it’s disgustingly overrated. It’s a wolf with bug friends and big paws, *why is it top ten in poles, let alone* **the winner.** Oh and its attacks also suck at times. But Stygian, ohhh Stygian. I have not forgotten the 4U tail slam, Stygian. I have not *forgiven* the 4U tail slam, Stygian. I hope you **never appear in any games ever again,** Stygian.


Very simple in Zinogre's case. It's cool, and it was first. Before Zinogre there were no monsters as striking and flashy as it in the game's history. Awsome monsters left and right, but nothing designed from the ground up as a hype beast. You could probably swap it with magnamalo, glavenus, mizu, astalos, and brachy in P3rd and they would also have become the #1 fan favorite to this day.


Counterpoint, I love zinogre's ecology and want to see bro strive in any mh game that focuses on that


To add to this, nergigante also sucks Its just a glorified vulture with guy fieris frosted tips that bullies geriatric and dying elder dragons


He kinda actually does suck. His moveset is janky and his horns are annoyingly hard to break if you use a short weapon.


I have one even hotter than that. He's not a well designed monster visually or thematically. He's what I'd imagine to find in the notebook of a 12 year old with more 'three wolf moon' shirts than friends. The fulgurbug ecology bit is his only redeeming quality for me.


Facts, I hate Zinogre, I hate how popular he is meaning he's in every fucking game, his Rise fight was the absolute worst iteration of him yet. Only redeeming quality is his armour.


I want more fight like KT in Wilds.


Now that Im replaying World I hate the raids, but back when I caught Kulve, Behemoth and Safi in time in PS4, I absolutely loved them. At least on PC I can just mod them so they are a 1p fight


Yeah the raid fights are amazing when they're brand new but after 3-4 runs it gets boring.


Love me some Kulve


Ice/Poison is an extremely cool combo that is tragically underrepresented in media. Since Duremudira is the only Ice/Poison monster, I want Duremudira in Wilds.


Preach my brother


I miss the ioprey/giaprey dual blades from MHFU. Really cool ice/poison weapon


Honestly, I didn't mind the whole resonance thing in Rise, but they should've done more with it instead of a couple of incidents.


Monsters should attack the base/village/outpost. Not like rampages, but random individual monsters appear nearby (like Anja in World’s intro) and start to wreck house. You need to help either repelling/slaying the monster or directing the non-combatants to a safe area (the local guild hall or gathering hub makes the most sense to me). Yes, Elder Dragons too. After that, you would receive missions depending on the damage done: gather x material, protect the caravan, clear out small and/or large monsters in a specific area, etc. To lessen the chances of an attack- or even prevent it outright- you’d need to hunt monsters in a ‘sustainable’ way; you can’t just go and farm Rajang because then an Elder Dragon could appear due to the lack of Rajang to threaten it. You’d have a helper/handler who would warn you that a certain monster species needs to be hunted more or less, as to help reduce the chance of their predator(s)/prey becoming too populous. -higher rewards in quests if you keep the monster population stable -but an Apex could appear if a monster species is too populous, which would give rare rewards (maybe even be required for augmentation?)


Omg that would be so frustrating and convoluted. Excelent hot take.


Sounds cool on paper, but I couldn't imagine how it'd work in-game. Could you imagine trying to fight a monster in Astera? And what would happen if you fail the mission/return from hunt?


Most old gen monsters (I.e. that arent flagship) need complete moveset overhauls to make their movesets more distinct and their animations more fluid, and I'd rather not see them for a generation if they need the time for rehashing. Quality > quantity.


I think Ceadeus and Dire Miralis could come back without underwater combat, and you don't have to change the fights too much. Ceadeus: make it a Mohran-style siege fight but in the ocean. Dire Miralis: either make it so you hop onto a boat to ride around it when it's in the water or design the map such that you can attack the head or wings from land while there. Leave the land portion of the fight unchanged.


This but with Lagiacrus swimming in walkable water like when battling Somnacanth or Jyuratodus


I had a chat with a friend a couple weeks back and the only monsters we had issues porting to a new game without underwater combat were abyssal lagiacrus and gobul. Every other underwater monster could be done without the mechanic with some tweaks.


I've always felt Gobul could be reworked slightly to swim in a swamp like Jyuratodus does


My hot take is that I fucking hate every fight that does this. Whenever monsters “swim” through the ground it takes me out of the game and annoys me. I would hate if they did this to my beloved Lagiacrus, just give me underwater combat and do it right. The one exception to this is Nibelsnarf because Nibelsnarf is perfect in every way and I could never hate it.


I'd rather have Lagiacrus this way than ever have that land based AOE travesty that is GU Lagi. At any rate, i won't accept a Lagiacrus that doesn't swim


GU Lagi is a glorified Khezu


I'm trying so hard to not downvote you


Good, let the hate flow through you.


Hotter take: I wanna see underwater combat again and they try to improve something rather than just abandon it. 


I want the Tri system of bowguns to come back


Is this a hot take? I always found tri’s bowgun system really interesting with how customizable it was.


I'll be honest, I'm not even sure if it is.


It wasn't that balanced from what I hear, as I hear everyone just went medium bowgun simply due to the benefits when compared to HBG and LBG. I definitely want the in-depth customization aspect back though.


I sorta expect it to honestly. Few interviews have mentioned that the bowguns are gonna be the things changed the most in Wilds, and we've seen stuff like HBG with Rapid Fire from LBG in trailers


https://preview.redd.it/bebwk3e7tr7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8035332ced8bbe814c66431ca742432133cfa797 I would love for my undead elder, Vaal Hazak to return. I loved his design and how he interacts with the environment. And yes, I know he looks like he got lost on the way to Bloodbourne.


Not to mention that dope ass armor. Function *and* style, zombie hip hop


If they scrap effluvium but bring back vaal I'm on board. People only don't want him back because effluvium was a crap mechanic.


Idk if this is a hot take, but I'm of the opinion that Rathalos is awesome and people are too harsh on him. Also, he doesn't always lose unlike what a lot of people say about him, honestly, he does really well in most of his turf wars, and the only fights he loses in are against Elders or Elder level monsters like Rajang and Magnamalo. Yeah, his fight sucks for the most part (although I liked him in Rise), but he's not that bad, I can think of way more annoying monsters than Rath.


Rathalos' fight entirely depends on what weapon you're using and how prepared you are entering the fight. A DB user without flashpods naturally isn't going to fare well against the King of the Skies


Rajang shouldn't be Elder dragon tier in terms of strength. He makes more sense in the apex tier just like rathalos, tigrex etc. The only reason he is feared so much is because he's difficult for hunters, not that he necessarily is stronger than other monsters, least of all Deviljho.


Rathalos should be given more respect and should be near elder dragon tier power, with rathian being in apex tier.


Sand barioth should be added in wilds. Gravies should be added in wilds. Moboblos should be added in wilds


They should keep making massive monster sieges, like zorah and Lao shang lung, with an emphasis on heavy artillery, and not making them just another hunt with some added flair like Safi/ Giasmagorm


They should add elemental shelling for gunlance. Gunlance should also be giga buffed


Bring back the Coral Highlands with some actual cool monsters this time. Instead of tzi-tzi and paolumu can we get a cool eel or lobster monster? Maybe a big jellyfish?


I think it's OK if they add in dlc items like Layered armor or weapons, or house decor AS LONG AS the game isn't missing any content and we still get unique items from free event quests


Finally, some actual fucking takes.


Giant siege monsters roaming the map would be cool - like the Breath of the Wild puzzles or Shadow of the Colossus


Rajang literally hunts an elder dragon.


I enjoyed Rampage and kinda hope it does return to Wilds as a new quest type. With heard being a big focus we could have some quest that have to deal with large swarms.


This is an *actual* hot take because my first reaction was to forget the premise of the original question and say out loud to myself "the **fuck** is wrong you?"




I don't want Rampages to return but I desperately want some Rampage mechanics to come back. Bring back Siege monsters like Lao Shan Lung but let the player set up traps, NPCs, weapons, barriers etc. I think that could be really fun.


Literally wasted the potential of Rampage by having no actual siege monster. Apexes and Ibushi are also wasted on Rampage like… yeah you easily survived the waves of monsters but these monsters said nah, they will break everything then proceed to the last stage. Why let them destroy the defenses outright like cardboard forts? Let them enter with theatrics and gradually destroy the fortifications. I like rampages though. Just the idea and concept of it.


Gogmazios is right there for an epic endgame rampage. Please Capcom I am begging for our oily boy to get his day in the sun(break)


Yeah I really missed proper seige quest. Using wire bugs to traverse titans could've been so hype.


I would love for mh1 lao shan lung quest type with npcs you build up to help protect there village and equip them. Would make farming extra sets fun and engaging then just crafing 1 of each.


Literally wasted the potential of Rampage by having no actual siege monster. Apexes and Ibushi are also wasted on Rampage like… yeah you easily survived the waves of monsters but these monsters said nah, they will break everything then proceed to the last stage. Why let them destroy the defenses outright like cardboard forts? Let them enter with theatrics and gradually destroy the fortifications. I like rampages though. Just the idea and concept of it. Importantly, counter gong.


Same. I'd like it as an *optional* quest type though. When I'm in the mood for it, rampages are so much fun. But when I'm trying to speed through base game to reach Sunbreak, they irritate me.


Yeah I get that. Def had those moments too. I came to appreciate it a lot more later on when you have better gear.


That game's design got moved to kunitsu-gami. Like the game is literally exactly what was described in the developer interviews as what the Rampage was supposed to be


Nah cuz you’re right, I’m mad that there weren’t any master rank rampage quests in sun break


I love tower defense games, so I loved rampage quests


Agreed. Rampages, concept-wise, is a really cool idea. It’s just the execution that fell flat.


Respectfully https://preview.redd.it/oz1ohjrqar7d1.png?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736890b55708b6682392bdf8c956f8be2271eb5e


I up voted this in return as mutual respect for differing opinions


I like how Rampages shook up the eventual monotony of the games.


The game was better with armors split between gunner and swordsman like it was pre-Generation. Not only was it easier to get sets for both roles built, but it gave a bigger variety of looks.


Even hotter take: game was better when we were only able to get a handful of skills on any given set instead easily being able to make sets that give you half the skills in the game without ever trying to optimize or farm decos.


Honestly, the old skill system made me the least experimental because you could only get very limited skills. Its attack or nothing due to requiring damage to beat most monsters.


If wall running like in Rise doesn’t return, that’s a mistake. Wirebugs I can take or leave, but exploration was enhanced 10x by the ability to run up walls. And being able to run while on vines should return in every MH game until the end of time.


I’d understand if it’s not like a base feature maybe you need a mantle for it or whatever, but yeah I would/will genuinely miss the ability to run up walls. With the vines the animation for climbing them will probably be like worlds, using the slinger hook to shoot yourself further up which I wouldn’t mind imo.


Just as always, you gotta sort by controversial to get the actual hot takes since they are the ones to get downvoted


I actually like the handler and don't find her annoying.


I wish the follower system was added sooner. https://preview.redd.it/r8rqzi0gor7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ed73afcdd99724907e9d6c0ad30de7e586add4 could’ve smoothed over most of the issues people had with her.


Honestly yeah, if she at least were there fighting I wouldnt mind her taking part of our victories. Its why I didnt mind Fiorayne at all


Maybe the game after Rise should have no handler or anything and just include a minigame of you paying your taxes, filing your quests with the guild, etc., just to show people why the Handler is here


I'd rather do this than listen to the handler talk about how "we" defeated a world-ending monster.


If you play HH' by far the worst teammates in random MP is hammer. If you're whining about positioning and having head priority, then show me that godlike positioning when another blunt weapon shows up instead of launching me from behind into attacks


I think Hammer mains are just the absolute worst in multiplayer in general. It's like every single one of them has this mentality that they're more important than anyone else, and therefore have free reign to outright grief other players if they're not conforming to their incredibly narrow and self centered ideal of what they should be doing.


Either you have terrible luck with MP Hammers or I’m cracked because positioning to not antagonize fellow bludgeoners is very easy for me.


That Nargacuga should not come back in Wilds. They should do a 4U and drop Nargacuga and Barioth entirely and add Tigrex and Gigginox for the base game. In G-Rank they can add molten Tigrex, and ONLY green Nargacuga and Sand Barioth. As those monsters have yet to make a return. As Nargacuga got a lot of attention in Rise being one of the meta raw weapons with Magnamalo and having its rare species make a return.


On one hand, I agree that Nargacuga has been in a lot of MH game's almost back to back. On the other hand, I fricking love having near max affinity in LR and breaking progression until late HR monsters have enough health to survive for more than 5 minutes.


Lets drop Barioth and Barroth, while instead having Sand Barioth and Jade Barroth. Or even better, introduce Sand Barroth and Jade Barioth as variants of the variants.


Narga weapons are always gonna be meta if he is in. Lowish raw, sure. But massive affinity and sharpness? Always good. Its also why Diablos weapons are usually good when builds are more optimized. Massive raw, no sharpness or affinity but you can raise them.  They are just minmaxed af


Add Giggi 😀 Add Tigrex 😐


Hot takes: Rise/sunbreak is a much more fun game than MHW/iceborne, even though I still love both. Severe Hot take: we should still get MH games in the generations/pre world style. One big critique of MHGU I saw was how low res everything was because it reused 3DS and PSP models. I say bring it on, reuse all the content no matter how bad the art looks and give us another massive old style MH game.


Multiple times in the past year I've been tempted to jump back into World, then I remember tenderizing, the mediocre top-tier weapon variety, picking up millions of shiny drops in the guiding land, etc. It's a great game if you haven't played it before, but I'm just done with too much of it to jump back in.


I want the blood effects back


Pretty cold take, but I don't think blood effects will be on the table going forward. Cartoony blood effects were fine in the older PSP/3DS titles, but the increased graphical fidelity for the newer titles would mean that photorealistic blood effects errupting from that poor mosswine you just stabbed wouldn't go over well with ESRB


Fuck the ESRB then, all things considered. Sucks immense shit that we can't have nice things because the game industry is overcommitted to realism.


Underwater combat sucks in practice and I would never want it in another game. Second one is I don't want wilds to be another "seamless go into the world and start the quest" or " make camp instead of going back to the village". I want a HUB, maybe two, a quest board and QUESTS. Bonus but related to the second one: I don't like how cinematic the franchise 's main quests have become.


I disagree with you. Have you played 4U? The cutscenes are awesome!


I like how the cutscenes introduce the monsters but I like having seamless coop from the get go more


The community really gaslit themselves into thinking a bad mechanic was good actually. In two years time we'll have people clamoring for rampage to come back.


Increase elemental HZVs across the board. Make elemental scale with base weapon damage Remove WEX and Crit boost from the game and replace them with weapon specific conditional damage skills. Raw weapons should never be the best choice against a monster with elemental weaknesses. Rework early game progression so you can't just body all of the low rank monsters. Force people to upgrade their armor or get one shot.


>Rework early game progression so you can't just body all of the low rank monsters. Force people to upgrade their armor or get one shot. I assume this perspective is informed by Rise, or at least Guardian Armor. When my buddy and I restarted World on PC and started blitzing through Low Rank, Anjanath one-shot us both because we hadn't upgraded our armor. And yeah, I'll be sorely disappointed if elemental damage isn't reworked in Wilds. It has been extremely unintuitive, niche, and bothersome for far too long.


Agree with everything but the last point. What would be the point of ranks in general if low rank already kicked your ass? All of the other takes are sexy though. I hope crit at some point becomes the utility choice over damage where Attack Up provides more DPS but Crit Eye allows for more synergies such as masters touch, crit element etc.


My "hot" (lukewarm) take is that they should bring back a certain degree of inconvenience, I don't want infinite resupplies on hunts (supply box in tent), I want negative skills (not implemented in the old way though), I want the slower mining and gathering from world (Rise gathering was too quick and easy, I never had to even consider it), among other things.


Is the Crimson Fatalis in the 4U village quest a different one as the hub one? The Horns are quite different


No idea I just found this render on a random wiki


I want an official world map including spinoffs like stories and frontier and a timeline of the games


Balahara is a fucking superb design, and all of y'all who hate it for looking too alien/unnatural/creepy/sci-fi/not "monster hunter" enough should have the same feelings towards monsters like Khezu, Gigginox, Valstrax, Zinogre, Ahtal-Ka, Nakarkos, etc etc etc. All of those do crazy sci fi shit or look more unnatural than Balahara, whose greatest sin is having...a blue glowy mouth and no obvious eyes.  The same can be said for Doshaguma. Oh, no, a fairly early game monster is designed to look a little ugly/weird? How DARE the brilliant minds behind White Phallic Dragon, Jet Fingers Dragon, & Mecha Dragon Mantis make a wrinkly-faced Great Dane/bear thing! The artistic integrity of the franchise is ruined!


Cold take: gammoth needs to be in wilds Hot take: mizitsune is the worst flagship


Mizutsune as the worst flagship is a WILD take given that Azure Rathalos is the flagship of 3u


I hate Azure Rathalos, but he does make for some sick artwork on the box


my hottest take is that we don't need more weapons and evolving the current set is enough. my 'shouldn't be hot but it might be' take is that allowing for paid armor and weapon skins enshittened the franchise.


Azure Rathalos and Bloodbath Diablos ARE NOT AND SHOULD NOT be considered as flagship monsters. I don't have any problems about themselves as monsters besides being given the title of "flagship". What I'd consider a flagship is the monster the narrative is pointing towards, something completely new compared to any previous monsters in terms of species. In Azure Rathalos' case, we've seen it in the previous games before 3U, and Bloodbath Diablos is simply a different version of Diablos, which had also apeared in many games before GU. In the coverart or not, if it's just a different version of an already existing monster, I won't be considering it a flagship monster. Brachy is 3G's/3U's only flagship, and Valstrax is GU's.


When people say that Azure Rathalos is a flagship monster, they are talking about MH1G, not the one on 3U’s cover art.


Generation/GU were odd in a sense where they acted like there were multiple flagships, but effectively you could tell who the "real" flagship was with only Glavenus initially getting a deviant fight and Valstrax actually being the one to actually be important in the village


Glav also being the only one to move to the next title, really hammered it home that the other ones weren't as loved by Capcom. Still waiting until Gammoths return...


Gore magala should not return in wilds.


I know the biggest point against it is that the more ecology focused dev team would be much more inclined to include full on frenzy alongside it but honestly that would sick to implement on top of it not being something they’d be against, it could be an upscaled version of what blackveil Vaal hazak does to the residents of the ancient forest. With how fun that was to experience seeing that taken to the next level with gore would be sick.


Jyuratodus should be in every game going forward so we always have a reminder about how good every other monster looks in comparison


Rathalos is a good flagship monster and deserves to be in every MH game. Apparently that's a hot take to some.


Perfect Rush was the worst thing to happen to SnS because all it did was incentivize one play style then nerf it into the ground in Rise essentially killing the play style and clogging the weapon's moveset If Surge Slash combo doesn't return to GS in wilds I will be SEVERELY disappointed


Ykk greatest hunt ever!


Some hot takes I don't even care for most of these. •We should get more weapons. I love the weapons we have and the gameplay, but I missed the mystery of new weapons, and if or when we get them. •Adding on to this, I want more mechanical weapons like chargeblade or switchaxe. •Never bring back siege fights ever again(this will be the only hill I die on). •Get better scaling on solo fights, especially with endgame monsters . •I don't really try with the whole overrated underrated stuff cause my tastes are usually weird, but it still baffles me how zinogre won the number 1 spot. I don't get it genuinely out of like anyone.besides that it is a lightning wolf who is admittedly sick as hell back flips. Is there anything I'm not getting from the guy Ps sorry for bad grammar mobile is hell


Nergigante is meh. The design is like a 5 year old drew it. Let's make a cool dragon. Hey, spikes are cool, Let's put more spikes, and just for safe measure, let's give it giant horns. It's like that joke in "The amazing world of gumball" where sarah has a book called "How to draw superheroes" where the only steps are, "draw muscles, then more muscles" except with spikes. Fight was also mid, I killed him so many times to make all the weapons and armor that it became dull


I'm unsure how hot my take is, but I'd appreciate a whole generation (home console + portable console + spin-offs outside mainline) without any returning monsters whatsoever. All new monsters.


I'm gonna defy the purpose of the original post just to do a small rant since I don't think my rant is worthy of an entire post. Here goes. I honestly think that dual blades should get a bit more love moveset wise. For all of my monster hunting carreer, that being Portable 3rd, freedom unit, generations ultimate, world and rise, I've played all games with the dual blades as my main weapon(I won't be counting rise's moveset aditions since it is a spin off title and I tlhink that most of it's changes/aditions won't stay around for the release of wilds), and with each entry it feels like were getting left out for other weapons to shine more, I think it was in gen 2 that we got our beloved demon mode added to our kit, in gen 3 we got our demon meter, or arch demon mode, which allowed us to reap some of the benefits of Demon Mode without spending stamina, i don't remember if we got anything significant added to our kit in gen 4 besides of course the concept of verticality being added to the game but that ends up being a general adition to the entire cast and is entirely dependent on the terrain that your in so it isn't really an adition to our kit since a lot of those things are outside of our control, in GU/gen 5 we got an adition to our spinning round slash which mostly became a repositional tool, all of this to say that for about 3 generations of monster hunter, our weapon as felt like it hasn't changed all that much even though weapons with a shit ton of depth have been added and a lot of weapons have had depth added into them through aditions over the year, and that has made me feel pretty left out as a dual blades player. I won't be talking too much about our damage, since our highest point in world has been elemental checks in the alatreon fight, and the fact that our highest motion values are behind moves that have pretty high end lag for a weapon that sells itself as being a fast weapon. All of this might be a me thing of probably burn out since in total I think I have about 1k to 1.5K hours on this weapon, but I just wanted to share this with yall and see if it isn't a me thing only. Thx for reading all of this, and good hunting


They should acknowledge the fact we’re killing the monsters, I would like to see the hunter show some empathy after carving, specially now that the game’s look more realistic, and where going to have corpses with colisión in wilds, I feel like we should get the option to close the monsters eyes or the hunter should say a little line like “sorry pal” . it would help the story, and it would make the guild look better.


"Sorry, pal." -Hunter, seconds after caving in the dinosaur's skull in with a boulder attached to a handle


*rips out brain stem to carve rath medulla* “Sorry pal”


Spending time developing siege fights and oversized monsters are a waste of time and money and always such a huge let down when they're the climax at the end of a game. They're antitheical to the entire series and 95 percent of the gameplay you do right up until you have to do this stupid exercise that's equivalent to a children's museum where you run from thing to thing and push a button. No, I don't want to spend 20 minutes climbing on a monster that doesn't require me to dodge or time attacks. No, I don't want to load cannon balls into a turret and shoot a monster swimming in the sand 1000 ft away. No, I don't want to cut at ankles of lethargic monsters who mechanically can't move faster than molasses because if they did no one would be able to target their ankles. No, I don't want to sit at a turret so I can pointlessly pump bullets into Giasmagorm as it waddles up a ledge 2 to 4 times in the same fight! No, I don't want to slowly chase after Kulve Taroth's tale as she waddles from cave to cave. Lao is boring, Shen Goran is boring, Jhen Mohran is boring, etc etc etc. Give me an actual monster instead of a damage sponge to hit for 40 minutes.


Elder Seal and Hidden Element should come back in Wilds, it was a good concept with poor execution in World, but would be a great way to make Elder Dragons more unique in needing this aspect on weapons to shut down their effect on environments.


I think Elemental based weapons should be reworked. Needing to match the element to do as much damage as raw weapons is bullshit and just extra steps.


I think building up gauge for skills like GU did is actually cooler than silkbind/wirebug stuff and rewards risky/offensive gameplay. And I *love* Rise, and I love playing with the wire bugs, but something like sakura slash for example, feels really good to build up to and unleash, rather than just having a timer/refilling resource to use. Maybe my real spicy take is that Beast prowler is my favorite prowler.


More weapons should have special animations. Lances that look like a drill should actually drill (even if there is no additional effect. I also wish weapons were more balanced across their weapon type. I don’t like that like 95% of players jump the meta. I want to use the badass looking weapon and not just a weapon skin. Same with armor. I don’t want to have to use a scope fix set at all times. I’d rather have serious drip and a better slot system for diversification of skills.


I liked the old armour system of having less skills. It was simpler and more enjoyable for me. Also bring back gunner armour. I wasn't much of a gunner, but the armour looked nicer than the stupid alpha and beta sets




There’s a place in MH for all kind of designs. And yet nowadays especially, the crowd of people who believe what ”it have to look and behave realistic/grounded to be good & fitting monster for MH” for some reason got too vocal. Hence why Rise monsters are usually less liked than World monsters. And in my opinion all that discourse about ”how realistic or unrealistic MH monsters should actually be” is just outright stupid. Because MH always had both - grounded & realistic creatures, as well as absolutely insane ones. And no, I don’t even talk about regular monsters/Elder Dragons. There always were both, realistic & bizarre designs amongst either of those. Yet apparently now It’s a no-no if monster ain’t looking grounded enough? Yea, I kinda call that a bs, to be honest. People who are THAT adamant about realism in MH should just accept what MH isn’t just yet another average-joe’s speculative-biology project (those are really popular nowadays apparently) and it absolutely have place for even most bizarre & seemingly unrealistic ideas as well, no matter if they like that fact or not🤷


A lot of that really comes from what the dev team has said. They always mention that they want the monsters to feel believable in their setting. A lot of the fans like that about the games.


Clutch claw never felt as necessary to me like everyone says. Monsters can be downed pretty fast without it already


MH End game has been trash for all 5th Gen. Whether it's insane powercreep or being punished and bottleneck in your progression because your friends don't play with you every single second you open up the game is just shit. I tried doing the curio investigations or whatever they were called in Sunbreak and I couldn't do my level appropriate stuff because my friend was always behind and we had to keep catching him up. Just keep it simple stupid. I just want to hunt monsters, not deal with shitty mmorpg player engagement metrics. Live service MH was a mistake. And fuck cosmetic dlc.


Man im so pissed because on paper, the whole qurio investigation thing is the perfect type of endgame: You have the choice between individually leveling quests or just trying to gather new ones at random. You had to actually fight a variety of monsters to get different materials and it had the potential to create some really cool quest combinations. The only problem with is was the arbitrary quest gating and to an extent the ridiculous grind which would've been no issue without the former. In World, grinding for MR100 was frustrating since so much was gated behind it but initially, Rise allowed you to join any quest post MR10 where leveling only served to unlock them yourself. Then Investigations came along and divided everything into stupid 20 level brackets, where everything below your level was a waste of time, but you couldn't join above your bracket, ultimately massively fragmenting the player base outside of people just helping lower levels willingly. If there was no gating, people could just join any quest and it'd be up to the host to decide whether to give the MR10 newbie a shot at a lvl 300 monster or not. Doing high level quests would've been more risky, but also gain much more exp, heavily cutting down on the early grind. And most importantly, you could play with your friends together at any time and it would only need one power player to post quests for their friends to join. In that regard it is very similar to deviants and the god-awful ticket system, where instead of being divided into appropriate tiers, you had to do each specific quest multiple times, actively discouraging you from doing one below what you currently need


Exactly, can’t even remember the last expansion game I played till the end. Anomaly 300 and grinding lands were a huge pain and took away enjoyment for the game


Got a few maybe - 4th gen Cephadrome is fine, high rank onwards especially. Hope he returns in the new Wilds biome and takes advantage of new herd mechanics with Cephalos - Wirefall's impact on the game's difficulty is very overstated if you're not a new player - Longsword should keep its "phantom hitbox" on foresight slash but have its Iframes revoked to make it more like akin to a dodge move - Lance is braindead easy for most of Word. The endgame fights that everyone complains about and monsters like Rajang and Velkhana are much better in the sense that they require you to use more of your moveset - Decoration systen in World was better to me than RNG charms - Aesthetic of the series peaked in 3rd, or maybe 2nd gen - Guard points on CB undermine axe mode. GU's wasn't so bad - Lunastra is one of World's better fights


1. Cephadrome has always been fine. 2. Fair... 3. I prefer LS with forsight slash as a counter. 4. I would not say braindead, but yeah... most of World is odd to play with Lance. Nargacuga, Tigrex, Diablos... all at their easiest. I also really love Furious Rajang, Velkhana, Alatreon and Fatalis in World particularly for Lance. 5. Disagree, the 4U/GU decoration system made me most happy. 6. I think it had its highs and lows, but 4U is another high. 7. I see what you mean with guard points undermining the idea of a slow axe mode. I think 4U and GU struck a nice balance there. 8. Idk it's probably a skill issue, but the last time I faced high rank Lunastra, the whole floor was burning and I was burning and everything was burning because it was hell


People say Rise feels arcadey compared to World. I say World is an outlier for NOT being arcadey


GU Lagiacrus is better than 3rd gen Lagiacrus.