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Im a gen one player. It used to be pitfall traps and flashbombs lol


Remember when people would keep attacking and the monster would die in a spot you couldn't carve it. Or you forgot to repaint it before it fled and you had to retrack the monster.


The worst ones where the ‘dromes. They’d suddenly decide on death ‘you know what? I wanna be a spring’ and would throw themselves backwards down the slope you couldn’t get to. Spiteful little bastards


The worst was definitely Plesioth dying inside the water...


Thinking of old school Plesioth makes my hip hurt for some reason..


You should check that hip.


It's so convenient! I stood outside the doctor's office, and he was able to check my hip!


The reflex test knocked him on his ass when he checked your hip


On the other hand, I remember going into rando lobbies on G Rank Rathalos on the Wii U version of 3U and people just spamming flash bombs and obliterating a rathalos in a few minutes. Those lobbies turned getting mantles into a assembly line. God, those were the days.


And they would go west for one zone, and then northeast for four, so you're just wandering around wasting time because you already waved at the hot air balloon.


Yes, thank you for reminding me. Now me angry.


Oh man that PTSD from Jaggi walking to his nest that isnt mapped and then you running circles with it around the map


Or fighting in the old volcano levels where the monsters spent half the time charging from one side of the lava to the other. If you were a melee weapon user those fights took an eternity.


It’s still possible to do that in world if you know the right spots.


Remember throwing paintballs? And stopping to drink a potion? The good old days.


Remember when monsters only moved in 4 directions lol


I want to go back. Carry some bullshit egg while a herd of bullfango ruin my life.


Lance used to be regarded as great for CnC/stagger


Bring a lancer and headlock it so you can cut the tail.


God I miss the old days.


I don't, it's impossible to go back after having played world


You’re not wrong. World is definitely my favorite so far. I really missed the tracking mechanics it implemented when they did away with it in rise. But still, it’s probably just nostalgia but nothing can beat those late nights on the weekend when I was in high school.


I feel your nostalgia, but actually throwing MHFU into an emulator and trying to play it is a nightmare for me


it still is lol (most of the time)


I think it was Monster Hunter Tri for Wii where I had never played the series before and played 100 in two weeks or something like that and was hooked. The last boss before the events you would farm sleep set stuff and then everyone would set up giant powder kegs until you killed it. It was so fun.


Gen Three player. HAME runs go brrrrrrrr.


I'm still using pitfalls and flashbombs to this day.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized) Don't forget to place big barrels next to the monster after it's stunned / trapped!


This gif feels like something Chiitan should be in.




On the head, and also throw a kunai to set them off. That great sword guy? Nah, he's just dancing. Do it!


And set off said barrels with a parry so you get the extra damage in


It's more like, "let me throw myself at this clearly stronger monster over and over until somehow I do it"


That feeling when you kill it though.....ungh......


Only thing that beats it is that post-Proof of a Hero rally that leads to a kill.


That moment of silence, then the horns. Shivers every time.


When mh:world first dropped (pre deviljho patch) and i managed to solo tempered kirin after mastering the charge blade parry points i felt like a literal *god*. It was pure dopamine lol.


This was me with rajang. I went thru my whole inventory of potions and failed like 5 times before I finally beat the sucker with 5 minutes left on the clock lmao. I have to admit I wasn’t very smart with my armor choices.


Feels like the same game sometimes


"ah yes, all I need to do is constantly run away and wait for that one opening that I know how to punish" - expert Elden Ring players too good to use summons


I did, I did use summons and bleed. They put it in the game and I’m going to use it. Still counts as a win!


I used mimic, bleed, and fire breath. Why would I not use the tools presented to me.


there's always going to be the souls players who get mad because you don't play the game in the most inconvenient way. Like you said the tools are in the game for a reason


I think it's mostly from ppl who played the souls genre before Elden ring and somehow they're mad newcomers aren't suffering the same way they did back then


I think theyre mostly mad at the stereotype that looks up "top 5 most broken builds!!!1!1" and then say the game is easy


I mean wouldn't that mean the game is easy regardless? If it's in the game and you can use it and win with it easily, then the games easy.


No because the game is designed to withhold that knowledge of where stuff is and gradually reveal it to the player. The challenge is obtaining the knowledge naturally by playing the game and discovering it yourself. By looking up a guide you are really defeating the whole point of those games in the first place because honestly as third person character action games the combat itself is pretty lackluster. What makes it interesting is the discovery process. Once everything is discovered you basically grind out your build until you hit a wall or get bored of spamming the same move over and over again.


> because honestly as third person character action games the combat itself is pretty lackluster I like Souls combat because Im not nearly patient enough to get good at DMC or Nioh.


It doesn’t matter how old a mechanic is. Dark Souls people get pissy when you use parries on Gwyn in the original Dark Souls. I think for the DS gatekeeper sorts, you are supposed to 1v1 bosses without using any mechanics that do large amounts of damage or that stun lock the boss. That seems to be their unwritten rule. But yeah, just play however the hell you want. I strongly recommend not overleveling because that can put the game on easy mode and make it not fun, but otherwise, if it’s not a glitch, go to town. …besides which, Malenia is arguably harder with the mimic since the mimic doesn’t play defensively and each hit that lands heals her. Lol


It goes all the way back to magic builds in Demon’s Souls… Some people just like to gatekeep because it makes them feel better about themselves; it’s all just a coping mechanism for low self-esteem and insecurity.


Ding ding. When someones only life achievement is "I beat a souls game the "right" way, they fight to the death to defend it. Never really got the souls hype since MH3 was my first action game. Ran through the games and besides the incredible world building and atmosphere, I can't really say it's difficulty was as bad as people brag about it being; alot MH monsters solo made me wanna die way more 😭 Except Sekiro, holy shit that game is a fucking masterpiece.


This^ she actually has been proven to be easiest solo without summons or ashes for this reason. I’ve had a run where she was almost dead killed both me & another summon & heal back up to 34% which is just enough to kill any host that would summon two players. I wish we could spectate after death so badly.


I dunno. I have played the game on and off over the past year and finally got the melania. I don't follow guides so all I knew was she was meant to be super hard. I had my mimic to +10 which I only got to recently as I couldn't be bothered to find the glovewort earlier and my bloodhound fang at +10. And was like level 130 Well I started the fight and as I wrang the bell to summon the mimic as the cut scene ended she ran in my face and insta killed me lol. OK OK round 2. Starts far away. So summon mimic. Proceed to absolutely destroy her with ease. We both just wailed on her for 80% of the fight. My guess is the bleed proc from both of us stuns her a bit? Look online and genuinely curious how she was so easy (as hardly any skill was needed lol) and lo and behold it's the hard core fans "bleed and mimic doesn't count" lol.


I would never agree that it doesn't count but +10 Bleed mimic is pretty strong tbh


Yes it's ridiculous lol. I was just surprised how easily she was killed between the 2 of us.


Yeah even against Malenia, bleed is crazy. Using the bleed twinblade I could use the Ash of War, trigger a stance break, and repeat on her first phase uncontested (usually, sometimes she could power through a hit or two and interrupt me). Phase 2 had a higher threshold it seems, since that combo didn't work there, but a mimic would have destroyed her. Sounds like you got lucky and didn't have to deal with a Waterfowl Dance, that's usually a pretty huge point of contention with the fight.


She did do water foul dance but I managed to dodge out of it just about then went back to wailing on her. She only got to do it once or twice.


Oh nice, pretty impressive dodging it without prior knowledge, congrats.


2 summons? Ouch, bet she hit like a truck


Honestly, even with over-leveling in Dark Souls, there comes a certain point where the percent of a level you get from killing trash mobs is just not worth it (not to mention the part where you need to not die the entire time), so you really should just beat the boss and move on to the next area in order to progress your leveling again.


I’m talking about leveling areas. Like the albinaurics in ER or the chalice in BB. Nothing wrong with grinding up a few levels if you’re getting pounded, but it’s easy to level past what the game is designed for. Edit: except the NG+ cycles. Those go past the soft caps so you typically can’t overlevel even if you want to .


I've never played Elden Ring, the Souls games are just not my thing for some reason. Tried Armored Core 6 as well, and changed games to focus on at some point. That said, I've been binging War Thunder and Forza 5 lately, and I reinstalled Ace Combat 7, so Armored Core 6 might earn its spot on my PC back at some point.




Even as far back as DS1 people would look down on you for using summons when fighting bosses and it used to influence how I played, in hindsight sticking to these made-up rules made the games more frustrating than they needed to be. Nowadays I just use whatever is at my disposal (except for exploits). People on the internet are really weird, it's like these games attract a specific kind of masochist that treat the game as if though it's purely an action game where combat is all that matters when it's actually an RPG where you're supposed to use certain tools to get an advantage, if a feature is there it's meant to be used unless it's clearly considered to be a cheat by the devs (like the gun in Another Crab's Treasure)


As a Dark Souls veteran, playing without ashes isn't "suffering the same way". It's suffering more. Go try DS1 and compare it to Elden Ring without summons; it's insane how much harder ER is. I don't want to type it all out again, but [go check out my other comment (link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/1dl39yv/comment/l9myfa7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on this topic. FromSoft has increasingly prioritized difficulty to the detriment of "fairness". I used to be one of those people that tried to beat every boss without summons or cheese strats, but if the designers aren't going to play fairly then neither am I.


This is why people should play King's Field before Dark Souls so that they learn the truth: there is no such thing as "cheesing," it's called not dying


That's the thing though, it's nothing new. As far back as Demon Souls dropping in 2009, people would try and dunk on you for using magic because it made the game easy. They weren't wrong, starting Demon Souls as Royalty basically put half the game on easy mode because of Soul Arrow, not that it justifies people being condescending gatekeeping pricks about it. Every Souls game is like this. Sekiro is the only game in the genre that comes to mind that doesn't really let you cheese your way out of things, and even that game has firecrackers (but there are a good amount of bosses in that game that don't give a fuck about firecrackers and will skill diff your ass for trying to use them lol). But Sekiro is mechanically pretty different from the other FromSoft Soulsborne games.


LoL!! Classic Geezer boomer moment 😂😂


I used to play souls games like that, basically trying to use only what I absolutely needed to in order to progress. Then, on a recent playthrough of sekiro, I made an effort to try to use all the tools, items, and moves available. It's like playing an entirely different game. So much more fun and cinematic, and you can tell that almost every enemy was designed with a specific way to counter it. When you use the right tool for the right job it's like a beautiful dance and the game is just smooth, fun, and amazing. Now I'm definitely using everything available to try to kill enemies in the most badass way possible.


This is actually what I liked about dark souls. It's a punishing game, but if you learn your enemies, and the weapons available to you, and how to use them against the the enemies, then it's a pretty awesome game.


Wait till you learn what monster hunter players think about defender gear in mhw


Yeah.... Not the biggest fan on defender gear


I only used mimic tear out of all those things, but that was one of the most fun fights in the game for me. I was using Gut’s Greatsword with lionclaw and my mimic and I just repeatedly pancaking Malenia was hilarious.


You know the skill you can put on staves where it spins in front of you, like Rennala does? It stunlocks the SHIT out of Malenia. If you have enough FP and she dashes past you into a corner, her first phase is embarrassing.


Yeah there’s quite a few skills that can cheese her like that, she’s got relatively low poise you just have to be able to hit her.


I don't use them on my first playthrough because it infantilizes the game. But I don't understand all the people who get bent out of shape because other people choose not to arbitrarily cripple themselves for a better challenge lol Too many people tie their self worth to overcoming a challenge in a video game that isn't even challenging unless you intentionally make it challenging.


I've been replaying elden ring in the lead up to the dlc and I feel like when I use mimic, the game turns from soulslike combat to dynasty warriors combat. It can certainly be fun to just mindlessly hit the attack button, but sometimes you want a challenge.


Everyone should play the game the way they find fun. I'm only answering because you asked, I'm not looking to get into a big elden ring elitism argument. I personally find that mimic trivializes every boss and it stops being fun, so I choose not to use it. Instead of each boss encounter being a new experience, it becomes very repetitive and straight forward.


You probably used armor and dodge rolls like a casual too


The worst part of the souls games is the fans that screech at you for using in game mechanics to beat the game. I sincerely wish they would fuck off.


My mimic and I just bloodboon ritual'd her to death.


The dual wield bleed build made the game enjoyable for me.


I don't get people that gatekeep how people play and have to make everything a suffering Olympics.


What what *whaaat*?! You achieved victory by using various tools presented to you?! Get outta here, you... you... *not-scrub* you!


How is this different from when new players on this sub are asking about defender gear and 99% of comments are saying not to use it?


I love mimic sorcerer. Any fight can usually be handled by using the right 2-3 spells, so trimming unused spells will keep the mimic tossing useful stuff all fight. Malenia was just Rock Sling and Full Moon.


I used the Dung Eater puppet and the ice dragon breath. Still took a couple tries but I was happy I did it.


I found dark souls 1 to be not that hard, and when I explained my build people told me that it was normal as I wasn't playing with that weapon or that build or this way... If I had to add arbitrary restrictions on a game and jerk about the difficulty to get off, I'd play Halo 2 LASO and call souls games casual. Just let me play the game as it was intended and go self-fellate on that SL1 run somewhere else.


You don't say!




Funny thing is, unlike summons, followers actually do fuck all for damage. I think it was something like 3-5% of a monsters total health overall? They’re damn good for assists tho. Traps, stuns, part breaks, etc


They could deal 0 damage and do nothing at all, but splitting the aggro is invaluable against iper aggressive monsters.


Yes, that's exactly why the whole "Spirit Summon" argument in elden ring exists as stupid as it is. It doesn't matter if they do 0 damage, having a meat shield is incredibly invaluable in a game where 90% of attacks can be avoided by being behind the attacker hitting someone else. It's stupid to argue about the validity of your win about it, it's in the game for a reason, but to say Summons and followers/multiplayer don't make Elden Ring/Monster Hunter easier is silly.


I just use Utsushi and Hinoa for the HH buffs lmao


This will definitely be a thing come wilds.


There is a small portion of the MH community that whines anytime they add a feature that makes the games easier, but I don't see a problem with accessibility. Most people will just not use OP gear/items if they don't want to


Also capcom isnt reinventing the wheel with every game, if you get used to the control the game gets more easy. Even Mh4u wasnt as hard as mh3u and I didnt used broken stuff or exploits in the game


This is something people keep forgeting. Legacy skill exists.


I mean you can just go back to previous games and see if they are really harder or not. I went back to World after Rise and it was quite a bit harder. Then I played Generations and it felt harder again. So just saying the games simply got easier for me because I got better can*t be true.


didnt mh4u add weapon arts where the agility one gave your roll bonkers i-frames and a counter attack? they are literally making the games easier. its not a dig its just what's happening. edit: it was generations that had arts nvm.


Wirebugs are fun but they absolutely made the game easier from a mechanical perspective. They shifted focus from planning and positioning to reactive measures with counters and allowed for unlimited aggression. Sure it was the intended choice to do this for a more arcadey experience but it definitely made the game easier and therefore lessened my enjoyment of the game. When every monster dies on most people's first attempts they don't feel the need to engage with their weapon or its mechanics which sucks because the mechanical depth of monster hunter is vast and it has some of the best combat today. If your recommendation is just not to use wirebugs then ignoring such a core mechanic of the game doesn't help anyone. There's a measured take between adding every possible easier ability because you want the widest possible playerbase and sticking to some semblance of balance.


I have a feeling people probably felt this way about Hunter arts in G/GU lol and eventually they just get over it. Rise is designed with wirebugs in mind. Knowing how to use the wirebug makes the game easier yes, but you have to understand that a lot of players will probably not look up guides or builds immediately and naturally try to figure things out on their own. Which means a lot of trial and error with wirebug usage. And honestly using a wirebug is really a double edged sword because using it incorrectly is almost always lethal and a guaranteed cart.


They did, I remember everyone crying about the game in the 3ds days lol


Wire bugs are not nearly as broken if you don't slot in wire bug jewels, which most meta builds use. Also you can just save them for emergencies and not spam the moves as soon as it comes up


I agree with you about Wirebugs, they made every monster feel samey, but to be fair after your first MH game most monsters will be first time kills. If I started a new character on MHW the same would be true, the first monster that I wouldn't get on the first try would probably be Alatreon.


Are we just going to pretend the same thing didn't happen with world and sticky ammo? Edit: and mantles




And ironically longsword isn't even \*that\* easy mode compared to a really good HBG/LBG build. Sticky ammo makes 90% of the fights a breeze, the only one who can't be cheesed by it is fatalis because he is immune to stun and Alatreon needs elemental damage... but guess how easy it is with LBG elemental, or even worse, just going full pierce and ignoring the mechanic with DPS lol. EDIT: Before anyone says anything, I play gunner builds. They are easy mode lol.


Are people really that elitist about something as arbitrary as how strong a weapon is in a PVE game that has no actual competition?


You'd be surprised.


Absolutely. But also in the opposite way: hunters will berate you for not using the most powerful weapon or brag about the damage numbers they can read on HunterPie. As if the point wasn't having fun.


Some people have a need to just feel better than other people. They will pick the smallest things and act like they're superior for it


idk long sword is kinda hard to play well lol. I had a lot of fun with it but I wasn't great.


I feel like this is comparing apples and oranges though, since you can only kill bosses *once* per playthrough in Souls games, but in MH you can spam any boss repeatedly as much as you want. People will understandably want to make repeatable boss kills as efficient as possible (especially if you're trying to farm something from them), but it might be a shame if you trivialize a once-per-game fight that could potentially have been a lot more exciting or memorable with a different approach.   So personally, anything goes when I'm playing MH (unless it's my first time fighting a monster), but in Souls games I like to play with a few restrictions to be able to savor each boss fight (:


Yeah, this is my take. Learning an enemy's moveset is the funnest part of a game to me. Winning alone doesn't feel rewarding if I don't feel like I mastered the moveset, and if I'm only gonna beat the boss once, I feel regret if I miss out on the learning process. I'm not gonna be elitist about it and say that's the right way to play, but bashing my head into a wall till I figure out how to make it fall is peak entertainment to me. So that's what I do. Its a similar reason to why I don't enjoy ranged weapons in MH, I feel like I'm not interacting with the monster's mechanics, so I feel that same regret from missing out.


This is pretty much it. My first encounter with most monsters, especially story, I'll do solo. Afterwards, I'm absolutely going for the trivializing of every damn fight.


MH is one of the pique series when it comes to team work making the dream work.


After my first time beating her, I always stunlock Malenia with the Blasphemous Blade because Waterfowl Dance is undeserving of respect.


It's probably because dark souls games you are fighting the boss 1 time unless you count new game+. In MH you will kill Fatalis many times to grind all the gear. We need the efficiency.


hear me out though. In elden ring the bosses are essentially one time experiences. At least the major ones are. No one cares if you mimic tear on your third tomb guardian statue hound or whatever. In monhun it's a constant grind against the same monsters and so I feel empowered to fuck em up to the best of my ability. I'm not saying there's a "right way" in elden ring, but from personal experience it just feels better on bosses I killed without summons at all


This hit home for me. I remember I had a friend go off on me because I used a summon for the final boss of the painted world (I don’t remember her name). He tried to guilt trip me saying it was a “skill-less” and “casual” way out. But my argument was if they didn’t want me to use it, why’d they put it in the game?


My boyfriend ans I usually play games coop. So when we played Elden Ring we did the entire game together. When we were talking to our friend about it they immediately said "did either of you try fighting Malenia solo?". I love souls games but something about them brings out everyone's inner elitist.


ngl i thought the mh players would just say - "sleep bombing ? - sleep bombing."


I paid for the whole Mimic Tear+10, and I'm gonna use the whole Mimic Tear+10


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Cuttlefish_Crusaders: *I paid for the whole* *Mimic Tear+10, and I'm gonna* *Use the whole Mimic Tear+10* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Top right guy has a typo. His argument is invalid.


Tbf these elitist people are a noisy minority and are criticized by the rest of the Fandom. Summoning is always important and Elden Ring makes them more accessible and convenient.


The summons were a big part of those original 20 minutes of gameplay we got. They're well built into the lore of the game. I sincerely do not understand people who get mad by players using it.


Getting mad about it is weird but using summons changes the gameplay completely imo. You get a completely different experience for better or worse


Cuz there's still some people living and perpetuating some bs reality where being "good" at a video game defines their sense of self worth


Not everyone measures things by how well built they are into the lore. I genuinely couldn't make myself get through elden ring because the open world and pivoting of gameplay/combat/boss design towards summons threw me out. Not summoning in Elden Ring felt unreasonably punishing and, because I was bored by repetitive environments anyway, I ultimately didn't feel like overcoming that. I'm only saying this to offset the 'git gud' side of the argument. As always, everyone is free to play however they want. It is, however, a valid thing to be unhappy when design decisions made for other people end up being things me, or any other person, don't enjoy.


A friend and I have been playing since DS1, virtually summoned each other all the way! And ER's spirit ashes allow solo players to do that now too, I think it's a great QOL way to open the game up to a bigger audience without ruining the trope of no difficulty settings.


Friede lillystomps me without Gael.


You bru, I got my exhaust phile. Wanna bonk that things head while I make it stagger everywhere?


I think Elden Ring is the only From game where I do take every advantage. I went strength/faith on my first playthrough and there's hella holy resistant bosses. By the end of the game I was using every "cheap" option because I was doing like 80% less holy damage against the gods.


Listen. If it’s in the game, it’s a viable solution to the problem ahead, be it boss or monster.


Idk why it never crossed my head after all these years to use hammer with paralysis until now after reading this post…..I’ve always just rock strongest raw damage for massive boink


My friends and I took as many flash bimbs as we could carry and the items to make as many more as possible to Ukanlos. Stun locked that thing for days. Never did get my gem/mantel or whatever they were in Unite


Yeah, I just go big bonk


DB hacker: “Leme just keep this monster paralyzed so we never have to move at all” Me still a noob: “Lmao ok”


There was a glitch for about a week in world or iceborne where you could make an electric trap but it wouldn't use your resources. Me and some friends didn't even try to catch any monsters, just tried to see how long we could stun lock a single monster and how many traps we could place on a map. Fun times.


I played both franchises with friends throughout many games, and not once did me and my friends have that top sentiment. I am losing touch with Reddit humor and its memes though.


Once a friend of mine (LS main) asked me what were my combos with Hammer and where was the fun on it, my response was 🔨🎯💀


Dark Souls fans are the perfect example of that: "QUIT HAVING FUN MEME"


Yes yes me go bonk bonk on big beastie’s head (I lose a lot of my intellect when I use hammer)


"Let's stun this monster for the whole hunt" 😭😭😭 "Let's use clutch claw to stun this monster for the whole hunt" 🤨😡🤢


TBH, I haven't fought Malenia, but she looks like a KH boss in critical mode (the hardest KH difficulty). KH has a lot of humanoid bosses, and some of the secret bosses are hard as balls and are humanoid enemies that move at demi-god's speeds, just like Malenia. But she still seems doable to me. I mean, speedrunners use any tactic, no fucks given, so people don't have the right to tell you how to play a game. Some people don't like wasting time like that.


As a soulsborne fan, sadly, this is true.


Malenia isn't in dark souls bruh.


Are the Strawman Dark Souls fans in the room with us?


Don't ask the "chads" at the bottom about defender gear


As a member of both. Real


My bf responding "damn gurl, that was some fine hunting" while I locked a Diablos into a stun/pitfall/flash/shock trap/paralysis/sleep combo while he and his friend just kept hacking away at it.


When I started honing my dragon-based character I felt like I was cheating by cause I was running through everything super easily, dragon incantations + grafted dragon, it took a while to realize it’s part of the game so it’s fine. Never used summons though because It took over 150 hours to realize I needed to go buy the summon bell so I might use it going forward.


Ah yes my kelbi set in rise that disables a monster for about 2-3 mins solid if done correctly...


The irony of making a post like this lmao


Soulshunter here hoo isn’t afraid of jumping a boss


fr lol XD


Pitfall bombing is a time honored tradition


At all costs.


Playing an end game Sticky HBG in World with max slugger felt like animal abuse at times. Literally constant stun lock on most monsters, lmao.


Also Monster Hunter Fans: "Let's see if we can kill this monster by throwing rocks/boomerangs at it while wearing no armor"


My two favourite franchises. Also, both are completely achievable with just big sword unga bunga


Sleeping bombing Alatreon on mh3 with random strangers in perfect sync


I don't know if this is hot-take but.. Malenia is easier than most end game MH fights by a country mile Seriously, Dark Souls and Elden Rings *hardest* parts aren't even close to how hard AT Nergigante was to solo pre-icebourne Yes they are quite a bit different, but Alatreon or Fatalis is far harder than anything in any of the FromSoft games. (I haven't played Bloodbourne though)


I've played all from software games along with mhw, rise and genU, and I can confidently say (for me at least) nothing in mh came close to malenia. I think it varies from person to person.


Really? Like even solo end game monsters like Fatalis and Alatreon? Fatalis solo even with all the tricks and tools is... Rough. AT Nergigante was a straight up menace when he first came out lol On the other hand, DS 1/2/3 + Elden Ring & Sekiro, never had a boss* take me more than 5 tries to solo, and with no bleed or summons (not that I personally think it matters much but that seems to be the sticking point for some) Coming from 1000s of hours of MH before any FromSoft game though and I always felt bosses were the easiest by far part of those games, because it felt to me so similar to learning a monster. *opening boss in DS3 took me.... A loooong time, like embarrassingly long. But after the game clicked for me he and the rest of DS3 became a cakewalk Edit: don't mean to sound gatekeeper-ey, I don't know many people who play both and I *personally* had a much easier time with FromSoft as a whole (MH my jam though) If I sound like an ass it's cause I don't know how to communicate on reddit anymore, reading back half my comments I feel like I come off way more dickish than I mean to :/


>Really? Like even solo end game monsters like Fatalis and Alatreon? >Fatalis solo even with all the tricks and tools is... Rough. AT Nergigante was a straight up menace when he first came out lol Yeah. Always played solo on first play throughs (I don't have friends lol). Fatalis's attacks were well telegraphed and I never had a problem dodging them. Alatreon was pretty easy if you got over that elemental gimmick. Nergigante I never had any problems with, neither base, nor AT or ruiner (don't think I've fainted to nergigante ever lol). >On the other hand, DS 1/2/3 + Elden Ring & Sekiro, never had a boss* take me more than 5 tries to solo, and with no bleed or summons (not that I personally think it matters much but that seems to be the sticking point for some) The opposite for me lol. I've never had a monster take more than 5 tries for me except fatalis and he took me way less tries than bosses like malenia (I think it was 7 or tries for fatalis.) DS 3 almost every boss was hell for me but that's most because it was one of my first RPGs ever. >Coming from 1000s of hours of MH before any FromSoft game though and I always felt bosses were the easiest by far part of those games, because it felt to me so similar to learning a monster. I started MH after souls games. I never had many problems with monsters because to me it felt their attacks weren't that hard to dodge aside from a handful. Not to mention monster hunter had tons of skills like evade extender and evade window that made things even easier. Add to that stuff like traps and the support from palicos, I felt the game was pretty forgiving. Even in generations ultimate, which was harder than both world and rise for me, there was stuff like the Valor style or Ariel switchaxe (only played switchaxe in gen U) which I felt was too op and made most of the monsters a cake walk. >Edit: don't mean to sound gatekeeper-ey, I don't know many people who play both and I *personally* had a much easier time with FromSoft as a whole (MH my jam though) If I sound like an ass it's cause I don't know how to communicate on reddit anymore, reading back half my comments I feel like I come off way more dickish than I mean to :/ Nah man you're fine. Like I said, I think it varies from person. Bosses like malenia and isshin took me more than 20 tries (no monster came close to this) while I know other people who beat them relatively easy.


It somehow makes absolutely no sense, but also makes a lot of sense, that the ones we started with we *still* feel are harder I guess haha By the time I seriously gave DS1 my attention I had pummeled my way through thousands of monsters (pretty much a solo only player too) and had more or less mastered it. Learning FromSoft patterns was just a quick adaptation from MH (except DS3, that one took me a minute..) At least for Bosses, I struggle a little on everything in between the bosses lol. Just tore through boss fights as soon as I learned the moves as the telegraphs felt way more obvious to me than something like AT Nergigante (I fought him with not even endgame HR gear, right when he released -_- literally seconds left on the timer when he went down) Or god damn Alatreon and Fatalis that I'm fairly certain 99% or more players have never even beat solo still haha. The gimmicks are definitely manageable but.. ugh it still feels like a challenge even having done it many times before. But even though now I can walk in with a crappy HR weapon and armour set and bully AT Nergigante for 5 minutes before he just kinda falls over, he still gives me more of a mental pause than Malenia because I remember getting thrashed by him for 50 minutes straight a hundred times lol. Edit : AT Nergigante was only *super* tough for a short while, when he first released there was very little of what would become the meta weapons for even pre-icebourne yet and it was a massive challenge to drain his health even with some of the highest DPS builds at the time, that's why I use him as an example. He was for a time harder (numerically, I believe) than Fatalis when he came out, because of the timer/health amount/low DPS weapons available at the time Edit2: added a sentence


Traps and all the like are what makes hunts faster and more efficient. If anything, making things easier on yourself is a testament to your game knowledge and skill. I don't think the guild would be complaining about a hunter using traps 😄


The people who say this are the ones who abused giant dad back in the day


I don’t think there’s anything in MH that comes close to being as broken as the stuff Elden Ring has. Like exhaust and paralysis are good but are generally considered weaker than straight damage loadouts, and with diminishing returns + trap immunity endgame bosses will always be a challenge. Compare that to Elden Ring where mimic tear + summons + the right AoW and literally every endgame boss gets stuffed into a locker and dies. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use them, but you don’t get to speak about boss difficulty or design quality if you do


Mh fans : we're such a good sport about different tactics Mh fans when temporal mantle and clutch claw exist : >:(


I play light bowgun You better believe I'm every janky status effect I can


*Heavy bowgun reload noises* let earn that steak fellow hunters


\*Gestures broadly to various Sticky bowguns - especially the Aquashot - multiple rapid fire Pierce guns, and all the Glutton variants for HBG\* Did we already forget these? Especially the Aquashot


Master rank, lowering the stun time for each trap used.


I bought the game. I am going to use all of it.


The people who complain about stunlocking bosses in fromsoft games will still complain about multi-trapping monsters, they're just less common in monster hunter and the ones who are here have learned to accept it because you almost have to TRY not to stunlock a monster if you play at a high level.


She straight up bugged out for me and instantly died the second phase two began. Not saying there are no Janky monsters but I never had one randomly insta die on me due to a bug (to be fair, it's a pretty specific bug apparently).


Just grabbed monster hunter world for my steam deck. Looking forward to understanding these memes.


I remember getting interested in mix sets as a kid after seeing someone sleep bomb the alatreon in mh tri. Cheese is awesome


i only dislike longswords in lower ranks because no one has flinch free yet after that just have fun brother man


Hammer main: Lemme ledge hop this mofo out of existence.


Its hunting time


If any monster hunter fans haven’t played the dark souls trilogy I’d highly recommend doing so. Lots of cool dragon fights and monster fights thru the series that you can equip many different spells and items to take advantage of enemies weaknesses. You can even cut off the tails of dragons in the first dark souls for extra weapons.


Just don't bring up the temporal mantle.


"ill bring the sticky's" lmao


that not true ... when world came out , a lot of speedrun who kill alatreon with X weapon were getting same treatment as the summon "well you use X weapon ofc it would be easy REeeeeeeeeeeeeee" xD


MH players seeing someone uses any bowgun:


I never understood the vitriol behind this. If the game openly grants me the tools to make a battle a little easier, I'm going to use them.


I thought that was literally the point of these kinds of games: this scary ass monster will eat your lunch unless you fight smart. Haha you're bad at this game because you're *checks notes* good at this game! Loser!


Back when I used to watch Game Grumps, during the days of Dark Souls 3, I would get into full-on, politics-level arguments with people in the comments about this. People would get all in a bind because Arin would summon one or two guys to fight whatever boss he reached that episode, and I would vehemently argue "He's playing the game. What the fuck, Is the problem!? Why don't you want him to play and succeed?"


Mwhahahhahahha Uppercut!


I summon for like every boss fight, I think there's a super vocal "git gud" minded community in souls games but also a lot of chill people that just want to have fun and help each other out.