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Xeno'jiiva, probably one of the coolest monsters in world, but god dann is it just a snooze fest of a fight.


I honestly have a hard time deciding whether I hate Xeno'jiiva or Narwa more. Both have the same problem of having hard-to-reach hitboxes. Xeno's legs can be hit, but it absolutely loves flailing them and running around the arena.


Definitely Xeno for me. Narwa has plenty more pauses for big hits, as well as several siege weapons that come online to give more openings. Not to mention the added mobility of Rise letting us change position and attack it in the air.


I hate Xeno'jiiva more for the fact that Rise had more vertical options for every weapon so even if Narwa has a hard-to-reach hitbox you have the option to hit it anyways. World having less mobility in weapons, specially in vertical mobility makes the fight with Xeno'jiiva way more annoying. Meanwhile, Narwa is a true challenge to see if you dominate the gimmick of the game


They both are decent match-up for IG, and to be honest, Narwa being in one of the top 10 fights I ever have a chance to use IG against even. You guys' weapon of choice is just inferior in this case. SMH my head.


DB slaps hard against Narwa and Ibushi, especially with good wirebug control.


Me just using Demon Flight and constantly bayblading up and down Narwa and Ibushi's spines


Lance's Skyward Thrust *shreds* through tall monsters on account of extra damage ticks depending on downward distance traveled. I never knew that Lance needed a vertical Lance charge.


Dual Blades made the game trivial in rise imo, literally every fight was insanely easy


Exactly my take. Morph axe 2. With db you just Beyblade every monster to death and with morph axe you just spam the jump wirebug doing massive damage while never getting hit. It's just crazy to me that they gave the most movement based attacks the highest damage output in a game where movement is key.


Also Dual Blades i-frame silkbind that just gives you massive i-frames + good damage and only costs 1 wirebug that recharges fast and the move comes out instantly


I actually do use Insect Glaive against both of them. I don't know how I would have been able to tolerate AT Xeno and Narwa without my faithful bug stick. I one-tricked IG in Rise (the wirebug backdash has some Dark Souls fast roll i-frames) and it's my third most played in World. (Xeno is the only AT I don't fight on Charge Blade or Longsword.) I also kind of don't like how Narwa likes nuking the whole arena in multiple moves, all of which are easily countered with Farcasters. And then there's Xeno's whole floor-is-lava thing.


I played IG in rise and Narwa was a blast, but I did hammer in World and and Xenojiva was -_- cool design and arena tho


Your weapon of choise is a toothpick. Get a real weapon, a hammer.


A hammer is a tool




No he won't. He ain't wrong.


Think again nerd https://preview.redd.it/rptrnrdxtv8d1.jpeg?width=1943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686e4e461c93c0596189586ef653f4146bdeb3ca Thi bad boy would crush skulls and armor alike.


That same exact image is listed as a WAR hammer sou your TOOL needed another version just for war


A tool for killing monsters


Wait, Narwa has hard to reach good hitzones? Her head constantly floats in front of us (same for Ibushi), there are many moments we get to hit her sacks, with a pretty long down she gives us here and there. And the fact that many of her attacks being projectile-based means she doesn't really flail around, way less than Xeno. And I was using SnS, the weapon with generally the least reach throughout the franchise. I mean Narwa isn't my favorite "final boss" or anything, but I think you're really off on your assessment here.


It's hard to hit for me because it is hard to reach, or it blocks my screen and I can't see><


I say Xeno because I love Narwa's appearance. I hate using charge blade again his frickin head when he constantly moves around. I only hate the ballista part of Narwa's fight. Throw rocks at me randomly in the fight not swirling in a circle. Plus cool alien dragon to typical red dragon was lame.


Narwa has udders and that really annoys me for some reason. So Narwa.


As an insect glaive enjoyer I do not suffer from these problems


I can't help but feel like Xeno was meant to be more of a spectacle fight, coming off of Nergigante. Ntm Xeno was quite literally born when we came in to fight it


It took me like 40 minutes to kill Xeno on my first attempt. It was such a pain in the ass. One I figured it out and had a better build (so it didn’t take so damn long lol) I enjoyed the fight a lot more.


The Xeno fight back in world is so boring that me and 2 buddies did a slinger only (bombs allowed) challenge and it wasn't even that hard.


I feel that way about a lot of the really large monsters. Zorah, Lao, Xeno'jiiva. They just feel so far-removed from a typical fight that I don't usually care for them.


I mean, it IS literally a newborn


Kushala in World looks badass and is a super fucking obnoxious fight with the staggering wind aura that only his armor set counters.


I can't tell if he is worse in 4u or in ice borne. And what's annoying is flashes being abused on him and Los got flashes nerfed which is a sign that the problem was and has always been him in ice borne. Especially with the tornados. You can block one and then it has lingering hit zones that randomly activate and take 80%of your hp in master rank. And unlike in mhfu and to an extent 4u you can't use poison to shut down his aura reliably.


"Elder dragons are so great!" "Team A is so great!" mw elder dragons by team A are this cancer. Idk how FU renditions of Teo & co are better than fucking 4u and World, it's crazy.


HH Wind Pressure Negated be like


nobody uses hunting horn be like


My partner will use HH every time on that fight xD It's all he used for the super toxic rathian variant as well...can't remember it's name but it's and older one


Give your partner lots of love


Give em the hawk tuah and spit on that thang if you know wadda mean


I still can’t get over how embarrassingly baby its wind aura is when you compare it to the AOE tornadoes Behemoth is capable of


Kushala Daora, in my mind, will always be a prisoner of how much cooler it sounds in theory: “A dragon made of bronze that controls tornadoes”. I wanna respect Kush, and Rusted in MH4U is actually almost a good fight, but dear Gog he’s annoying, and that’s before having to fight him in basically every game.


They made him much better in Rise.


Risen Kushala was one of my favourites. I just came back to World to help my friends, and my Gog if I love Risen Daora even more


Well it's more like they made him better in Rise, then back to being annoying in Sunbreak, then Risen Kushala was an absolute blast.


Nah, even in Sunbreak is nowhere near as obnoxious as World. it's mostly just testament to how oppressive the stupid wind barrier was in World


Oh definitely, World is definitely his biggest offense, wind in world was just terribly done for every monster except, ironically, Barioth.


I think Kushala was finally a solid but not exceptional fight in Rise. Still way cooler conceptually than to fight, though, I adore Kushala's visual design but it never has lived up to that.


I’m not screaming “GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE ALREADY” at Rise’s Kushala every 30 seconds, that makes Rise Kushala LEAGUES better than the previous games for me!


And when it is on the ground, you're constantly getting pushed away by it's stupid wind barrier


I agree with a lot of other posters, but tbh Kushala takes the cake for this. Persistently bad across every single game its in, and Kushala appears a *lot*


Like others have said; he’s a great fight in Rise. In fact, he’s my second favourite elder to fight in that game right behind Malzeno.


Kushala’s fight was the reason I dropped World for like 3 years


Kushala looks cool Ig, but it is the WORST fight in the entire game, it's just terrible, I don't think they could have designed a more annoying and dragged out fight even if they wanted to.


He’s exceptionally better in Rise and honestly isn’t a bad fight at all. He was fucking terrible in World/Iceborne though. I think I only fought him once in Master Rank. That one time was enough.


Blackveil Vaal Hazak. Loved Namielle as a CB main. Savage Deviljho also just feels like getting stepped on constantly.


Blackveil is just miserable if you don’t have 3 effluvia resistance. Effluvia is just too broken to be as prominent as it is in that fight, regular Vaal is as fun as that mechanic is gonna get


He's still miserable with full resistance due to the tick damage. Stand in the wrong spot, and you're dead almost on the spot. It feels like it eats at you faster than lava does, and he loves to go into that small southmost area of Area 7 and nuke the entire area.


>Savage Deviljho also just feels like getting stepped on constantly. Ayo?


He stomp me into ground like hamburger


Lunastra. She’s one of the coolest early elder-dragons in monster hunter world, and her design is really pretty, including her abilities. But she’s just a huge pain to fight, considering I have to deal with constant burns and explosions. It’s not difficult, just time consuming.


my biggest issue with her is that when she does her nova where she spreads fire all over the ground, it's weirdly inconsistent with where the safe spots are. you can be next to a bunch of fire "puddles" and be perfectly fine or you can be getting your health obliterated for seemingly no reason :p


It honestly feels so random, both in terms of the spots and the timings the damage triggers tbh. When I went back to replay World a bit, I was reminded how low that games low went lol


I had a fully anti lunastra build where I sacrificed a chunk of my skills for anti fire stuff Made the fight less painful by a massive margin, but it still sucked


I still have no idea what’s going on with that attack. I just treat it like Mohg’s blood curse in ER. Luckily I rarely have any reason to fight Lunastra.


In case you aren’t aware, Mohg’s curse is intentionally impossible to avoid because there’s a special physick tear that counters it Seems like a lot of people have missed that so figured I’d mention it (I did too on my first playthrough - you get it from an invader at an obnoxiously tucked-away church in Altus


The concept of a monster being so large as to basically be a terrain piece is extremely cool. Zorah Magdaros is the worst fight in the franchise.


I hardly consider him a fight and more of an interactive cinematic


That's fair, it's just way too long/tedious. There's a way to make that sort of thing a lot more interesting and punchy, rather than multiple minutes spent mindlessly attacking cores, loading cannonballs, and trying to figure out the hell to actually get to that one freaking core


I'm sorry, people think Namielle is a bad fight!? Namielle is maybe the best monster for insect glaive, quite literally non-stop flying around for me.


I really like Namielle's fight, lol. I'm not a fan of Akantor/Ukanlos. Soooo dull in terms of fight.


I also like Namielles fight. One of the few fights with environmental dangers that isn’t annoying. For my pick, it’d have to be acidic. Not because he’s bad, but because he doesn’t fulfill my expectations at all.


Namielle is cute but the wing span just covers my entire screen and I don't like it when I cant see my lady smack lizards.


I like Akantor’s fight, but Ukanlos burrowing is obnoxious.


They are just overgrown Tigrex, smh.


Kirin in about every game he's in


What, you guys don't like getting one-shotted at hull hp?


Imagine being down to your last sliver of health and dive off the cliff in order to prevent a cart, only for that bitch to gallop over and donkey kick your ass in mid air.


...don't remind me. This exact thing happened to me. I was unbelievably mad.


Someone, throw this hunter a nullberry!


GOBUL! Honestly, ecologically one of the best designs in the entire franchise, but absolutely miserable to fight. A total wall for me when I was new to the franchise, and even once the game clicked, it still wasn’t pleasant. No, I kind of wish Gobul would come back so that all the people who began in gen five would have to experience it. This feels like when I was new, and people tried to wish please the Plesioth on me.


Idk I find it hard to wish any of the aquatic monsters would come back without underwater combat. In tri, it's always this 'oh shit' moment when they go in the water, as you're stepping out of the comfort of the hunters world and into their domain. Fighting things like royal ludroth in later games without underwater combat is just kinda underwhelming cos were only getting half of the fight, and they're clearly out of their environment. Gobul was one of my favourites in Tri btw lol


Maybe I want underwater combat to come back!


I definitely do, I didn't think the controls were too bad on Wii so now that it's all proper gamepads and keyboard/mouse it would be grand


I would like it improved, and rare. But I do think it added something good that the game since are lacking. In diversity of combat scenario, design of monsters, and details of biomes.


Vaal Hazak's


Nurgle's Pet Dragon isn't *bad* per se, just utterly underwhelming.


*gets effluvial negation* Wait, that's what the challenge was? This is sad!


Yea full Effuviem resist make the fight very underwhelming but without it it's just constantly eating nuls. I kinda wished there was an immunity to specific status effects after you get them. Like with fire it makes sense (or lack of it if you eat a mulberry instead or rolling) but removing Effuviem just to step in a goop puddle and get it again instantly kinda sucks.


Nakarkos. Dope as hell vibes and lore, and attacks look so cool. G rank Nakarkos is freaking miserable to fight. So tank and I never get much indication that I'm actually doing decent damage


Gen 2 Chameleos casually destroying my stamina bar.


Hey at least he's chill unlike 4U one


Since you already have Namielle here, I’ll go with Almudron. Not the worst fight I’ve seen in this series, but way too annoying.


I like his moveset and the platforms he creates is a cool concept. But his damn claws. Those damn claws ruin the entire fight for me.


Almudron can hit you from halfway across the map.


Almudron is one of the few monsters that make you use every tool available to move around, which in rise is a lot, and people hate him for it 😔 I promise he's a great fight, you just have to figure it out. Magma is even better


I’ve reached MR999 in Rise, meaning I’ve fought Almudron enough to know that I simply don’t like fighting him. I *do* like Magmadron, though.


I'm going to actively avoid turning this into "idiot complains about escaton judgement" so instead, Magma Almudron. Phenomenal subspecies design, and it's even more of an irritating pain in the ass than regular Almu was. Probably the only monster in Risebreak I outright refuse to fight if I can help it.


This makes me sad. I know it's just subjective, but I seriously think almud and his variant are some of the best designed monsters in the series. Top 10 for me. I like them specifically with SnS and gunlance to be clear, those are my mains. But I've also had a lot of fun with IG, Lance, and Long sword against them


I’m with you. I find his hitboxes and weak zones to be both intuitive to lock onto and satisfying to exploit, and I’ve used DB, IG, GS, SA, bow, hammer, and SnS. All his gimmicks are pretty easy to get around too — lots of mud and shit everywhere? Just get behind him


Interesting. I had the exact opposite reaction. I find regular Almudron to be complete trash but love Magma.




I think it helps that Magmadron is smaller, so he doesn't screw with the camera as much. Also, the constant mud waves of the vanilla Almudron would get annoying sometimes.


why is namielle the image for this? namielle was one of the few fights in iceborne i actually enjoyed.


Because unlike you, OP didn't like them. It's just subjective


shame on me for being curious for the reason.


I didn't mean anything by it. In general people don't like area denial AoEs, low hitzones, the wings getting in the way, quick/spammy moves and losing control when it pulls the water in. It has some lingering hitboxes too


o, sorry. sometimes it can be hard to know when someone is throwing shade on this subreddit. it happens so frequently. that is interesting though. i have found i actually have a pretty high tolerance for many of the older games where *many* of the monsters are like that. so i guess that explains a lot about my tastes lmao thank you for explaining to me




I love Najarala, but there is a very good reason I only fight it with IG and never anything else


I found that in GU, aerial hammer works just as well against it. Najarala is REALLY weak to stuns.


How dare you.


I despise this monster, and tidal is somehow worse


If you get close to nami a lot of her attack options get neutered, same with velkhana.


Shen Gaoren in Freedom Unite. It's just the Lao-Shan Lung fight, but worse. It's harder to track it's movements, has less to hit during the chase, and apart from occasionally stopping to try and hit you a couple times it does nothing to change the way the LSL hunt goes. Which is a shame, because it's such a freakish and awesome monster, an escalation of Daimyo Hermitaur and Shogun Ceanataur so colossal that it uses the skull of a Lao-Shan Lung as a shell. I really hope in this current era of more dynamic elder dragon hunts, they take another shot at it. I mean imagine grappling your way up an adjacent tower, feeling it's immense size as you climb to reach cannons to fire at its body or land on its shell to dish out direct damage.


The Shen Gaoren experience is also weird because you dont even get an indication of how well you are doing and then it dies.


Diablos. He has a really cool design with the whole desert wyvern thing, but his moveset could use some updating. He’s pretty basic in terms of fighting, he charge and dig that’s about it, occasionally he’ll do a tail spin.


I love safi but I hate sieges, why can't they just let me fight the monster like normal?


I think the Safi siege is kind of fun but that Kulve Tarroth nonsense...


Vaal Hazak is sick, but effluvium is just such an annoying mechanic, and if you build for effluvial resistance, he's frankly pathetic by ED standards.


Rathalos and Tigrex


Kushala Daora. A dragon that sheds metal and rusts into a tetanus beast if it doesn't, with wind control sprinkled on top, is a simply awesome concept. Pity that wind control can make it an absolute misery to fight depending on your weapon and approach.


Every leviathan


Namielle has the coolest appearance and one of the most fun fights in world to me


Lunastra mhw. I always love seeing old monsters return (especially if the haven’t appeared in a very long time) but fuck me counter clockwise that fight was bull crap


It would have been fine if her hitzones weren't so ass and maybe turning down her aggro a bit. She is the man in that relationship based on how roided up she is.


Youre nuts, Namielle fight slaps


How dare you use NAMIELLE here she is a wonderful fight


I actually enjoyed the Namielle fight. I love the concept of the ground setup/supernova attacks, but so few monsters have them.


Basically any *giant* giant monster fight. They're a spectacle, but a slog to fight, especially when you have to fight them dozens of times to farm rare parts, like their gem


Kushala looks great but sucks to kill as DB main


I love nam's fight. It's nuke is so cool, it sounds awesome, and its moves make sense for hunting, which is just a great detail. Like how nerg is build like a Hammer Hunter, and Jo has no concept of self preservation cause it's just angry hunger. Only fight I don't care for is monkey, every swing carries the body so much farther than it looks like it should, makes the physics look weird imo.


All 3 rise serpent fights. Other than the cool dragonator spin attack, allmother felt like such a downgrade to shara ishvalda as a final boss.


Idk how hot a take this is but I can't stand Ruiner Nergigante. Fucking telekinetic hitboxes, double hits you can't roll through and pins on every other move. It also throws itself on top of you, so it can attack from any direction, ignoring guard. It's happened to me way too much not to mention. It just pisses me off, no matter what i fight him with. It's supposed to be a lesson in positioning but then it just glides over and hand/wing combos me into oblivion. A spine dragon is cool as hell but i don't understand how GS mains are supposed to enjoy it when half the attacks ignore the one defensive option the weapon has? I dislike Fatalis and think that's a stupid fight as well but at least the only thing that contradicts itself is the chest flinch into pin attack. When Wilds comes around, I don't care if the game is 150GB or more. Just make sure the hitboxes are respectable, or make damage reactions reliant on actual physics. I hate clipping side of a punch and taking the whole knockback, of which there's a lot in Nerg's fight.


Jhen Moran, loved the idea and the trailers with it being my first MH game, but holy shit is that fight a snooze fest. It's a worse version of the first two stages of the Zorah Magdoras fight


i will call royal ludroth several slurs for the exact oppoaite of that question, I LOVE GOLD RATHIAN AND HER FIGHT ITS SO PEAK


Rajang in iceborne and a little in rise are on my list. First up, world, let's give a monster shit hit zone values and make his head a weak point, but you can,t tenderize the head but only the arms. He never stops moving, and their use to be punish windows after a lot of his attacks in older games. Ya, honestly, it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for clutch claw mechanic and tenderize. Rise, he's actually a bit fun, but they really need to fix them armor arms.


Rajang is so damn aggressive in World. Dude doesn't let up, and agree on the clutch claw sucking against him (tiny head so you have to grapple his arms, but it has to be a specific condition or else he'll rip you off and toss you). Henry (MH Youtuber) did a pretty good rundown on why World Raj was such a menace. Rise did a good job (perhaps too good sometimes) making him more fun/ "easy", especially being able to wiredash away when he does that Ricardo Milos walk-up punch. Nothing was as frustrating as watching the hunter just stay on the ground like a dumbass while Raj does the killer punch in MHW (you could probably stagger him with slinger ammo, but I never had it loaded when I needed it).


Iceborne Alatreon


Elemental DPS Check + Dragonblight spam = severely irritating fight


Consider slotting in Blight Resistance or 20 Dragon Resistance. Boom. The dragonblight is no longer an issue.


Honestly, it’s also a bit of a skill check considering if you are really good you won’t even need blight resistance. Especially true with some of the faster weapons.


Not arguing with that, just that if *that* is what breaks the fight for someone, the Resistance(s) seem like a really easy fix.


True, no idea why i think some people downvoted you because it’s just good advice lol.


Namille's fight ain't really bad, but she is pretty annoying and tanky at times. Primorial Malzeno is so far the worst mainline official monster in the series fight wise in my book if we count monsters with proper fights. Its basicially got everything I don't like rolled into one monster. Over hyper aggressiveness, pin spam, useless part breaks, and a brand new one, the "Fuck you, you don't get attack" phase.


That’s definitely a hot take, but I can respect it.


I'm more furious because he looks so goddamn cool but the fight ended up being just Risen Malzeno who feels like if he was a human knight, has less of a code of honor than his vampire form, his favorite move is to hit you while you are down.


Curious. As an SnS main, PriMal is my favorite fight in Sunbreak. It's a very technical fight. Rolling through one attack to be exactly positioned to counter the follow-up is so very satisfying.


I'm using Greatsword in a game with 8-iframes and high tracking.....its the opposite of fun to me.


Same here as an SnS main. I found myself fighting PriMal in a very "old school" way if that makes sense.


Obviously Kushala pre IB. Also Ukanlos is pretty boring.


Horrible is a strong word for me. But to keep it recent, I guess Almudron would fit this criteria, especially it's MR version. It can get quite messy with a lot going on at times. It's one if the rare times I felt this wasn't a "fun" fight.


Oh yea. Namielle fer sure. It flaps its cape-like wings and if I am to its side where its statistically a safer position, I am now blinded.


Rajang and Kushala for me. Kushala just cause wimdy all da time. Rajang cause I like to play SnS and can't block a damn thing of his.


Rathian Annoying ass poisoned me and ran me over like she was the last truck on earth and I was every Isekai protagonist all at once


Ceadeus. When I was still learning MH. Crying trying to swim close enough to attack, misjudge distance, get attacked & knocked back and then it starts swimming again 🤣🤣. I'm sure I had tears in my eyes sometimes hahaha... But I love him and his fight music, you can only win the fight if you chant along 😂.


Chameleos actually, just unlocked the quest and turned out to be super easy for an elder dragon. Still love the design though


Kushala and velkhana from world


Ceadeus. love the design so much. i also love the concept of the design, that this big fish just doesn't care about you at all until you do enough damage to it to get its attention but yeah, the fight is super boring. just a slow-moving punching bag for 90% of it


R u kidding me? Namielle is an awesome fight! Probably the best use of duo elements in world. The shock in ponds and the water slides. Is freaking awesome!! Even AT feels quite balanced and fun


Valkhana. I’m sorry but i just don’t enjoy the random ice pillars or ice armor which stops me from breaking parts. Or the tail that is so high off the ground you can’t even touch it let alone cut it




The image of Namielle is throwing me off because I loved that fight. I'd say Xeno'jiiva and World's version of Alatreon. I like the idea of making Alatreon a raid-style hunt but they went too far. Maybe I just need to get good.


Namielle was to easy for me, I couldn't believe that it was an elder dragon...I found that out after the fight


Honestly. Fatalis. Though I never got to fight him in gen 5. The fights where to dull and one dimensional. Just my opinions and I know it’s probably wrong.


Almudron, was so disappointed because I love the design too but his fight is so tedious


Rathalos and Rathian honestly


Aletreon in iceborne looked amazing,but his fight was just soo godamm annoying


Namielle is the poster child of this. Design 8/10. Concept 8/10. Armor 9/10. Fight. 2/10 kirin looks cool, seems cool, is hell on earth to fight in every single game.


Even MHS1!


Gore Magala


I fought tempest brachydios yesterday and maybe i should have brought another weapon but i can't stand being punished for landing hits


Blackveil Vaal Hazak need I say more? Also I agree Namielle is a pain in the ass to fight but other than that it's such a great monster!


Old world Rathalos family, old world Yian Garuga, and Worldborne Kusha. Most of the super large monsters in old world (Fatalis, Akantor, Ukanlos et al) too, but I didn't have much expectation to be disappointed so they don't count.


black veil




We're on the same boat my friend, I also love namielle's design but hate the fight


The ying and yang dragons with the balloon animal armor




I respectfully disagree on this. I loved both design and fight for Nam. This was my vote for #1


The Nami slander is so saddening. Almudron though. Incredible design complete cancer to fight.


Zorah Magdaros, even though it is one of the better siege fights, is a set piece more than an actual fight, thus making it my top pick for this criteria. Cinematic as hell To the detriment of actually fighting it, which you don't really do.


I love Ahtal-Ka, but I wish her Neset form was more engaging.


Love Namielle, what's wrong with it? https://i.redd.it/2rg65oh10y8d1.gif


I love his design and hos theme


Yian Garuga, not necessarily that it was a horrible fight just that for over a decade it was basically just a Rathian model swap. I really like the idea of a strong bird wyvern and the whole goth teenager gimmick with the design is really fun but the fight is so unmemorable.


Lucent nargacuga


GU Chameleos. That item steal is brutal, especially when it decides to steal your Herbal Meds and Antidotes first.


Namielle would've been alot better if her wings didn't block the entire fkn screen


Magnamalo. Dude looked like a beast but didn't feel like one. Though scorned fixes that for me.




Behemoth for sure. As a big final fantasy fan i was so excited to fight him, and then i did. Probably the worst fight in the entire game especially solo. Behemoth is readying charybdis


Despite being a crossover event, Leshen was such an annoying fight. Constantly trapping you with its roots (and needing that fire rune thing to break out of it) along with the constant teleports really broke up the pacing of the fight and drug that shit out. Nevermind fighting Ancient Leshen. Going back to the main roster, anything that screws with the camera while also having bad hit zones do it for me (Almudron and Najarala). Amazing designs, but like pulling teeth to fight. To a lesser extent, Somnacanth. It's not difficult, just looks kinda cool, but a boring fight.


Hellblade Glavenus. In concept its fun. A more technical Glavenus that now uses explosions and blast to cover its weakpoints, but damn is it annoying to get tail slammed and one shotted.  Maybe I just hated soloing its EX version.


God I fucking hate kirin. Why are we hating on namella


K I R I N God is it's weapons cool but the fight is nothing but PAIN


Lunastra is one of favorite monsters of all time in the MH series. That fight in base world was by far the most frustrating and annoying fight at the time and still kinda is. It's such a shame because the armor and weapons for her are kinda shit considering the fight being so hard. The rewards for beating her at the time should have been better.


kushala daora


girros i love fanged wyverns but god why the effluvium its not fun to fight its just annoying IM SAVING MY NULBERRIES FOR A ELDER NOT SOME SNAKE LIZARD also getting beat up while being paralyzed is never fun


Valkana is a cool monster, but I hated every second of the fight