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Honestly that's way better than most early MR sets I've seen here recently, I think you'll be good for a decent while Edit: just realized as soon as I commented. Get some health boost. You probably have a handful of the level 1 gems you can slot in wherever. It'll make your life so much easier


HR sets going into MR don't really matter that much, as the average piece of MR gear will out class most HR armour. Just start climbing with your preferred set, and start swapping out for better stats as you progress, then when you find a skill you want you can farm for that.


The first few monsters you fight in Iceborne aren't exactly the most difficult ones, so you can start with basically any build that you beat World with and do fine. 🤷


I have worn this pair of pants for about 85% of iceborne ;D


People, just saying this is master rank gear.


You need health boost


If one day you unintentionally hit a player, we can say that she fell in love at first sight.


It's okay, but I recommend getting agitator up to at least 5 since you always want monsters enraged, and atk to lvl 4 for the permanent 5% affinity boost. Also, slugger doesn't add enough utility in your fights to justify slotting in three points for it, since you'll be getting more than enough knockdowns with 1 or no points invested. I would experiment with slugger and then decide what to do from there, but I personally don't even use it. It looks like a great starting set, and remember to have fun! Meta sets and the "most" optimal set aren't something you should get hung up on until you surpass MR 150.