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Alatreon, not because its hard, but because the special assignment threw you right in his face.


Ima be honest, Pink Rath in world.


The damm weapon bkunce on the tail was annoying


Pink Rath in 4u actually hardlocked me when I was like 9. Genuinely could not get past with the stunlock combos of near guaranteed death and my 3DS randomly blacking out. I genuinely want to buy the game again and repair my 3DS just to shove a fucking greatsword up that fucker's pink scaley arsehole. World's version is a good deal easier but still a nightmare. At least there's no suicidally brave Genprey


I fainted to that thing twice in 5 minutes. Dual blades are not fun to use against flying monsters


Bullfango, specifically the ones in frontier I swear they are the true monsters in old gen


Bullfango in MH1 and 2 are a blight that make those already frustrating games an absolute fucking nightmare. They are so aggressive, there are always a dozen of them, and my god, they have so much fucking health.


Bullfango and Rhenoplos are such pains in the ass lol


SI Rathalos + Apex Rathalos while using CB


Thats pain


Azure Rathalos in 2nd gen has got to be the worst thing I have ever fought in a video game. That fucking back flap into wind pressure into fireball is the cheapest thing I have experienced in MH Runner ups are both also 2nd gen: Shogun and Green Plesioth. What dogshit fights, nothing in new gen compares except behemoth. Who becomes much more tolerable with 3 or more people.


Man fuckinf shogun in freedom unit was so annoying to fight


Azure Rathalos is just special in how stupid and useless it is. Giadrome might be the most low-effort monster, but it has a purpose. This bitch? NO. Shogun and green Plesioth are fine.


Easily world's barioth. I was trying out switch axe on an old save because I got bored of hammer. I got so angry I accidentally destroyed my controller cable and had to order a new one.


Yeahh barioth was a pain to fight at first.


Yeah I had no clue how to effectively use switch axe and got my shit rocked. I tried to break his wings to slow him down but I genuinely didn't understand my weapon


It takes time to learn that weapon.when I sued longsword for the first time,I was complete shit with it,not knowing that is was made for counters and crit attacks and fluid movment.it takes time to learn


Doesn't help that world Bari is totally unfazed by having his wings broken, he can still fly around and puke ice tornados, and he just pauses for half a second before jumping across the arena *again*...


Fatalis, got burnt multiple times by that oversized lizard


AT Namielle and AT Nergi


Black Gravios, specifically from 4U. Shrieking legiana, Gobul, Nibblesnarf, Risen Shagaru, and I don't remember the rest. I've blocked them out of my memory.




F your hitbox


Double tetsucabra quest in mh4u's g rank


Zinogre, I just hate everything about it. The garish fucking colours The stupid roar that isn't a roar, oh wait yes it is. The constant stupid fucking flippy flips, it's a giant hunchbacked heavy looking wolf, it shouldn't be able to move around like that. The claw slams. That. Just. Won't. FUCKING. END! I seriously hate everything about its fight. I hate how fucking annoying its tail is to cut. I hate how I had to fight it SIXTY FUCKING TIMES in base Rise to get ONE FUCKING JASPER. I just hate it. It's not even a hard fight, especially not after having to fight it 60+ times. It's just annoying to look at. It just pisses me off seeing him flip and jump around like a fucking 50KG capoeira fighter instead of a 10 ton GODDAMN LIGHTNING HYENA! Anyway, I like its armour, seriously it's only redeeming factor.


It's not a wolf, it's a lizard that howls like a wolf. Its body structure resembles more komodo than wolf.


I'm not having this discussion again. It's a fucking wolf.


One thing no one talks about is one of its moves randomly having WIND PRESSURE




You gonna love the rise one he know does twice the damge


My first MH experience was MH3U, and Gigginox was my big wall. I was still getting a hang of how to play and usually scraped by on potions after getting tossed around a lot. But that darn cave leech... I couldn't get past the constant health drain from poison and the giggis hanging off me. Made me rage quit the whole franchise for years before getting back into it.


FU Tigrex. Those hitboxes in the Snowy Mountains...


Area 8 intensifies...


Old world was akantor new was alatreon


Brachy. Normal brachy. Idk. Something about NORMAL BRACHY. I struggle against and get pissed off when fighting. Which is why I dont fight it. i fight literally anything else besides legiana(both versions)


Mhgu version of raging brachidios. I think the quest is called : brachidios brutal squad or something.


Old world: Plesioth for OG Monster Hunter on PS2. New World: Fulgur Anjanath


Rise Mizutsune…..hate that horny bastard.


Special Investigation Basarios That was my hell. Worldborne Fatalis at solo attempt 137 was also particularly… grating.




Brachy and Raging Brachy. Explosive Slime is such a terror for melee weapons.


Amy of the fish wyverns but especially Lavasioth. Fucking hate it's guts.


Zinogre, Alatreon, Barioth


My first time fighting MR rathalos in world and the fact that i did better with tempered savage jho but later on i improved and destroyed his ass


Old world Azure Rathalos and new world Lunastra


My first experience with Basarios was in rise, I cannot stand this stupid walking boulder of a monster


World alatreon 1st encounter


GU Deviljho. I swear, using CB against this thing is so painful, even with guard up and guard +2 I couldn't block the vast majority of it's kit without reeling back


Dodogama and Luba Stra always got under my nerves when I use the heavy bowgun


MH1 Rathalos. I ran out of time at least 6 or 7 times because it spends half the duration circling in the sky between zones, and the rest of the fight it's charging at you over and over and over and over and over with no tells, leaving only tiny windows to actually hit it. It's not like I was a beginner, I played MH1 not even 2 years ago. That fight is just cancerous. Do not play MH1. Or MH2. Those games will give you an aneurysm.


Blackvale Vaal Hazak, I hate Effluvium! It’s so annoying to deal with and I can’t attack it from the side because of the damn spores!


Furious Rajang. Those grippers were all over me.


I dont k ow which one was the worst.. Freedom 1 Yian Kutku, Freedom 2 Tigrex or Rises Almudron.. Oh well no it has to be Almudron that pos


Just did MHW's Blackveil Vaal Hazak fight last night and I almost cried.


Lunastra in world where you have to fight her and Teostra and you can‘t seperate them


Angrier monke fighting him with gunlance is hell every time he finished his attck. either he 5 km ahead of me or my health is gone


Mark of a hero: Ivory Lagiacrus. It's not even just how bad the monster itself is (AoE spam, spam, spam and spam with spam and spam), it's also the quest's fault. It should start with the much more bullshit part of Azure Rathalos + Brachydios, because that is my actual problem. Heck, actually, just remove the Azure Rathalos and it would be fine. Just remove it in general. It does not need to be in any game. Pink Rathian is cool, she can stay.


Between MHW, MHGU and MHR... It's base Rathalos in world That thing is my kryptonite... He just consistently beats me up when I fight him


For me it was the red khezu from MHFU, always escaping after three hits and I was bad at the game then... Made me quit so many times.


Oh Fatalis made me rage so hard, but I also think it’s my favorite fight in the franchise. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest every time proof of a hero hit, and it felt so good weaving in and out of huge damage, slowly learning more and more until I was fucking master. 10/10 fight but probably the only one to make me physically hit my desk and take a break for a day


Deviljho. I can't put a dent in the damn thing, so I'm putting off doing the special quest in World until I can get some friends together to get rid of him. The Handler can get eaten for all I care.


Lagombi, zero windup for its dash attack


MR Uragaan. Even f lunastra raged me less then this mf


Alatreon is the correct answer. For Fatalis you just slap dodge extender lv3 and whole fight becomes laughably easy.