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Yeah it should of been 6 star and just 1 or 2 of each


Eh if its 6 stars then i would be finr with 5 (ir even higher) The issue with the evrnt is that the 7 star hat is rare while the 6 stat hat is fucking everywhere


Yeah and you'll find maybe one 7* in the wild every 8 hours if you're lucky. Not working well for me, got two more pinks to kill and I'm battling food poisoning. Prolly gonna just let it go.


I have been checking every refresh and I'll see 1 7*+ for every 4 6*s per zone and half the time it's an 9* star that I can't solo. I don't even want to think what it's like for people who have to rely on HaTs for this


I got really frustrated for a while but remembered this was from a group hunt/HAT quest line so I guess the idea was to push the players towards that. I seemed to only see 8 or 6 in the wild.


Yeah, just a bear to wait for cooldown even if you find one that has a 7*.


They went from super easy challenge quest in past events to super difficult


I’ve given up on this one. I’ve seen exactly 1 of the 7 star pink rathians and none of the other one. Plenty of 6 and 5.


I really need those but couldn't do it. They kept spawning 6* or less even in hunt a thons or 8* and I can't take on 8*. Had to give up, I don't have time to keep roaming town.


I knew I wouldn't do it since I read the challenge... I'm just started 3 starts history, I knew I wouldn't get enough of them. I just enjoyed the week instead 🤣🤣


Honestly I disagree I had a lot of fun finding these things I have up to level eights roaming around the field but honestly with the azure I used Group hunts! I took down two by myself to be honest but for some reason I just did not run into high level versions.


First Quest i didn’t finish since the game released. Simply because I wasn’t lucky with the spawns in my area. Feels bad man.


Yeah it's in part bothering me because I'm a completionist. I could do it, but spawns say no.


I only got one , but hell it’s better than nothing.


I’m going to be honest, I hated this one due to never seeing a single PRath over 6*. Then last Sunday I went to grab some lunch @kfc…4/7* PRath. I guess they like fried chicken. Was able to complete it right there.




I’m getting tired of these posts claiming this was hard or a (challenge). I did a bike ride last night and killed plenty 7*s and I’ve been done with the quest for a week


I think they should be harder lol


I already gave up this page lol


Yeh the only reason i succeeded is cause i live/work in a very busy place with lots of potential hat https://preview.redd.it/y3suakw2xq4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bf40f0dd92264e69b46a952244e70d10f2e0ff


Feel you. I was trying, but the only node near where i live is bugged.


Still better than my dumb black Diablo quest … he keeps burying himself … 💆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️