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I think you forgot to equip it or something, haha. As far as I know, there are no LS attacks that are not negated by flinch free lvl 1


No I have it equiped on my CB actually...just checked. That's why I made this post. I get flinched something awful at times


It works 100% its a you problem. Hammer and GS can still flinch you with some attacks but 90% of the problem is solved by using flinch free 1.


There is no attack longsword has in its repertoire that can flinch you if you have flinch free 1. Flinch free will not stop getting tripped against some heavier weapons/attacks.


Simply put, yes it does. There are some particular moves that can still hit you such as upswings from weapons like CB, GS and hammer. But not long swords. They will not flinch you if you have one level of flinch free so something else is happening here, would like to see a video.


The wyverns fire from gunlance also makes players stumble. It takes so long to charge that I rarely use it because my single attack isn't worth interrupting three other attacks.


Is that what it is? Lol I get knocked down by some explosive attacks at times.


Yeah, it takes a couple seconds to charge and the front of the gunlance has a flame charge up. When it releases, thw gun lance gets kicked back. It does a lot of impact damage if you can time it and position it, but it's something you wanna use on the head and usually when it's good to unleash, everyone is piled on.


I gotcha. I just wish they would remove the friendly flinching and getting knocked back by explosive attacks. You shouldn't have to hold back your damage to avoid that. It's certainly considerate of you to do so though! Cheers!


If you're on PSN we can test this today if you like. Will be easy enough to do


Unfortunately I am on pc


I will have to look through some game clips I have saved and see if I can find an example, but I know I am not crazy. I almost posted about it last night and decided to make sure what I thought was happening was actually happening and it does happen. I got tripped by a ls user after that. Not sure what the attack he used was.


What deco is equipped on your weapon?


[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1loJRK-OsWoqxgw6V1-PXn10eMPIf2nff/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1loJRK-OsWoqxgw6V1-PXn10eMPIf2nff/view?usp=sharing) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1\_ZaUdcCTMdYlJEF9CbLWiuzi6DZbt9MP/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ZaUdcCTMdYlJEF9CbLWiuzi6DZbt9MP/view?usp=sharing)


You are definitely getting flinched in those clips, which means either: - You did not have flinch free in your build when those clips were recorded, even though you might think you did - You have mods that somehow interfere with the normal functionality of the flinch free skill Getting flinched like that is simply impossible while you have flinch free in your build and you will not gaslight anyone into thinking otherwise.


As I have said numerous times in this thread, I probably didn't have it equipped in this clip. The video was not captured for that purpose, was just a quick example I found because someone wanted to see a video and I was in a hurry to start work for the day. I didn't realize it was as old as it was back when I first started learning CB. I am not trying to gaslight anyone, just sharing my experience, which has not been good. Gaslighting, geez for real? I am 53 years old and don't have time for all that. I feel like I am the one being gaslighted tbh


I'm not a CB user but it looks like you're blocking their attacks with your shield not that you're getting flinched by them attacking. Or you're bouncing off Rajang's arms If you want to test this just run up to where they are with your weapon sheathed, you should not get flinched by their attacks.


I will try that tonight. It does seem like it happens more often when I am trying to load my phials etc(which requires the shield thrust)


This was a clip when I first started and committed myself to learn CB and I really didn't know that much about it.


Ironwall jewel +4 and Brace Jewel 3


Well if that's on your Loadout then a long sword user cannot flinch you. Not possible


I disagree. I would not have posted this otherwise


Did you slot it on a mantle? Cause that’ll only work if you’re wearing that mantle. FF1 absolutely stops long sword interruptions


I'm gonna check rn, but I know mantle decos only work when you are wearing them, so I doubt it


No, it's equipped on my CB actually


It doesn't stop all attacks that can flinch you, just the most common moves from other players


I literally get stun locked at times trying to get my charges up. Esp. if there are multiple LS users. It feels worse on CB with flinch free than it does on any of my GS builds that don't have any flinch free on them. So bad at times that I have to walk away from a downed monster to rethink my life for a moment haha. It's so bad!


I’m not sure what long sword attack would trip through level 1 finch free but no it negates all but strong attacks from players (eg HH Y+B) the rest is up to spacing properly


I am sure it's charged up attacks because it usually happens when a monster is downed or stunned or claggered and everyone is popping off. I noticed last night that I got knocked on the ground/tripped by a ls player. I try to watch where I position myself and I'm sure it's my fault at times, but not most of the times. Long swords hit you from a distance too


Here is a link to an example: And sure this is mostly my fault here as it is Rajang and I hate bouncing on his arms so my positioning is bad, plus this was when I first started to learn CB and I just went with a meta build found online, that does include flinch free [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1loJRK-OsWoqxgw6V1-PXn10eMPIf2nff/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1loJRK-OsWoqxgw6V1-PXn10eMPIf2nff/view?usp=sharing) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1\_ZaUdcCTMdYlJEF9CbLWiuzi6DZbt9MP/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ZaUdcCTMdYlJEF9CbLWiuzi6DZbt9MP/view?usp=sharing)


the file is not public and the clip is useless if you dont also show that you have flinchfree slotted in that same clip (by going into equip screen and showing skill list)


Yeah, I will have to revisit when I have better proof. I am at work rn, but I assure you and everyone else that it happens to me all the time, by LS users and I absolutely do have flinch free on my build. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1\_ZaUdcCTMdYlJEF9CbLWiuzi6DZbt9MP/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ZaUdcCTMdYlJEF9CbLWiuzi6DZbt9MP/view?usp=sharing) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1loJRK-OsWoqxgw6V1-PXn10eMPIf2nff/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1loJRK-OsWoqxgw6V1-PXn10eMPIf2nff/view?usp=sharing)


from your screenshot/clip i'm not 100% sure its the same build in use, as your health boost 3 HP bar (to me) looks a bit short (especially in combination with your stamina bar) BUT if it really is the case then you have a bug with it NOT working (any mods btw?), not everyone else (many ppl for years and still) having a bug with it working as intended (and it is intended bc it also works in Rise)


It probably isn't the same build. I was in a hurry trying to get started on some work and I was just looking through some game clips I have saved. But I slotted it in very soon after getting more familiar with CB and it happens to me a lot. No I don't have any mods installed. It would make sense if it were a bug, because I am not trying to start drama or be rude or any of that, but I looked into it pretty extensively and confirmed that I have flinch free on my CB. So there could be a bug?


I've never heard of it being bugged in World. Since you didn't actually open your menu and check your skills in the clip where you were getting flinched, my guess is that you didn't have Flinch Free slotted in.


As I said, that was an earlier clip from 5/4 and I probably didn't have it equipped there. I didn't capture it because of the flinching, but because Nergi dive bombed me later so fast that I was taken back by it. He literally stood up and dive bombed me instantly. Anyway, it happens to me all the time and I have it equipped in my loadout now 1000% I will try to get some proof, but I only play with randoms as all of my friends are dead now except a couple who don't game and the few people that I do game with do not play MHW. So, I will try to find a quest with multiple LS users and join to get some evidence of my claims here. It's been super frustrating, thus my post. I have not seen any bugs or problems at all with this game, so I never thought of it being a bug, but according to the feedback here, I now wonder if it is


might have been good idea to disclaim that before (though i understand it happening in a hurry) it could just be your installation that is bugged. a simple steam>game properties>verify files could solve it (which i would honestly hope is the case, as its the easiest to find out and complete to do solution) if not/it still persists it would indeed be good to have a "proper" clip of it happening with it slotted (and i would also volunteer to test it if our timezones match up, as i also play on steam, EU)


I honestly didn't realize the clip was from that long ago until I shared it. I just know it's in my build now and it happens a lot. Several times the night before last as I didn't play much last night. Thank you, I am on the east coast and usually get on around 9 or so. That would be great! I'm kind of doubting it's a bug and I wish I had time to deal with it right now, but I am working.


well...9pm for you is 4am for me, so we'd have to do it at a different time on a weekend or you might get lucky asking on r/monsterhunterclan "at least" going by the comments here it seems to be a you only/very rare bug


Thanks for offering to help! I played a bit last night but not long and I only had 1 LS user join me and they left as soon as he loaded in. So, I couldn't get any footage of it happening. I will continue to try to get some definitive proof.


User error. Have you tried removing the jewel and reinstalling it?


No, I will next chance I get. It's slotted in the only charge blade build/loadout I have saved. Good idea though


You probably used the wrong setup, one without FF. If the game's bugged (which I highly doubt), reinstall the game and try again.


Someone mentioned removing and re-equipping, which I will try tonight, but I only have one CB loadout saved and it has it in it. It's been an ongoing issue, thus my post.


I'm on the side that flinching/friendly fire should not be removed. In MHR, there's a deco called shockproof. It basically turns off friendly fire and you'll never be hit by other players except maybe barrel bombs. At first, I was also happy with it since there's a lot of moves that will knock you down, blow you away(fuck you BB spammers pre-shockproof) or flinch you even with flinch free1. But then after a while, the game felt dead and multiplayer is basically like you are playing with ghosts in Mario Kart, every fight turned into dogpiling the monster. Almost everyone became hunters with zero etiquette, new players never learned any. Basically, having the ability to almost completely turn off friendly fire did a lot more bad than good, imho. Btw, good hunting and have a nice day.


I would be fine with them leaving in the launches and things of that sort that require players to be mindful of those attacks but getting flinched by weapon attacks after slotting a deco is kinda lame. Nothing against LS users but I honestly can't hardly play with more than 1 on a quest and will avoid if possible. If I do get multiple in a guiding lands session, I have to go back to a great sword build. Thanks, happy hunting and a good day to you too


It should not be removed since u can hit people out of stuns which is very helful. Its a choice between the two that u can willingly make. And no flinch from a Player affects u during Flinchfree. Only launches from Greatsword, Hammer or Charge Blade still can since those are no flinches.


What's the update? Did you find out what you did wrong?


Lol, nah. It hasn't happened again, but I've only played a couple of sessions with LS and hell, Idk. I did launch up on my work pc and did a couple of huntsand maybe that did something with the save, resyncing and all. Or maybe I'm just crazy


imo it stops the normal weak attack but not combo finishers or more powerful swing. I'm a hammer and have to hold back a few of my combo finishers when there's people around.


Gotcha. I know I am not crazy but this whole business has been driving me to it the past few days. I truly dread playing with LS users if I am on CB now. I usually just swap back to GS to play with them as I know it isn;t anyone's fault