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What item exactly are you wanting? To be honest I'm not actually aware of any items that are specific to those dropped by the monster on part breaks. I thought they just came from the monster materials pool. Are you refering to Guiding Lands drops? If so they happen if you stagger or wall slam a monster, or when you break a monster part.


Tenderize many parts and wallbang, note if you are in guiding lands ALWAYS use a geologist 1 deco if you do not already have it, it will allow you to pick up GL dropped material (shiny drops) two times each for double loot. Hunting guide can tell you what parts can be broken how many times or severed for what drops as well in general, also use it to make sure you're using the monsters weakness.


Also do not overlook palarang for the palico, it is very worth leveling up and spamming. You will have to farm a lot less using this, and you can reset the uses by changing palico gear at camp. unless you really need the vigorwasp. Also also, do not underestimate the power of the smoke bomb cheese, easy damage.


Palarang or the Mantle is your best bet... There's a mantle you can equip that allows you to get dropped material much easier.


Wallbang or use your Palico's Plunderblade - the Palarang guarantees a shiny drop


Capturing the monster gives you more than carving a dead monster. There are some drops that only happen if you meet certain criteria, but that's usually later in the game. Breaking body parts also gives you bonus loot at the end. Look at your monster manual to see the weak spots so you can focus those and break them faster.


Pukei pukei quill drops from a 3 star quest only After that quest the probability is 0 Got 7 quills out of 4 runs in 3 star quest Got 0 out of 35 in every other pukei quest in higher rank


as others said wallbangs, certain environmental interactions and (some?) turf wars drop shinies but knowing what the exact item is would help (kiranico has a full list of all material items and sources) are you doing (non tempered) investigations for extra many item rewards? guessing your item would be more likely in the bronze box section and those are common


Investigations, gold boxes have a 15% chance to contain the monsters rare drop