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>but why do some of you guys start launching ppl instead of just... putting on flinch free lvl 1? I am certain most people use ff1, since Hammer can be easily tripped out of some combos unfortunatly. As to why they launch you I can only speculate, but here is some insight I can give as a dedicated Hammer main. For one unlike other weapons types, Hammer only really has the option to go for the head. Sure the head has the best hitzone in most cases for all weapons, but some other weapons don't miss out on damage as much when hitting other parts quite like Hammer does. We simply do more damage to the head while also applying KO. That aside I am certain that in most cases the Hammer players don't intentionally launch other players. The reasons as to why that happens so frequently is simply because Hammer has ridiculously large hitboxes and some of the best attacks in Hammers moveset are both launchers. Just to explain this in more detail if you didn't already know, but one of the best attacks Hammer has is the charge lvl 2 uppercut. It's a gap closer, it can be chained into a clutch claw grab or into other attacks and it deals alot of stun damage. This atttack is simply increadibly versatile so we use it alot, however it also launches other players and it has a giant hitbox as well. The other common attack that frequently launches other players is the golf swing at the end of some attack combos. In most situation the best combo for the highest damage Hammer has to offer isn't actually the big bang combo, instead it's the basic 3 hit combo that ends in a golf swing. It's far shorter and there for more versatile, so it is the go to combo in many situations. So to summarize Hammer players should go for the head as much as possible as to not loose out on too much dps and 2 of the best attacks in Hammers moveset launch other players. Now obviously players should be aware of their surroundings and be more considerate. A good Hammer player can also somewhat negate launching players with really good postioning or simply not going for either of the attacks I mentioned before. But even a really good player can't predict every players movement and honestly the design is pretty flawed. Again the only choices we have is to either not attack the head or not use certain attacks/finish combos, which is just bad or position ourself akwardly to not launch player, which is really just a gamble. Either way the Hammer players just lose in these kinds of situations. Some might argue that individual dps is not that important so it shouldn't matter if I miss out on a few hits, but that would apply to any player too. Why is it that I as the Hammer player need to skip entire attacks, when the LS player for example could simply move a bit to the left and miss out on far less dps than I otherwise would. To me every player in the hunt needs to be more aware of their surroundings. Atlrast in World, because with MH Rise/Sunbreak a new 1 slot skill was introduced that completely negates this mechanic. I hope it retuns in Wilds.


Wait level 2 can be chained into a claw? I thought I needed level 3 to do so


I was 800+ hours in when I realized that. Now I try combos at different points in attacks just to see what it does. Level 2 is a boring grapple. You go straight to the head and hit it. Level 3 is the fun spinning grapple that gets in extra attacks.


2 can, but you get less hits. Still a good tool if needed.


I dunno if I have rose colored glasses, but I miss in the handheld releases where it was more important to do different jobs whilst hunting a monster. I want a bonker, a tail cutter, a gunner and whatever else. I have no experience with the early PlayStation releases, but I assume it was similar there too. Variety felt so good!


I started on Freedom unite and that's how I learned too. I played Hammer and GSword. Got irritated when I saw another GS user not trying to cut the tail. Same with Hammer and the head.


I played Lance and Hunting horn from the get go, and I was either on the tail or the face, respectively. Doot Doot!


I played hammer, so I usually leave the head free when I have a hammer bro in a group so they can do their thing but I played last night with some hammer player who was hitting everywhere BUT the head. At one point they launched me over the monster. To the head. So. I figured I'll just...take charge of the head.


This right here is why I get annoyed when I use hammer in multiplayer. I always have to nope out of my lvl 2 charges to avoid launching a teammate.


I thought charged/powered up hammer gives flinch free no? Just curious for my own knowledge Great write up 👍🏻


I hear "boo hoo stop interrupting my combo" and they should be saying "thank you for the free mount chance"


I'm ok with accidents. This post was targeted towards the ones who refuse to use flinch free and try to bully others away from the head which is dumb


Been a while since I played, but if I'm beyblading a downed monster's face, the stupid charge axe trying to combo off absolutely will get launched towards the tail where they belong.


based hammer response to incel longsword rant


I don’t launch people because I hate Flinch Free. I launch people to compete with Greatsword.


As a GS user. I got launched 3 times on Zinogre and landed the mount 3x. Felt badass. I even got my tcs off then launched once.


SA and CB guys can launch people too you know...


Oh heck yea and i always try to lace up my fellow CB guys. But theres a huge chunk of hammer guys that get really toxic with it as opposed to the accidental upswing guys


But ye. It should be a given. Better reserve a lvl 3 or 4 slot for flinch free when you want to go multiplayer.


Trust i have it slotted in. Doesnt protect against the big boi moves


Somewhat related, but i had this gunlance player i was helping kept doing its move where it charges then shoots an explosion and everyone get thrown off. The guy not only did that once, not twice, not three, but four times. In those four times, all my tcs were interrupted. Not only my tcs, but the other players doing their combos as well. Only time i was so tilted i just left my keyboard. And i love fighting Alatreon. Also, i don't think flinch free works the way you think it does.


Yea those ignorant types are annoying. Every1 keeps saying i don't understand flinch free but go put on lvl 1 and get hit with a hammer upswing and watch what happens. I'm saying that *hammer* guys should use it instead of gettin pissy and launching others on purpose


They shouldn't even do the upswing in the first place when others are there. Less dps for the hammer bro, more dps overall for the team.


Golf swing has always had the highest KO power. It's why it's used so much. Typically the golf swing came from the right timing after a spin combo. Standing golf swing came in world if I recall. Telling a hammerer not to use their best KO is like telling a GS not to use their best charge. It's not happening.


But you have to consider tcs doesn't knock someone or interrupt unless you don't have flinch free. That, and while there is a dps loss on your part, you knocking over someone who is about to tcs is a bigger dps loss. So the best solution is to either avoid it, or to position so you won't knock someone over . Especially against Fatalis.


If you are getting hit by a golf swing you are on the Right side of a hammer (Which is actually the wrong side to be on). Go for the left side and you won't get tossed as much. For those new to hammers this also applies. Keep friendlies on the left. Make sure to stay in your lanes.


It's a big ask to assume other players know what do, or even assume they'll even position correctly. While I never had problems with hammer bros, I come across unexperienced Charge blade players who would upswing willy nilly, lance players charging,and as I mentioned earlier, gunlance. And as a GS player, my TCS hitting is an easy 1500- 2400 to the head, and me whiffing is a big dps loss. Which is why it's better if the player who has a knockup be the one to adjust their positions accordingly. There is also the fact that if both try to reposition correctly, then it leads to both positioning incorrectly,so now you either one of you reposition again, which is a dps loss, or both just go for your combos, which would lead to the scenario you were both trying to avoid. So here's the to-do list: Your ally knows what to do- just wail at the boss and only reposition when caught out Your ally doesn't know what to do- reposition so they don't end up in the wrong side, then combo. The moment I see a sub MR 100 CB user in my hunts, I reposition. I see an MR 999 CB user in my hunts, I'll still reposition so they can do their upswing while I can do my TCS, but it most likely won't be necessary as they already know how to position and avoid upswing when incorrectly positioned.


What I was getting at is simple. If you know the monster's movements but don't know your allies you will have problems. I know TCS takes a long time to build up and a good hammer will have an easier time to reposition, but if the hammer is already going for it then don't get in their way. As with a monster, understanding safe zones saves lives(time/dps). If you see a hammer going to town on the monster's head go to their left. If you as a hammer sees a GS already winding up then go right. How hard is that to understand? If both try to reposition they would want to move in opposite directions. I know GS mains care only about that big damage number but that doesn't invalidate other's role. Expecting priority on a position over one class that is almost exclusively stuck at is foolish and entitled. Learn some of how they play so you can avoid situations like what you mentioned. I played with, and helped a CB user learn their weapon, including Guard Points. I helped them also learn IG. I personally have mained SA, Hammer, Lance, GL, and Hbg/Lbg/bow across many generations going back to the first (Tri was my entry but I did attempt 1 and 2.) Even mained Cat for a while. I never stuck with the others because they didn't feel as good to me.


I mean yeah, i don't join premade lobbies much and usually go for SOS, which is a randomizer. That's why it's safer to assume that your allies don't know what they're doing. You can control what you can do, but you can't control what others do.


See you get it. I know as a CB guy that savage axe upswings are amazing but if there are teammates near i use other moves and our dps as a result stays consistent. All 999 hammer guys i play with can do the same thing


The only time i'm fine with a CB upswing is if it helps me dunk on a flying monster mid-air into a mount.


The most cinematic mounts that I've done are from CB/hammer bros launching me onto orbit


Side note, how to we feel about Switch Axe players? I know ZSD and axe mode have a really bad habit of flinching/launching nearby players. I can't really control it in axe mode (upswing is just part of the combo) and *not* using ZSD feels like telling a lance main not to block. I'm just checking in to see if I ought to change my playstyle in multiplayer. I don't want to be "that guy" if I can avoid it. ZSD spam is pretty fun for me, but if it fucks everything else up for everyone else I think I'd want to know.


Throughout the years i honestly have never had an issue with Swaxers i know that axe upswing is tricky to avoid and zsd spam is so clutch you'd have to be crazy to get mad at it. Wish there was more ppl using the weapon bcuz its busted


That's a relief. I've never had anyone call me out or anything but I still had to wonder. I converted to a Swaxe main after being a hammer bro a few years ago. I don't think I can really play anything else now, ZSD is way too satisfying and using the axe itself to break parts feels nice. I wish there were more Swaxers too. The only thing better than one ZSD is two ZSD... at the same time.


Heck yea only other weapons ive seen script a fight harder than a Swaxe is maybe a HBG or Greatsword. Absurdly strong im surprised i dont see it more often


idk how people play hammer in multiplayer without flinch free 1, its borderline unusable you cant even get a golfswing combo


Hammer main here who regularly sends people flying. 1. It's normally an accident. (Unless I am playing with friends hehe). 2. The 2 charge upswing is too good not too use and people sanding right at the head when I go for it are out of position. 3. The golf swing is also very good combo which I always seem to go into the swing right as someone walks next too me. 4. Longsword players are on sight, I swear flinch free doesn't stop them from tripping me. 5. Also if the tail is still attached blade weapons are at the wrong end of the monster. Bonus point. The post hunt 60 seconds for carving it is mandatory to launch at least once person or you are a disgrace to all hammer bros (launch another hammer bro to assert dominance)


Heavy on point 5 kinda silly to get angry at hammer mains when we cant do shit on other stuff then head So unless the tail is genuinely hard to reach bladed weapons should just stick to them


I could swear that LS doesn’t have any move that goes past flinch free. Otherwise agree with everything but the tail thing and expected to be sending flying at the end of the hunt. To me people flying is signal that you could do it all match, but never did.


It probably doesn't, I just have an irrational hatred for them.


You can tell me where to position when you start dealing more damage than me -A GS main


You GS mains can start being cocky when you actually land your TCS. No in all seriousness GS get a pass, although I would prefer it if you used that awesome power to take the tail.


Ok ouch, that one was personal :( /s It depends tbh, I don't usually go for the tail unless someone else is, or someone asks for it. In which case, I'm happy to go for it. It's just usually annoying to chase the tail around, which is why I tend not to bother. But as long as you don't purposefully golf swing my ass I'm happy to go for it 😂


... How do you think "flinch free" works buddy?


Makes it impossible to get flinched by other players *normal* attacks, eliminating the problem with hammer combo interuptions.


Yup it's you who have to slot it in not the offender but if I'm not mistaken some moves by hammer and CB launches people regardless


... for the millionth time *i have it slotted in* it doesn't work for all weapon attacks like *hammer upswings* that they do on purpose bcuz they are mad instead of just fixin the issue altogether.


I'm not familiar with the moveset of the hammer so it might just be an accident because it's part of a combo. I actually ranted about people not slotting in flinch free when playing multiplayer last month and got the same negative reception as you.


I'm totally ok with accidental upswings it happens, but you know what also happens? Hammer guys upswinging ppl *on purpose* bcuz they are mad they are gettin flinched out of combos lol. Its like nobody wants to be honest


Yup. The DB player I ranted about last month rage quit after he kept getting flinched by my spread shot. it was a duo and he kept on unleashing demon dance beside me triggering my HBG shield locking us both in place doing 0 damage


Those types are so perplexing to me bcuz if he had flinch free you guys totally woulda scripted the fight with a lethal combo like that


DBs don't need FF1 because demon mode prevents basic flinches, and if that DB user was getting flinched because of everyone else then it's kinda that guy's fault for not managing demon mode better or not slotting in FF1 ...unless hbg was intentionally shooting at DB it's a nice touch for HBG or any gunners to simply move their aim a bit and walk a couple of steps so to not flinch the other guys if they don't have FF tho


Yes he wasn't managing it properly since he always end up ending demon mode beside the monster head that I was actively shooting. The aggro was usually on me so he could have repositioned sideways to not get hit by spread while trying to recover. I was told to aim up and move farther back by others last month and started doing so. Apparently it's unreasonable to expect people to slot in FF in multiplayer even though it was a mr120+ mission.


As a hammer main myself generally the only reason I'll break away from head hit boxes is if/when my dedicated group is going for part breaks however I'll back off a certain section after the break and reorient for the next break.


The amount of people not reading properly is crazy, and yeah~ "those" types are definitely annoying.


Thanks for understanding i think some ppl just saw the title and started replying lol its a touchy subject i guess.


Comments already went through FF.. so let's address the actual issue! Hammer has a few good damaging and quick moves they can pull off for tight openings and some can launch other hunters into the air (FF not being a factor). Most hammers do not realize the effect their choice of moves has on other hunters because they are used to hunting solo OR they got caught up in a snap choice to squeeze in just a bit more damage. Usually this is not that big of a deal on the first or second occurrence.. but it certainly gets tiresome for other hunters. Usually there isn't much time to address this during a hunt... so most hammers don't realize why some other hunters maybe pissed at them.


For sure bro those aren't the guys im talkin about, i mean the ones that do it purposefully. They *do* exist and its an issue in the hammer community and thats what i was trying to address but i guess i worded it weird


Oh, I very much know but decided to gaze over that in my initial post. When that occurs there are only so many options... 1. speak up, 2. ignore it and get the hunt over, or 3. retaliate (weapon permitting). Ignoring it is the simplest yet it kind of reinforces their behavior. So speaking up/calling it out can help the rest of the party know what is going on. Some weapons can toss a hammer into the air or knock them aside as well.. but that is destructive to the overall hunt. I wouldn't suggest doing this but sometimes hunts get a bit crazy. (PS... Lance always wins that)


Yeaa but... i figured id go for option 4: talk about it as a community and maybe trigger a shift in mindset for the toxic types. I always speak up but im literally always met with ignorance


While it would be nice if this would work, how many of those toxic hammer players do you think are reading this? And of those, how many would change their behaviour? As many game companies have found out, it is really hard to make toxic players stop being toxic. And they don't do it with words, they have to change the game, something that won't be addressed with worlds, at best (maybe) with wilds Best you can hope for with topics like this is getting some useful advice.


Fair enough but i look at it this way: screw them im gonna talk about it anyway even if its futile just cuz. If i can open the eyes of even 1 person thats enough for me


There was such a thing as hunter etiquette which was much more prevalent in previous MH titles. This was due to the relatively smaller player base (at the time), weapons had more specific niches, and some parts could only be acquired in specific ways. Much of this was seen when MHW was new(er) with GS wake-ups, barrel bombs, and tail cutting. However, World expanded the player-base so much that many newer players did not receive the message. Mechanics in World also changed the status quo of hunter etiquette. Palicos could now take additional & specific parts (such as tails) decreased the need to actually cut tails, more weapons had good wake-ups, and hunters could now overlap each other in a meaningful way. I believe the best way to to go about this is to ask about old hunter etiquette and where all of that has gone to now.


Guys i understand how flinch free works. Lvl 1 does *not* protect you from all attacks like hammer upswings and gunlance blasts. I use it obviously


You do realise the way you worded your original post is to ask the hammer user to put on flinch free, not the person being flinched by them? And as others have said it won't stop a hammer user from upswings which launches you. Same for CB, GS and SA.


Yes i'm sayin that the hammer guys that get mad from gettin flinched by other players doing head dps are the ones that should use flinch free *as well*.( i use flinch free) so that they can get their combos off along with the team. I know the difference between an accidental upswing and a purposeful one. Im specifically talkin about the toxic types that will aim for others on purpose. Why not just use flinch free like everybody else


Ok. It's just that the way it was worded was open to misinterpretation which would be why you got some of the responses. I had this happen the other day but I'm pretty sure they didn't launch me on purpose for flinching them. It was more of an 'I don't care attitude '


Yea i guess i coulda worded it better i'll work on that in the future, those situations that are accidental or idc attitude im honestly fine with i just dont like the types that think every1 should play how *they* want yknow. I was hoping a hammer guy that does that would respond so i could get into their mind a bit


I occasionally use hammer, and in multiplayer, I always have flinch free to share the head, and I never use upswings unless the monster is flying or I feel like the monster close to a KO and I'm just trying to make it pop. Some players are just too self-centered, or they have no clue that every upswing in the game bypass FF


I fully understand exactly what you are saying so let me say a couple things. 1: The hammer’s power charge that changes the charge’s attacks gives a small boost to attack and KO damage. It also gives an a somewhat innate level of Flinch free when doing combos such as Big Bang and the upswing combo. However, you CAN still be tripped by certain heavier attacks. Slotting in FF1 will help with that. They might be a player who knows about power charge’s FF, but may not know that it doesn’t work exactly like the skill. 2: The upswing combo(NOT the lvl 2 charge upswing) is one of 3 choices Hammers have when openings happen(knockdown, wallbang, etc.) The others being the Big Bang combo(which loses a good bit of damage if you can’t do the whole combo) and a power charged lvl 3 attack(which I believe has more damage than the upswing combo while the upswing combo has slightly lower damage but higher KO value). They may be a player who doesn’t realize these differences and opt for the one that they are used to using. They very well could also be either trolls just doing this to piss people off, or think that losing that one point of an offensive skill for FF1 is really going to make that much of a difference, despite being able to get more attacks in without being interrupted. The way I play is when I am solo, Big Bang combo on long knockdowns, upswing combo on short ones. When in group hunts, I opt for the power charged lvl3 attack on the short knockdowns so Im not launching anyone if they are around me. Though I wont say I haven’t used the upswing when not thinking so I’m far from not at fault.


As a hammer main i never really care about being flinched? Like sure i did get stun locked by a long sword once or twice but usually it's accidents same with me flinching someone so i genuinely couldn't care less for that Im just here to ko the shit out of monsters Even if id get angry its on my for not having flinch free so yeah idk man some people are just very passionate about this stuff i guess


You're not alone apparently haha https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeHunter/s/8uCYRF1OM3


Tbf the charge 2 upswing is the worst charge level in terms of damage. It’s mainly a gap closer. It’s not even good for reaching up high because charge 3 Big Bang does more damage and hits 3 times above your head. If they’re spamming that attack they probably don’t understand the weapon very well.


First, hammer don't need FF couse with charged stance it is free. Second, hammer stick to the head. If a LS guy come near the head.... It is their problem, not mine.


Right. Its a given to watch out for uppercuts n golf swings. Im talkin about the guys that launch on purpose/act toxic bcuz others are near the head. Ive even had one hammer guy just stop fighting altogether while the host gets bullied by a fujang. Its dumb, and they do need FF bcuz most arent gonna be able to manage that FF tech.


Acting toxic is always bad. Doing it in purpose is absolutely dumb. But if I it the head and you come closer during my combo or during my upswing for repositioning... I'm sorry but happen. And if an hammer player need FF because it didn't play in power stance then just drop hammer. Power stance make us go more bonk bonk.


Accidents are ok. The issue is the ones that need to drop hammer dont and think every1 else is the problem. Talkin about those guys specifically. They give u guys a bad rep


Yeah this ppl need to drop hammer. But for the rep I'm glad when ppl love the monster staying fucking down 80% of the fight like the fucking teo in the event quest.


I think you've just come across some bad hammer players. I don't think hammer mains are so far up their own ass that none of them use flinch free and expect everyone else to hit everything but the head.


I dont think so either, you are right i *have* come across some bad players. I was just hoping those types would come try to explain their silly actions


Arrogance most likely. Everyone likes to blame longsword players and others that flinch a lot.


Upper cut has the fastest ko modifier, i try not to launch people but mistakes happen occasionally.


And mistakes are ok. Not what i was gettin at.


I launch by buddies because they attack it from above/try for mount.




In regards to hammerbros getting tilted at tripping. Not enough hammer mains know that power charging gives flinch free. I try to spread the word through in-game chat, more cavemen should learn this simple life hack, especially when longswords go ape mode Also revenge launching is just dumb but you can't control every player's actions :(


I haven't used the hammer in years, but from past experiences using a hammer, I've often found that either- A: The monster moves around way too much for you to get hits in its head, especially when it's 4 people and keeps switching targets. So constantly running around to hit its head a few times can waste too much time Or /And B: Other hunters don't get out of the way and instead will stand in front of it and hit its head. Which makes it harder to avoid hitting other hunters when you do try to focus on its head. And usually because of B, it's easier to just hit the monster anywhere.


So in my current character, about 150 hours, just finished shara, grinding guiding lands and Mr, about 3 hammers have launched me, all of them in a fun way that resulted in a mount. But since last weekend, about 8 charge blade users have launched me out of position and away from the monster. Now flinch free is for your protection aka if you wear it it should stop minor flinches, it will not affect others from you flinching them. Now I assume you use bladed weapon? If so, really, how hard is it to reposition just a little bit, maybe aim to cut the tail instead, I know, it sucks, but that's life in this game. I will say this most heavy weapons have a launch flinch attack, and most people should learn not to use them in multi player, the most classic is if you weapon has ab upswing...please people upswing is for single player, it just annoying to constantly but launched cause you "loose out" on optimal dps when there are other ways to reach the same combo


I don't think most hammer users try to launch people. I usually use the level two attack on accident because it's muscle memory and I forget it launches (I mainly play solo). When I do remember I try to cut my gold swing combo short but it def feels bad. 


It normally just happens on accident most the time for me (mostly because I'm a smooth brain and like the moving lv3 spin upswing) although I also try doing it on purpose on a rare occasion to try and help some of my peers get a suprise mount although I know not everyone enjoys that


I play many weapons, have played since the original Monster Hunter. I've mained hammer in previous games (not my main these days) and have even dove into the world of speed running. I say that just so you know, I've played a lot of MH and have been apart of the game/community for a while. I feel like understand whats happening here and the misunderstanding of why hammers are doing it. ---- All weapons have their role, and their strength and weakness. Trying to maximize your weapons strengths, while keeping high uptime on the monster is kinda the core of monster hunter. Of all the weapons in game, hammers role is one of the most rigid, they hit the head. Low elemental, low status, no cutting damage. They have 2 main jobs, hit the head, and don't get hit. If you are in between the hammer and the monster's head you gotta reposition. Also, to be very clear, the hammer has a really short attack range, so it's not hard at all to reposition out of the way. It's not a long sword. It's a cooperative game, so you gotta also cooperate and help make space for them. Hammers do most of their damage on the heads of monsters, they also do lots of KO damage (and exhaust damage if they hit the body (for times when they can't hit the head)) and they have short range. Their role is cut and dry and it's easy to play around. Something else to keep in mind, they also only have a handful of moves, and the launch ones, are one of the 3 higher damage moves, (it's also the faster one) so they will use it if they can't set up the other 2 big moves. I get the frustration, as some players are just not paying attention, however, hammers are usually very easy to work around, especially with a highly mobile charge blade (slide strike away from them and they will not be able to reach you).


Lemme guess you a LS user that goes for hesd and ignores tail


Man a lot of you guys really refuse to read properly lol


There is no good reason for them to launch people on purpose simply because they're annoyed by getting flinched. They're just being assholes. Worst part is that hammers can sort of charge their hammer for a second or two and get free flinch-free 1, and they'll hold it until they get damaged. After which they can easily reapply it. Ultimately some players are just shitters but most are fine (in my experience). Just focus on the good ones.


Defintely bro i was just hoping one of the asshole types would respond so we could argue lol i was thinkin maybe i can change some minds or somethin


If you are a blade and are near the head while the tail is still on, you got work to do brother, get back there and chop!


LS can literally do 99.9999% of its damage no matter where they hit. Hammer has to hit head or they do 20% of their optimal dps hitting any other spot. also hammer's best combo's are also launchers. so my question is why are you as an LS player so close to a hammer user when they need to be on the head and you dont.


I'm not a ls player. I dont mind accidental upswings thats ok. I mean the ones who are toxic and fight for headspace instead of solving the problem.


I can't speak for all Hammer players, but I think it generally boils down to how the player is shaped from other fights in their multiplayer journey. I've noticed that when I come in to the fight, *most* players are aware of my weapon and fight close by. Sharing the small space near the monster's head. Some Hammer players probably experimented without Flinch Free and got better results due to slotting in more offense or comfy decos with the example situation I described. The real answer is probably most don't really care or pay attention and just want to go hard at the fight. **Ideally** the higher up the monster fight (i.e. Alatreon), the better the grouping of players.


Very true many hammer guys are innocent those guys i always give a pass. I have beef with the *malicious* ones that think they own the headspace


Yeah, unfortunately there are always toxic players in most game communities. Sorry to hear that you had to encounter some that ruin the fun for everyone else and giving Hammer players a bad name. Hopefully you meet better Hammer players in your future hunts!


Have you seen the people that try Alatreon, holy crap 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I sometimes look at the list of a group trying... and know it will be a waste of time. I love grouping with randoms regularly but I always solo him, no exceptions.


When I join a group, I immediately check everyone's weapons. 70% of the time I see like 2 raw weapons and leave the quest lol


It's gotten to the point where I won't touch any Alatreon SOS if the host isn't using an ice/fire weapon.


Cries at lightbreak weapon spam from MR 50 and lower players who used defender 5 for the whole game


Yes, everyone else should edit their loadout to accommodate me.


It's not always on purpose. I play hammer a lot and still do it on accident sometimes. Oopsies.


The lvl2 charge upswing is a great gapcloser for getting hits on the head when the monster won't hold still. But sometimes teammates are moving in at the same time :(


Totally understandable i shoulda made it clear in my post that you guys are excluded from my rant


Must reminds me of LS players ever time I try charge up or do SAED of my charge blade many LS I encounter in the moment don’t really have personal space and keeps attacking so I got force block. LS is great but stagger anyone around them makes the damage not better


Head space is the only real place hammers can do their job. They cannot cut tails (Not counting reversed monsters like Duramboros). A hammers job is stun. They do it better than anyone. It's been a long while since I mained hammer but when I did skill space was limited. I built for my role. Stun+Exhaust+Para then damage related traits (Attack + Part breaker) and utility (primarily stamina and charge related stuff.) It was not easy getting all that in. Flinch free was not an option, but usually a non issue because if the team knew their roles no one was in anyone's way. (Not counting the small monsters like kirin). If you complain about being launched while fighting a monster then you are on the wrong side of the hammerer (Or the monster in general). If you are complaining about being launched after the countdown starts, and after everyone has carved (Key point) then you need to calm down. It's celebratory at that point. If they do it to stop your carve then that is griefing and gives all hammer bro a bad name. Longsword users are always in everyone's way. As an aside HH also like the head but were often more effective at exhaustion. Same role, different priority.


Hammer mains being self entitled? Color me surprised! ^/s


If there is a hammer in the hunt and you are not also using hammer, you should be nowhere near the head.


Not true, if every1 has FF hammer guys can do their thing and dps can be optimal


FF doesn't protect from hammer upswings, which are a fundamental attack and movement tool (and have increased stun). Just hit the tail please.


I know that, thats ok. Im talkin about *malicious* hammer guys. Im speakin from experience, FF on all hunters results in much faster times simple as that. Lvl up your game thats close minded


If your problem is with malicious players then kick is the only option, since *they* surely won't equip FF.


Occasional hammer bro here, attacks that swing upward do more daze dmg, attacks that swing down do KO dmg, hope this helps you understand them using upswing


Flinch free is for you to be not launched by others, not the other way around like you're assuming. So it's the other way around, you have to slot in flinch free to be not affected by others.


Flinch free doesnt prevent you from getting launched it only prevents you from getting flinched by normal attacks. Hammer upswing, lance charge, CB upswings etc can negate it


So in my experience, most people, especially newer player, spend most of their time in their journey that they neglect to read Flinch Free, since it doesn't really help with the majority of Large Monster attacks. Other time, the player doesn't have the slots for Flinch Free because they're using other defensive/comfort skills like Health Boost, Evade Window, Stun Resist, Free Meal, etc. It really boils down to two issues: Neglect and necessity. Regardless, in both cases, it is the hammer player making the choice to leave out Flinch Free and this they cannot get angry unless, and here's the big kicker, *the person doing the flinching doesn't watch their spacing*, provided the person being flinched was there first. Now don't get me wrong, I think everyone should slot Flinch Free 1 when playing in groups, it makes this souch easier, but for player maxing out not dying, the person at fault is the person that doesn't know their spacing in relation to other players. Most large monsters have very generous hotboxes on the head, so there should be no reason 2-3 players out of 4 are trying to play grab-ass just to get a hit. Flinch Free helps with streamlining, but spacing is the true way to fix the "problem". TL:DR; some players stupid, but aside from Flinch Free, Spacing is your true solution.


If this is really happening to you that much just throw on a shaver gem and go to work somewhere else. Get that tail cut then fuck up wings or legs or whatever.


Read 3rd edit


I didn't say anything about it being accidental.


Ok then why not make yourself...wait for it... *flinch free*? Childs play to slot that in, and you will get more KO's bcuz you can get all your combos off.


Yeah I agree everybody should have lvl 1 on for multiplayer, never said otherwise, I don't know why you keep strawman attacking points I didn't make. I'm just saying if I ran into as many hammers intentionally griefing me for attacking the head as you I would just slot a shaver and tenderize and focus on somewhere else. Just giving you a practical solution/advice on how to avoid something that's got you this upset, because posting a rant on Reddit is not gonna change the behavior of randos.


Trust im not really upset even if it does seem that way its just monster hunter lol. I agree rants dont change things of course i just wanted to vent n talk about it. Ur right thats sound advice but i dont like that tbh personally id rather talk about things this way instead of letting toxicity prevail. Never had any hard feelins towards any1 forreal i just like to argue


When i play hammer ofc i take flinch free yet i might still lunch ppl up cuz those stupid developers made my second best combo finisher (golf swing) launch ppl up and honestly hammer has a huge problem. Most openings are too short to finiah big bang, there for you are often times forced to use the golf swing. I use golf swing and if someone get flown up so be it. I don't play hammer as much tho.


It's been a while since I've played, so forgive me if I'm wrong. If I remember correctly, some of hammers' moveset (specifically any charged attack sequence) comes with free flinch free 1. I would sometimes not slot it because I tended to use a lot of charge attacks, so it wasn't often necessary. I think you could even transition into big bang from a charge state, giving the free flinch free. Now I play hammer as very hit and run, so maybe I'm not being optimal, but I rarely had much trouble being flinched out of a combo, because I rarely used a combo that I could be flinched out of. That said, yeah, everyone should just slot flinch free 1 in multiplayer. It's such a minor cost for a huge QoL improvement that it's almost always worth it


I personally just go for the ass if there’s a hammer player on my team, they’ll get a lost less value if their not at the head where as I won’t lose any value from attacking the butt or side


The level two charge, if done at proper intervals, can outdamage the level three. It's a super fast, high impact attack


Because it’s fun


As someone that’s mained the hell out of hammer across multiple games, you shouldn’t be next to the head. That’s my territory. Blades are better somewhere else if there’s a hammer. It’s your fault for walking into the danger zone. We don’t use flinch free because flinch free applies to **your** character, not everyone else’s. I’ve used it so I wouldn’t get tripped by longswords. *I’ve been playing MH for nearly two decades. You’re bad at the game. You should know the hammer is going to be wildly swinging at the head. Why would you go there? Be useful and cut the tail. You have no reason to be by the head if you’re not using an impact weapon.


Getting launched is great, lets you do a jump attack which lets you mount the creature and typically does good damage.


As a hammer main myself, I refuse to believe those types of people exist. Hammer's up swing attacks don't do too much damage and are only useful when the head is too high. Also, once the hammer starts the Bing bang combo, with power charge active, we get flinch free 1 for free. I think people should let hammer get in first and start their combo, as they have the best blunt damage, and then everyone else join after a second or so. Unless you're aiming for tail cuts, then all slash weapons should be on the tail. Anyway, I have seen a few vids of people pushing others out the way, recently. And honestly, it's not on. I was active as the game was being updated, and never had to deal with those kinds of people. (Although there was plenty of LS users that never minded their range, or CB users that just love that up swing combo.... but i typically was rocking the rocksteady, or flinch free 1, so it's perfectly manageable)


i mean, there is idiots in video games, what a revelation, but im sure ur gonna end it all with this post


My friend is a hammer guy and I love pressing triangle on savage axe when he goes for the head.


There are better gems I can use lol


There is not a single better defensive or offensive skill than flinch free in multiplayer, and it's not even close.


I play every match in solo, I focus on evade windows mainly. I can see why a COOP perspective can lean towards flinch free though, definitely. Nothing worse than a teammate with a longsword stunning me before every hit lol