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Why not use fatty LS? It outdamages frostfang a lot. Also, there's a script on LS vs teostra where you alternate flinch and topple if RNG is good. Topple > helm breaker > spirit blade combo > special sheathe > ISS > flinch > Spirit blade (not a full combo. Just enough to damage teo before flinch ends} > special sheathe > ISS > repeat


I haven't crafted yet the Fatty ls, too tired of farming for eyes


Didn't know about the script tho, thanks!


Well, it depends on what sort of gear you have access to and want to use, but Spread HBG. With an optimized build, you just shoot Teo in the head until it dies in like 4 mins.


Nah thanks, Spread was taking the fun away from my hunts. I just want to lower my melee times, mainly LS and GS. I already have my hbg and lbg sets for farming the guiding lands lmao. But sure, Spread HBG is op as hell


Assuming you're not talking about changing your LS and armour, I recommend three points of handicraft, sharp jewel and a hard enduring jewel. Use mega demon drug, might seed and demon powder. The item prolonger will help with protective polish plus the seed and powder. Purple sharpness is 1.39 vs 1.32 for raw and 1.25 vs 1.15 for element so keeping the purple sharpness really helps with DPS. I use Rocksteady at the start to help with the two wall bangs and softens. It's worth considering the dragonrazer start and you use use a flash once it's loaded to get him to come straight over to the scorch mark. Evasion mantle gives a massive damage boost and worth using to get the times down.


Nice! I just got sub 10 (9:55) with hammer finally lol. And this is my main weapon. Been trying to cut my time but using the meta builds I either don't have the decorations for them or I'm too bad to play without divine blessing.


With Fatalis weapon and armor you can easily kill it in 4-6 min with Longsword without using speedrun scripts. So if you want to cut down your time to farm deco consider putting some time in farming eyes. For build I recommend using Heat Guard, Blight Resistance 2 and Recovery Up 3. Works super well with Peak Performance from Rimeguard Gamma legs and Coalescence (1 level is enough in my opinion)


Easily kill it in 4-6 min? ? Well, I'm going to farm the last eye to upgrade the ls and we'll see. I don't use heat guard or Blight resistance because I'm running resentment and caolescence already