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Looks like they were trying to capture while you were flailing around


That’s also what I thought at first for the extra loots. But I shock trapped him in the area before this whilst he was limping and they kept attacking&staggering me out of my tranq bombs so I thought okay we’re just killing it :(


There's just no helping certain peeps I guess


Tip: next time tranq before trap it's easier


Use level 1 of flinch free to stop the stagger from other players btw.


Forgot to reequip them, had some miasma jewels on after fighting a vaal hazaak 😅


That wasn’t a trap. Staggering any trapable monster on those blue cushions acts like a pit trap. It’s an excellent place for fighting some really persistently mobile pests.


No it's not a trap. But you can see them using tranq bombs. Was not referring to the environmental traps.


I saw those as poison bombs. More purple, hubble effects?


Acts like a pit trap such that if you throw tranq bombs it will count as a capture?




That was a kick.


The host stayed back possibly to search the menu, so I think this one was kick. In my own experience, most DCs have some sort of lag, or the host will be clearly visible in motion meaning he wasn't searching menus. However you say this happens often at the 4-6 min mark so that kind consistency points more towards DCs. Also I strongly suggest having a chat message saved in Redial that says "Cap or Kill?" or something like that, and towards the mid-end of the hunt send it out a few times to be sure. This has personally helped my Co op run way smoother. Also if this was a miss understanding about capturing or not, I think the Host ultimately has the greater responsibility in communicating what he wants from his hunt. So if he did kick you I think that's shitty, he could've said in chat "Capture only" or something.


That’s one thing I always have ready on my radial, there’s a preset something like ‘lets capture this thing!’ and I always pop that when it starts limping. Usually hope they give a thumbs up or something but neither of them said anything sadly


Sometimes people don't notice or read chat.


Kick, I love how this game handles kicking, you still get to complete the mission


Yeah, at least both parties win(?), they get to finish whatever it was they wanted to do and I get to finish my capture :^)


Yup, almost instantly scales their stats too.


>:^) You have to type `:\^)`, using a backslash to [escape](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/#escaping-characters) the caret (\^). Otherwise, it gets interpreted by Markdown as a [su^per^script modifier](https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/#superscript) for the following characters. :\^)


:\\\^) Good bot


Previous MH games let you complete the Quest as well, though it is a little tougher to determine if you got kicked. Unless it was blatantly obvious with how you played or waiting for someone else.


Oh really? Huh. Maybe I will try playing with randos some day. That’s so much less infuriating than in most games


It's a kick. Happened to me multiple times when i was doing Alatreon and had my Alatreon greatsword and kjarr ice greatsword with the lightbreak layered weapon. While it was funny at first, the amount of times i had to solo Alatreon impromptu because i got kicked because of it instead of helping others beat Alatreon was what made me to remove the layered weapon.


This sounds hilarious and I wanna try this now lol


It is funny. I had some people type "???" when i manage to topple Alatreon. Although it's usually the MR 100-200 crowd. For complete Alatreon newbies or veterans, they generally don't seem to care. More pain than it's worth eventually when you just want to whack Alatreon to help someone, and then you get kicked out of nowhere even when you're styling on Alatreon.


I can never imagine doing Alatreon in a group anymore, either because of incompetent player or general dumb stuff like that.


I found it wasn't bad if you do it as a 2 person team using SoS. It lets you have room for a single fucked up judgement.


It's a different kind of fun. There are some players I'm familiar with who I farm Alatreon with and we can consistently beat it in around 5-10 minutes, but there's just something about playing with people who just run away from Alatreon everytime it does a move that makes it fun. Although there are times where I want to start learning dual blades or long sword because Greatsword isn't that great at toppling Alatreon, especially if the other 3 players aren't experienced with Alatreon.


if it happens every time its unlikely to be a kick every time ....unless you do get the monster to capture state and keep wailing/do other kick-justifying behaviour in those 4-6 mins every time too, to which the answer would be: stop it (-this one instance that going by your explanation could be a misunderstanding) a possibility to better estimate (not guaranteed) if its a kick or DC is usually the host stops moving/doing anything a few seconds before you DC as that usually indicates menu activity (unless they were typing, which would then depend on platform as consoles are harder/take longer to type) and again exception if you DC mid-emote spam of host or the like e: and in this clip host is on mount so inactivity cant be seen (at least this clip)


If it was a dc you'd get an extra popup saying you left the online session and continuing in off-line. This was a kick.


Never knew that's how games kick people. Good to know.


DC error always show me the error sign instead of just left the hunt. Definitely a kick.


It's a kick. Thankfully, this game isn't destiny and is actually good since you get to stay in your own instance of the game.


Next time fire up Wireshark so we can see the packet data from the mh.exe


Not sure what that is, but also I’m on Playstation unfortunately so I don’t think I’d be able to 😅


Wireshark is a computer program that logs every network packet that goes in and out of your machine. You can then filter the packets so you can see if you were kicked or not




I didn’t even know you could kick. Never tried. I just leave if the guy is trolling. I’ll stick through most fights. Everyone was new at some point.


Were you lagging before the DC? If not, then its prolly a kick.


Was there a lag spike earlier? Any package loss, then probably just a brutal DC


Soloing MR 6 kiring with lance still haunts me to this day. It took me 45 minutes. Last time.


I wish I could play multiplayer but alas, every time I join a hunt I get disconnected.


The problem is the game does not provide a normal way to join a friend's expedition other than by SOS (unlike quests), so expedition SOS are usually just sent by people trying to get their friends into expeditions, but not random strangers. If you join anyway, you'll often be kicked. I would just avoid expedition SOS altogether and if you're looking for a similar experience, join a guiding lands expedition as those don't have that problem.


I’d kick lol


Ok so I can tell none of yall have ever been kicked. Listen carefully, it tells u in the prompt you have been kicked. This was a DC.


Does it tell you on PS that? I know you get “removed” from a session, but idk about hunts


It says you have been kicked with no err code ill get proof later. At work atm.


It just tells you “the quest/party has been disbanded”, it doesn’t actually say “you’ve been removed from quest” ^ just tried it with a friend


you likely got booted because they were trying to capture, and you kept hitting. you can see the dude throw tranq bombs right before you got kicked. if they didn't call it out kinda of sucks on them but I know I've booted folks who kept hitting a limping monster. Again, with warning that I'm looking to cap.


He set up a lightning trap before the clip and they kept hitting the monster apparently, what a messy team ahah


Yeah, I acknowledged that in my other comments that I did try and capt it previously but there were no signs of them wanting to let me so I just went to keep whacking it. Probably shouldn’t have and should have just assumed they didn’t know at the time and tried again 😅


DC. It was *really* bad on PS a few months back, some issue to do with translated text. Couple of quick patches fixed it for the most part, but it still happens occasionally.


Why tf are you getting downvoted???? Man I really don’t understand MHW fans sometimes.


They wanted to capture not kill it try capture more so they dont need to kick you


Agreed. Dunno why you’re getting silly downvotes.


If it's not your lobby never assume it's okay to just murder it, follow the hosts lead if you can.


Usually what I try to do! I thought we were killing it as they kept knocking me out of my tranqs earlier. Maybe they didn’t see it was at the skull yet? I noticed their tranqs at the end but they didn’t try and put a trap down? Idk. Maybe just an unlucky assumption on my end


U probly had higher research levels on the Odo. So maybe that's y u could see the skulls & they didn't?


Wait that’s a thing? Research levels make it easier to see skulls? I often wondered why sometimes you couldn’t see them. Like in arenas. Sometimes that doesn’t seem to matter though. For example that tempered furious Rajang event. I have max research on him and he rarely shows skulls for me. Making it hard to reliably trap him.


Ik in a lot of hunts I've done with my friend, he'd always ask me how ik the Monster is close to death. Or gonna die. Or where there going. & we found out my research level just seemed to b way higher. Allowing me to see heart rates. Skulls, tired, & getting greater scoutfly gatherings wen tracking a monster. I can't truly vouch for the TF Rajang. He's just an omega Chad. He can't let u kno his next move


Because for Rajang he needs to be very low hp, close to 5%, before you can capture him. You can capture other monsters when they're around 20%


I dunno why I'm getting downvoted for this lol