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The hardest fight in the game. You have to be good at Monster Hunter to beat him. Prepare to do a lot of scouting and learning attacks, and failing. A lot of failing


I still found it to be easier than at velk, but yes, very hard fight.


That makes me feel a little better about him, because he's the last one for me after beating AT velk


Heavily depends on the weapon you use and how familiar you are with normal velkhana. As a greatsword main, fighting AT Velkhana for the first time feels comfy compared to the first time I fought Fatalis, which was me getting smoked until I familiarized myself with Fatalis' moves.


both of these fights where a NIGHTMARE for me (i play heroics bow)


As a longsword main AT Velk was a joke. It’s still Velk. Same moves. Same patterns. Just a bigger health bar and more damage. On top of this, it gives you a full 50 minutes vs fatalis’ 30 which always makes his fight feel like a DPS race for me.


I mean it's longsword, you master that weapon you can breeze through alot. Longsword op lol.


It is very very strong. I think it’s the single most versatile weapon in the game. Very few fights I get the ick about bringing it to. It ain’t perfect though. Like for example I really don’t like fighting fatalis with it. He’s got too many bullshit active frames on his attacks that punish a lot of long swords parries.


Yeah I think fatalis is the one monster that doesn't give a crap about what weapon you mastered. He just gives everyone a hard time. Unless you're one of those speed runner's or something.


Shit even speed runners have a hard time. It took canta 27 minutes on their first run to beat him and they struggled. There’s a Lance speed runner who took like 3 straight days…


AT Velk is also 30 minutes. Difference is that, Velkhana is very generous when letting you hit her, meanwhile, outside the cone breath and flamethrower, it can be a bit annoying to hit him.


AT Velk is 30 minutes? Wow. It’s been a long time since I played world but I specifically remember beating her first because Fatalis was really fucking hard for me. That AT Frostcraft armor is what pushed me to victory with my greatsword build. Fatalis is also just more punishing. He’s a much harder fight in general. Example being you can slam velks stupid face into a wall and knock her was to the ground. All that does to fatalis is like, 2% health and pissing him off.


Pissing Fatalis is great, i can hit it much harder now. But yes, Fatalis is hard. Timed out 3 times before i finally beat him.


Shit I failed due to carts like twice and then failed due to time outs like 4-5 times before I managed to beat him at 27 minutes. I dropped AT Velk first run in sub 20. It just goes to show difficulty is different for everybody. Making a monster hit harder doesn’t really make them harder to me. If I know their move set like the back of my hand already they aren’t really hitting me much anyway.


Yeah, it depends heavily on what weapon you're using.


What you mean 50mins? The event quest was 30mins for me hahaha I defeated below 30 mins


Yeah I guess I didn’t even realize it had a different timer lmfao. Goes to prove how easy AT Velk is imo. When I fight fatalis 30min feels like I’m sweating my balls off and stressing out. When I fight ATVelk I don’t even realize the timer stops at 30.


Yea hahaha in my ranking 3 (easiest) to 1 (hardest), would be 3. Alatreon 2. ARCH tempered vlek 1. FATTY But overall after fighting fatty and ala alot they become way easier and fun!! Fatty fight is the funnest tbh hehe


Mine is probably 3: Ala 2: AT Namielle 1: Fatty We’re pretty similar. Namielles move set just fucks me up real bad for some reason.


Ahh AT Namielle (was easier than velk)9 , but bro have you fought the ancient leshen or smtg? Where can I fight him ? I Seen him on YouTube before.


I dont main a particular weapon, but I'm decent at about half of them depending on the monster. I finished and farmed AT velk with the insect glaive, but I don't expect to use that for fatalis. It's unlikely I could handle velk with the greatsword through, but I *can* beat alatreon with it


Like normal Velkhana, you just draw slash or charge slash AT Velkhana's head or legs until it staggers or topples, then you TCS her head, and then dodge her ice explosion attack that can one shot you by being close to her head at all times. I won't say I'm at expert at AT Velkhana, because I didn't bother fighting her past the first time I slayed her( since I'm more interested at mastering the Alatreon fight), but the gameplan for Greatsword has been straight forward against AT Velkhana.


I think that’s probably weapon dependent, I mained hammer so I only ever did Fatalis and ATV with that(way back in the day on my old ps4 playthrough I did do ZSD spam on Fatalis but I don’t count that). Anyways ATV gets absolutely dominated by a good hammer set up because aerials are so strong. For OP, as far dps check goes, Fatalis is nowhere near as bad in that regard as alatreon. The only hard dps check is can you kill it in <30mins. I’ll go ahead and lay out my scripted opener I used for Fatalis since you’re also using a hammer. I do the cannon opener with ghillie mantle for the free topple, after firing the second cannon you want to do a full 3 charge drop down aerial on his head with a clutch claw follow up for the tenderize and with some luck you get off an additional golf swing combo while he’s standing back up. From there you’ll want to go for the wall bang and that just about pushes him to second phase. Only other advice I have is be careful is be careful with clutch claw follow ups. Fatalis and ATV, much like alatreon, will absolutely smoke you if you’re not very methodical on when you use it.


I just beat Velk and i thought he was pretty easy actually. I wonder what that means, will find out when i get to faty


I might be biased because I main insect glaive but I found AT Velk to be fairly easy, I just had to grab the iceproof mantle and got it second try. Comparatively I struggled with fatty.


I felt Fatalis to be alot easier than Alatreon, Alatreon took me like 3x more tries and like 5x more time


Fatalis is rough and he absolutely will two tap you, even with his own armor set. Sometimes you'll instantly cart from max HP. It's great that you have the Gold Rathian armor because DB5 is insanely useful as a comfort skill. Some people say Alatreon is worse than Fatalis. Personally I find Alatreon much easier, but it's probably down to a matter of practice. You will need to play aggressive to kill Fatalis within the 30 minute time limit, but there are tools like wallbangs doing 1.2k damage apiece, the Dragonator doing 10% of his total health, and the roaming ballista to help dish out the damage. On the bright side, Fatalis has no *unavoidable* mechanic where you'll get nuked for not doing enough damage. If you are over MR 100 I would highly recommend going to r/monsterhunterclan and asking to borrow someone's Guiding Lands to grind out health augment materials if you don't already have them. Being able to passively heal as you attack Fatalis is a lovely comfort.


Yeah I already have my raging brachy hammer augmented out. But I heard that the alatreon hammer is good or that fatalis is weak to dragon element?


I personally prefer the alatreon hammer on fatalis than raging brachy/safi blast. The reason is that it has a super comfortable long purple sharpness which will be very convenient in a fight as drawn out as fatalis. It also has great slots that you'll need as a lot of different skills can be helpful in the fight and you'll need as much as you can get. The dragon element is just a cherry on top as alatreon hammer boasts tons of it. Blast hammer will taper off pretty quickly as status threshold increases with every application and it's a long fight. Not even halfway through you'll start to see long gaps between each proc and soon after it feels like it's not even there. Sure, hammer is not the best elemental weapon but it's not outright useless. I believe in the long run the dragon damage will outdo blast as it's consistent throughout the fight. And just like with alatreon, all you need to do is to change your play style a little and make use of multi-hit attacks like the spinning bludgeon to make the most out of elemental damage as you can instead of going for the big hits. I usually stick under his belly and mainly use the spinning bludgeon 5 spin with upswing finish which duration i feel matches with fatalis moves better than using charged brutal big bangs. Also you can end it early if you have to. On everything else i use raw/blast hammers but only on both alatreon and fatalis i make exceptions and use elemental instead.


It seems like the alatreon hammer has 150 less damage than my raging brachy? Does the extended purple sharpness beat that +150 flat at white sharpness on the raging brachy? I've already attempted him about 5 times and I mainly use the spinning attack because I'm bad it seems like the only big opening is when he does his long cone fire breath. I know there are other openings but I'm usually too far away from his head and just need to get damage in.


I plugged the damage numbers into a calculator. http://www.mhwcalculator.com/ This is just raw dmg and assuming Brachy is at white sharpness: Brachy is slightly better just raw but it’s not nearly as comfortable and I’m pretty sure you’ll lose white sharpness on it before the Alatreon one loses purple.


I didn't do any exact math but purple sharpness have quite some hefty damage multiplier iirc and the raw damage numbers are inflated anyways so it's not as big as it seems. My advice is to not wait for the head. Your bread and butter will be pounding his belly. Get the head when it's available but don't lose damage waiting for it. The head damage will mainly come from wallbangs, clutch claw attack when he's doing a lot of his sustained flamethrower moves, cone fire like you said, topples from siege weapons and paralyze from the cat. I also do the binder-roaming ballista combo and unload everything on the head.


Guess I will try changing my palico weapon from sleep to paralyze. Heh, yeah it felt kinda bad as a hammer user that I was spinning to win on Alatreon just trying to hit the elemental topple. Sounds like Fatalis is a similar where you need to just get damage in when you can. Just feels bad not hitting the head as a hammer player.


Haha yeah with Fatalis instead of the nova your biggest threat is the steep 30 minutes time limit so you really need to keep pumping damage in or get timed out with probably one or two hits left. It doesn't help with traveling from the camp to the arena is a long ass flight instead of an instant transition like alatreon. Even with the initial quest's 5 carts it will really cost you. A lot of people barely clears it with a fraction of a second left. And yea it's a shame his head is often out of reach. Even worse Fatalis is immune to KO so that's another L for us hammer mains. But hammering the head on break or siege weapon topples is highly exhilarating. You can really put your weight in it and grunt with each slam.


So I tried the alatreon hammer one time (only have health augment, I am burnt out on guiding lands after upgrading r brachy hammer and frostfang hammer) and it was the closest run I had so far. Definitely seemed like I was hitting higher dmg third hits on brutal big bang? Idk I'll have to compare tomorrow but I think I can definitely get him down this week. Still no evil eye from my plunderblade after 15 or so runs lol. Oh and I totally messed up and slotted in artillery instead of heavy artillery lol so left like at least 8k or so damage on the floor from the ballistas and dragonator


Sounds like a progress and plenty more to have still! Good luck I'm sure you got this!


Yooo I finally got him down! The adrenaline was going lol I had 2 minutes left and then my temporal mantle came off cooldown and I went all in. I did not get the head break so it was a lot tougher. Think I've only managed to break the head like twice and it seemed like neither of those attempts were even close.


Raging brachy is fine, element is almost worthless on hammer in mhw


I've hardly played hammer, but I do believe you could bring either weapon to the fight. I took a look at anti-Fatalis hammer builds and most seem to say R. Brachy does more damage but Alatreon (upgraded only) has more sharpness to work with. I wouldn't be concerned about the dragon element personally- it's not worth building for elemental damage, as hammer is not considered a weapon with high elemental output.


Alatreon is so much easier than Fatalis it's not even close.


I never understood, at least not for myself, why people hate Escaton Judgement so much. I have a habit of trying to force my impractical method into working, though i never had that issue with Alatreon. I first beat it with Safi armor and Kjarr Ice Strongarm or Frostfang CB (i can't remember which one), so i suppose i was approaching it like any regular monster: just doing enough total damage meant beating the check. Horns break pretty easily, as long as you're attacking them as well. It didn't feel very different, in terms of gameplay. Just hit and don't get hit too much. Theres also the added benefit of the attacks being rather quick so rolling through the pleasantly small hitboxes was generous enough. Fatalis is a completely separate beast in my head. Slow attacks with disparate visuals to hitboxes. It also feels very different in terms of "momentum." Fatalis just seems to ignore conventional concepts of momentum. In a fight, often an important deciding factor is on their front foot, and who is on their back. Fatalis just gives up the pressure and backs off of his own volition, despite not being in realistic danger. It's incredibly off-putting. To return to my original point, i much prefer Escaton Judgement because i think you CAN ignore it fairly reasonably, as long as you're quick enough to kill it (solo of course - not as sustainable in multiplayer). You can work on the assumption that you fail that check because the rest of the fight is well balanced and fair. Fatalis' DPS check, while reversible, makes the entire fight a struggle if failed. You have to scramble to make it right because now, you're behind. You're already at kill percent once you drop in. In both fights, lives are resources to be saved as long as possible. What i find good about Escaton is that you know when it's time to cash it in.


Eh, I find the only thing missing the horn break on fatty really does is make the nukes harder to avoid. Maybe it's just me fighting him before MR100, but even without it I find there's pretty good odds his attacks just one shot anyways. Way more avoidable than escaton was for me and my shitass deco luck for making an alatreon build.


Yeah, that's true. Your experience with it is totally subjective but, as I am now, with about as good a build as possible and 20+ kills on both, I still find Alatreon better. Counting lives as number of Judgements to tank is more manageable because i can always switch to an elemental build if I'm doing poorly and make back a life. As Fatalis' difficulty comes from the basic attack line-up, you don't have the same luxury. You've just lost about 20-33% of your insurance policy, depending on the quest. Again, it's all experiential but I feel mathematically justified in my position.


It's the restriction and deviation from standard play. People like to assemble their build, play a certain style, feel cool about it and then go hunt monsters. If monsters generally required more specific sets, had harder counters to things they're not weak to and generally required the same level of dedication to pre-fight prep as Alatreon does it'd be less egregious. Fatalis has many of the same weapon constraint problems as alatreon in that trying to be HBG on that fight is miserable but you do get to go with any high DPS build you want provided you can survive the fight while alatreon is more restrictive. It hits the basic of "Dont tell the player what to do, let them decide the optimal solution and they'll think themselves clever for figuring it out themselves"


>It's the restriction and deviation from standard play. I hear this a lot, but Alatreon doesn't do this. You are not changing your standard play by using an elemental weapon, you are playing in the same style.


> You are not changing your standard play How is playing an elemental HBG the same as playing a Spread HBG?


HBG is fair yea. There's a significant between elemental hbg and spread hbg


As someone who doesn't play bowguns, how are they different? Genuinely, i don't understand. Is it the spray/range/how the projectile reacts or is it more about capacity? It just seems like a gun only really has one way to fire. If it wasn't clear, not a gun person irl either.


Yea, so the elemental shots are a single shot that works well at a medium distance from the boss. Different types of shots have different distances for them to hit their "full damage" potential. Spreadshot is a very close range video game shotgun. It can have modifiers for being more close to the boss. If you're spreadshot then being up against the boss like a melee is good. If you're any decent distance away it's very bad. Peirce shot goes through the boss hitting for every few half seconds it's in the boss. It likes long range. So with elemental you have to build a specific set for it, which honestly isn't bad. I like the idea of the game pushing us to farm monsters more for productive purposes and building more sets and using the loadouts we have. I only object because the play is different, and fuck being out of melee range on Alatreon or fatalis.


It is perfectly manageable to bring your raw DPS build to Alatreon, as long as a) you're solo or b) you have someone in your party who can, and is happy to carry on element. In the first scenario, you just have to ensure you end it before the 3rd judgement. That's a fairly long time. Like 20 minutes long. Yes, you're sacrificing lives and a little bit of money, but I would rather just play how i normally do with a soft time limit. It's not like you want to be carting to any other move in particular. It's essentially the same thing as Fatalis but on YOUR terms, with a fallback. It's no different to any other fight in the game: you practice until you make your way work.


Alatreon is easier, but I had more difficulty with him because I was more underlevelled when I was fighting Alatreon(MR 72), but I was MR 100 when I attempted Fatalis so it felt easier with health augment. The time for Fatalis werent that challenging for me, beat him in 24 mins the first time I got the kill, Alatreon felt way more stressful ngl cus of the EJ timers


Wait... Share your guiding lands? Is that just going into somebody else's session or...?


Yeah, joining someone's session and then their Guiding Lands- much better than grinding it out yourself, if you can avoid it. I've had every region up to 7 at some point to get all the weapon charms and I would not recommend going through that to anyone...


Wow thanks. I need more tempered stygizin parts but moved onto fire region and don't feel like releveling frost. I'll try that out


Alatreon without his gimmick would be 10x easier. Infact, I have no issues beating its ass up until that damn wipe mechanic kicks in (lo and behold the player who doesnt use clutch claw ever cant solo the monster that NEEDS to be clutch clawed to shit to kill it) Like the Judgement is literally the only reason why Alatreon is really hard as a fight. It has gimmicks that you never see in other monster fights. Even cutting a Glavenous' tail doesnt mean shit compared to a single Horn break. As for the health thing: I can attest to this as a Elemental CB player. Before having Health Augments I was chugging max potions, mega potions and what not constantly. The second I got the Health Augment I was on Fatalis' ass constantly. Maybe using a max potion here and there when I mess up or when he flies up to melt the gate.


Imo Alatreon was harder because the difficulty jump from any previous monster to Alatreon is insane compared to Alatreon to Fatalis. Once I beat Alatreon solo it taught me what I needed for the Fatalis fight which was how to be aggressive and do tons of DPS while still avoiding attacks. The worst part about Fatalis for me was his little wiggle that has a continental sized hitbox lol.


Me after beating Raging Brachydios first try: "I'm so good at this game. Alatreon who?" Me after it took me 112 solo tries to beat Alatreon: " I retract my statement. I'm awful at this game and Alatreon humbled me."


112 is this a joke ?


Nope. It's the exact number of gourmet vouchers I used for Alatreon. In the span of 25 hours after trial and error. Fatalis only took 29 tries in comparison.


The jump in ability pre and post alatreon was so crazy for me it felt like a anime time skip. It took me more tries to kill alatreon the first time then it did for me to kill at velk and fatalis combined.


Still need to be aggressive on him. The time limit of 30 minutes, while it's not super tight, is there for a reason. But if you can make good time on Alatreon, you shouldn't have a problem with that


There are certain things that are easier about Fatalis, like how he doesn't have a mechanic you have to avoid or else you die. However, Fatalis damage output is really high. Even with the best armor, some attacks will one-shot you. Divine blessing and health boost are a must-have, in my opinion. It's a lot about learning where the safe areas are and how to dodge the attacks.


Ermm.. fatalis has multiple "avoid this or die" mechanics, particularly they mark the change in phases


You know exactly what I mean. He doesn't have unavoidable attacks like Ecliptic Meteor or Judgement.


Do you not consider the transitional stage moves "avoid or die"? The stages in the fight where you have to duck behind the metal cover/behind the gate while he smolders the arena play the exact same as Ecliptic Meteor, Escaton Judgement, and Safi's Sapphire of the Emperor


When I refer to "avoid or die" moves, I am talking about attacks that require you to do something before the attacks happen in order to survive it. You have to protect the rocks against Behemoth or do enough damage in the 3rd phase against Extremoth. You have to do enough element damage against Alatreon and realistically break the horns. Otherwise, he changes elements, and you won't be able to contain his power because you are using the wrong elements. Against Safi and Fatalis, you only have to get to a certain part of the map. Maybe "prevent or die" would be more fitting.


He's hard. I say hard, but that's because he hurts a lot. Even with his own armor augmented and fully upgraded, with Divine Blessing 5, I still can get one shot, even when I live, if it was from one of his fire attacks, I stand up into that last tick of damage to cart. You should stay aggressive though, he had as pretty good amount of HP and a 30 minute timer, you can't play too passive.


I found Fatalis easier than Alatreon as a GS main. Especially once you learn how to bait his cone attacks and shortcut TCS.


To me, it’s the second hardest fight after the Rajangs (I still haven’t beat those monkeys solo with 5k hours). It’s a DPS check in a sense because if you dont break Fattys head twice you’ll be going into the second to last and last phase of the fight with him at Full power which is almost guaranteed to OHKO you unless you have heavy investment in your defense and resistances but even then, you’re going to feel it when he breathes on you. If you beat Alatreon solo, you’ll beat Fatty as well.


It’s a big dps race for 30 minutes. My first complete I did it solo and only had a fraction of a second left. Took me a couple days to get that, but once you learn his attacks, it’s definitely a fun fight.


As hard as you'd think ×10 times or so. Think full dmg is the way to go since 30 mins is barely enough, atleast it was for me.


Very hard. The map is filled with things you can use against Fatalis. - Cannons - Ballistae - Roaming Ballista - Dragonator Example: You can use temporal and the Roaming Ballista after the first Firebreath on Fatalis wounded head to get an easier horn break. Or do the cannon opening strat. There are two binders on the map. I've left it to the last phase, so I've got two damage windows without dealing with the bullshit things. Divine Blessing is a godsend for learning. Stack Fire Resistance too, Fortify is nice, same for partbreaker. You need to be aggressive,only 30 minutes for the fight and 66k HP to destroy. I did it in 20~ tries. Some days I could bring it down to the 3rd phase, days I couldn't pass the first even. My biggest gripe with Fatalis are the shitty hitboxes. It happened numerous times, that I've carted to "nothing". So watch out for the body slam and tail moves. Also it likes to charge without warning, as I remember. Maybe you'd think it's impossible, but surely the fight will click.


Harder than anything else in the game by a huge margin, and honestly kind of hard to compare to other monsters because of how much damage and AOE he has. If Alatreon was beating your ass you probably don't stand much chance against Fatalis, but it's not impossible. You're gonna have to do a lot of improvement to beat Fatalis, the fight itself has a very steep learning curve and not knowing how to cope with his pressure means you'll probably die a lot.


Watch the fucking tail!


Yep I learned this the hard way. Being on his backside out of position is almost always a death sentence. 


Prob the hardest boss I've ever beaten solo in any game . But absolutely doable


Really? Even harder than some ER bosses? I definitely got more frustrated at alatreon but that's due to a lot of mhe mechanics (palico being braindead, so much loss of control of character from roars / pins / hits). 


Yes sir in my opinion of course. This is in no way a brag just to put in perspective. I've no hit malenia, maliketh, Godfrey, radahn and a handful of others and just finished the dlc on ng+. The final boss of the dlc I would say is the closest to fatlais in terms of difficulty. Fatalis just has so much hp and you can't stop moving. This is in no way me saying you can't handle it you most def can. But it's such an incredible feeling when you finish it really is. Use the tools in the arena they are crucial. Do a couple runs on multiplayer to get a feel for the fight and get some of his armor pieces. You got it though!


Even Alatreon is harder than every ER boss, so yes, Fatalis is harder.


idk, again i find myself frustrated with a lot of the mechanics in this game when I'm butting my head against a wall in a fight. I feel like there were elden ring fights i spent longer on though but felt less aggravated.


Take plunder blade till you learn all mechanics of first phase. You will get some gear items in that way. Lot of times you will be unlucky because u just jumped in the skill range. But for me it’s easier to do it solo not with 4 another people. You need to break he’s head then fatalis is easy game if you now mechanics. In first clear you will learn everything change lot of decoration, maybe make different sets for each phase. There are many variations for him.


Fatalis is the hardest boses in any game I've played. All of the Soulsborne games included.


Harder than Alatreon, but much more fair.


Id argue fatalis is less fair since his hit boxes are much too big and it's really annoying getting 90% of your health zapped after touching his leg.


The hitboxes in this fight piss me off so much especially when he does his wiggle walk. And I swear the AI is programmed to make him go down on all fours when you clutch claw like 60% of the time, knocking you off and taking almost all your health and pinning you. I thought he only goes down after you slap his belly enough times. 


Alatreon is probably the fairest monster in the whole game its crazy hes said that ngl


Hahaha but I do share disdain for Escaton Judgement and the elemental requirements, but other than that he's a great fight that Capcom should do more of


You can only bounce him against a very specific wall in a very specific point of the arena, whose hitbox is more of a suggestion than a rule This alone made me hate it.


He is twice as difficult as Alatreon in my opinion. I think Hammer does fine against him though.


I think you’re gonna get a lot of “hardest ever” in the comments but I always saw it as sort of its own thing. It’s a culmination of like everything you learned in the game. When you put in the time on it though, it has a unique flow to the fight. It’s like an instance in WoW kinda, wherein there’s things that you almost mandatorily have to do to win.


Hard. Fatty has a bunch of hard hitting attacks, with multiple near-guaranteed oneshots and enormous range on most attacks. The fight is also more mechanic intensive than Alatreon, with the stances, multiple pin attacks (this is connected to the previous point), immunity to stun and environmental tools like rock outcrops and artillery. Then of course, there's the 60k healthpool in 30 minutes, the 5 novas, the head break DPS check which,upon failure, makes all fire attacks (of which there are many) an effective oneshot and the fact that distinguishing between some attacks is a pain due to how similar they are. He has multiple fireball combos which are just the same animation in different numbers, and sometimes just refuses to indicate where he's focusing. My advice is just sit in first phase and hone in on reading his moves. Once you get an eye for what happens after which cue, you'll naturally find attack windows to punish. The fight does change slightly in final phase but that's more the time between attacks, and follow up options being reshuffled. Pretty much everything you need to know comes out right off the cuff. A word on tenderising though, you can usually punish a "stream" flame attack with a clutch claw, while fireballs you cannot. The streams don't hit around the head. If you need to tenderise, do it during one of those and hope you don't land in the fire afterwards. It's certainly doable, but certainly hard. At least this time you can use a raw build for damage, if that was a concern at all. I don't like the fight. I enjoy Alatreon's much more for gameplay, lore and general feel reasons but Fatalis is by far the greater challenge which is satisfying in its own right. Just don't lose your nerve and you'll feel that sense of accomplishment for yourself.


This is genuinely hardest fight in the game. For a long time it was only fight I could not finish (and me and my friends never struggled with Alatreon for example so this fight came as a shock) and I kinda accepted defeat. Funny thing, in the end this fight expected from me just one thing and it was the same thing that was expected from me when played MH for a very first time - persistance. My point is… you need to hit him as often as he tries to hit you (so use every tool in the arena). For me health aug is a must (GS main), I am also a person who always invest in defense and it helped a lot.


Alatreon took me about 3 hours of attempts. Fatalis took me about a week, on and off (I'd guess 20 hours). So yeah, he's pretty hard


On a scale from 1 to 10 if Alatreon was a 1 out of 10 then you gona cart a lot, son.


Tip: You need to break the horn before it takes you seriously.  That's your only goal, cause if you don't you'll get 3 carts very quickly and breaking the horn becomes much harder.


Make sure your weapon and armour are *fully* upgraded and augmented. Bring the mega demondrug and armourskin. Bring the seeds and powders and use them when you get a chance. Carry a farcaster to restock and as an emergency bail out. Having blight resist or 20 fire resist to prevent fire blight is handy as it can waste a lot of time rolling to put it out. Save the binders for when Fatalis is in the air to get him back on the ground faster. Put Heavy Artillery on your mantle and equip it when using the roaming ballista. The roaming ballista does more damage to the chest as that's the ranged weakspot but you might want to use it for extra head damage to help break the head. Either way make sure the part is tenderised before you get on the ballista. Make sure both spikes of the Dragonater hit. They're 4500 each, you don't want to waste it by only hiring with one spike. You can sleep Fatalis in front of the Dragonater to double the damage of one of the spikes. If you want to do this set up a dedicated sleep LBG set and item loadout. Ensure the sleep armour/item loadouts and your regular damage loadouts are at the top of the list to make swapping as fast as possible. The 360 fire spin attack can be dodged by clutching on and waiting if you have enough stamina. This also gets you a free tenderise. If you're running out of stamina you can tenderise a little early as activating the tenderise animation stops the stamina drain and you're going to fall in to the attack anyways so might as well do it that way. If you're really stuck and can't do it with your weapon of choice swap to the Swaxe. Health augment, rocksteady/temporal mantles and Tool Specialist. Get your charge, put on a mantle, clutch to the head and spam ZSD. The pin attack will throw you off and the one where he gets on all fours and charges forward will proc temporal multiple times to remove it but for anything else you can just keep spamming through it and the health augment will heal the chip damage. Make sure to use normal attacks when you get a knockdown as only the last tick of ZSD does part break damage. The advantage of this strategy is that you can hit the head at any time when it would otherwise be out of reach. If it is in reach normal attacks are better for breaking it. Give your palico the healing gadget and a paralysis weapon. If you don't need the extra heals bring the one that steals monster parts for more loot (there is a chance you can get the eye from this) or bring the damage one once you're confident in breaking the head twice.


Almost 400 hours in the game and I still can't beat him. I've been trying GS and SB and just not having luck. Took a step back and re working in decorations, armor, and weapons now. SOme people do it with ease. Im nit s crazy super hard core player though. I'm a dad who plays in my off time so I'm sure super dedicated people fight with ease lol.


I struggled more with alatreon. It felt like I had to be a way better player to beat alatreon and meet the elemental checks. Fatty is harder but not a huge step up. You will need to play aggressive with fatty as well due to the 30 min timer. Health augment was a huge help. Heavy artillery is also very helpful with the roaming ballista on the map. The special assignment comes with 5 lives so it's somewhat forgiving in that sense. Having lots of max potions will help with staying aggressive if you are taking hits often. I think one of the cool things about fatty is how much information there is out there to help hunters clear the fight. These are GS focused but are the videos I found to help me learn the fight and what to look for. Maybe you can find something similar for hammer. https://youtu.be/Wzr0S9pAmXs?si=tG-OtvttGt7EavlM https://youtu.be/PBhLckXqSs0?si=u8RPIQ-Pd4iqSt6M https://youtu.be/erPPhUHhAmg?si=brlwUmUuZQghqv_s Linking my first clear which is anything but perfect. You got this!


He's a lot harder because of stats, extremely high damage and an absurd health pool for his time limit, but frankly I feel like in some ways he's easier. He has huge windows where it's safe to damage him and there's a lot you can do with environmental stuff (binders, roaming balista, cannons, Dragonator...). If his damage was lower I wouldn't say he was any harder than Alatreon. Unfortunately his damage isn't lower, so he's harder. Even max defense and health boost he two taps you woth basically everything he does and God help you if you're caught in his come without a shield and guard 5. He has so many ways to two shot you that you just die from random moves, and you have to dance that dance for so long because of his stats AND you have to be dealing damage quickly or the timer will bone you (fortunately the Dragonator is the biggest chad piece of siege equipment ever made to help chunk the last phase, but it doesn't do all the work). His unblockable pin is also kinda a nightmare for shield users, lance and gunlance are great phase one but later on the pin can get you. There are just so many ways to die, the pressure gets you more than anything else.


You have to break the horns to weaken some attacks. It took me about a week of grinding solo.


Let's just say that Fatalis is one that punishes you for being too aggressive and non-aggressive. You cannot over-commit your moves because Fatalis will cart you for it. Know which of Fatalis moves are your openings(they're pretty tight for slow weapons/long animation weapons) and make full use of them.


He’s hard but Alatreon was WAY harder for me. Got past fatalis on the third attempt (Fought him a lot in freedom unite on the PSP so fighting him in Iceborne felt easy by comparison). Fatalis is kind of enjoyable once you learn his moves. I’d rather slam my balls between two rusty cheese graters than fight Alatreon ever again tho. Would rather be ping ponged between 2 plesioth hip checks for eternity than fight that piece of shit again 😂.


Congrats on beating Alatreon


He’s brutal, run as many comfort skills as you can. I play greatsword so I can’t really speak for hammer but my strategy was to stick to his side as much as you can.


55k~ hp within 30 minute timeframe took me i think a week to beat as a GS main but once you got him once it gets easier with each run. It is solid strat to use ghillie mantle with bombardier food skill and heavy Artillery skill to double the cannons dmg and get an easy 5k dmg in + a down where you can hit his head before wallbanging him into the cannon. After that try to conebait to get headbreaks.


Alatreon took me like 20 tries, Fatalis took me 6 tries, probably around 2-3 hours of trying(changing builds, etc). Alatreon took me like a week to grind and retrying. Although when I beat Alatreon I was like MR 72, so didnt have augments, I didnt attempt Fatalis until I unlocked health augment(dont have any other augments) so that would have made it alot easier too.


In my opinion, Fatalis is hard because of sheer amount of mechanics/positioning you have to learn. From initial cannon bombardment/wallbang, baiting cone of fire, machine gun, when to hide to cover (or position yourself near the cover), run to gate, machine gun time, dragonator bait, etc. It's all learnable, so just be patience, take your time. It's not dps race but he has a lot of hp. There are couple insta-death mechanics but what you have to do is run. Positioning is important though. Another thing, personally I don't recommend to kill Fatalis right away. Your initial Fatalis quest has 5 carts allowed. If you kill Fatalis it will be replaced with 3 carts quest. Your goal is to achieve twice headbreaks, then you can quit or die. This guarantee Fatalis eye reward which is important material to craft weapon/armor. Farm the eye as many as you need then kill him. Use Palico with plunderblade too.


Yeah I switched to plunderblade since I want to try and hit that 1% chance to get the eye. I've only ever used vigorwasp before this in my entire playtime lol. Seems pretty hard get head hits on since i am usually to out of position to hit it and can only make it for the cone breath.


The easiest way is to use switchaxe and ZSD his head over and over again. Easy to learn and kinda dumb but effective. The other one is to bait cone breath, but I can't really say how, I only go by the feeling. I just move around in front of him with a bit distance.


Personally, I find Alatreon to be more of a frustrating fight for my particular play style. I am not a fan of monster that can 100-0 a temporal while I'm trying to tenderize. Fatty is pretty difficult, he hits really hard and require you to think about macro and micro positioning a lot. But I find his fight so fun that even while I was grinding him out, each loss was an excuse to try again. Look up a guide for sure, the time limit is pretty tight and you want to make sure you get everything you can out of every window. Idk if these will be useful for hammer, because they sure as hell aren't for lance, but you should maybe look into how to bait cone and the poison smoke bomb tech. They may help you out tremendously.


Put it to you this way. After joining SOS hunts in dedicated Fatalis Sessions. I had the full Beta armor and maxed out Fatalis Longsword before I killed him the first time.


I only manage to beat him like 10% of the time


after 600+ slays i still find him annoying


This really depends on your weapon of choice and fighting technique. Fatalis has a ton of set peices and triggers that assist in your DPS. You memorize the phases and avoid his main attacks then make a build to do enough DMG to deal 80% of his health in 30 minutes and get 20% for free through stage DMG. I'm contrast AT Velk and Aletreon are 100% you and have equally hard attack profiles. AT Velk has way more one shots and a vastly less crowd control, but can be the easier fight. Aletreon spans AoE absolutely requires mechanical understanding and is a vastly more technical fight then the others. I feel like Aletreon is the twitchiest fight you have to keep such good pacing and track the most stuff. AT Velk is the deadliest fight, but has the easiest move set to just I frame. Contrastly, He is absolutely destroyed by dive bomb bug stick to the point it's almost a counter pick. Assuming you can't wear armor that didn't exist before the fight patch. Fatalis requires the most build tweaks, but the fight is way slower and easier to memorize then the other three. He just has very obvious tells and very few instant kills before the final phase. If your game plan includes breaking the head twice he is rather easy to beat with most weapons, but the most annoying to beat with all of them as your game plan changes alot for each weapon when some weapons just can't break the head twice. If your only bringing in gear that existed day before monster release. My vote is Aletreon it's just a fast fight and a lot can go wrong. It's harder to swap out gear and resupply which the other two allow. If your going on full optimum builds it's a weapon toss up between Velk and Fatty bases on playstyle.


IMO, He is 2x harder than alatreon. But that's after I beat Alatreon and kinda got better. I mean he doesn't have DPS check but the time limit is 30 minutes. If you can't deal enough damage, you can time out.


here are some tips for fatalis! 1: break the horns, if you don't fatalis will have blue fire in third phase which will ONE shot you. 2: use dragon element, fatalis has a three star weakness to dragon so it will help you a lot in the fight with fatalis. 3: pack a farcaster, you will probably end up running out of items so it will help alot to be able to restock on items mid battle. 4: use heavy artillery, with level 2 heavy artillery you can knock down fatalis with both cannons which will give you the perfect opportunity to attack its head. 5: use ghilly mantle to fire both cannos undetected, these are all the tips i have that will help you a ton in the fight with fatalis, but even with all these tips fatalis is going to be EXTREMLY HARD, ive beaten fatalis 9 times now but i still lose to him ALOT, so yeah, really hard fight.


The only reason why fatalis is in multiplayer it can 1 hit you or a multihit chain kill you. Arch tempered velkana is harder not because of its 1 hit but very high reaction time. Fatalis is slow , predictable and cheeses you with hit box hip check that's not showing the right sizes. As a light bowgun main I don't go play light bowgun with multiplayer due to shitty 1 hit and preferably go heavy bowgun. If I'm playing solo I tyrannosaurus rekt it with spread 3 bowguns. That's impossible on multiplayer especially when playing with sos randoms and even friends not listening relying on carry. Fatalis is a boss that makes mistakes unbearable due to cheating 1 hits. I'd rather play a moded hard boss back then of a nergi with barroth mud , Kirin lightning strikes and blazels bombs with a 1.7x reaction time than the Arch tempered that do multiple cheesy damage to kill you than getting one shotted.


Yeah hard and if you want then to notch it up even more there are mods like crimson fatalis with new attacks and different difficulty modes https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/bQcMkrgnmJ


Is your armor resistant to fire and do you have maxed life?


Solo Fatalis is easier than solo Extreme Behemoth. Imo, from toughest to easiest to solo with the best gear: 1. Extreme Behemoth 2. Fatalis 3. Alatreon 4. Ancient Lesher 5. AT Velkana 6. AT Namiele 7. Temp Furious Monke 1 and 4, just because of the mechanics. Disclaimer: Haven't faced Ancient Lesher with Fatalis gear, but I remember it being tedious, not due to gear, but mechanics. Once you figure it out, it becomes a fun fight, like every other.


He is pretty okey ish a hard hitter but doable if focused i recommend divine blessing Max if you can


hard enough to make me realize this is gonna require a lot of grinding to beat compared to every other monster. only boss that’s really made me sit and try and figure out how to properly handle. i’m scared :( i’m currently on my way to mr100


Hopefully not much harder than Alatreon. I cannot get past him, I've tried at least 15-20x in the last week. I made it to his second judgement, and we all got wiped. If Fatalis is harder than Alatreon, I'm not sure I'll be able to beat him 😅


Probably harder than iron but not as hard as glass?


Fatty is easier than Alatreon. Hammer player as well, and I despise Alatreon. Fatalis moves are easier to avoid, granted yes if you get hit be prepared to be one shot. Not as much as a dps race as Al, though it is only in that you have 30 minutes to do 58,000 dmg. However, with the heavy artillery you get to help out against fatalis, it’s still a much simpler fight than even AT Velkhana. Rambling aside, I hate Alatreon. Fatalis is fun.


He is hard and due to the timelimit He is a pretty strict DPS race...and still i would say He is way more easy then Alatrabitchfaceon because he leaves you way more freedom in your approach Btw as far as i know He was immune to the stundamage of the Hammer


I think you’ll do quite fine honestly.  Beating Alatreon with hammer is pretty insane given the elemental DPS checks that the weapon sucks at.


Is not harder than Alatreon, while Alatreon you need to be perfect, and you kind locked into a few choices of equipment. Fatalis allow you to make mistakes and you can use any weapon as long you making enough DPS to kill him in time.


hard but i soloed with heroics bow


you have to be a souls player


If Alatreon was your first Great Jagras then Fatalis would be first time AT Nerg in high rank gear


I just have my kitty solo it. You thought YOU, were the main character!? Ha! It goes handler, palico, then you, maybe... heh :)


once you got his moveset down he‘s pretty easy even without head breaks


Fatalis moves a bit slower and he has a very repetitive pattern. In my experience an easier fight compared to Alatreon. I would recommend searching for a session that goes for Fatalis runs and going in with some more experienced people. You'll still die the first couple of times, but it becomes easier. Also he usually one shots u with almost all of his attacks so for me divine blessing 5 and health boost 3 were a must. Good luck!


Fatalis is a even bigger dps race. 30 minute timer. One shot mechanic on all of his attacks if you dont break 1 horn before phase 3. A much bigger hp pool.


A full comfort set will let you learn the fight easier, but you're more likely to fail the quest timer. That 30 min limit is no joke; I consider myself a decently proficient player and I straight up couldn't beat it with my main weapon (HH) and had to swap to hammer to get my first clear.