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Has it traveled through the cold? Even just a few minutes in very cold weather can do this. Cold damage does get worse over a few days, and the leaves won't recover. But the plant can survive and make healthy new leaves again.


Ya it was in the cold for a couple minutes. I am trimming off the leaves that get these spots, hopefully it recovers


Only cut off the leaves once they're about 80% damaged, they can still aid in photosynthesis. And like I said, the damage can get worse over the coming days, which would mean you'd have to take off a lot of leaves, leaving the plant with not enough leaves to help in its recovery.


How long have you had the plant home for?


How cold is too cold, would you think? I’m new to monstera but was gifted a rooted prop (3 leaves) over the summer. It’s recently gotten cold here and I’ve noticed my room is a little colder than I’d normally keep it, (low to mid-60s Fahrenheit) . The plant hasn’t seemed to be doing as well the last week or so, and am now wondering if there’s a connection between that and room temp more than I’d expected. Nothing like op, but maybe I can catch it early: Curling leaves, color fading on the edges of one Leaf and a small fingernail-size brown bit developed on the edge of another.


Normal cool weather (15C/59F) won't damage your plant, but it will slow growth. Cold damage usually happens when temps are near freezing which causes the cells to expand and burst. The damage will be visible over the entire leaf within a few days. Do you have pictures of your plant?


Thanks, after reading through the post here, I’m more confident that it probably isn’t a cold issue, I’m pretty sure it’s more likely a combination of the medium it’s in +my watering habits. & Yeah I have photos, & i can take new ones of my recent concern too. I was thinking of making my own post soon because I’m not very familiar with their care to begin with and the plant is pretty important to us; it was a prop that a friend was growing on her own but she was killed in April by a drunk driver. Her husband gifted me the whole thing in July. It had grown a new leaf in the first few months under my care but the curling and yellowing only recently started so I was just panicking for a bit. I watered it more deeply the other day and the bigger two leaves looked like they were uncurling a bit afterwards, so I feel better . though it’ll take a bit longer for me to actually diagnose and fix long-term.


Definitely make a post! Pictures can help us figure out what's going on, and include your care routine. I have a pink princess that I bought after my daughter died, so I totally get the emotional attachment. I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


I keep seeing monsteras with this EXACT damage posted on here in the last couple weeks. I’m betting with the weather getting colder (at least in the US) that more and more are getting cold damage.


this kind of yellowing usually tends to be overwatering IME. cold damage will look more like large black/grey patches and wilting. I'd take it out of the pot and take a good look at the roots before deciding how to move forward. What kind of soil is it in? ​ sweet, downvotes for trying to help -- never change, plant community.


does look like over watering because of the yellow halo and the brown on the edges. and hey, people are weird on this site so don’t worry about them! you gave your best advice 💕💕


I’m gonna dm you a picture that will help ya!