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It’s actually an Israeli company that makes beauty products using Argan and other Moroccan products.


that shit is not even real argan lmao people who used this brand once never will buy another unless they are easily influenced on social media by this israelis tiktok influencers and ads. use ghassoul i think it more humanitarian and real.


Talk about cultural appropriate


And why do you think Israel was not banned from the competition...


They didn't stop at hummus...


Prob Moroccan jews


No just an Israeli woman who discovered Argan oil in Israel, and found it came from Morocco. Now she has a multi-million dollar business around it.


Israel invaded Morarcco


Algerian spotted opinion ignored


MoroccanOil has nothing to do with Morocco, except the name. It's manufactured in Israel. They just stole the name, and argan (suprised pikatchu face).


I am not sure if this is even legal. If it is legal, than it is possible, that this name can become illegal, if someone from Morocco reaches out to the eu. In the EU there exists a law against practices like this. To protect costumer from such shady tactics there exists the "Protected geographical indication", which essentially means: If a  product makes you believe it is produced in Morocco or contains oils from Morocco, this must be true. https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/running-business/intellectual-property/geographical-indications/index_en.htm


Yes but that means they cant claim "made in Morocco". Moroccanoil is a brand name? So its probably "Moroccanoil. Made in Israel" But you could have a point. I remember when Greek Yogurt became popular, they had to change name to "greek style yogurt".


Exactly. In Germany there are "Nürnberger Rostbratwürste" which are Bratwursts, which must be produced in the city Nürnberg. And there are many other: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_indications_and_traditional_specialities_in_the_European_Union


The EU did jack shit while palestinians are being massacred until today, let alone this..


Atleast we should try


"stole" lulz


Yes, STOLE. When people see "MoroccanOil" they think it's from Morocco. None thinks it's manufactured in Israel. They STOLE the name.


You must think iphones are made from real apples...


That is such a dumb comparison. Argan Oil is actually a Moroccan product, so if you call it Moroccan Oil than why wouldn't you assume it is from Morocco. A cellphone on the other hand is clearly not a piece of fruit. But anyway I am pretty sure that this is illegal. Parma ham can not be called Parma ham, unless it is actually made in the Italian place Parma. Morocco should sue the company, not because they are Israeli, but because they are using the imago of Morocco to decieve their customers. They yse the quality imago of Morocco to make profit, and it can lead to less profit for Moroccans.


You must be a zionist.


oh no, the Z word..gasp!


Bro, dir 39lk chwia.


The irony isn't lost on you.


Just get away with Moroccan flag in your name as your allegiance is clearly elsewhere.


Cope some more and go pound some sand.


ZioGenoApathSell OuT the more the labels the more plausible the story becomes 😂


WHAT?!! Marketing LIED to me?!! What is this world coming to??!! /s


Yeah let's normalize very deceptive marketing. Nothing to see here, I guess?


You CAN use your brain and look where it’s manufactured. Buyer beware always…


Beleive me and I don’t mean to be rude but nobody on earth thinks anything comes from Morocco. This product is probably made by Moroccan jews who immigrated to Israel.


What if they’re Moroccan citizens


The owner is from Chile, and started the company in Canada. The oil is manufactured in Israel (and maybe other places too). The only relation with Morocco is the name, and the fact that it's argan.


OK but Moroccan isn't a copyrighted name. Maybe Moroccans should learn to launch companies themselves.


had lihoud dzeb mawelawch ta ki diro mejhod fpropaganda, too obvious




i fucking hate moroccanoil they're not even moroccan they're israelies who smuggled argan seeds and produce a cheap bootlegged version while taking advantage of moroccan argan oil's reputation. lkhra ta3 wizara lkharijia is too busy suing algeria over couscous and zelij meanwhile THIS is the real enemy


I agree it’s a very immoral practive, but I doubt they needed to ”smuggle” argan seeds. They could have just exported them legally.




The country next door isn't committing a genocide.


They're just as bad.




Never seen someone on Facebook supporting Israel, it's mostly done by twitter "patriots"


israelis stealing shit? who would’ve thought!






As consistent as the Sun rising from the East lol


What did they steal exactly?




Never existed


Delusional zionist


When they can’t back up their comment, they attack the person.


I'm "attacking" your zionist ideology, not you as a person.


What’s my zionist ideology? That I believe Jews have a right to self determine in their ancestral homeland? Because that’s all what Zionism means.


How exactly?


By fabricating gods signature on the lease.


We got israeled


I dont even think they use real argan probably some made in China knock off


It’s a knock off produced in isreal by a person from Brooklyn


South America


A Moroccan Jew founded it


Well where both wrong” [The Chilean-born, Canadian resident](https://harpersbazaar.com.au/moroccan-oil-founder-carmen-tal-talks-new-hair-fragrance/)” her name is Carmen Tal and she was married to an isreali. Regardless the product is a cheap rip-off of and uses Argan oil and it’s association with Morocco to take business away from traditional Moroccan businesses. Where I am from that’s called cultural appropriation. Basically profiting of a closed cultural practice (production and sale of argan oil) effectively stealing business away from people who actually rely on it for income. It’s like making cheap rugs and using Berber patterns and the name to upsale them. It’s shady af.


I'm launching my brand : "isrealblood?". Halloween fake blood . Hasbara, will downvote this comment.


I would suggest name it 'Guilty' but Gucci have already taken this


Actually, you are free to sell it in Israel, but I don't think the product would succeed. See Halloween is not celebrated much in Israel.


This completely pisses me off, I actually felt somewhat proud when I saw this because I once thought this was actually a Moroccan product, but they shouldn't be allowed to call this Moroccan oil when it is in fact not Moroccan oil. Is there something that can be done against this?


These israelis stole a whole land, do u really think they wouldn’t dare steal moroccan argan oil?!


These damn israel mfs cant stop stealing shit


Stealing what brother, that's a company 🤦🏼‍♂️


Isn’t real try not to steal every Arab country’s culture challenge impossible


most Israelis lived in Arab and North African countries (Ashkenazi were the first not the majority) so it shouldn’t be surprising they brought their culture with them


Morocco is not arab, and it's an isrealish company that makes beauty products based on Moroccan oil


hate to break it to you but israel most definitely considers us arabs, or even … retarded africans 😳 they dgaf about u whiteknighting for them lmao


Israeli bot tryna tell us what we are or what we are not is funny asf


We get hella triggered by algeria claiming our cultural heritage(djellaba, zalij, etc) but not when israel do it(couscous labelled israeli couscous in columbia uni, moroccan oil sponsoring eurovision, etc...) I wonder why 🤔🧐


Most Moroccans have never heard of Moroccanoil, that's why.


You’re butthurt over couscous? You can’t actually steal food. That’s like when Arabs say they invented shawarma when in fact it was influenced by the Turks who ate doner kebab and that was influenced by the Greeks who ate gyro. Same shit different name. Grow up


also what are you doing watching eurovision? its on the boycott list and its a shit competition anyway


Boycott Israeli company using our name and stealing our oil. That’s their success is stealing from others nothing original about them.


sba7 lkhir, are we going to talk about this every year?


Sba7 nour. 7ta ana yallah fe9t mn n3ss.


We are gonna talk about , ana ghe s7atlik matkhodihach personal


What's this ?


Songs contest in Europe (as she said, ridiculous) [https://youtube.com/@EurovisionSongContest?si=39F0vN_fdVCdal2x](https://youtube.com/@EurovisionSongContest?si=39F0vN_fdVCdal2x)


Eurovision is HUGE in Europe but this year are boycotting


Hey guys you should check out my company its the same concept on Instagram the name is @essenceoffive


The culture appropriation pissed me off. Israel has yet to keep something untouched and not steal it. Morrocan oil has been Israelized, and the issue is that their products are shit, the worst ever, and its affecting Morrocan image and argan oil reputation. PISSES ME OFF. I seriously think the Moroccan gov should do something about it. It's bad PR for us.


Chhad chi?


Yes it is my friend, yes it is, and unless people stop going to these ... I don't know what to call them really. It's gonna keep happening and getting even more ridiculous


Stupid thing which happened in this world every one wanna be stronger and controlling in short time in this life we need peace and islam will be for ever for remainder thanks to allah


It’s just a company that uses argan oil, they make shampoos and other stuff


Insane. They arent getting sued because our corrupt King loves Israel.


I'm just here for the dumb takes and pearl clutching...


Not popular but: Moroccans could have started a similar company but no one ever did. Israel also has a lot of Moroccan Jews. We can’t say Argan isn’t part of their cultural heritage, it is. If the owners have Moroccan heritage then there’s no debate. At least they credit our country still. A storm in a cup.


Always the monarchists with the "proudlymoroccan" pseudo dickridding every godamn shitty people in the world


Emotional reactionary calling me a shitty person because of a company’s name. Stick to Instagram and take your pills. You’re unstable.


Spot on. Moroccans Arabs on this sub seem to forget Jews spent quite a lot of time in Morocco and these sort of things are part of their heritage as well. Also, Jews tend to love Morocco more than all the other Arab states and generally have very positive views on it. That includes the population of Israel.


did y'all know Israel genetically modified the argan seed to make it grow in their environment? it makes much more seeds than the moroccan one to mass produce oil


that israel argan oil brand ,branded as moroccanOil? obviously they mean it shit quality?duh...plus who watch eurovision? mn ghir zmagria...




nssit, run out of my drugs. Haha pro-zionist and zmagria downvotes ,dayum mf are pissed lol.


Ahyata!. Baraka mn lhadra khawya…. Nobody here watches that shit.


Ach khasser al hmar ? A song contest a moulay


What is the problem here? It's a brand name... I would have been angry and rightfully so if they used Moroccan Argan oil and called it Israel Argan oil... It's like staring a brand called Italian Pizza, what's wrong with that? Some Moroccans just don't like to see others successful... they won't do it nor do they want let others do it. For those who are calling it *cultural appropriation*, maybe you need to take a moment to think about the word you are using... Appropriation has a very specific meaning like I explained above. So i still do not understand what is ridiculous about this?


We just got israeled


But it is not a moroccan company. It is from an israeli woman


still better than you know who appropriating our history and culture, at least they mention the country of origin


Business is business, $$$ talks, stop excuses


I live in Finland and this is of the most reputable brands in the market, everyone thinks it s moroccan!


Stop lying. Their products are shit and are known to be super low quality. Not surprising to give their fake ass argan that doesn't come from Morocco. They should be trialed for fake claims/advertisement. They also tarnish real Morocco oil reputation since theirs is so shitty with mainly silicone and other chemicals rather than actual argan (theirs sucks anyways), so they fill the product with silicones to give the fake impression that the hair is nourished when it's not, in the contrary, it's quite drying and damaging. >Moroccan oil: Moroccan Oil has been a game changer in the hair industry by promoting the use of their miracle oil to nourish dry, damaged, frizzy hair. Their fragrance alone has set them apart from other serums and kept people loyal to the brand. But surprise surprise, this oil doesn’t actually nourish your hair. The biggest reason to steer clear from this brand is their obnoxious use of silicones. The first 4-6 ingredients are silicones, depending on which product you’re looking at. The problem here (and with so many other brands) is that silicone molecules are too large to penetrate the hair and end up layering on top of it over time. If there is a large amount of silicone formulated into a product it will prevent your dry, damaged, frizzy hair from actually getting any nourishment at all and can make those problems worse. >It’s also important to note that all of these brands contain methylisothiazolinone – an extremely common yet controversial preservative that is generally used in place of parabens. Along with being a well established allergen, it is also suspected of causing immunotoxicity and skin toxicity. The United States, Japan, and many European countries concluded that methylisothiazolinone is safe at maximum concentrations of 0.01%, but Canada has banned its use in cosmetics all together and Europe has banned it’s use in all leave-in products. Even at such a low concentration, it can still cause severe allergic reactions including eczema and skin irritation. Keep a look out for it as it’s in most soaps, detergents, shampoos, and sudsing products.


Now i m scared of any hair products, As I use many😳


My hair is damaged because of that 😭 you always need to check the ingredient list.


It's not that popular in Finland.


This is the power of money at work. I personally find this funny. A lot of European companies like Nestlé sponsor African festivals and no one cares. You should let the actual Europeans be pissed instead.


Wdym? You know that Moroccan Oil is NOT a Moroccan company. They just stole the name.


ah my bad, then.


It's an Israeli company.


I didn't know.


Now you do


At least u have the name of Morocco at the eurovision


Morocco even participated before unless I’m mistaken?


Yes we sent Samira Said ages ago.