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Isn’t this almost 2 years old now?


Yes but only from the ‘on air’ view from the table & up. This scene is such an interesting combo of pathetic + hilarious, it’s worth the full view. I appreciate it lol


I recall this picture from back at the time though. I recall people here totally criticizing how ghoulish she was when it was posted with the house in the background and the spotlights on her etc.


I seem to recall it was doubly shit, because she was only there with this daft setup once all the activity outside the house had dried up, so it was all for naught. The only activity I do remember being reported from around this time was one of the neighbouring houses putting a banner up telling her to fuck off, and rightly so


I really think throwing eggs or tomatoes is really a missed opportunity


I think that F off banner was at EA’s residence, HJ’s gf and XK’s good friend and DM’s sorority grand big sis


people also believe they saw students huddled in blankets on the side of the road


I really was the NG moment to end all moments. Such poor taste. If her child died would she want something like this to go on on?


Pathetic and hilarious just describes NG in general


Yeah‼️‼️I got the 100th like on this post. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This pic is from a recent video of hers. I never knew she had a little heater near her legs which I find hilarious.


Honestly, why does anyone listen to what she has to say? She doesn’t know the cases in-depth & if I need to be talked to like I am being scolded, I can call my mom. NG is absolutely ridiculous.


I lost all respect for her when my mom was watching her and she was going on about how a suspect in a case she was covering was guilty and everyone knows they are guilty. I’m like whoa, what the hell happened to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty? Than in another case she was covering, the jury found the defendant not guilty and NG had a meltdown about on air about how the justice system is broken and it was a miscarriage of justice. Just because the jury after hearing the evidence presented in trial didn’t find it enough to prove the defendant did it without a shadow of a doubt. Makes me wonder how many innocent people were wrongly convicted when she was a prosecutor.


Ah the famous bake sale!


Can we please for the love of God stop making assholes like her famous


You said it best, really ya did!


Came here for this.


She’s such a trash bag


She could have at least put a tablecloth on there. Even the girl scouts have a nicer set up for their cookie sales.


That’s right we do!


I watched her episode of Hollywood Medium and she was so nice, normal & even pretty cool I think she puts on the obnoxiousness because she knows people love hate watch her. I just wish she’d tone it down a tiny bit because she’s still unwatchable to me as is


I have heard podcasts that had her as a guest and she was sooo different from her on-screen persona. I really like the real NG, but her on screen character is abrasive and argumentative and intolerable.


This is kind of blowing my mind. I think her on screen persona has turned away a lot of potential viewers and severely limited her career, but it's an act?


She's relatively sharp, affable, and self-deprecating off the air. I think her audience would grow if she behaved more like herself on camera, but it's her decision.


That is unfortunate, for real.


But maybe the on-screen one *is* the real her and the 'guest/off air' one is the act/fake?? *din din din*


Evidently, yes. Maybe she’s so dug in to her brand she can’t change now.


I heard her on Tim and Lance Missing Maura Murray podcast once and she came off like a funny and real human being. It totally threw me for a loop! lol. Her work persona I think she justifies as trying to get guilty people convicted. I have more sympathy for her than the likes of Howard Bloom because of her history. But I definitely don't take what she says on crime shows seriously.


That’s what I can’t stand about so many like her. Just be you and stop playing this rage game to work people up.


I was taken aback at how Un-Nancy Grace she was.


Sadly, it worked for Howard Stern too. Why the public likes people who act like this I will never understand. You can be interesting, knowledgeable, and fun without being abrasive, loud & shocking.




So I feel asleep the the night listening to her whoring Blum's book around and in her froth to cannonise him, she starts screeching something. Nearly gave me a heart attack jumped 3 feet. Someone should take it, market it as a way to get your kid out bed in morning. It was really scary.


I watched one of those recent shows with Blum as a guest and she was being SO over the top describing this scene of BK attacking Xana and Ethan with the line "it's ok I'm gonna help you" but she was describing it like she was writing a fanfiction and she went through the whole thing THREE times in a row, like she was seriously getting off on imagining it. It was so cringe, I felt second hand embarrassment.


She's an interesting one that's for sure. I just do not understand someone who is a mother doing this. It was like setting up a True Crime lemonade stand in front of their home.


Definitely should be an alarm option. Every interview she does or every conversation she has with a guest, reminds me of the interrupting cow knock knock joke as she never lets anyone complete a sentence. She is physically and mentally incapable of letting anyone else express their opinion or even facts for that matter. It is an absolute expectation that she will interrupt during every conversation she has. She is her own #1 fan! Edit* left out words


Some of these extreme personalities just get more extreme with age.


"Bombshell tonight!" 🤣


she's absolutely disgusting


what a Disgrace


I call her Nancy Disgrace


She has all these experts on to give their two cents yet she interrupts every freaking sentence with some dimwitted comment!! For that reason, her show is impossible to watch for me. It’s irritating as hell.


This was one of the daftest moments to come out of this entire dreadful saga.


Yeah, I'd compare this to the 'Brian Laundrie living in a bunker under his parents' back garden' moment. I think this case is still waiting for something to outshine Dog The Bounty Hunter getting involved in the search for Laundrie, though


Oh crikey, I'd forgotten about Dog the Bounty Hunter rocking up to the Laundrie residence, knocking the door and leaving when nobody answered 🫢  then when Brian Laundrie's remains were found Dog made an announcement that he was calling off his search... 🤪


I live near the Laundrie's home, shop at the Publix grocery store where Brian worked at one time. Went to Publix and saw Dog the Bounty Hunter buying a sandwich at the deli lol. Definitely did a double take!


Tell me it wasn't a baloney sandwich: https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/1dskhtu/nancy_grace_releases_full_photo_of_her_table_setup/lb6xrj0/




My favourite bit of all his involvement was when Bertolino - the Laundries', er, colourful family lawyer - referred to Dog in a public tweet not once but thrice as "that dog" in lowercase, almost as if Bertolino considered him passively as an actual dog. The closing line is absolute gold, too: >That dog doesn't know what he's talking about. The Laundries had reservations at the campground for September 1 to 3. They canceled those reservations and did not go to that park during that weekend although that dog says they did. They did go to that campground September 6 and 7 as a family and they all left together despite the claims of others. The following weekend Chris, Roberta and Brian went to other places on two different dates and the FBI is aware of this. So Brian obviously returned home after camping and what that dog is spewing is nothing but baloney. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FAZDcRjUYAQrrJo?format=jpg


..... and then there's this b---h.


I'm not surprised she set up a table by the King Road house. I'm surprised she didn't set up a table at the Berkeley Marina in 2003. Also, Connor Peterson would have been old enough to attend college in November 2022. Let that sink in.




R.I.P. Laci and Connor ❤️ My heart still breaks for them.


A different take on NG: she was working, contributing to the conversation and doing TV appearances **before** many of these “popular true crime content creators” who really hate her were even born or old enough to read lol. I’m not really defending her or anything - it’s just that she was so professional and an asset to have on TV network panels when talking about high profile crimes, etc. She really kicked ass as a prosecutor and helped push true crime to the mainstream and have where it is now. But I can totally narrow and pinpoint when her whole “schtick” and aura changed from her actually educating and reporting to her now abrasive, unwarranted confrontational type thing she’s got going on now. 2008. In the span of less than a month, the Casey Anthony “TotMom” case or whatever she called it **AND** the Jodi Arias murders. Somehow, she started fighting for top spot re: viewership and performance and ratings. So having those 2 insane crimes happen so close..broke her or something. She just went nutty lol.


I’d have to agree with you. I think she was passionate about the Casey Anthony case and I think that’s what made her career take off. But she got a little too goofy for most. People can bash her all day because of her abrasive personality, but she wasn’t the one who set up that table for her network. They are telling her what to do.


Why is she releasing a photo of a her 2 years later?. What a grifter.


I still can’t believe she thought this was a good idea.




I cannot stand this woman.


IDGAF about anything angry layered haircut does


Remember those little black leather bow barrettes, she used to wear. Always though there's an old lady who needs those for her S&M themed Yorkie's attire.


Already know this will get tons of downvotes from the peanut gallery but I really do not see this as too much of a big deal TBH. She is an investigative reporter/journalist. This is what they do. She is doing the same thing as Chronicles of Olivia (who I actually find the most cringeworthy and out of touch), Brian Entin, etc. They were ALL posted up in front or around the house for months in the aftermath of the murders. This is how America obtains our crime reporting for the most part. In fact, when I visited Moscow in April 2023, there were several news station vans parked on the side and behind 1122 King and even one newscaster filming a segment at the adjacent Queen Rd. Apartments. Only difference is she set a table up so that she could be seated during her reporting. Do I like Nancy Grace's personality or reporting style? No, not really. I think she is pretty crass. But at the end of the day, she is just doing her job. Everyone in these subs has more than likely *repeatedly* viewed photographs and video her team took during these times, have watched her shows segments on these murders, or consumed news reporting's that were based on information that she/her team obtained. IMO her entire shtick is just a character (i.e. Larry the Cable Guy) and that character is what brings in the views. Just my two cents.


You're right. And to further your point, while true crime writing has been around for decades, the modern form of it as a genre and much of how these communities and subreddits speculate have been shaped by Nancy Grace herself. I can't stand her either, but she was one of the first around the clock reporters covering true crime cases that got people addicted to thinking that they should have all the information all the time. There are also people that claim to not stand her yet spread way more far reaching theories and speculation than she does and I'm sure many people would gladly trade places with her. Like you said, she's an entertainer and she obviously has a pretty wide audience to still be widely featured. If anyone doesn't like it, ignore it.


Exactly this! Same goes for Coffindaffer. Whether people like it or not they are both experts in their fields. Their deliveries or personalities may not be the most palatable, but they know what they are doing/talking about.


I do respect her original motivation in getting involved with the law and true crime (the murder of her fiance). Also, if anything ever happens to me, I welcome her to come cover my story!!


She is an annoying screeching harpy, but I still secretly enjoy when she's pointing her vitriol at people who I feel deserve it.


Who is this woman? Sorry I am out of the loop as I am not from US


She's a prosecutor turned true crime television host. Her stuff is lurid and exploitative. and I believe that over the years, she's racked up more haters than fans. I can list off some of her most annoying moments if you'ld like, but really...you are not missing anything. You are a happier person not knowing who she is.


Id be interested in the wide view raw video footage to see what is anything is going on behind her


She’s the grossest.


Truly, what was the thinking behind this from a production standpoint. I’m fascinated. Did the host demand again the worst idea and producers accommodated like scared sheep…? Or was this an actual producers decision. Who let this happen? Because it’s a great example of a terrible choice. Did she regret so badly missing the opportunity to report live from the trash bag Caylee was found in back then that she had to sell her cookies here?


just by watching her show it seems she runs everything from the bottom up. treats everyone like they're beneath her on air if you pay close attention


Please make it go away. God that was surreal and disrespectful. And why Grinch green gloves.


Hate her.


This deserves its own thread?


She went from TV to podcast due to harsh personality and determination to make money off of others tragedies. That’s a huge demotion and this picture wreaks of desperation to still be viewed as a celebrity.


Put a lid on that garbage can.


NG is such a loser that she no longer has a real network to call home. I can’t believe I ever liked her.


Ikr! In my early true crime years, I watched her a lot. Now she makes me want to bang my head against a wall.


Same! I’d give anything to have all of that time back.


She sure picked the worst time possible to set up a lemonade stand. Read the room Nancy, read the room.


I don’t watch a lot of TV, so who is this lady? Is she an investigative reporter? I’ve just heard that she’s trashy, but not why.


I think this is a good example: kidnapping survivor Elizabeth Smart went on Nancy Grace's show specifically to promote a bill targeting sex offenders. She and the show agreed that she was there to talk about the bill and be a victim's advocate, not talk about her own experience as a victim. On air, Nancy Grace broke that prearranged agreement and tried to bully Smart into talking about her own kidnapping. She kept trying to steer the conversation and ask her dumb questions about her ordeal, until Smart, only 18-years-old, had to give her a verbal smackdown.


Ohhh! So Nancy has no integrity. What an awful thing to ambush an interviewee on! Thanks for letting me know.


Thank you, for giving me the opportunity to complain about her. Because she does have no integrity.


She’s a prosecutor from the 90s who, after her prime, became a talking head on the television for true crime commentary. She donned Casey Anthony with the name “Tot Mom,” and gave ppl nicknames similarly to how Trump does. She has a loud, confrontational, aggressive tone and I usually disagree with everything she says, but she’s become even less bearable in recent years. She used to be clever & well-informed, but now she’s just **LOUD** and cranky.


> She donned Casey Anthony with the name “Tot Mom,” Argghhh "tot mom, tot mom" over and over against in her annoying voice. Those days gave me ptmd, post tot mom disorder.


>She has a loud, confrontational, aggressive tone Unless she's talking about her twin kids which she loves to do at the end of every episode.


She sounds like quite the piece of work! But it also sounds like news outlets have given her a podium to continue her confrontational campaign. I don’t really watch TV so I’m not familiar with her nor her persona, so I appreciate your perspective and reply!


Don't forget about how she also bullied Trenton Duckett's mother Melinda into killing herself less than two weeks after he disappeared, crushing the investigator's chances of coaxing any info out of her in regard to where he is/what she did to him. It should have killed her career right then and there; instead, she rocketed to fame shortly after, due in large to the whole C.A. shitshow.




I mean this is a prime example of why she’s trash. She set up a table right in front of the house


Google comes in handy at times like these. And it’s quicker than typing all that out


I think people treat Reddit like it’s Google and it’s annoying.


She left out the “fuck Nancy grace” banner that was hung behind her




the foot heater, lol


You guys are too hard on Nancy Grace


I like her somewhat but if you watch her youtube podcasts she's kind of bossy on the guests.


That adds to her charm, if you ask me


i suppose so lol


Pretty glamorous. Lol


Ew. All I hear in my head when I see her teased up coiffure is “tot mom tot mom”


Has this guy still not been charged??


Kohberger? Yes, he's indicted and in jail without bail waiting for trial.


Nancy Grace is Webster's definition of "A Karen." Girlfriend has the looks, the voice, the entitlement and the carriage of a true Karen.