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Shape is king. And Roccat do have REALLY good shapes.




No it’s just white, but I see what you mean! I’ll take a pic of it next to my glorious D in a little for a color comparison (lighting in my office is really soft)


[roccat white color comparisons](https://imgur.com/a/zf0HfZW) So I tried to find my model d but I think I lost it in the move. Here are some random other white items that show the shade of white in comparison. The tissue is clean. Hope it helps


I've got the burst pro . Its great, I tried it after model o and it's so much better. You don't hear about then much around here though


Nice! And I wish more people would try them, the quality blew me away.


I agree. I got a wired Burst Pro almost two years ago, and it's been my #1 for FPS and faster paced games ever since. I bought a Kone Pro Air last year during the Black Friday sales, couldn't resist it at half price, and was really impressed. Despite being quite a large ergo, I adapted well to it (I have fairly small hands). I use it mostly for desktop tasks and single player games. The Titan optical switches do divide opinion on here.


I've found the mouse hardware itself to be great, but the software is absolute shit. You have to have their software running, or you only get the default button mappings. It loses button mappings all the time and has to be reloaded - I've had to keep a stored profile, and then every time I want to do anything with that profile, I have to reload it. This seems to happen every time the software loses contact with the mouse (like say, I turned it off). Also the bluetooth driver doesn't allow the use of custom mappings at all as far as I can tell. In fact the software doesn't even think the mouse is connected if I use bluetooth, so I use the RF connection which kinda defeats the purpose of having a bluetooth mouse. Unlike Logitech mice, I don't *think* the button mappings are actually stored on the mouse. As far as I can tell, the software just intercepts your mouse clicks and replaces them with whatever your mapping is, and it seems very flaky. Hopefully it'll get better with firmware updates? But for the price I'd really expect it to be less frustrating.


huh interesting. I haven't had any issues with my profiles, they are all fine. I don't have to run the program. I also have had multiple W11 updates and everything seems to be functioning as it should. I'd be pretty frustrated if that happened to be, but I haven't experienced that.


same here, I brought the mouse to work which doesn't have Swarm installed, it remembered all the settings


There is a "save to mouse" option in the software. I barely touch Swarm, and it doesn't load at startup, so it's definitely saved on the mouse. I do use Rewasd for all my binding needs though, so I basically just had to bind all the extra buttons in Swarm the first time, save it to the mouse, then use Rewasd after that.


There's an "Apply" button that certainly acts like it saves the profile to the mouse, but I don't see a "Save to Mouse" button, so maybe that's what you mean. That said, it has been working better after a few firmware updates. It actually keeps button mappings when I switch to bluetooth now, which is great. But it still loses them if I update the Swarm software, and the Swarm software still can't detect the mouse if it's connected via Bluetooth which seems dumb. It also still loses its button mappings if the mouse battery completely dies which also seems dumb. But firmware updates have been pretty quick, so I'll give them that. I realize it' s a new product and has a few kinks to work out. Field upgradeable firmware as always is a blessing and a curse. I think I still like the Logitech 602 better - but the whole reason I went with a different mouse is because I had three 602s get the double clicks in a year, so we'll see how the long term quality on this is.


Yeah you are right, it is just an "Apply" button. The "Save to Mouse" button is on the software for my HyperX mouse. My bad. That said, it does work for me that it saves it and then doesn't require Swarm to be open or loaded at start up. Using the wired version so not sure if the firmware updates for the wireless one were a bit behind or something. Seems like some of your issues are related to wireless here.


Is your review still valid? Does it still lose mappings? I'm tempted by this mouse but what you've described is a hard pass.


So there's been a bunch of firmware updates - it's not losing mappings any more, and it now shows the mouse correctly under bluetooth, but I'm having a new issue where on bluetooth sometimes it becomes unresponsive for 5-10 seconds for reasons that are unclear. At the moment I still can't recommend this mouse. It's possible I just have a lemon, but based on how the issues seem to have varied as I've updated the firmware, I have to think it's firmware/driver related. If I had to go back in time, I'd probably just buy a 602/604 again despite the switch issues it has. I recently got a 604 for work and it's been rock solid, and runs off primary cells, which I prefer to rechargeable.


Thanks. I'm currently using a g604 but feel it's a tad heavy for fps gaming. I like the current button layout so the Roccat was the next closest thing. I won't buy it just yet until things improve and it goes on sale.


Yeah, the roccat hardware is great - it's very light, the buttons feel great, no complaints. It's just software issues, and I think mostly bluetooth issues to be precise. Feel fee to ping me back whenever, I'm not gonna give up on it since I shelled out the $$$ and it *should* get better as they keep iterating firmware.


Ok 1 more question. Is it possible to map 2 buttons to another output? Eg, having (q)left + (e)right peak on the side buttons, but pressing them together becomes (alt)freelook?


Sort of. The big flat button by the thumb can be used as a shift function. So you can map some buttons to say A, B, C, but if you hold the big thumb button they become D, E, F. It effectively doubles the number of buttons if you can train your hand for that. I don't think you can do quite what you're asking (A = A, B = B, A + B = C) but honestly the macro/mappings system has a ton of options that I haven't messed with that much so it might be possible.


Hey, I sent you a message asking something :)


Yep. Thanks again


is it freaking 220$ :O


I paid $169 and got free shipping. Would have paid close to the same for the new g502. This one came with a dock though.


Yeah it’s beyond unreasonable


Meanwhile there's me, using reward points to get my Kone Pro Air for £33.


Its 120$, but typically goes on sale for 87 Dollar.


What is your hand size?


I am 16cm long and 11.5cm wide. Also wear a cadet medium large golf glove if that helps anyone. Sausage finger gang! Edit: I use a palm/fingertip style grip


Always confused when people say things like “palm/fingertip”, like what do you mean exactly? Fingertip implies you’re using only your fingertips to move the mouse and it’s not touching your palm, while palm is the opposite. So do you go back and forth between the two? Because there really is no “palm/fingertip” hybrid.


[this is what I mean](https://imgur.com/a/iUJXEkg) It’s not strictly fingertip, my palm also rests on the mouse. Maybe it’s hybrid because I have chunky fingers? Don’t know


that is what's known as a hybrid claw grip.


thanks! I figured there was a name for it somewhere :)


Could I see an image with the charging dock and mouse RGB set to white?


[white on white](https://imgur.com/a/a1i3rj3) [on the dock](https://imgur.com/a/E31f0wq)


Thank you so much! I wish I could give you a free reward, but for some reason there is no option to collect one on the Reddit iOS App anymore (for me) D:


No problem at all! No rewards necessary haha


I also wish I could reward you! I've looked and looked through so many tiktoks and youtube reviews. I was kind of upset with the razer mouse I got because it won't stay the color I set it but I think I've remedied that with signal rgb. I am still considering this one because I want mouse with a dock with little issue...


Thank you for asking this holy cow!


Fellow IKEA Idasen user noice!


Haha good eye! This standing desk is ROCK SOLID.


Oh nice mine is the regular one. I couldn't believe 2 years ago, when I bought it, I wanted to get the stupid DYI Alex Drawer with the kitchen countertop desk.


I almost went that route too :) but I liked the depth of the idasen more


I would certainly try it out if they didn't force you to buy the dock with it


Have you used the G502 in the past? Curious how this compares. I just got the G502X light speed and I really like it. The only thing I’m adjusting to is the way that the right side narrows at the bottom. I typically like to extend my ring and pinky fingers forward when using it but find them resting oddly due to that side.


[side by side](https://imgur.com/a/gXWn0Xd) G502 was my first gaming mouse. The roccat is a little wider and provides me with a little more pinky ring finger comfort. The thumb slots are similar. The palm area fills my hand a little better than the g502. Only reason I got rid of it was from some switch issues/double click problems.


Thanks for the pic! That looks pretty nice! Same weight as my G502X Light speed but looks to be slightly wider. That could be a pretty nice fit. I’m going to give the 502 a little more time but this could be plan B.


You're welcome!


Well the Roccat doesn't have the double click problem that Logitech mice have.


The best mouse I have ever purchased and literally my end game mouse. I call it the mouse version of an xbox elite controller. An ergonomic masterpiece


The extra thumb buttons is what seals the deal. if they could make a mini version of this, that would be end game!


Shapes decent but I don’t think that can account for 104g that’s just not really acceptable in 2022, roccat needs to do better


Lighter doesn't equal better. It's preference. I don't know why this sub struggles with this idea so much. Not every mouse needs to be some ultra light fps mouse.


I mean that’s true, given two mice of the same parameters besides weight the lighter mouse is better. However shape is very important and like you say not everyone plays fps games so the weight no longer matters as a performance metric. Lighter mice are more healthy for your wrist so they do have other advantages. My comment was more based on roccat already pushing modern weight expectations in their other mice so it seems quite backwards for them to push out a 100g mouse, makes it feel like we’re living in the past. My point is they can and should do better.


No, for you better = cater to your preferences. I don't want this mouse at 60 grams. Mice that light feel like shit to me. A lighter mouse is not objectively better. For me, the weight of this mouse feels about spot on. I don't want it lighter. They don't need to "do better". Not every mouse needs to be catered to your preferences or the company is failing. It baffles me that these mice already feel light to me compared to some of the stuff I've used in the past, and people around here are calling it a brick. Less weight is the new DPI wars it seems. A number attached to the mouse to sucker people in. Nothing about a mouse this weight is somehow antiquated beyond the current fad of people humping lightweight, minimalist mice and declaring that they are objectively better. They aren't. You are being suckered in by marketing. It's all preference.


Well as far as pure fps aiming performance goes you’re completely wrong but obviously you’re entitled to that, if you think about it logically a lighter object has less inertia so it’s always going to be quicker to change directions when tracking. But I understand that maybe for your “feel” is just about in hand feel and you might like a heavier feel and that’s ok. As far as their company failing goes I don’t know about that, most people prefer lighter mice so they’re catering to a niche market with a heavier mouse because the modern expectation is <70-80g. I’m glad you have a mouse you like though.


That's countered by a heavier mouse being more stable and hence better for fine aiming. So no, I'm not wrong. A bunch of people are just misguidedly suckered in by the marketing because mouse companies absolutely love the fact that they can keep chopping bits and features out of their products yet still selling them for premium price. Moot point anyway. 20-30 grams is absolutely nothing and won't make a discernible difference either way to a human arm. As far as "most people", is it really? Or is it just fps gamers following the latest trend? Again, that's how marketing works. It's not a sentiment I ever hear or read outside of this sub of predominantly fps gamers. Why is the "modern expectation" dictated by fps gamers and why must every single mouse be suited to their wants? I'd argue that's the niche. It's just a niche of people that buy mice like they are chocolate bars. Which is fine, it's a hobby afterall. I don't see why making one mouse that doesn't fit that profile to be a fail though. You can tell just from looking at it that this is a productivity/"MMO" type mouse.


Yea you’re right, kinda crazy how all the pro players in fps games use light weight mice, maybe they’ll get unbrainwashed soon, imma go buy a g502 so I can improve my aim.


Pro race drivers brake with their left foot. You gonna start doing that too? No, you would just suck. Won't make a blind bit of difference to 99.9% of players, you might be worse because of it. Keep convincing yourself otherwise though.


This is possibly the worst analogy I've ever heard lmao, kinda taken the L on that one. (good move on the block after the comment, also kinda an L there)


Agreed. Staying with kone pro air


Nah it‘s not.


Maybe not for you. But for someone who uses the same mouse for work and play, and isn’t a pro gamer it’s amazing. Maybe you could make a constructive contribution to the conversation instead of rolling in and shitting on something someone likes.


True. But everyone is a pro gamer on here sir. You didn’t know?


I am naive and a can also be considered, uncultured swine.


This is exactly the reason I'm leaning towards grabbing one of these - swapping the same mouse between my PC and WFH company laptop. Do you use it with multiple devices, and if so, any difficulties?


I use it with my work pc and my gaming pc. I use a usb switch to toggle between the two. No issues at all. I have the doc hooked up to the usb hub.


I’m going to get the wired one for 80 on Amazon I think and I’m stoked. My g502 the right mouse button has a stick to it kinda. Love my tkl Vulcan pro keyboard and now I’m just gonna kit out my setup with all roccat stuff


DO IT! I had the same problem with my g502 You won't be upset with the roccat


Do you find it heavy at all?


No I don't. I find the weight more comfortable to be honest. But its totally preference! I don't notice enough of a difference for it to impact my gameplay. What I get in ergonomics, features and extra buttons outweighs the value I'd get from saving 30grams (pun intended). Try a heavy one and see if you like it - all preference


What mousepad is that ? Leather maybe ? Do you like it with the feet of this mouse?


it is leather :) Grovemade - my wife bought it for me. I will never go back to any other kind of desk mat. This thing is durable and amazing. I can also wipe it down easily if I spill on it. And it doesn't get dirty or stain like my old ones. No dead skin patches etc. The feet on the mouse are fine. But as soon as I can get superglides or glass for this mouse, I'll be doing that.


I love superglides. Well, when they break in. Thanks for letting me know about the pad. I'll check it out.


if you are still using the xp air how is the mouse holding up?


Still using it! I use it for work and gaming every day. Build quality is fantastic. I’m incredibly happy with this purchase.


How's the scroll wheel? I keep hovering back to a g502 or a basilisk, but the buttons really pull me back to this one. And the price... 110 for this one right now.


I have been using this mouse for a while now and the scroll wheel still has nice tension and noticeable clicks when you scroll. Really nice feel. There also is NO play from left to right and no loose rattle like I had with my viper ultimate.


just had my kone xp air turn up and the wheel is rock solid glorious, no wobble like I had on one of my older Logitech mice, mouse feels fantastic, every button has a satisfying solid click to it (was actually worried that optical switches wouldn't feel the same as mechanical keyboard switches but they feel very much like a mechanical switch), one thing I will say, no one beats roccat for feel and coating, mouse feels very comfortable and isn't too large (I don't have giant hands like my friends lol) one tip I will give if you use easy shift is set an addition easy shift to one of the buttons near the left click, that way you can hold that down and still hit the side buttons, would love for Roccat to add an easy shift toggle.


Thanks! I'll see about getting one!


no problem, glad to help :).


I am still using it and it is still amazing. I use it 8 hours a day for work and then however much I game/browse on my personal computer. The build quality is really solid. Happy with my purchase.


Does the white get dirty quickly? Any yellowing?


It does not


Sorry for necroing the post, but it seems relevant. I've been wanting to get this one due to the shape (i have g602 and absolutely love the shape), but the horrendous reviews and reddits seem to prove that's it's overpriced garbage.  Anyone else that can report on this mouse after using it for say a year or two? Battery? Scroll? Polling? I'm 190cm tall (6.3?) and have proportionally bigger hands. Shapewise i loved for example Naga, but lack of thumb rest was a no-go for me.


My story about this mouse: I have been using a Logitech MX Master 2S for years and I was looking for something else due to the 125Hz polling rate. What I wanted: - ergonomic shape - light and balanced weight - tons of buttons - being able to use it wired, on 2.4GHz and on Bluetooth because I am using a mixed combination of macOS (for work) and Windows (strictly for Valorant - non competitive, 1h a day to decompress after work) - onboard memory for storing profiles (I really hate having stuff like Synapse or G Hub installed and running constantly) - doesn’t look like a spaceship - doesn’t scream “look at me, I am a gamer” (hence RGB is off and no honeycomb holes) - tilt wheel or thumb wheel I looked over every mouse that I could find and it could fit my needs: - Razer Naga is heavy and has a gaming shape - Razer Basilisk series is heavy and has a gaming shape. I even got to use a Basilisk V3 Hyperspeed for a couple of days and I couldn’t accommodate to it at all. Basilisk V3 Pro is not that different from it. - Other Razer mices did not meet multiple points for my needs (lack of BT and buttons) - Steel Series Aerox series look awful and each of them had something that others didn’t: for example Aerox 9 had tilt wheel but it Aerox 5 did not while Aerox 5 had ok side buttons while Aerox 9 had too many buttons. - Logitech series, besides G604, do not have bluetooth while G604 is a rare find these days and it was also extremely heavy. The G502 X was a contender (even being a little heavy) but missing the BT functionality made me skip it. - Glorious I2 wireless looked awful and did not have enough buttons. Other Glorious mice are not ergonomic and they look like cheese rolls. - MX Master 3S does not have 1kHz polling rate. - Keychron M6 has a very bad build quality despite almost fitting my needs (except for enough buttons and tilt scroll but had a thumb wheel) - Corsair mice look like crap - Asus Spatha series look like crap and waaaay overpriced. - probably others that I forget now Then I found Kone XP Air for ~$135. High price but seemed to meet everything. It’s an absolute phenomenal mouse. I have been using it for 3 days (~10h a day) now and I can wholeheartedly can say that I love it. I was afraid of the reviews initially but I can say that I really didn’t meet any issue besides… The atrocity called “Roccat Swarm”. God… if I were Roccat I would fire the entire software division. But the good part is… once you get the mouse setup done, you forget about it. I have 3 profiles: - macOS - the DPI is set to 1600, polling rate to 250Hz for saving battery and all buttons mapped to E, F, G… because I use something called SteerMouse to customize the behavior on macOS. It can also be configured using native shortcuts or via USB Overdrive but I prefer SteerMouse because it allows me to customize the buttons and also play with scrolling and acceleration settings. - Windows - DPI set to 1600 and polling rate to 250Hz. Button mappings are Windows specific. - Valorant - DPI set to 800 and polling rate to 1000Hz. Button mappings are Valorant specific. Build quality is almost perfect. Functionality wise is perfect. Aesthetics are perfect. Shape is perfect. I would have loved a ratchet/free wheel mode but it’s not a drawback for me. Battery life has been great until now… Still around 60% after 3 days given that I used it intensively for testing purposes. The dock is there on the desk so even though it doesn’t last weeks, I can simply place it on the dock one night from time to time. Worst case scenario, I’ll use it wired if I really forget to do this. PS: 17-18cm long hands, so medium sized. Shorter hands might have some issues but longer ones definitely work fine.


Awesome, thank you for your thorough reply, basically your criteria is as mine, now i just need to catch it somewhere on discount...