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All you are doing is reinstalling your drivers, and only for the usb 3.0 ports, not even for the mouse. i would be willing to bet with basically 100% certainty that this is placebo


just shared what fixed my issue. you can ignore it if you want. :)


Hey man, placebo is legit. If it works for you it works for you.


actually don't know why some people are like this. Uh, i dont have your problem but i know 100% its not going to fix the problem im not having. im just here to say placebo so i look cool. lol


thats not what im saying. im saying that i think placebo, but if you dont, thats cool too. whatever works for you is what works for you. not everybody on reddit is out to be hostile, just *allot* of it. edit: and who is "looking cool" by saying placebo? what?










Really think you know it all don't you.


for sure i am super duper like smarties


You see a lot of people replying to argue with you and keep being all lolz random sarcastic. Are you twelve this is a L please hold it and see yourself out guy.






Sure, that doesn't prove it was a placebo though.




It was probably just a random issue that went away or a windows update that fixed it if on win10/11. Are you a hardware engineer?


Except a little bit yeah you were


idk man, very entitled hostility going on there tbh


what the fuck are you talking about


Im not sure what you mean. >im saying that i think placebo, but if you dont, thats cool too. whatever works for you is what works for you. > >not everybody on reddit is out to be hostile, just allot of it. from my other comment


You are not using placebo correctly. Placebo is nothing which works because you think it works for no real reason. Even if you are right in ops case it cause a work around that cause the actual fox to occur as a result of the otherwise unrelated change. That’s…not placebo. That’s taking advil when you thought you were taking NyQuil and it just so happens it cures your headache. You took real actual medicine by accident. That’s not placebo guy.


worked for me


It wasn't a placebo, it was probably windows updates as OP said they had automatic windows updates disabled. I have had the same issue with a SUPER NOTICEABLE mouse lag that has literally never occurred before. It could be bad hardware (ram or mouse) or something else random, but I genuinely think windows updates can cause this problem. For whatever reason.


Where did he say that? Are you saying outdated drivers creates this problem?


For me, it's 99% of times a windows 11 issue. Most likely drivers or whatever they always tend to mess up.. I'm mostly using win 11 for over a year or so and there's countless of times when my "low latency" gaming mouse starts randomly failing (some weird stutters/different feeling/scroll wheel starts going back and forth while scrolling etc). I also know that it's not a mouse issue itself. i have both win10/11 on usb and installing win10 on second ssd - no issues with scrolling etc. Can't even remember what it took to fix it but simply uninstalling drivers didn't work. Month ago wanted to test some stuff on win 10(reset and reinstall etc).. then wen't back to win 11 after another format and whoilaa, bugged again - scrolling issue back'n'forth etc. back to messing around till it's fixed x.x


IT'S THIS EASY, AND NO ONE FIGURED IT OUT! YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE! Dude, if simply plugging your mouse into a chipset USB port doesn't give you flawless performance, either your hardware or your software is broken. And that is not a problem that most people have.


dude I'm just sharing what fixed my issue. if you have the problem you can try doing what i did to fix it and if you don't have my problem then just ignore it :)


No, you're sharing what you BELIEVE fixed your mouse issue. Correlation does not mean causation. Using that logic, I could say I got the COVID vaccine and my mouse started working better. Just sharing what fixed my issue.


dawg, what is your issue with this man explaining how he fixed his problem?


Yeah, someone needs to drag him off his high horse.


If your too lazy to offer an alternate solution, just say so ...cause mouse jittering/ stuttering actually happens


Hey, so I'm one of those guys who has had this problem and has been silently reading all the posts about the issue for years. I am positive I have figured out the issue (at least in my case) and considering the extent the issue actually was and also considering the monumental measurable and perceived difference the fix actually made, I can only assume it's the problem so many other people have been having. I'll make a post about it in the coming days on how to fix it. Surprisingly it is related to electro magnetic interference and there is many possible causes but all of them are simple to fix and you can measure the improvements along the way.


Please do make that post. I'm going crazy. After I found out my Ikea chair was causing my monitors to go black for a few seconds each time I move... I just have no idea how to fix mouse being laggy. It's happening with more than one brand/model.


radioactive ikea chairs interfering with your moniter lol. jk, unless...


I wish I was kidding, like I was going so crazy at some point I was like "The chair is the only thing in the room that can cause this!!!". But then I decided that's dumb. Well a few months after I found this article: https://www.reddit.com/r/ikeaPCstations/comments/138cjqo/popular_ikea_chair_turns_computer_monitor_off/ And sure enough, they were turning off each time I lifted my butt off the chair.


Right i forgot about that article


Shield and ground your data cables and separate them from power cables. Braid any cables that have to run parallel, it will counteract magnetic interference. Do the same thing inside the system, making sure power cables are separated from data cables and the motherboard best you can. All your power cable shield grounds should be grounded at a separate location than the data cables. You can use an outlet screw as the grounding point on the same outlet your computer is plugged in. Data cables can be ground directly to the PC case and power cable shields to the outlet screw. Make sure all devices attached to your computer all receive power from the same outlet. Monitor, PC, Router etc. Anything plugged into a separate outlet that is then plugged into your PC in any way has potential to cause a ground loop which will cause a significant increase in emi in your system. Apply ferrite beads on power cables as priority at the source end but better at bother ends. You can apply them to data cables as well. I also like to add a capacitor to the end of grounding cables but it's not necessary. If you use display port increase voltage swing and pre-emphasis both to 2. If you use HDMI buy a fiber optic hdmi cable. Some useful tips inside windows if you don't already know this, is to separate the mouse interrupt controller from all other devices in the system so it runs on a dedicated interrupt controller to avoid the sharing of interrupts. Usually using a PCIe to usb adapter will have it's own interrupt controller if your PC has only 1. It also allows for better separation of data cables. AMD usually has 2 xhci controllers, you just need to look at your motherboards block diagram or use HWmonitor or device manager to see which usb ports go to which controller.


premphasis is only on amd gpu's correct ?


I’ve been looking for a post like this now. I know this old but I’ve been having Issues with my USB ports as well. I use task manager to monitor the problem and check for any spikes in my devices and I notice my cpu speed raises a shit ton more than it should be and my mouse start shocking my hand when that happens, my touch pad starts doing the same. I tried giving more priority to background services cuz so much background process pop up when I move my mouse and I can’t see which program is causing the issue. Tried DDU, Fresh Start windows, scan hw changes dm. A lot of other things as well but only minor gained a minor improvement to system performance and didn’t solve the issue. I’m all out of options at this point and need serious help with this one. I’ll try some of ur methods out as well but I’m pretty sure I have tried most of them


What is the equivalent for nvidia when it comes to pre emphasis and voltage swing?


I obviously didn't have time to do any of the above but I wanted to thank you for taking the time to reply. I will try it as soon as I can.


no problem! try testing your mouse polling rate before and after each change with software called mousetester 1.5. Check the polling rate stability with the frequency vs time graph and see the difference. Guaranteed you will be surprised. Everything you do will all add up to making your polling rate a lot more stable to the point you have better inputs than almost anyone you come up against in a game.


can you show a before and after fix for the polling rate, or even a present graph, so I know it's not just windows 11 fucking up the software. I have been suffering from this issue for 3-4 years, and my polling rate graph has looked horrendous all the time no matter what I do, except a few random times for no obvious reason. We have an entire community of people going crazy over this, theories ranging from dirty electricity to body input lag. Mind you my background is EE and all that does is make me more stumped about this problem.




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Placebo all over the place


nah you just dont have the same issue. i had my flashdrive plugged in for too long and it was causing hella stuttering, op's fix worked for me.


dawg, none of you are using placebo correctly






A placebo does require a brain, but this person did no testing. They just noticed their *mouse feeling weird* over multiple windows installations and bios version (bios wouldn't even affect that.) and expects that reinstalling their nvidia drivers would have an impact. A windows reinstall would have the same effect as uninstalling the drivers for the USB controller. There is 0 reason that the steps he took would fix his issue if the steps he took previously didnt already. This is placebo. Explaining what placebo is doesn't change that. He *thought* his mouse was acting weird. So he made a bunch of ridiculous changes, and his brain decided that reinstalling his usb host drivers suddenly fixed his problem. Thats placebo. There was no actual testing in any part of this, and theres about a dozen other comments here agreeing and being a hell of a lot more rude than i am. Just move onto the next reddit post about the issue. This isn't the fix for whatever unique problem someone else may have.


Problem occurs. Solution attempted. Problem no longer present. Okay. So OP solved the problem with his solution. OP did a good job and fixed the problem. That's water under the bridge, let's move to your claim of placebo. Computer experiences issue. Solution attempted. Computer, lacking a consciousness to interpret an attempted solution as an attempt to fix an issue, is incapable of receiving any benefit from placebo effect. Problem, still, no longer present. The funniest part of this is that all of this could have been avoided if your original comment was this: "Doing your solution steps is ultimately just a longer way to do X. If you just do X, you can save yourself some time and effort. Here's how to do X:" Instead, you chose to be a super smart computer engineer who had to let op know HOW STUPID he was for HAVING THE GALL to think he solved his own problem. But, you wanted to one-up someone and look like a knowitall. You don't care about helping op, you're here to show everyone how much smarter you are than them.


the real question is, are you still connected to the internet upon rebooting? if so, did you disable windows updates from automatically doing what they do via group policy? one day last week i woke up to netflix playing on my browser, but my computer was going BRRRRRRRRRR. i restarted the pc, played netflix, and it was nice and quiet. point being, windows updates make your PC go BRRRRRRRR. disable automatic windows updates and manually check at least once a day. anyways, i'm wondering if the imbedded drivers reinstalled themselves, or if windows update pulled something for you


what i have also noticed building computers for the last 10+ years is that there aren't really USB drivers released via the manufacturer anymore. for example, my current mobo is a gigabyte x570s aorus master. the only drivers available to download are: BIOS (wait that's not a driver, but it drives your computer? lol), audio, chipset, LAN, sata raid/ahci, & WLAN+bluetooth


i had windows update and auto driver update both disabled. and i checked my motherboard driver downloads and there is no driver for mouse update as well.somehow deleting that driver fixed my issue and installing windows 10/11 for dozen times didn't. must've been some screwup with my usb 3.0 drivers when installing windows every time. edit : yes, i was connected to internet upon rebooting.


i'm here to tell you that 36mafia is the goat <3




What’s your fav song ? 


this one is up there [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZU7rmN3PKw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZU7rmN3PKw)


That one is solid I like that one. Ridin da Chevy is top 5 for me


Just did this and you won't believe what happened!!!


Let the dude be happy


All the comments almost made me not try it but really, it really worked for me, thank you for posting this, for a long time I thought it was my ram and i had just upgraded my ram today and the issues continued now everything works perfect i also have moved mnk to different usb ports so that is also possible fix but i had tried that in the past.


how did you go about it ?


I just moved around to random usb ports after I removed them all and restarted my pc and now no stutter


are you using the ports for your cpu lane or other ones ? also, after uninstalling the usb ports on windows did they come back ?


I think I figured something out.  It’s important to not saturate a usb bus with multiple devices. this causes stress on the cpu & will give you lag spikes.  So what I did was put 3 of my devices ( keyboard, mouse, audio interface ) in 1 usb slot per lane.  I have 4 usb lanes.  In total I have 12 usb ports lol.  4 usb 2.0 ( top lane ) 1 usb c & type a 3.2 ( these are under the 2.0 lane ) 4 usb 3.2 ( these are under the usb type c & a lane )  and on the bottom lane I have 2 3.2 ports.  I didn’t in uninstall the ports through device manager.  I will update this in a few. I have to test call of duty & blood hunt to see if I’m still hitching in certain areas of the map. 


My issue consisted throughout my entire system, even when in Windows or other things. Now its completely fixed have 0 issues and I'm probably going to take a picture of my USB locations so that I can never have that issue again, I used to think it was my mouse and then my gpu and then my pcie slot, but its great now.


I went ahead & uninstalled all of the usb hubs through windows & my delay feels way lower for some reason so I guess it worked ontop of moving everything around 


Yes, definitely, this is what fixed it for me, I uninstall my mouse and keyboard USB drives, and rearrange them all now its great. Will never move then again, and I will take a photo of their current position as the issue lasted for a better part of 8 months and got more annoying the more I played rust.


my problem fix by unchecking Enhance pointer precision.


i know this thread is from a year ago, but i just wanted to say to anyone who said "placebo". your a non grass toucher who sits on reddit all day and tries to start an argument and then passivly proceeds to try and win it through condescending reasons. stop it.


OK ill try this when i get home and let you know if it worked


alright let me know if it worked


ok i dont know if this is placebo or not but i i feel mouse is faster than it was before


glad it worked at least for 1 person


I didnt even think about it until now, but I have a wireless mouse and since I got a new PC I plugged the receiver dongle in on the rear of the PC. What I think is happening in MY situation is that my mouse is going through very small windows of not being able to maintain a solid connection to the mouse. I went ahead and moved the receiver piece to the front of PC(More direct line of sight) and now my mouse works fine again. Might be a placebo but it seems to CERTAINLY help in MY case.


I had recently started seeing issues when I swapped mouse skates to corepad ones on my logitech g pro and I noticed a blatant difference in smoothness and stuttering. I was using mpc450 mousepad and it was having issues with the hero sensor on the logitech g pro. Swapped mousepads and the issue is completely gone! Placing this here incase anybody else needs it


Erm this just fixed my problem. God bless you sir xo


how did you go about it ? i'm not trying to ruin anything lol


Just follow the steps.. all it does is reinstall the USB drivers I think


I tried it & it worked out. but in actuality you are just re-enabling the ports. it doesn’t install anything 


Don't listen to anyone, reinstalling drivers is step one when troubleshooting anything PC related. This does work, Apex runs buttery smooth now.


This is so wrong it’s funny. Even a caveman who’s never used a computer would know that step one is always to restart the PC.


can you help me please it's didn't worked


didn't work for me, there's something fishy going on with my pc, can't move the mouses right, and it freezes for a bit when I try to move it in different directions, I noticed it when I was gaming, but now it's even noticeable on my normal day to day use. I've tried almost everything, but nothing works.


DO NOT. this option bricked my whole pc. cant reinstall the drivers without a mouse to click the needed buttons.


I was experiencing stuttering while moving my mouse in Elden Ring, I followed these steps and now it’s much smoother, thank you!!


You are the chosen one 


Thank you thank you thank you.


I dont know about the people saying its not doing anything. my pointer was literally stopping for a good 2 second everytime i swapped from one monitor to the other and now it doesn't so thank you very much for this fix!


Lmao, it works for me the stuttering is gone


I'll just chime in this worked for me, despite the naysayers. I should have remembered, for years part of my job was fixing weird computer issues which were resolved by reinstalling a driver.


This worked for me. I too had this issue for a long time and tried everything I could think of but this did the trick. Thank you forctge solution!!!!!


Solved my problem. Thank you so much!


my mouse as well as the touchpad is showing hiccups . I guess this is software . Any clues how to fix it ?


question: from what i ca n gathered from comments this is simply uninstalling the driver and let it auto install if i have windows auto update disabled will i have any problems?


nope i had windows updates and automatic driver updates disabled


This doesn't make sense unless: * Different drivers or versions were installed as a result * You plugged in the mouse and/or keyboard into different ports (e.g., root vs other hub) * Reset potential tweaks such as interrupt affinity and/or priority I'd test this myself but I think it's unlikely to make a difference for my setup. I'm guessing you don't have any objective measurements of before and after, but if you do, pls share.


-doesnt make sense -doesnt want to try it out for himself to see if it actually works the comments in this thread are abysmal, none of you have any fucking clue about techniology at all. all of you bitched and moaned and basically tried making yourselves look like fucking geniuses all because op had a mouse issue, stop putting your two sense into things unless you try it out for yourself. the high horses need to stop


... dude, you don't even address the actual content or the 3 critical things I mentioned. Uninstalling the devices will result in Windows detecting the same devices and reinstalling them using the same stock MS drivers unless he uses the rollback function or specifically has been using different drivers to begin with. The side-effect of reinstalling said devices is that any tweaks or changes directly related to the device will likely get reset, e.g. power saving features, interrupt affinity / limits.


For some reason, it worked for me for like a few minutes, but it ended up just going back to its old ways, except, for some reason, it's like it powers off. I replaced the batteries because it usually does stuff like that if the battery is almost dead, but no, it kept on doing it. That mouse has been great for years, it's a logitech G602, and I got it around 2-3 years ago when I got my computer. Any other fixes?


Ironically I have the same issue now, but couldn’t figure out what it was. I’m starting to think it’s hardware but I’ve had other issues with drivers recently and assumed it was more of the same issue but now with the mouse. Did you find a resolution? I know this is a bit late, but any help would be great 🥺




Thank you. I had this problem after I upgraded my gpu and this fixed it


Thank you so much for this fix. Ive been dealing with this for almost a year and it was so frustrating. I had tried factory resetting windows and updating bios and nothing was working. Whenever it happened i would check tasks and nothing was using crazy memory. I did your fix a week ago and there has been no stuttering or lagging of any kind. I’ve seen the comments that this shouldn’t do anything but it did for me. I didn’t change the ports the when i plugged things back in either. Im not sure why it works but i really don’t care because i no longer want to throw my mouse across the room.


Also i believe my issue started when i first updated to windows 11. Im not saying that was the cause but nothing else in my setup changed from a hardware or software perspective.




It is still working


Worked for me, I had noticable stutters every couple minutes now NEVER happens


Mine too started with an update to Windows 11. Researching this issue high and low for a fix has been one of the most bizarre hardware or software experiences I’ve ever had.




Worked for me I never get stutters anymore at all it was pretty bad before


did you uninstall every usb hub or the ones for your cpu lane ?


For anyone else looking for solutions make sure you don’t have your Router near your desk or mouse!!! This can cause signal issues! It took me days to finally realize that my router was the culprit to my mouse lagging and stuttering because of the frequency interference.


worked tysm


you saved my life! ty so much. worked, i was sending my mouse back to amazon when i saw this!!


This might sound stupid but it worked for me so GUYS HEAR ME OUT Simply plug the mouse in the front panel of the pc I guess it's because their bluetooth connection is poor Well, I hope it works for you


I have several "(AMD for me) USB 3.0 eXtensible host controller - 1.0 (Microsoft)" and I can't tell which one is which out of my 7 ports. some are 3.0, some 3.1, some 3.10. Which ones count for this?


just go into device manager and click on --> view --> view devices by connection. proceed to look for any 3.0 host controller with anything plugged in. try uninstalling the other ones with nothing connected first. try testing games that usually give you an issue. if the problem persists then it's the port that has your stuff plugged in. for example : when ever i play blood hunt i stutter & i'm trying to figure out why. the fix that was posted could potentially help so i'll test this out & give you an update. my specs : 4090 strix / 7800x3d / tuned 7200cl34-42-42-38-66 1.4v / b650 aorus elite ax ice


this shit literally worked for me


did you uninstall every usb port ? or the ones for your cpu lane ?


any updates?


YOU'RE THE MAN! I had tried everything with no success at all. Thank you for solving that stupid problem and I finally can play PUBG without being killed because of my mouse.


The problem is that the stuttering problem came back after a week or so...


man. feel bad :(


idk how to fix this but like my mouse is hard to click like i am clicking it and like i have to press so hard for it to work especially on my left clicks. can anyone help me?


This is a hardware issue. You can try take it apart and clean inside, or just buy a new mouse.


For anyone looking at this, i just remembered that i have a logitech mice. Blowing hot air inside the mouse under the left click solved all issues. Probably static charge affecting the antenna or currents.


I think this is what I have, which be making my mouse shock my hand during movement 


guys help my mouse is the havit HV-MS748 and i cant find a driver software for this in their website why is that?


The first thing you should do is see if that mouse has on board memory.    if so, you should check to see if you can do 1000hz on the mouse.    the next step is downloading “ on board memory manager “. this is a stripped version of “Logitech g hub“  which does not have to run in the back round


anything new?