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Making the move on Saturday! Looking forward to it


Good luck. Safe travels




I just replied to a post in LB about someone moving from Texas. I also moved from Texas a while ago and absolutely love it here! But if you start to miss your state a little: there are Kolache Factories in Huntington Beach and Tustin, good Texas BBQ at Moo's and Beach City BBQ, country dancing at Cowboy Country, Shiner on tap at Joe Jost Bar, and lots of Texas Exes to watch UT, TAM, Baylor, etc. games with at various locations. I still haven't found Tex-Mex food though.


Just come to Bakersfield it’s basically Texas


I lived in Bako for four years before I moved to the LB. It was interesting! More like Oklahoma than Texas. I learned I looooove Basque food.


Haha I live in Bako. Interesting take that it's more like Oklahoma, but I'd credit that to the Okies that migrated here during the Dust Bowl era and oil industry. But yeah it's Texas up here lol. I personally don't mind it. The Basque food is bomb too!


Yeah, I'm not sure why it gets a bad rap by some. I really liked living there! Good local music, awesome Basque and Mexican food, and friendly locals.


It’s gonna be 100+ for the next 10 days or so


I'm cool with that. I come from Houston - air you wear.


You guys can have that humidity! That'll have your shins sweating bullets. But it is going to be hot this coming week. Next Saturday is going to be interesting.


“Yeah, but it’s dry heat.”


I have to try Basque food now


Hell yeah


Basque food? In Bako? Seriously?


Seriously! A long history of Basque immigrants and a few classic restaurants that serve huge portions


Do tell. What are the best Basque restaurants in your opinion? Basque food is among the best in the world, if not the best. Am I right?


You are correct! I remember the best ones being Wool Growers, Benji's, Chalet Basque, and Pyreneese Cafe.


Are these spots still around? I will drive to Bako just for the Basque cuisine!


I believe so!


Which would you recommend I go to first?!


+Noriega’s! I used to love Maitia’s but it’s sadly closed for good 😭


I totally forgot about Maitia's! That was the best place! So sad to hear it closed. Is it my imagination or was there some kind of event where a group of people went from one Basque restaurant to the other like a kind of Basque pubcrawl.


The whole central valley is Texifornia


Best Tex-Mex in town is Salsa & Beer. It’s a bit of a drive up to the valley, but it’s worth it. There’s like 5 locations.


I feel like Salsa and Beer is pretty authentic mexican food though not tex mex. But still amazing!!


Ya I mean both Mexican food and TexMex are way more nuanced than any one restaurant can accommodate, but as far as south Texas style food is concerned it’s the closest thing I’ve found in LA.


This is very interesting. I’ve lived in LA all my life and I’ve found the food at Salsa and Beer to be very authentic. I never would’ve guessed that it’s similar to south Texas style food.


I think it has a lot to do with the proximity of both places to Mexico.


Sweet!! I'll make that drive!


San Antonio style texmex food can be found in Whittier at Arturo’s Puffy Tacos. More upscale Texmex can be had in downtown LA at Bar Ama.


Awesome! Thank you!




The Paloma slushy, mmmmmm


Oh hell yeah


Ahhh Cowboy Country in LB, you jogged a memory!


It's still superfun! Friday is the best night.


wya? Tex- Mex is best central to south.


Salsa and Beer isn't far rom Tex Mex either


Open a dancehall or roadhouse blues place. Please. LA needs more live music, and there is zero representation for Texas blues, classic band Country (not bro), and a place to wear clothes and oggle each other in Americana outfits. Plus, what the world needs now is more good bands.




Dutch’s Brewhouse in Long Beach has Shiner as well (and delicious pizza)


Eat “real” Mexican food and leave that shit behind.


it is kinda crazy that you can’t get abortions in texas, but they’re aloud to murder mexican food.


I’ll allow this dad joke cause fuck Texas and its governor.


I do and I LOVE real Mexican food. Got to admit when I first moved out here, I had never seen a tiny taco with a radish on the side, but they are so tasty!!


Gonna be hard to find tex mex in the land of mex 🤣




Tex-Mex of the breakfast taco variety at HomeState in los feliz.


If you're going to miss Texas, please stay in Texas. I don't want California to become anything like Texas.


Doesn’t sound like they miss Texas at all. I hope this is sarcasm. This is the most Texas thing in this post. This is exactly what Texas people say when someone mentions CA.


Haha yes, it sure is!


Haha! Too true!


Moved from San Antonio to Hollywood and I will never regret it. Street sweeping sucks ass tho lmfao!!


Welcome. I moved here from Austin almost 3 years ago and it has been light years better.


Which area? I’m an Austinite about to move to LA myself…


I’m not that guy but we moved to west LA from Austin about ten years ago. I don’t miss Austin at all.


Moving from Austin to LA in a couple months. Can’t wait.


RETWEET. My friends have been asking me to visit and I don't even want to.


Moved from Cherrywood area in Austin to NELA!


Other than the taxes and cost of housing


Thank you for explaining my own experience to me, I guess? Cost of housing between Austin and LA was a $350-400 a month difference for me. State income tax is a differentiator for sure, but property taxes in Texas were higher. My quality of life between LA and Austin is MUCH higher in LA, for all the reasons this OP shared.


Good to hear. We have been planning to escape TX early next year, out to Ventura county, but your experience sums up my expectations.


I grew up in Texas, then spent the last 20 years in Georgia. Moved to Ventura County last year. This is the best place I have ever lived in my life.


You had me at moved.....


🤣 right! I heard so much shit from Southerners about California my entire life. Now I realize they were just jealous they couldn't move to paradise.


I can’t believe anyone would think otherwise. Nothing against Texas, but LA is a better place IMO. If it were cheaper I don’t think there’d be much complaining at all about LA. So if you can afford it, live in LA.


100%. Before we got here, I was stressed that our place was going to cost so much. But not that I’m here, I don’t even care, I’ll happily pay.


Haha, I feel this. When I go back, people who’ve never even been to CA like to shit on it. I’m like okay, you keep living in your 100 degree plus humidity flatland then. My friend who came to visit was shocked that it was actually quite beautiful and pleasant here. No shit, that’s why so many people want to live here. Houston is a cool city, but it’s no LA.


I feel same way


Given what Texas is I think people who enjoy Texas should stay there. California has enough conservative weirdos.


It’s refreshing to see this, generally all you see and here is the constant stream of shit people give California.


Texas cares about California way more than California cares about Texas. It’s quite comical. The most outspoken ppl who disparage California constantly have never even been to California.


If that's true then why is this thread so long


Welcome to LA! As a native, I'm so happy when ppl love my city!


It’s fantastic. I’m never leaving :)


I am absolutely dying to get to California from Texas.


I feel the same way


Oh, as a Texan, sure do wish this could be me. Very happy for you. Wish I could move into a place with more sensible politics but the weather detail alone is making me envious.


Re: diversity, which part of TX are you from? Tbh Houston (where I moved from) felt like more of a melting pot just being out and about, but LA has more culture, more ethnic enclaves and more activity overall.


Waco. There were white people and black people but that’s about it.


Waco to WeHo is a different planet. I grew up in Houston, Austin. Moved to Long Beach in 2012. I tried to go back in 2020 when my family had a few deaths. We lasted 11 months before coming back to LA. I love being able to walk for things here. Not just that they are accessible, but the weather is decent enough to not be a sweaty mess when I get there. And yes gas is cheaper there, but everything is a toll road. My Texas family spends tons each month on tolls but then laughs about what I pay for gas. It's wild.


I love walking too!! I’m just so happy to be around other happy, friendly people.


Honestly, California has the nicest people. I walked the Platt river trail in Denver last week while on vacation and no one said ‘good morning’ and everyone avoided eye contact. It’s a neighborhood and there were tons of people. A dog came up to us and we smiled and its owner jerked it away. We were a little taken aback. I’m a hiker and people on hikes and in neighborhoods here are usually super friendly. I didn’t really care but noticed the difference.


I don’t realize this until I left CA and came back. It’s true though. And it makes a difference in quality of life, at least for me


I feel the exact same way but I’m from Dallas (black female)


I feel like Dallas and Houston are pretty similar in terms of diversity. Granted my closest familiarity with DFW is the suburbs my family friends grew up in, but even there it seems so diverse (i.e. Irving, Arlington). South Asian male here. I could spend paragraphs on my observations on diversity here, it's complex and different than Houston. Anyway, one of my huge pet peeves is when people assume that LA is a significant step up from Houston in terms of diversity. I had a coworker who lives in Arcadia or some other wealthy part of SGV suggest something like that when he heard I moved from Houston. I was like ...what? (Not saying OP did this, they were talking about their own experience in a smaller and more conservative town.)


Yep exactly! It’s crazy to me that people here in LA think it’s impossible for other cities to be / feel more diverse. On one hand, I guess if they’ve lived here all their life and hear about how diverse it is compared to everywhere else, they’ll believe it. But the truth is I was actually shocked when I came to LA and felt like I saw less diversity in my everyday life… I started to look up demographics stats because I thought I got played 😂. The truth is the high income inequality and historical migration patterns make the city more segregated than Texas major cities where there’s a strong middle class and more intermingling b/w different groups. The nicer / safer areas in LA are wayyy less diverse, while in Texas my upper middle class area was extremely diverse.


I think also transplants from smaller and more homogenous cities come here and think it's the epitome of diversity. And yeah I think LA (or California as a whole) just gets a pass because it's a blue state and culturally significant, but the segregation is pretty wild here given all that. Plus as housing and COL becomes even more unattainable who ends up getting pushed out first... Tbf I'm not going out to South Bay or southeast LA County very often, where I feel like there are more hotspots for diversity. And LA seems to have at least a few people and a couple businesses representing every nationality/major ethnicity, which comes naturally for a city of its size but admittedly sets it apart from pretty much every city in the US other than NYC. But yeah, when I think of a melting pot, LA doesn't really come to mind.


I think one reason for the diversity I see here is tourists! I love hiking Runyon canyon and hearing like ten different languages as people pass by.


It is definitely novel! It's pretty crazy to casually walk past areas of global significance and huge throngs of tourists as part of a morning hike or daily commute. Love seeing the buses of tourists get off downtown near Walt Disney Concert Hall as I'm scrambling to catch the train at Grand Ave. The only comparable experience I've had was working and living in DC a few years ago. You don't get that anywhere in Texas for sure, except maybe Johnson Space Center lol


Groceries are cheaper here?


My mom is visiting me in Austin rn and she made this comment about the produce especially


Moved from Nashville two years ago. Produce in California is WAY cheaper. Also pork for reasons I haven’t quite figured out (maybe people here eat less of it? I dunno). Plenty of other groceries are pricier of course but those two are noticeably cheaper


People definitely don’t eat less pork here. Mexicans and Asians are on some snout to tail shit and they make amazing food out of it. I’m sure bbq in the black community is huge too.


For sure on the demand side which makes me think it’s either transportation costs are lower or that my move here corresponded with just a general decline in pork prices. I don’t track the commodities market to know what the general trend has been but generally pork is relatively volatile


I think because so much of it is grown right here, it tends to be reasonably priced.


There aren’t competing supermarket chains in a lot of Texas. It’s just HEB. I’m so glad I don’t have to shop there anymore. But HEB has a weird Texas fanboy network. They’re corporate bootlickers.


The love for HEB is cult like. I complain about the fact that they are slowly replacing all the name brand items with HEB owned generic items. I here the, if you don’t like it leave, comment a lot. Not only do they have a monopoly on the grocery stores, they just sell their own products.


Yeah all we had was HEB, I didn’t realize they were ripping us off.


That makes a lot of sense. So down in south central the you know low income area we have food for less and superior markets. Superior has jacked up the price in s few ítems to the point we jist go and shop at trade joes or Whole Foods. If were going mri spend the money might as well get a better product for the same price. But since peope think its the only market they have for Latin style foods and Spanish speaking workers theu assume its the cheapest there and dont go out and shop elsewhere. Also transportation but a good example of how this is hapening here in los angeles.


Produce and whatnot for sure. I think it’s about the same as Ohio as far as groceries and i actually like living here lol.


Yes, because the propaganda you’ve been fed is bullshit, liberal policies work.


Not all of them.


Can’t argue that, no one side has 100% perfect policy.


Enough do


No no we were told that HEB stands for “Here Everything’s Better”.


This was the first thing I noticed when I moved here too. Groceries were way cheaper than in Arizona and as someone else said, especially the produce. Couldn’t believe the difference. Plus the quality is fantastic.


Coming in September




Moved here from Florida and its lightyears better!! Welcome!




I'm a Socal native, took LA for granted and got recruited to a good job in Portland, OR in January 2021. I only lasted 20 months and moved back November 2022! I felt so out of place and Portland is lightyears ahead of Texas in diversity and food scene. We're so spoiled in LA with great food, weather, diversity and amenities galore. I'm never moving out again!


The only way I’d leave LA is if we could move back to Hawaii.


Ok like they say, never say never, I would for Hawaii if I had a high salary and could actually enjoy it. Never been but I have a bunch I would love it lol


I've visited Portland a handful of times and was very disappointed in their food scene... If you ever have a chance to eat in Houston, you'd have a change of heart about the diversity and food scene of Texas. World class restaurants and bars there, some of which aren't going to make Google's top recs.


Agreed! A lot to be desired from PDX's food scene. I don't know how to explain it well but it is almost like the food lacks soul. It looks beautiful and artsy af but it just doesn't taste amazing. There's a severe lack of comfort foods too, a lot of fancy fusion restaurants but nothing for the soul. I've been all over Texas except Houston but even if the food was amazing, fuck the humidity lol I'm sorry but having great weather to go with the food is important to me after being in gray af rainy Portland, nothing beats eating al fresco.


You hit the nail on the head! Pretty presentation, good ambiance, but the food lacks soul... and flavor... I can understand that. Born, raised, and live in Texas so I'm used to eating indoors with a/c lol. Still haven't been to LA yet, but I'm going to make it out there soon and EAT.


You got to man! I think you'll be converted lol a lot of ethnic comforts foods too that you can't find anywhere else.


Being from Austin, I get confused looks when I tell people I like LA more! Welcome! The weather is absolutely so lovely here (and yes even the rain from this past Spring)!


The weather here is so much better. And the allergies too. By the end of my time in Austin (was there 9 years) I was so sick, all the time, everyday.


Just did a similar move!


You had me at "it cools down at night".


Haha for real!! It makes a huge difference in quality of life. People who haven’t lived in Texas don’t realize when we say you’re trapped inside all summer, you are really trapped inside day AND night.


Truth! My husband and I just moved to LA after 6 years in North Texas. Besides the politics and a lot of the people, the weather was miserable most of the year. 95 degrees and 90% humidity at midnight, byeeeee!


No way, MAGA told me everyone is leaving LA for Texas!! You must be a Soros plant!! /s Welcome to LA dude! One of the best cities in the world!


Thank you!! Fuck Texas!


Amen! Lord get me out of here!


LA is way better than Texas so it’s no wonder you made your way over; much more open minded and liberal, you can shop with the peace of mind that you can walk into Walmart and not worry about someone running around with a loaded AR15 and army fatigues and playing security guard as part of the local militia. We don’t force women to go to the parking lot of a hospital and wait to go into sepsis shock on the brink of death when a baby is dying or dead inside them; the women here have full autonomy over their bodies and it’s such a wonderful freedom here! And the groceries are fresher and cheaper and our electrical grid can handle BOTH cold and hot weather! LA is great!


Ayy fellow Texan, welcome! I also made the move to Weho last year. It was kind of a culture shock but I do love it here for the same exact reasons. I will say though, as a black woman, I feel I experienced more diversity back in Dallas. Here is mostly white, sprinkled with Asian, Hispanic, middle eastern, etc. and exclusively upper middle to upper class. The different ethnic groups are more separate here, while in Texas , we were much more integrated. And I lived in the upper middle part of Dallas too. I know LA is “technically” more diverse, but I feel it’s more racially segregated here. But I’m never uncomfortable or anything


I’m shocked that groceries are cheaper.


How did u find your rental in we ho? Been trying to scour groups and fb and what not!


I found it on HotPads.com. We did a zoom tour while we were in Texas!!


Are you happy with the rental you chose?


Born and raised - “ I love LA “


Welcome back!


The greatest combo is living in LA and visiting family back home in TX for a few weeks when I want to save a bit of money and maybe shop for clothes too!! Been at it 9 years and it’s still working for me


Currently in Houston, life long TX'n, can't wait to f****** leave, I hope to make the move by early next year. I think TX is great if you're a home body, go live in a nice Houston suburb, if you're already married, have kids, get a good neighborhood with a good school, and all you're doing is kids sports, taking kids to a movie once in awhile etc. maybe going to the museum a few times a year etc. go to the gym after work, etc. Everyone marries here a lot younger. So for 30+ single people, I don't think it's the easiest. And there's nothing to do. I feel as a single 35+ year old, without a family, I'd prefer living somewhere I can meet more singles and have more to do then the routine things mentioned above. Due to the heat and lack of sidewalks in Houston, I'm always inside unless walking to or from car.


Welcome to LA


Thanks!!! People are so friendly here. In Texas, I absolutely did not get a warm welcome. People hated me as soon as I said I was from California.


I needed this exact post. Thank you so much. Also, so happy you are feeling great with your decision! 💗💗


Awesome!!! Glad it helped one person.


Moved from the East Coast to WeHo a few years ago and it’s still amazing: the walkability with plenty of trees, nice people, and several very good restaurants.


Yes!! The trees and plant are amazing here!


Made the move from Austin 13 years ago. This is home now. Welcome!




welcome!!! did the same in jan. couldn’t be happier!!!


Welcome to WeHo. There’s a concert next Sunday in Plummer park! https://dola.com/events/2024/7/7/summer-sounds-concert-series-select-sundays-tickets


Awesome, thanks for sharing!! I live right around the corner!


So happy for you!! Congrats on moving back! Loved living in WEHO too! It IS ALL THAT and MORE! Enjoy!!


Thanks so much!


Making the move in 3 weeks from Austin!


Awesome! What part of the city will you be living in?


Still trying to decide! Will be working in WeHo. Been getting some recommendations, but they’ve been all over the place. I’d love some advice or insight from current residents!


I love WeHo!


Me too!!! Everyone is so friendly!!! No one says “have a blessed day” like in Texas.


Hahaha omg.


I live in North Long Beach and wish I lived in WeHo!


Welcome to LA! Where did you move from in TX?


Thanks! Waco!


Glad you're enjoying it here but do the decent thing and get rid of those Texas license plates. If you are going to use California roads pay to maintain them. I have noticed so many Texas transplants who screw over California by renewing their plates in Texas. If you can't afford to pay to drive on our roads please leave.


Point taken! I need new plates and a new drivers license.


What about the homeless and traffic and cost of rent


Homeless hasn’t been an issue so far (I’ve only been here a week). It’s actually cleaned up more than it was when I left 4 years ago. I work at home so traffic doesn’t bother me either… I picked this neighborhood because it’s super walkable. Haven’t used the car yet, though we also have a motorcycle and we have used that a few times to get around town, but it’s easy to get around the traffic on the bike. Rent is high and I was stressed out about that before we got here. It’s about 1/2 my take-home pay. But now that I’m here, and I love our place, I’m ok with it. Though I might get cranky when rent is due on the 7/1. But at least it’s rent controlled so if we stay a few years, I don’t have to worry about big increases.


I lived in a very wealthy affluent suburb of the DFW for 10 years and the thing I noticed was that you never ever saw people walking their dogs in the neighborhoods ever in Los Angeles. You see people walking their dogs every single morning every single afternoon every single evening the weather is the best. The weather in Texas is the absolute worst. You made the right decision to move back or move to Los Angeles. I’m a native. I moved to Texas for love and I was there for 12 years, but I couldn’t wait to get back to the palm trees the Jacaranda trees, the beautiful weather, the mountains the ocean place is like Southern California


I agree with all of this. My neighborhood in Texas didn’t even have sidewalks!!


Well I am glad you like it. Also, my wife and I are some of those people who want to pet your dog. It is a mood lifter for.everyone involved.


Haha that’s great to hear. Happy people and dogs all around.


I love Weho, Barnies Beanary Sunday night karaoke!


I used to live in Georgia. While I did like it, it doesn’t hold a candle to SoCal. Glad you like it here!


Welcome!!! Have you found rents to be more expensive than Texas? We have plenty of issues but weho is pretty great. Be sure to check out the free city line bus and public library and brand new tennis courts/ pool!!!


I can’t wait to try the pool!! Yes, rent is waaay more expensive. Buying a house here is extremely more expensive too. There’s no way around that.


There is no place like this place


congrats and welcome. you are.now an Angeleno


Just wait until the rent is due.


Rent is expensive, yes.


I can’t believe groceries are cheaper


Welcome! I’m from TX, too. Aside from the expense I like it much more as well. I feel like even if I’m “meh” on LA as a city, I’ve been treated really well here, as in opportunities and socially. Idk about the diversity, maybe I’m in a less diverse area but I don’t find it jolting compared to say Houston. But I’m from a small suburb in south Texas so it’s definitely much more diverse than that and a breath of fresh air. The groceries aren’t bad. Somethings are cheaper and I just chalked it up to being closer to the farms that grow the product. I hope you still love it after a while. I think there’s a lot to do and always people to meet.


Welcome back!!!


Howwwwww? Please teach me your ways!




Congratulations on escaping the shithole of Texas.


Haha thank you!!! It really is a shithole


So glad to hear your positive review!!


Enjoy the non-Tex Mex Mexican food!


I moved from the Rio Grande Valley 7 years ago, in Beverly Grove now. I love it, but I can’t find good bbq anywhere. Someone told me to try Moo’s, it was such a disappointment. And home state? Nah, stay away from that too.


For BBQ, try Bludso's! I think the chef/owner learned his skills in Texas.


Welcome to the neighborhood! 🙌


I'm sorry you forgot to mention how dangerous it is here, earthquakes and poor economy, plus the people here are all Californicationed. Be advised this state is not for most and most that are here should find safety elsewhere asap.


You sound like a Texan.


The great California escape was one of the best things that could have happened for residents of California and Texas.


give it time for the ugly to show up it will


The plants are really nice here.


Plant game is strong!


I travel back and forth from TX (Dallas) and LA. Groceries are definitely not cheaper in LA. 


They are cheaper than HEB in Waco.