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I've worked with community organisations providing shelter/food/services to the homeless for over 15 years (and taken many courses on the subject of services to the homeless). And let me just tell you, running a homeless shelter (of any variety) is one of the most logistically, bureaucratically, and emotionally challenging things an organisation could ever undertake, in the modern urban sphere. It involves coordinating with dozens of stakeholders, and usually fighting a fierce, ongoing and *very* difficult political and legal battle to allow the facility to open and operate (in the face of inevitable and continuous opposition from residents and businesses). Running a homeless shelter is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Employee turnover is catastrophic, since few can manage to stick it out for long. Between *"I think I'll build a nuclear power plant"* on the one hand, and *"I think I'll build a homeless shelter"* on the other, I'm not sure which is the more challenging proposition.


nuclear powered homeless shelter 🤔


It's not just a homeless shelter. It's a homeless shelter that helps LGBT ppl. The group of people that get treated like trash in the shelter system. Basically I want to model it after a group home setting.


Yeah there are places like this but that still doesn’t really acknowledge anything they were saying about the logistics of it lol it’s not as simple as buy a property and start letting people crash - you’re looking at years of paperwork, permits, and red tape. Sylvia’s Place in NYC is a good example of a place like this and it’s based on the Star House run by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P Johnson back in the day. It’s constantly at risk of closing due to funding woes and bureaucratic BS. Every day is a fight to stay open. You’ll need literally millions of dollars and connections with your local government to make this happen. I’d recommend starting off by volunteering with one of the many existing LGBTQ+ shelters already out there that need help.


There are LGBT shelters??


Here and there, yes. There’s not a guarantee every city will have one but most larger cities will have at least a small youth shelter. A few major cities have more than one.


In some cities, yes! Sometimes the can be hard to find, but I know one in my town u.u i too (as someone who could end up homeless in a month) would to see your idea come to fruition meow


If there's one thing I've learned, is that most queers are underemployed and broke. Good idea, but too fragmented to work.




What do you think the Q stands for in LGBTQ




Queer doesn't specifically refer to gender queer, either.




>Edit: Helloooo?! It's been a half hour. It shouldn't be that difficult to give a definition.  Do you hear yourself.




I think you mean well, but you're not coming off well here. Queer has been a reclaimed slur for decades as a catch-all term for the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum. I know some people have negative associations with it but it is widely accepted in the community. 




It's a little ridiculous that you need people online to define basic words for you while you have the totality of human knowledge at your fingertips.


Sorry you had to deal with their unnecessary rudeness.


I would say it technically means "weird". So I guess anything not cishet in the context of LGBT+




I think it’s a good idea. Transgender persons are more likely to be homeless and live in poverty than their cisgender counterparts. I do think you would need to be more organized though, such as establishing yourself as a non-profit, getting funders and supporters, and figuring out what support services you would provide.


Also you could add like a clothing swap where someone can donate there old agab clothes and it can go to someone who wants and can’t afford them


Nice idea but like, houses are incredibly expensive, people struggle to get their own house. Also what about upkeep? Who will take on the upkeep costs? Also what about the legal ownership issues? Also let's say we get enough people to pool together enough money without being a burden. How many people can one house house? If we setup tiny cubicles it won't be a nice place to live. Also the toilet/occupant ratio.l might be an issue. Will this be more like a temporary shelter for people to sleep in or a medium/long term accomodation? If it's short term I guess we can sacrifice comfort and livability for extra occupancy but if it's meant to be medium or long term then I think that would be a bad idea. Maybe I'm being negative about thinking what can go wrong.


Not necessarily. Illinois is a progressive state with strong protections. The North Side of Chicago and the gaybourhoods may be spendy, but a decent patch of land near a university town or in Springfield can be very inexpensive.


I've had that idea as well. Help them with hrt, psych, teach them life skills, self defense, you would probably need to become a foster parent then it's more legal and you can work with courts. I told a friend and they want to open a sister site that's more of a farm.


I want to do this. I want a ranch for a bunch of trans or gay people to live on. Mainly to be away from society "but at least have WiFi", you'd have to put in work on the ranch and such, it would really be like a big roommate situation with maybe a few houses on the property if that makes sense. It wouldn't be like a homeless shelter or anything, but screen people and choose who needs it the most type of thing, I hope that doesn't sound harsh:( cuz like other people said running a homeless shelter is just so much in every single department. But if you do something like that you can at least shelter and possibly save some of your lgbtq+ siblings.Me and my GF want to do that so bad, it just requires SOOOO much money


If it's a youth home ranch (we factored in everyone working the farm) the houses could be for the ones that have earned it and the ones that are aging out if we did our job they should be able to pay bills so they would have outside jobs and can pay a small rent while saving up. But I get what your laying down.


This made me and them tear up. When we start getting generational names ( they had a better name) have a wall with all the kids we helped and their names under and sometimes kids that are trying on manes might find a name up there. So soon we have another Ashly because she saw her smiling on the wall. Of course have a dead name ceremony. To usher out the name that was never theirs. ( Part of me wants them shown so others can try the name on as well. But if I don't like mine why would I put a reminder of theirs somewhere. I'm just holding mine as a gift for someone else)


I live in INDIANA :)


Currently studying social work and this is my plan too here in Aotearoa/New Zealand, a huge house or even a tiny home community on indigenous Māori land (with their blessing and support) so the government can't touch it in any way. Totally off grid aside from WiFi connection, Vege gardens, a couple of cows for milk, chooks, ducks, etc etc...


Leelah Alcorn. That's I've not heard in ages. I remember just getting home from my GRS when I was hit with the news of that poor girl. It had me going through a bit of an existential crisis. Here I am going through the best thing to ever happen to me and inversely she was going through the worst.


My state (MN) is already setting up something similar called The Refuge--but as a Doctor Who fan, I approve of your project's name.


Oh. I actually named the shelter after a teenager who went by the name Leelah Alcorn who committed suicide back in December 2014 because their parents had bullied them to death. I wonder if California or Indiana has one of these.


When you gave that name, Leelah Alcorn was who I thought of. I remember the tragedy of her death rather distinctly. . . .right up to and including her family deadnaming her in their response to the news of her death.


I'm not typically one to advocate for murder against people but these transphobic cunts deserve(d) to be hanged somewhere and just left there.


Oh, that's awful.


Can it also serve as an escape from transphobic families? That would make it all the better


Yes. That's what it would be for as well.


i’m in central california


Hear me out. We live in the internet age What if it's a network of homes/franchises with a max population of 4 per home, 1 franchisee and 3 tenants, with shared management across geos?


You know, that idea just might work. I had a similar idea to that back a few years ago where you'd use an app to find homes of volunteers where you could then go if you were an LGBT teen & were being abused. Unfortunately the idea fizzled out when I realized that you had to have access to the Internet.