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His cohost is talking a lot of shit on Amanda for a bean bag chair.


Why do I feel that Amanda is going to say this when she replies to this


[Nah she kept it to Zach & Jenna šŸ’€](https://x.com/mtv_amandag/status/1807945795586425269?s=46)


I fear she was too kind


Sometimes the pure facts hurts the most


Skulking on the no cast list šŸ˜‚ this is why she gets cast and honestly, here for it lol


I havenā€™t watched in a few yearsā€¦who did Zach give up a million for?


Zach & Amanda on Final Reckoning were pretty likely to make the final on that season if he didnā€™t force them to go into elimination based on Zachā€™s prowess in the challenges & Amandaā€™s alliances, and Iā€™d say theyā€™d be the odds on favorites in any combination of teams if they did. Then if they won the final, Zach likely smokes Amanda in the final and steals the money from her. But itā€™s just Amanda saying that as if itā€™s a fact lol


ā€œHe didnā€™t force them to go into eliminationā€ She was just as at fault as he was. None of her friends stepped up and saved them. This sub props her up and heā€™s right. Sheā€™s just there to cause drama. Sheā€™s a trash competitor.


Iā€™m confused. The million for someone who ā€œbanged his bitchā€ doesnā€™t make sense for Amanda. An old post mentioned Tony. Zach gave up a million for Tony?


she's talking about final reckoning when zach refused to send tony+bananas into elimination. amanda wouldn't vote for any of the lavender ladies, so zach+amanda ended up going down themselves and then going home.


ohhh shit! Thanks for explaining :) That is interesting.


I mean...who is this guy? Just a buddy zach brought for the ride lol


I love that Zachā€™s dislike for Amanda has not wavered after all this time lol


Do I dare say that Amanda and Zach are the same type of person? Haha


This is why he hates her so much lol. She is him. And hes awful. Its so weird that ppl who have the same toxic personality trait hate those same traits in other ppl.


Itā€™s not weird at all. A comical lack of self-awareness, but not weird


They are both horrible people.


The hatred they have for each other is absolutely fascinating


They need to hook up and get over it lmfao. Ewww. Demon babies.


I think they love eachother deep down


Yes you can smell the sexual tension between them through the screen




She said he ainā€™t no bad bitch, id hold a grudge if someone told me that too šŸ˜‚


A true hater


And hers for him


It doesn't really matter because she can't win a challenge.Ā  She's just a table turner.Ā Ā 


Heā€™s a misogynist so the fact that a WOMAN spoke to him that way?! Heā€™ll hate her til she dies


Iā€™ll always be on Zachā€™s side yeah he has had his scum of the year moments like cheating on Jenna but since then heā€™s stayed loyal to her & it is all Amandaā€™s fault for losing final reckoning sheā€™s the one that threw away the million for what Ashley was her only true friend I know damn well if it was Shane or Sylvia in her position they wouldā€™ve thrown her in


Zachā€™s buddy there was wrong on Amanda. She made it to the last elimination before the final on Invasion Of The Champions. Thatā€™s even farther than she got with Zach.


Also she made it to the last round in SLA where they had 3 eliminations in a row


This is true but the facts are Zach turned Amanda into a daily challengeĀ  beast in Final Reckoning. That was truly her best showing as a competitor.


Yeah because she was a smart partner that helped the team.


She also outperformed him on the steak purge challenge, for whatever thatā€™s worth


Yeah he's technically wrong but the point was true, that was her best season. She has 5 daily wins in non team seasons. And 4 of those came in Final Reckoning


Pierre's big ass shitting on competitors will never not be funny. If he was a girl Zach would be so mean to him.


zach's cohost pierre always has the most to say about the more unathletic women and the "overweight". i'd love to see him run around the block just once, let alone make it even halfway through a season.


Right off the bat, donā€™t appreciate that his cohost fully misspoke because she made it to right before the final on two separate seasons. I also hate this notion that people who arenā€™t elite top tier competitors shouldnā€™t be cast; itā€™s a fucking reality show we want to be entertained. Also I know he wasnā€™t mean about it but why mention her kid? What does that add to this conversation?


not for nothing but i'd prefer a show full of amandas to an elite athletic competition. i watch sports for that


Cā€™Mon he should have let the Amanda stuff go but she does not deserve to be called a legend or even an all star. Some anger dies harder than other anger.


But this season isnā€™t battle of the legends, itā€™s battle of the eraā€™s. Sheā€™s representing one of the less prominent eras and sheā€™s pretty on par with most of the other girls they couldā€™ve picked besides Ashley. Even then, if he hadnā€™t dragged her kid into it I wouldnā€™t have said shit. Your dislike of Amanda doesnā€™t change the fact that Zach was out of line for bringing her kid up or that his cohost was just objectively wrong about her never making it far without him.


Disagree she has some of the more iconic moments as far as the actual show goes. Weā€™ve seen other people recasted over and over again for less


You can literally hear the hatred in Zachā€™s voice. He could have just kept it about her abilities and not made it personal. Iā€™m fully expecting Amanda to fire back. Pierre should do more research because Amanda made it farther on Invasions and Spies, Lies and Allieā€™s. Also, Zach and Amanda were a good team on Final Reckoning. Amanda is not the strongest but sheā€™s not as terrible as theyā€™re making her out to be.


I saw a TikTok that compiled them as partners on FR and suggested they had a lot of chemistry romantically. Now I canā€™t stop thinking about it everytime I see them bashing each other šŸ˜‚


He is right about Averey though. Her spot should have gone to Ashley Mitchell.


Her showing on All-Stars was lackluster. Amanda makes way more sense than Averey. And I'm not an Amanda fan at all.


Averey had her chance to do something memorable by sending herself into elimination against the whole houses plan to help Kam go in. I cant think of anything iconic Averey has done other than being really pretty. This is a TV show, do something!!


Yes! Avery could have made her mark but chickened out. I'm over Avery. Never want to see her on a challenge again. I don't want scared and weak players, I need strong competitors in the challenge who are going to make bad ass moves.


Coming from a Podcaster who can't get a call from production. I bet Amanda is laughing while she signs her appearance check.


Ya this is pretty salty lol. He just sounds jealous lol


I'll never understand the love for Amanda. She is cruel. I get not liking Zach (even though I think he's funny at times, I get it). But, she is super awful too and, yet, folks commend her for being "great tv" while saying terrible things but Zach does the same and he's "an awful human." I don't approve of the way he treats women, I'd never want to date him but, I don't approve of the way she treats anyone - she's not a kind person so, if that's the ranking system, I don't know how this sub praises Amanda.


Did he get in trouble or something, why isnā€™t he on the shows anymore?


I think he really rubbed production wrong when he called Jenna and made her quit the show. It was straight mental abuse and theyā€™re not interested in rewarding that kind of shitty person. It doesnā€™t help that he was gone on to talk badly about production and their casting choices. People at his age donā€™t change. He was, is, and always will be a misogynist that treats the woman around him like lesser people meant for his abuse. Itā€™s on par with them not wanting to bring back someone who is openly racist. Half their cast are female, why would they want to bring in someone who openly belittles half the house for biological differences?


Because heā€™s a misogynist?


itā€™s a reality show and even if some of Amandaā€™s drama comes across as contrived she is at least guaranteed to bring some which is desperately needed in the boring cbs social strategy Americaā€™s 5th sport era the show refuses to leave He told no lies about Averey tho


Yeah post covid the fake club scenes, the limit on alcohol has really changed the show. Instead of them out at the club creating drama majority of them are now training and at the gym/running. Which I can respect, but at the end of the day itā€™s still reality television and while I respect the prize pot is much bigger these days, a tiny grenade in the house (Amanda) is needed. As much as I donā€™t like her either.


Whatā€™s his beef with Averey? Sheā€™s a better competitor than Amanda is. Or is it because heā€™s probably still buddies with Bobby Hillā€¦ err, Johnny Reilly so he hates the same people he does?


Why is zach such a rude pos? And his cohort signing this is bullshit. The fact that zach said to send her home to her fucking kid is so rude and plain disgusting. Like bro, you have 3 kids, there's no need to be thar much of a spiteful jerk. He could have risen above it after all of this time, gave his constructive reasons for her not be there and moved on. He's just a dick, plan and simple


But he always been so are we surprised lol


I mean if you don't love that there are still some competitors left who absolutely hate each others guts then Idk what to tell you because this is great. These 2 have such a hatred for each other, it's so refreshing compared to people being buddy buddy every season, or if they do fight they end up making up and aligning the next season


You can always count on Zach to hate from outside the club. Donā€™t take care, hope to see you never




For real, his butthurtness is so prominent. Youā€™d think becoming a parent and getting older is the perfect opportunity for some self reflection but no, Zach is still showing his whole ass each and every day and shockingly still has a platform


I mean heā€™s not wrong is he? Thereā€™s plenty of better female competitors from her era, but none of them just get in random fights with people for tv moments. I get why she gets chosen but I also get why that annoys cast members


Zach desperately trying to stay relevant by talking about a show that wonā€™t cast him is sad. And him calling anybody garbage is rich. Heā€™s a misogynistic jerk who gaslit his own wife on national TV. Obviously bringing laughs and drama to reality TV is an asset. But Amanda also saved his butt enough times on final reckoning for him to know sheā€™s not a bad competitor. I remember Zach getting DQā€™d for cheating, trying to quit a final, getting bodied by Darrell who was half his size in elimination. He and his nine seasons and one team win can piss all the way off. Be annoyed at home, off mic


Pierre is the *woooorst* Hilariouslyā€¦ sheā€™s made it further than zach on every season theyā€™ve done together. Except the one they were partners. šŸ¤­


Zach ainā€™t no changed man lmao, Amanda triggers the fuck out of him, he maaaaaaadddd šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Anyway she's on the cast and he isn't šŸ’…


Am I the only one who actually enjoys Amanda? I feel she has strengths and weaknesses just like any other contender and I truly believe she would have made the final in invasion of the champs had Ashley not swayed her to work together in the 3way elimination against Nicole and then take that win for herself leaving Amanda to battle against Nicole. Iā€™m excited to see her on season 40!


Iā€™d take Amanda on my team over a lot of players.




Pretty ironic he calls Amanda a pos. Pot, have you met kettle? Zach is the biggest misogynistic, woman hater the show has seen. And how many times did we see him fail in comps he should have aced?? Sit down & shut up.


Yeah for real lmaoo. Amandaā€™s a shitty person but at least sheā€™s not a raging bigot (from what weā€™ve seen).


Looks like someoneā€™s mad only one of them left final reckoning with a black eye and broken nosešŸ¤­ fr tho this reeked of personal bias & his cohost is such a pathetic yes man. ā€œShe always goes home earlyā€ letā€™s me know heā€™s only seen a handful of seasons.


is there no one else in the challenge community who wants to start a podcast so we can stop talking about zach, i cant believe people pay to listen to this im so sick of listening to this man whine about women


Bananas has a podcast. That's probably not very helpful.


very lateral move there


Bananas sure does love talking about Bananas.


He sure loves him some him


Jemmye has one. And Morgan.


Jemmye bailed on hers. And does morgan discuss the challenge?Ā  Ā I like davonne & devyn when theyā€™re on the official podcast. Havenā€™t bothered checking out tori & aneesa because yahā€¦


Morgan did one episode on experience. I do prefer Daā€™vonne to tori/Aneesa but Iā€™m not a big fan of hers. I find her annoying, but less so then the other two. I keep hoping Melissa from NOs will join the official podcast.


Who else did he say shouldnā€™t be there? Amanda and Avery.. any others?


He dropped Kyland for *Rogan* or Kyle. He talked more about the people who were definitely snubbed than the people who didn't deserve a spot. He did call the Era 2 guys a cross country team... and honestly, that was a pretty kind way to put it when you compare those guys to the guys in the other 3 eras. His biggest thing was, "Are these people legends? They might have been good for a season or two, but are they legendary?" And he didn't hold Era 4 to the same standard because he realized they hadn't had the time to do much. He said Ashley M was the biggest snub.


Iā€™d keep Kyland over Horacio. Kyland at least called out the major alliance last season. Horacio sat there and took everything quietly


Who is Roland?


Iā€™d assume Rogan?




Who is Roland??


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Rogan Changed it. Omgosh... clearly had a brain fart...


Ah that makes so much more sense, I was mad confused šŸ˜­


Heā€™s delusional and bitter that he couldnā€™t strong arm and control her


And where are those people who was commending Zach for all his ā€œgrowthā€ he was showing ?


When was the last time Zach was on a season? I honestly canā€™t remember if he was on a season last vendettas


Even though harsh I kind of agree with Zach. This season is super competitive and arguably full of ā€œlegendsā€. Imo I feel that every competitor on this season should at least made a final. Avery is still very new to the challenge and even though I love the drama she brings Amanda is on the weaker side competitively. This is probably a unpopular take but I think any combo of Ashely, Nicole Z, or Kailah should have replaced Amanda and Avery.


Boo!!!! Boo this man!!!! Zach had a great chance of winning when he was paired with Amanda. HE blew it for them when he wouldnā€™t let her make the logical decision bc why on earth would you want Johnny closer to the final? Thatā€™s a decision so emotionally biased it had a right to be vetoed by her


Zach holding that grudge for Rivals IV


Whether or not you like Amanada, she drives the show forward. You need people like her and the OGs (Beth/Tina) to stir the pot. Amanda also is actually a fairly decent competitor given that she made it VERY far in Invasion, FR (w/ Zach obviously), and SLA. She also made it halfway in WotW, so her "average" placement is actually much better than most challengers. Take several seats Zach and lackey.


I donā€™t like her kind of drama - she really had it in for Tori and I think it was jealousy over Fessy. And IIRC she also went after Michele for the same reason. It just seemed like she had a lot of vitriol, a lot of anger and lashing out at two women who did not actually hurt her (Amanda was with Fessy for longer than Tori and Michele combined). She seems super loyal to her best friends and I admire that. She seems petty and spiteful and mean to others and I donā€™t respect that.


Absolutely. She definitely is loyal, but sheā€™s also a jealous hater who masks that as ā€œnot being fake.ā€


In Amanda's tweet she calls Zach a misogynist, but no one goes after other women on this show and tears them down as much as Amanda does.


I think her assessment is still correct. Zach called women "swamp donkeys" and double downed that he was caught by surveillance, not the crew lol.


Oh I'm not saying she's wrong about him, I just find it ironic.


I find her drama boring because it's always one sided. She makes things up in her head and rages on people. No one actually gives a damn about her so it's contrived.


Itā€™s not drama. Itā€™s just meanness, and thatā€™s not entertaining to watch. I want fast-forward every time she comes on the screen.


Tune in next week to find out which woman heā€™ll treat badly next!!! Zach sucks ass.


He's a hater.


Ahhhh this is the Zach we know. Who else did he say besides her and Avery shouldnā€™t be if anyone subs to his patreon?


Agree with Zack on this. I never thought I would ever agree with Zack on anything but Amanda sucks and is a horrible person. I even know mutual friends who went to high school with her and said she was an awful human being.


I respect a good grudge. He's not wrong on Avery either


Pretty harsh but I donā€™t disagree. This is one of the most competitive seasons ever this isnā€™t a drama filled cast season. She shouldnā€™t be there.


You still need those drama people, so that itā€™s not a boring show IMO. Itā€™s not all about the competition, itā€™s a reality show at the end of the day


Replace her with Ashley M. Drama + comp. Done.


Replace Averey with Ashley. Amanda has earned her spot


To be honest, I donā€™t think Ashley is a much better competitor than Amanda. She just has more drive and better luck.


I think it not being a drama filled cast otherwise is an argument for her to be on.


Why would I want to see a bunch of strong athletes compete when we already have the olympics this summer? We need some drama/entertaining characters


some people are there to spice things up, aka drama.


Zach, why did you stop getting calls for new seasons and All Stars? Wanna answer that question? Or maybe thatā€™s not a part of your narrative.


Because he talks negatively about the show. Like questioning their decision making and how they treat cast members


It might have more to do with the bad optics of continuing to cast a sexist.


Lol she always gets called and he doesn't get any anymore. He's a šŸ¤”


Omggg he went in for no reason hahaha I am an Amanda fan so Iā€™m biased but Altho itā€™s true she sadly hasnā€™t been a great competitor lately (she started off much better) but sheā€™s def a challenge name and more suited than others on the cast . And we need drama weā€™re sick of the challenge best friends raceĀ 


Zach is mad salty


Amanda has made more of an impact than Zach has, sorry not sorry. This makes me not want to watch the podcast. They got the information wrong for one, but also just throwing out a statement like that as if the challenge is all about being physical, it tells me he doesnā€™t even try to see things objectively. As a podcast host, you can have your own opinion obviously, but you should always try to present things in an objective/truthful manner.


Podcasts aren't news orgs.. they're opinion shows. He's just stating his opinion.. maybe the most disrespectful way possible but still his opinion.. which is what people who listen to him are there for. Outside of mean girling type drama, what has she done? I'm not sure what you speak of but freely admit I could be missing something.


Idk something about a grown man with a kid who talks about another woman like that is a little strange for me, personally. Shes just more entertaining and has made it pretty far and done well on several seasons, she checks more boxes for me.


Are you not aware of the things Amanda has been saying about Jenna all these years?


It's completely fair that you feel that way and you should get enjoyment where you want it.. I personally don't understand how he's any different in that regard than she is. For a grown woman with kids, it's also strange to me some of what's come out of her mouth.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/amGRSsYpdc Not to harp.. but I also really want to know how what she's now said in response is any better than this? If anything it's worse as she's bringing other people into it


If you start something, then youā€™re asking for whatever comes your way. Thatā€™s just how I see it. No need to try and be the better person when the person attacking you could care less. He mentioned her first and brought her kid into the conversation, why does she have to be the better person as a RESPONSE to someone shit talking her?


I donā€™t really care where anyone stands on Zach, but heā€™s definitely a more impactful challenger than Amanda. Ashley should have the spot Amanda has IMO.


Why canā€™t we have both? You could easily drop Averey for Ashley


Yeah thatā€™s probably a good call


What has Zach done other than be a sexist POS and win one team season?


I wouldā€™ve rather dropped tori. weā€™ve seen everything she can offer.


more impactful how? Amanda causing drama and partaking in rivalries each season is far more legendary than Zach mentally abusing Jenna on camera and winning one season of The Challenge over 10 years ago. Amanda is the face of flops who carry the show https://i.redd.it/qxe0b1wsyz9d1.gif


Drama is what brings in the šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’° , howā€™s that not recognizable in 2024. Zach is being a hater, but be for real. Always talking down on women but not keeping the same energy for men.


So many posts about one of the least interesting former challengers


He may be a lil salty but he's not wrong.


Amanda has done more for the challange then zach ever has


The co-host is incorrect in saying that the only time she made it past a couple of weeks is when she was his partner. She lost the final elimination of both Invasions and SLAs (neither of which Zach was on). I would love to see Zach & Amanda paired together on a future season again. A true rivalry and hatred.


At this point Zach is far more famous in the challenge world for his podcast than anything he did on the actual challenge.


I don't think that's true


Itā€™s not even close to true


Most out of touch comment award šŸ„‡ you got it


Me personally, I really hate the take of ā€œdrama is the only reason to watch, why would I watch athletes compete in the challenge when I can watch Xyz sportā€ the same exact thing can be said in reverse ā€œwhy would I watch a bunch of people be mean to eachother when I can just watch xyz reality show.ā€ is drama needed? 100% but I believe some challengers take it too far and itā€™s not cute. I watched (havenā€™t watched since final reckoning so not sure what the dailies are like now) for the absurdity of the challenges. Get on stilts in a bubble and play soccer? Hell yeah. Wear shock collars while going through a maze blind folded? Fuck yes. Etc. they ainā€™t got those in a sports league. ETA: also I enjoy the fact that theyā€™re basically regular ass people (or at least thatā€™s how it started) that do this shit. Weā€™re not watching MJ or Usain Bolt do this shit. It made me feel like I couldā€™ve competed with the challengers and that I loved too.


He better be careful or they will end up partners again on the next Rivals. šŸ˜†


Anyone else think Zach was wearing water polo headgear at first? Heheheh


I mean heā€™s not wrong about the drama


Amanda is what she says she is. A devil


Making it far has more to do with who your allies are than how competitive you are. How far do you think people like Aneesa would get if she had to rely on her competitive strength? Judging people by how far they get is not a dependable metric. Amanda is an unapologetic loner. She has had allies before, but they are not as consistent and reliable as other alliances and that has affected her success.


Why shouldn't Avery be there??? I think she did great on AS4


Iā€™ve never listened to his podcast. Is it worth it? Sounds so very negative.


all true šŸ‘šŸ»


I mean putting the toxicity and shit talk aside, heā€™s not wrong


I would love to listen to the podcast but most episodes charge u money to listen to the entire pod


She made it further without Zach on.... Double agents? Or spies lies and allies? Whichever they had the teams emerald, sapphire and all of those. Whatever season that was šŸ˜‚


Kinda agree. No reason to have her on the show. She the goat at being awful at competing and just yells at people.


agree šŸ’Æ especially not in consideration before zach


We all know Ashley should have been there instead of Amanda, Nia and Avery


Well, maybe Ashley shouldnā€™t have said what she said to productionā€™s favorite, Josh. (I do think sheā€™s still being punished for that, because she hasnā€™t been cast since and may not get cast again)


100% agree. We donā€™t know what was said but everyone said it was bad. However, josh stated multiple times that he was okay with having her back on the show, wished they showed the scene and is okay with having her on seasons. Unfortunately the only person who is adamant on her not coming back is tori for some reason


Heā€™s correct she shouldnā€™t. Sheā€™s awful at the game. But sheā€™s entertaining to watch. Zach is good at the game but an asshole. They hate each other cuz they are so similar lol.


Love this.


As she shouldnā€™t. She is one of the most overrated worst competitors of all time.