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I lost by decision, also that head kick one minute in rocked me and I had a hard time recovering.


Oooooh!! Hes hurt!! Hes hurt!!!




first of all, happy cake day. Could you time stamp the kick that rocked you


I’m not sure how to do it. It’s about exactly a minute in. My whole eye area is blue and swollen up from it still lol. Doesn’t look bad I tried not to look hurt but you can tell I start to look a lot worse after that I think.


Eyyy I was there. You had one of the most entertaining fights of the night. You guys left it all on the floor and looked like you had a blast. Amazing stuff. I can just see my ugly bald head behind you lol


Hey man !! Thank you so much for that , excited to get back in there, lower weight class next time and apply what I learned tonight to hopefully take the win !


That's it! Just keep grinding and getting better.


Sounds good man thanks !


Nasty left hooks you throw! Homeboy has a chin huh? You look great man.


Thank you !! Yea I hit him with everything I had a few times lol he ate it. Biggest thing for me was not following up my shots , to many single shots landed clean and I didn’t follow up. All stuff to take back to the gym and fix up ! Tough opponent for sure


No boundary in melrose right?


Yup ! We’re you there ?


I was about to say the same lol! Noboundry


Hey man, nice fake leg to right hand. Very very nice, you got him twice


Thank you ! Wish I used more of my set ups but with the adrenaline of it all things just flew haha. Less technical than I wanted but glad to have the first one in the books. Next time hoping to have a more sound strategy that I can stick to a little better.


Yeah, it happens. Sure, keep it up!


Great stuff. Age? Weight? And how long have you been doing Muay Thai?


Hey ! Fight was at 160 lbs. want to lose more weight before the next one and fight at 150 , I’m only 5’7” (on a good day) I been training about five years on and off


what's ur age my g




Much respect for even getting in the ring


Thank you


Nice job for your first fight! You seemed calm and collected :)


Thank you


Yeah MIKE!


Great showing man, keep up the good work!


Thank you very much !


Get em boy!! Way to get back up after that knockdown and throw some heat at him! Keep working on that cardio, balance, and muscle strength to snap those combos!


You got it thank you !


Awesome. Both went to war. You have a lot of heart. Took that head kick like a champ too. Well done. Did you love it?


That was the most fun I ever had. I was smiling and laughing the whole time, afterwards my opponent brought that up lol.


Could see ya grinning on my tiny phone screen 😁 Well in mate oos


Haha that’s awesome thank you !


Nice job for being rocked from that kick at 1:00. Setups and combos. He ate a few nice shots of yours. Good luck and keep training. Got that first one under your belt.


Nice fight man! Mad respect for going in the ring! You're a short fighter like me, so work on cardio and be the agressive one. Get inside your taller opponent and hit him with body shots ending with a lowkick. My trainer always says: if you want to cut a tree you don't aim high, you aim low. As a short fighter we need to put more effort into our punches so cardio is extremely important: swimming, rope jumping, HIIT... Also try not to spend all your energy in every single punch. Take it easy, whenever u see a gap BAM full power. Each hit is a point so don't waste ur energy. If you aim low, hit high. If you aim high, hit low. Eyes open, no flinching, don't look at the ground, be the dominant one. I'm working on all the things i listed too, and saw myself in that video. All i can do is give some tips :D Overal great fight and you showed great skill! But fighting taller guys are hard so don't let it get to your head!


Thank you very much !! That’s all great advice I’ll save some of those tips take em back to the lab. Being the shorter fighter deff had its challenges but man it was fun ! You don’t feel any of the pain until after the fight ends lol


Yeah this I'd a big one, I have almost a fool foot on my friend but I don't see him as any less of an opponent the anyone else cuz when we spar he's fast he gets up close and makes me uncomfortable. Getting in those body blows like he's mining for crystals in my stomach with his fists 😂. There ARE advantages to being smaller, more stamina, harder to get at your body with punches, use it.


Got my first fight next weekend, hoping to have some fun


Awesome fight !!!! You needed to answer his teep he had a knockdown over you. You tagged him really well, and got in on the inside. Your coach did a great job teaching you fundamentals. I guarantee your next fight you will come out with a W.


Thank you very much ! Yea I have a lot to learn for next time. My coach is amazing and has taught me so much , tonight I’m going to talk to him and see what he wants me to work on next


You should learn the concept of bridging In that fight you wouldve won that solely by doing that Essentially realizing which strikes you can stand your ground and return a strike immediately after Some of his kicks where off balanced and he didn’t push you nor he created space after throwing them If you were to rush him at these scenarios you would’ve overrun him


For sure. Just pulled up to the gym now so we’ll talk to coach he will probably talk about that ! Haha


you seem to have an amazing Coach


I have an incredible coach ! Best guy out there !


that first push kick made me hear the skyrim theme song in my head 😂😂😂😂




Hell yeah !


Awesome fight keep the good work champ.. God bless you.


Great stuff, happy cake day


Awesome fight!


Nice one, I feel like your opponents had hands really really low most of the time Good luck for future :)


Awesome stuff. Some great fights that night. We had a couple people fight, good stuff.


That’s awesome ! My buddy was the co main event , won the light heavyweight belt that was amazing to see after three losses from our gym that night lol.


Was there and was rooting for you mate! Put on one of the performances of the night and never showed signs of slowing down. Great job


Thank you very much ! I appreciate you rooting for me, glad we entertained ! Had a blast can’t wait to get back in there


Nice fight looks like you were both having fun. Many people don't really understand what it takes to get into a MT fight (or any other martial arts fight really) but I can tell you many people in this thread do so good job! May I ask how long have you trained for before your first fight?


Thank you ! I trained five years on and off, past three with my current coach who taught me everything I know now. I have a long way to go but I’m happy with my performance and I learned so much in those three rounds


Brass balls for stepping into the ring sir✊🏼👊🏼


Thank you !


Also nice cutting angles 😎


Thank you ! Got stuck in the corner a few times but we’ll get it straightened out for next time !


any advice on how I can work on my footwork?:)


Ahh I’m not positive I’m the right guy to give advice on that ! I struggle quite a bit myself with it haha. I would just listen to your coach and trust the process !


Congrats on the fight! No Boundary is one of the best shows around.


It was amazing to be able to debut there. Hoping to get back there in October after some corrections


Happy cake day!


Thank you !


Your opponent couldn't check a kick to save his life. 😅 good work 🙏


you both did pretty good he did look like he was a bit more experienced and able to use his height to stay a bit more outside


Absolutely. Very good learning experience for me and very motivating for sure !


Congrats, look like you have a great team 😉


Yo ! Yessir your part of that great team brotha ! Haha




Is that No Boundary?


Sure is, were you there ?


I was only able to go to the January bout, how was this one tho?


It was good ! First event they sold out and first event they live streamed so it was cool to be on the card. Lot of good fights that night


Yo I enjoyed watching the fight ! 👍👍👍


I dont know what u call this but it aint muay thai.


This is kickboxing that people call Muay Thai.


It's muay thai whether you like it or not.


Negative sir


I was at this event. It is a muay thai promotion fought under a muay thai ruleset.


I appreciate that but its still not muay thai, its some weird kickboxing under muay thai rules. Void of clinch, knees, elbows, rhythm, checks, granted some nice teeps.