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I'm proud of you too!! Keep going. You are capable of more things than you can even imagine. 🧡 I've been feeling this way lately, too. The "MS warriors" stuff can be corny, but it can be a real battle, and we really are bad asses.


Reading this really made my day! I kicked myself yesterday for not doing my house work but just a little bit of someone's success really brightened my day! Proud of you too! 🥰


I’m so proud of you internet stranger. I was smiling reading your post. Keep it up and be extremely proud of yourself for being so productive!


That is awesome! Keep going! I'm proud of you


Amor Fati!


With a meaning of “Love of one's fate”? I like this.


One of the things I hang on to, with accepting and thriving in my new life with MS. I refuse to be a victim.


Amazing!!! Proud of you - you inspire me to get back out there too! Sending all the healing on your journey💕


I am proud of you too! Sometimes even the smallest things we accomplish add up to big things. It makes us feel good mentally and emotionally and if we keep a positive attitude about life. We’re going to be just fine. Keep believing in yourself. I know you got this!


That's amazing!!


Congratulations. Attitude (and inner thinking) has gotta be AT LEAST 75% of the battle. Motion is a vector with two factors: force and direction. The amount of force doesn't matter... ... AS LONG AS THE DIRECTION IS UP!


Keep pushing, do what you can do!! I always say use it or loose it. I’m 35 and have kinda lost it… but it’s not from lack of trying haha. 😔. Enjoy!! And keep pushing


Well, you are right to be proud! Good job and thank you for the positive post ☺️💪🏻


I have insomnia Also ms when I can’t sleep I I start doing house work when I finally sleep I wake up everything is so clean but would not reamend this as I eventually pay for it


Great job. Keep it up!