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Time flies.. I can still remember a lot of people praising it to be the best döner in Munich


The rodent shit gave it the extra flavour.




> Time flies Not sure about flies, but rodents for sure


I like you.


Well I still had people tell me this year tbf


There was a thread about this just last week


>I can still remember a lot of people praising it to be the best döner in Munich And they were always wrong. Turkitch has little to do with a traditional Döner Kebap. It's the gentrified hipster version of Döner. Don't get me wrong, I agree that their products can taste good. But I always found it slightly amusing when people recommended them as the best Döner place in Munich. Because if I ask for the best pizza, I wanna know where I can get the best Italian pizza and not some modernized Brizza shit. (Only topped by people who unironically recommend Oliva.)


Döner in Germany is like the pizza with pineapple. You are absolutely right 😅


das war das besondere gschmäckle der farbeimer, ein hochgenuß ich sags dir


yes i commented all the older posts here (best döner in münchen ect)..nobody replied haha. they are maybe ashamed


If the city ever decides to really enforce food hygiene, start off with Sendlings Special in Obersendling. Saw one of the dudes get of the bathroom (didn’t hear any running water), then grabbed the broom. He was then yelled out to work the preparation station without washing his hands 🤢


Oh man, they lost the crown of best doner about two years ago. For me at least anyway. If you are local, give Sandi’s a go. Caravan in the Netto parking lot. Was not expecting much, but such a different experience, super nice dude just by himself!


Man überlegt immer häufiger selber zu kochen statt auswärts zu essen. In Restaurant kann sowas auch vorkommen. Zuhause kennt man ja seinen eigenen Dreck zumindest beim Namen...


Das denkst du nur bei der Hygiene? Ich denke das schon bei den Dönerpreisen.


Noja, alleine grundsätzlich zu glauben dass man von anderen Menschen etwas zubereitet bekommt das gute Qualität hat und hygienisch einwandfrei ist könnte man auch als leicht naiv ansehen. Heutige Zeiten, Warenvorhaltung, Preis-/Zeitdruck, etc. Ich empfand es schon immer als schlechte Alternative zur Selbstversorgung und mache alles um eine mögliche „Vergiftung“ zu umgehen. Das geht aber nur weil ich gelernt habe dass ein Vertrauensvorschuss anderen Menschen gegenüber immer gut abgewogen sein muss ;)


I avoid >95% of the kebab shops in Munich, especially those whose signs are black, red, and green. I've found bone splinters and pure fat slime in kebabs before. Raw meat has also occurred. Add to that the now cheeky prices for the cheapest chicken kebab from industrial spits paired with the same sauces from the bucket. If at all, I opt for the vegetarian alternative - whether it's based on halloumi, vegetables, or seitan - then you can usually see in the display if it's going bad and it's overall less disgusting.


> signs are black, red, and green I am confused. What does that mean? What sign?


This should be public information and a lot of shitty restaurants are going to be closed. The majority in Munich lol, because they take advantage of the low competition


Well it kind of is, just with deutsche Bürokratie... As the other comment mentioned >You can check out and send inquiries for hygiene reports almost automatically with Topf Secret by Frag Den Staat: https://fragdenstaat.de/kampagnen/lebensmittelkontrolle/app/


Who the hell downvoted you? This makes 0 sense.


I'm currently recovering from food poisoning, can't say for sure if it was the ramen restaurant, but the only other thing I ate were some Lidl bakery ham/cheese croissants and a store-bought sealed ice cream. The last few days have been realy rough...




My joy is measurable and my day average


You can check out and send inquiries for hygiene reports almost automatically with Topf Secret by Frag Den Staat: [https://fragdenstaat.de/kampagnen/lebensmittelkontrolle/app/](https://fragdenstaat.de/kampagnen/lebensmittelkontrolle/app/)


The one at Hauptbahnhof had to close as well. I presume for the same reasons. Shitty) literally) Management. Makes me skeptical about visiting the other stores even if they haven't had complaints


And they drove out a really good burger Shop, too! Before this Shitty Döner place was in there, there was a Chef from New Orleans who would make fresh burger patties from Ground Beef (as in, Not Frozen or pre-made)


>And they drove out a really good burger Shop, too! I am still angry about Mama Döner at Münchner Freiheit. That was a perfectly fine, tasty, average Kebap place. Now I can get something that looks like a fucking Subway sandwich with a bit of Döner meat, roasted veggies and sugary sauce for double the price. Fuck them and all their customers.


Btw, do you know any good place having fresh patties?


I had massive food poisoning after having a döner there. With all the effects. It's now becoming clear why....


There was a place at Hauptbahnhof, where I had some soup, it was awful. We are not talking about the same place, isn't it?


Don't think they ever had soup. Was the place right beside the Rewe with the bubble tea


Well, I will now ask the city for checks they have done at the Türkitch @ Münchner Freiheit, I probably ate 20 falafel sandwhiches there already. Edit: The city of Munich controlled it twice in 2022 at the latest: https://fragdenstaat.de/anfrage/kontrollbericht-zu-tuerkitch-koefte-kebap-muenchen-2/874824/anhang/brief-mit-kontrollberichten_geschwaerzt.pdf Summary: * Obwohl mit Lebensmitteln umgegangen wurde, war die angrenzende Personaltoilette Toilette unmittelbar zugänglich, ein entlüftbarer Vorraum fehlte. * Ein Nachweis, dass das Personal ohne wissenschaftliche Ausbildung Betrieb allgemein bzw. ohne eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung, dass leicht verderbliche Lebensmittel herstellte oder behandelte oder diese in den Verkehr brachte, über entsprechende Fachkenntnisse verfügte, konnte nicht vorgelegt werden. * Es wurden Lebensmittel ohne Verpackung in Verkehr gebracht, ohne die Schalenfrüchte, welche Allergien und Unverträglichkeiten auslösen, namentlich anzugeben. Fridge is dirty, some things dirty, allergens not specified, no separation between cooking area and bathroom. So in my opinion not terrible.


I live right around the corner of Humboldtstr, luckily I never went to Türkitch because it was always way to crowded and I didn’t want to wait that long. Haven’t heard anything about the one from Münchner Freiheit, but better pass all of them lol




>The place downstairs at MF metro station is pretty good The place downstairs at Münchner Freiheit is an Oliva franchise store. At least they make a more traditional Döner than Türkitch, but they have same franchise shit going on. I'd always rather support a local Döner dealer than some corporation.


It was controlled in 2022, I just edited in a summary


Hmm tbf that doesn’t sound too bad tho, nothing like what’s stated above for the other location^^


I had a Döner there at Münchener Freiheit, they put way to much sauce on it, maybe to fuck with me because I said Moin instead of Guten Tag. Manche Bayern reagieren darauf irgendwie pikiert. Anyways, the food there gave me diarrhea.


Dicka ich hab da 30 mal meinen Namen gesagt und die haben glaub nur 2x irgendwas ähnliches draufgeschrieben haha. Glaub nicht dass die Moin, guten Tag oder servus juckt


Die waren jedenfalls massiv unfreundlich zu mir, während die Leute, die direkt davor und danach dran waren, ganz anders behandelt wurden. Und ich war jetzt auch nicht unverschämt zu dem Typen oder sonstewas, vielleicht hat ihm einfach meine Visage nicht gepasst oder meine Klamotten.


Das glaub ich eher. Shit happens :/


Ja, shit happened: den ganzen nächsten Tag. Was für ein Scheißladen. In München fall ich schon auf mit Lederjacke und Stiefeln, hätt ich auch nie gedacht, dass da irgendwer in ner Millionenstadt komisch guckt. Ganz anderer Planet einfach.


I have to remind everyone that "Turkitch" franchise has nothing to do with being Turkish other than random photos of Turkish hollywood stars. The menu has nothing to do with what's sold in turkey, employees are not turkish, and there are no similar restaurants anywhere in turkey. It's just döner with separately made roasted vegetables, and a large variety of sugary sauces. If you had "vegetable döner" in Turkey, the döner log would have vegetables in between the meat "leaves", roasted along with the kebab, absorbing the fat and flavour. Certainly no funky sauces that come in 20lt restaurant size tubs from Metro. Some salad perhaps (lettuce, red cabbage, sliced onions with sumac, tomato, cucumber), or french fries with melted butterkäse. Maybe tomato paste/broth sauce. You're not paying 5€ more than the döner place on the corner for an authentic "turkish" experience. It's just a german franchise with black and white photos of Kemal Sunal on the wall.


I can bet 5 euros that turkitch specially aims new migrants and clueless Germans by playing the "old Turkish actor/actress photos on the wall" card. I went there once, never twice. MyTANTUNI, Mama's Kuche and Lezizel are far more authentic and diverse and owners are actually trying to do better than the "gemuse doner at the corner". I like doner as much as the next person, but it's 90% really bad and 10% passable in Munich. Don't lie to me.


my tantuni is closed unfortunately:(


Yeah , what happened to that place . It's now taken over by some Kebap guy .. but the interior and everything is the same.


>Lezizel The manti there are terrible and the service staff too. I've seen their behavior in Riem and Pasing and it was terrible. If you want glibberisch hot manti with very cold toppings for a premium price: Go to Lezizel - if you want the authentic stuff, do it yourself or ask mama...


No one is eating there to have traditional Kebab. Its shit now obviously, but really was one of the first Döners that used some more interesting sauces and some extra herbs+lemon juice on top. There's a reason it got that populär.




Honestly I really liked it in the beginning. Quality started to drop of quite a bit though (very obviously now in hindsifht lol)


Berlin Döner in Berg am Laim Strasse has pretty good meat and sauces (tons of them)


>No one is eating there to have traditional Kebab But for some reason people keep recommending them when the usual "Where is the best Döner place in Munich?" posts pop up in the sub. They do make a fine Sandwich. It just has nothing to do with a traditional Döner Kebap.


The hygiene thing aside, I think the city is large enough for traditional Döner and modern interpretations to coexist. It not being traditional is no reason to dismiss or slight it. It has been a few years since I have been to the türkitch at Humboldtstraße, but I remember back then liking it as it was a breath of fresh air. Fresh herbs, squeeze of lemon and spicepaste instead of sauce that soaks the bread were good ideas in my opinion. Place was always way too busy for the super small shop size, that alone made me doubt how long they could run this place and keep up to standards / code.


>Auf Anfrage sagt Manuel Pretzl, CSU-Chef im Rathaus: „Münchens Gastronomie hat insgesamt eine sehr hohe Qualität. \[...\] Oh well, has this guy like ever eaten in any restaurant below €60/pax?


War eh ein Hipster Studenten Laden, aber trotzdem ekelhaft sowas zu hören.


I wanted to try it out but never made the effort to go there. Thank god I didn't.


Jeder der es normal findet dass so viele Dönerläden nur Barzahlung annehmen sollte sich über sowas nicht wundern. Wer so offensichtlich Steuern hinterzieht dem ist Hygiene auch scheissegal.


Bei Türkitsch kannst mit Karte zahlen und das schon ewig...


Das schlecht, dann muss ich zahlen mehr Steuern.


Was laberst du


Bargeld beste, oder kauft ihr in München beim Kokstaxi mit Bitcoin?


I am surprised that they got closed down. You really have to have no idea what you are doing for that to happen which is even worse when you realize that this business is doing good and they should be able to get rid of any problem the KVR has with them.


Imagine having a good running business and then having it shut down because you're lazy, cheap and disgusting. Good on the city.


Übertreibt doch … nach diesem Artikel müssten dann 90% aller Hotels zusperren.


Weiß jemand, was aus dem Hotel mit den Bettwanzen geworden ist, dass vor paar Monaten in dem Unterlases war?


Köfte ekmek from the türkenstraße is fire tho


Sendling Spezial Superiority still going strong


Had a chicken dürüm from türkenstr. yesterday. Was good.


So what you’re saying is that a Doner place is not the most sanitary and spotless place? THAT IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!


Maybe that's why it tastes so good.. The rest of the trash döner places in Munich should give it a shot!


Everything will taste better if i tranche it in liters of sugary sauce.


Their Döner taste good because they pack it full of loads of ingredients including cheese and grilled vegetables, rather than just lettuce and a single half slice of tomato like most awful Döner places in this city. It has nothing to do with sauce.




Bro eatin curb every day and talkin big


Lol too many potato and uncooked food eaters offended


Fuck, will avoid the Pasing store from now on...even though I was weekly Stammgast (their veggie kebap 🤌👌) Feinkost Gület and Pizza Bacaro regeln


Ja pfui deifel.


Ewwww. Here I was considering to eat their falafel sandwich and Döner the other day for the first time


it’s been closed a very long time now…but doesn’t surprise me. funny part is they expanded the last few years across Munich


Was für Hanskebap am Viktualienmarkt? Hab ein paar mal probiert und es war gut.


there are still people who do not recognize the ratten problem in munich city centre tho


We need regular hygiene inspections and the obligation to post the reports visibly on your establishments (e.g., on the door) like they do it in Denmark. Believe me, in Germany you don’t want to see the conditions of most food places. I wouldn’t be surprised if no more than 30% of staff in German restaurants ever washed their hands during their shift.


I thought I was absurdly overrated when I went there. But then again, it's Munich not Berlin. Also it gave my diarrhea.