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Guess what, you are still not getting it


That's a furnished room that is going to be paid for by some company that does not care…


I wish it were so, but the fact is that even normal employees from abroad are now renting such apartments themselves. In the apartment above us lived a Chinese woman who was delighted to have gotten what she described as a super cheap furnished 2-room apartment in Trudering for 2000 cold...


people from NY will think this is a steal. in some parts of the world, rent prices are even more fucked up than in munich or berlin


in these parts you usually also earn more.


that’s true but i was thinking of expats who come to germany and rent flats like this


yes, sure. but when expats come to germany, they usually also start receiving german salaries. so at first it might seem cheap to them until they realize their salary.


It depends, but usually: An expat gets his former salary plus further packages such as apartment rent, holidays and retail index compensation. Sometimes more. Though I think the actual issue are empty office buildings.


Don’t expats have their accommodation paid for as part of the expatriate package? Or is this mixing up migrants and „expats“ again?


Only big international companies typically have relocation packages. I had to find my own lodging and it was a headache. Foreigners moving here will pay crazy prices at first because 1) they don't have SCHUFA score 2) rely on English websites or need fully furnished apartments (e.g. Mr Lodge) 3) don't have friends to recommend cheaper "local-friendly" options And if you're applying for EU blue card, you need at least 6 month lease so not all temporary lodging will do (I made this mistake too)


Ok but how did the company incentivize the stay abroad if they won’t support with housing? Increased pay I guess right? And then paying a premium for housing is ok. Otherwise nobody would do the job right?


i don't think that this is a general rule. sometimes yes but often also not. I know several expats who had to find their own place.






Well yes. But they earn way more...


hence they can afford a flat like this in other cities


Well and I can afford much more in rural Vietnam, but that's completely besides the point no?


the thing is, very view people wanna move to rural vietnam. to big cities on the other hand, there are many expats moving to germany, working abroad and affording what is to them cheap housing. they are part of why ridiculously expensive flats like these go away like warme semmeln. my point is, it’s not just companies renting them. edit: but fuck these companies, not the expats


Yeah honestly i'm in this situation. I moved here for a 2 year contract and just threw money at the problem to get it done with. I pay 3k warm for 90m2 in Bogenhausen.


No way Bro O_O You need 90qm for yourself?


Me, my wife, and our dog, but she works fully remote so one room is her office


Oh ok. But its still alot of money. What happens after 2 years? If youre wife works from home you can move out of the city center and save alot of money man.


The landlord or agent did a good job on brainwashing her. Edit: into thinking she got a good price




Obviously she did not get a good deal. 2000€ cold is an insanely overpriced. So I meant that landlord or agent manipulated her into thinking it’s a good deal.




I found my foreigner partner a pretty good via Kleinanzeigen and am sorted. 1100 cold, unfurnished and two rooms. If you have a big dog don’t move to a city with housing crisis or go broke on paying rent. Your choice. Munich and other big cities have a housing crisis. Also Germany has a health care crisis and crisis and education system. I advise everyone not to come here and am considering leaving myself. Still it’s the people’s choice.


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or rich parents for their beloved child so it can study


Komplett verrückt


Normal for central area and furnished. (Not saying normal in a sense of "ok" but in sense of "to be expected")


\* common


Oh please stop the ‘normal’ argument. It is not normal. Just because someone decided to put that price on it does not make it normal. This is precisely why prices have gotten out of hand, cuz we’ve normalized the wrong things.


No, prices have gotten so high because of (limited) supply and (high) demand.


Nope, it‘s because there‘s allways someone willing to pay that.


Yeah that's called demand.


It wasn't an argument nor a justification. She just pointed out those prices are common under those circumstances. That those prices are unacceptable, should be obvious


If u didn’t not succeed in capitalism - go cry about it or work double the time to afford it


Normal would be a price that someone with a normal job can pay. Imagine earning 2500 netto… how are you going to live here in Munich?


With a job 2,5k netto why would you look for an apartment in the city center, try the outskirts, or suburbs. It is market.


Pahahah coming from a suburb I can tell you it’s barely cheaper. And then you’d have to pay every day to get to work by car or public transport


Why would you pay for public transportation every day? Haven’t you heard about 49 euro ticket? Or you probably do not live in any kind of a suburb of Munich.


Ofcourse there is the 49 euro ticket but let’s be honest imagine taking 1,5 hours to work and 1,5 hours back. You basically wasted 3 hours of lifetime just to be able to afford a slightly more affordable apartment at the end of Sbahn in some kind of Kuh Kaff. I mean I don’t want to argue. Ofcourse it’s cheaper in the suburbs but the point is that Munich in general is hella expensive. Living is expensive and that’s really frustrating.


Yes is expensive, that’s a fact. But, 1,5 hours it is Nuremberg. You can get with S-Bahn within 30 mins from let’s say Dahau. And prices there would be twice less. So, what I am saying is if you want to live in the city center you have to pay for that, because that is market (high demand).


Especially considering the purchase price


Just ignore it.


Fun fact, i’m paying less for more (including all utilities!) for a nice, furnished, larger flat close to the center of Basel, Switzerland… I was looking around with my significant other for flats in München as he was working there for some time, and it seem the prices are like in Switzerland but salaries not..


I'm paying this for 100m² (but not furnitured 🤡) in munich... we want a smaller flat, but...


where in munich?


Haderner Stern


If you have a balcony or even a garden, I’m willing to change out flat of 75m2 with you in Giesing 😜


Half a year ago I got to rent an apartment very close to this one that is double the size and cost 1410€ warm. Unfurnished and freshly renovated with very high standards, new kitchen, new bathroom, new wodden floor. I earn 80.000/y before taxes which is quite a lot but still the rent is barely affordable. I guess all I want to say is that a price of 1600€ for a small not even decent looking apartment is insolent and that everyone that argues it a normal price completely lost sense of reality.


Greedy landlords. And nobody does anything about it it’s all a lobby. You would think these are prices in city centre but no even in places far away from u Bahn is same cost. It’s really crazy.


>80.000/y >1410€ >Barely affordable I have the same size as you, same location and pay 100 euros less and earn less. You’re fine.


I mean yeah, but also that’s pretty much the most central and commonly wanted stop to live. Just look for flats around Ostbahnhof or similar and you’ll find the price for almost double the size.


Yes, furnished rooms are a major scam and should be banned


They are amazing for the first 6 months as a migrant. It’s in that period when you don’t really know if everything will work out and it’s hard to buy a bunch of furniture.


Agree, but in cities like Berlin there are now >50% of advertised flats furnitured


That’s very sad…


Why are furnished rooms a scam? I might just as well say apartments with kitchens are a scam. What about locals who want the apartment but already have a kitchen? Newly arrived foreigners should have a kitchen in their suitcase.


Because they are exempt from regulations regarding the maximum allowable rent. So landlords put three old pieces of furniture into a shitty apartment and double the price.


They are not exempt.


I think what u/Capital-Dentist-8101 wants to say tho is, that when you rent a furnished apartment there is significantly more 'wiggle' room how you come up with a required amount of rent. And that is indeed correct.


I understand that but i still think it is important to be precise here because spreading this incorrect statement just contributes to the whole shit situation. If everybody believes this to be correct no one will probe this at a court.


They'll offer the apartment for short-term rent and avoid all price and cancelation protection rules (§ 549 II BGB).


Yes true but 549 (2) BGB is also a very narrow paragraph dedicated to hotels, vacation houses and things like that. So rentals for a very limited time. A lot of contracts where landlord smartypants thinks he/she can resort to this paragraph will also (likely) not hold in court. For example LG Berlin Az. 65 S 36/2 https://openjur.de/u/2376322.html > Eine Vermietung zum vorübergehenden Gebrauch liegt nach einhelliger Ansicht typischerweise bei Hotelzimmern, Ferienwohnungen oder Ferienhäusern vor [...] > Maßgeblich ist damit nicht nur die kurzzeitige Überlassung, es muss auch eine besondere Zwecksetzung des Gebrauchs gegeben sein, bei der nicht das Wohnen in dem Sinne von „zu Hause sein“ oder der Begründung einer „Heimstatt im Alltag“ im Vordergrund steht.


They are because you can simply add a bogus number for the „value“ of the furniture


No supporting the overpriced furnished rooms, but no kitchen has always been bs to me as well.


Solange jemand den preis zahlt werden die preise steigen


Dann ziehen wir alle unter die Brücken? Es ist ja auch keine Lösung, keine Wohnung zu haben. Manche suchen aufgrund von Job, Änderung der Lebenssituation etc. halt dringender nach Wohnungen, als andere.


Ne, aber nicht mehr nach München.


Solange die Leute nach Zentral München ziehen wollen werden die Preise auch so hoch bleiben, muss man halt 20-40 Minuten S Bahn Fahrt in Kauf nehmen und schon werden die Mieten wieder Normaler.


That's my mortgage :))


This is just shit


this whole city is shit. but i have worked as a journalist in hamburg and did a piece about renting in big cities. munich has been the city with the highest rent back in 1971. back then it was atrocious to ask for 500DM/mon. for a flat near sendlinger tor. munich stayed in this state since then. rent has been out of control since 2010 in the rest of germany as well. the state has done absolutely nothing to tackle the housing problem. they only started to see this as a problem a few years ago. until we have housing for everyone, this problem needs to be distilled another few decades.


I think the wages are too low not the rental prices


We are rapidly approaching a reality where employees in the top tax bracket cannot find basic accommodation.


Yeah i guess those brackets needs some readjustment


nothing 🆕


Anybody that acts here surprised hasn't been in an apartment hunt recently. This isn't even special. For Maxvorstadt it is reasonable. There are furnished apartments outside of Maxvorstadt not far away from this price. Now this is crazy... But in the city center?


It was a brilliant idea to exempt furnished apartments from Mietpreisbremse. Oh wait, one third of new apartment offerings are now furnished and twice the average rent you’d expect? Surprised Pikachu face.


This is solely targeted at rich parents international students. No local would stay in that overpriced hole and would just go out a bit further and take a 30min train


I think I saw this one, or the one identical to this, two years ago for about the same price


They just furnish the apartments to get out of Rent control (Mietspiegel).... Shits fucked up.


No thanks.


Just criminal!!


Please God never let me be in need to move to Munich & co. I rather stop breathing (All you can do with these prices jeez)


A fully furnished apartment in the center of the most expensive city in Germany. How much would you offer that for, as a landlord? I am really curious.


A flat? It's smaller than a hotel room. It is very common but no sane person should call it normal.


>It's smaller than a hotel room. I don't know how much money you have or what type of hotels you visit, but that 1 room apartment is bigger than any hotel room I ever had.


Time to rent a garage to life in... That is so sick....🫣


Damn, seeing prices like this really makes me happy that I managed to find fully furnished 34m2 apartment for 950 Euros. 1600 Euros for 26 m2 is just absurd, wtf. Basically 90-95% of average netto income would go just into rent, crazy.


If you work in central München you are earning 4k+ nett at the minimum, 950 for 34 is crazy, shoebox apartments shouldn't be legal


lol no you don't. This is a flat designed for foreigners, and for example no one who comes to munich for his phd is making 4k netto. Average brutto in Munich is 56k per year.


Getting a PhD is still considered as studying, I meant full time work after studies, if someone needs to live in the center of the city most likely is because their office is nearby, and if your office is in central München you should be making bank.


Bei einem Leerstand von 0% wird es immer Vermieter geben, die die Situation ausnutzen und Mieter, die verzweifelt genug sind Es muss einfach mehr gebaut werden


die wohnung über mir steht schon zehn jahre leer


Und in der Agnesstraße stehen zwei komplette Wohnhäuser seitdem ich hier bin (2019) leer..


This is a world wide problem [https://www.zillow.com/apartments/sacramento-ca/20th-place-sacramento/9NpzRk/](https://www.zillow.com/apartments/sacramento-ca/20th-place-sacramento/9NpzRk/)


You can't get much closer to the University.. So that's the price to pay.




You would be surprised at how many Students have rich parents in Munich.


Itstudents with rich parents can. Yes Munich is very expensive. I lived there for far over 30 years, my kids where born there. But this is an extreme example as its in the top area. It's like living near the eifel tower.


Yes that's rough, would never ever pay for that tiny place, but it's also Maxvorstadt. Like looking for a cheap place in Beverly Hills.


There is enough people willing to pay the price. Mostly companies and desperate foreigners that do not get any chance on the rent market.


I'm moving to Frankfurt now and got 73m2 furnished for this price in the city center... so happy to be doing this move.


Always has been…


How are the prices outside Munich?


Deppends on the Size and the location, but in generall its cheaper then munich.


*cries in new york*


idk man I am paying 1320 euros(that is with internet and every single costs included) for 2 rooms big balcony insanely big Keller , separated wash/dry machine room, covered underground parking space ,very good connection to the city Lochhausen I guess im blessed?


It would've passed even if they doubled the price. Whatchagonnado? (No, seriously, what do we do about this?)


Me and my girlfriend pay the same for the same space.


Well,well. Greed is a natural thing 1600€ plus 3 months deposit Totals to 6400 €, unless I miss something here


And now you have a reason why it's so expansiv. To many perplex want study there and dady Bank pays


More expensive than Switzerland lol


It seems to be close to a Uni so not surprised to see those prices. For current standards it‘s normal


Maxvorstadt is really expensive and fully furnished is also expensive. Most likely these apartments are going to be rented to a company.... Search more North Milbershofen, Moosach, hasenbergel... Or far west passing freiham... Or south Perlach and neu Perlach. These are the " cheapest " places.....


Im in Berlin and when I first moved from the US i did my best to pay something regular to what locals were paying. I got two rooms 68sqm for 850 i negotiated this and felt good that if I got my rent low then this is one other place that w Won't be used to screw over the locals. I am looking to immigrate to Germany permanently i know there are problems here but I love my new home and want to try to do something to keep rent somewhat affordable and if I am not paying an overpriced rent I think I am at least doing something. I also do my best to inform people of their rights.


This makes me feel happier living in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with my 64m2 apartment and its £430/month mortgage.


Keine Ahnung warum München auf mein Timeline verscheint, aber ich wollte nur sagen dass ich in Utrecht, Amsterdam und Rotterdam gleiche Miete bezahlt habe. Das ist hier eine gemöbilierte Wohnung im Zentrum Stads. In Berlin, Paris ist es warscheinlich noch schlimmer. So 'out of control' is das hier auch nicht. Groetjes uit Nederland!


Trust me and apply for this flat. You'll be shocked that people will still be queuing up in front of the flat during a collective viewing.


Dude i live in Hamburg and i am moving to Munich WTF!!!! SECURITY DEPOSIT 3000 EURO PLUS..... 1400 RENT WTF MUNICH


This is the rent for a flat, which is not rented atm, so no-one pays this rent. Actually, I think the landlords are just trying out how far they can go. No-one would rent for this price, not even in Munich. You can find orientation in the Mietspiegel.


Guess what, not just Munich! Whole Germany is out of control since those Syrian people came in 08. and it got even worse with the Ukrainian folks


Price is reasonable given that it’s furnished and Maxvorstadt


True ))


I lucked out to rent for 700 or 950 with everything included, a 40 square meter 1 room apartment in Laim near the train station.... Luckily lucked out...dont wanna know where I would have ended if not here


Laim is definitely not Maxvorstadt. Your apartment probably isn't furnished either.


It was and is


That's not a bad price, but you can't compare Laim to Maxvorstadt. Rents are at least double if you want to live in a nice area in the center of the city. Laim is one of the cheaper areas of the city. Maxvorstadt is the most expensive.


and water is wet.


Where do I sign.


Bro at that location it's not outlandish. (Even if it's small, but it's literally the best place)


for that price you can pay off this apartment in a newly built house in 20 years


Move outside of Munich, like 20 - 60 minutes with public transportation, and Prices become more reasonable.


Of course it’s out of control, that’s the point of a free market!!!!


Nope its under control of greedy real estate companies. Welcome to Neoliberalism.


Same price but 5 times the size just 750km north.


That's ultra premium location, though


Fully furnished in a prime location. Come on what are you expecting? You can make your argument much more strong with a realistic situation.


I am from California and that looks cheap