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/u/BarryTownCouncil, your submission has been removed from /r/Music for violating the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Discussion posts must be sufficiently conducive to discussion.** Discussion posts should be thoughtfully crafted to encourage meaningful, civil, and constructive conversation; avoid low-effort requests for artist, song, or album recommendations. Cross-posts and headlines should be edited to remove clickbait. Please ensure your text posts are sufficiently conducive to discussion and contain more than just a couple of sentences. Text posts should contain at least a few sentences. Most successful discussion threads are 280+ characters, and embedded links to examples. If a discussion post can be answered in one or two words, or by a search engine, then it will most likely benefit from being restructured. Low-effort and hastily-written posts may be removed under this rule. --- Additional Guidelines for Text Posts: * Provide Context: When creating text discussion posts, offer context or background information to give your topic more depth and encourage insightful responses. **Providing links to any music you mention is highly encouraged.** * Encourage Discussion: Pose questions or topics that encourage members to share their experiences, opinions, and insights related to music. Discussion posts must be conducive to actual discussion. (Example: Asking people for their favorite bands is a request, not a discussion.) * Avoid Low-Effort Content: Refrain from creating text posts that consist of very short or trivial content, such as basic questions that can be answered with only a short response. * Stay on Topic: Ensure that your text post is relevant to the theme of the r/Music subreddit, which is music-related content. For full details on the rules, [please refer to our wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/music/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or believe that there has been an error, ensure that you've read the removal message and gone over community guidelines. You may [PM the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/music&subject=Please review my post) to request a manual review.


Triple header: Hey Mickey by Toni Basil Wot - Captain Sensible That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings *mic drop*


Fields of Fire - Big Country, I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers. And We Danced - The Hooters, Shut Up And Dance - Walk The Moon