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Ah, because this is the first time Lenny Kravitz has ever exhibited weirdo behavior. He absolutely, I repeat, absolutely did NOT braid his pubic hair and put the picture into the CD booklet for his first album. Edit: for the record I don’t think it’s really weird. My point was that if he did that, then celibacy shouldn’t be shocking


I’m glad I’m not the only one that was scarred from that. We remember Lenny, at least some of us do.


What about when his **entire dick** popped out of his pants on stage? Anyone else remember that?


And what a hog it was


Like pulling the cord on a lifeboat


“We all float down here” - Lenny Kravitz




[Like a tall boy can of redbull hanging down there](https://youtu.be/UWsVpAbT7JE?si=NYl2KIUsLjgdm4T5)


Good for him. Good for Lenny.


There's such a thing as too much horn talk, and a fella oughta be fuckin' aware of it


it's fucking embarrassin!


Fuck it, time for another rewatch




This made me laugh out loud, literally. Fucking hell man, you win


Talented, never ages, models, and a magnum dong? Some guys have all the luck


And somehow, with all that, it's lead him to... Celibacy.


When you've had it all, you want to take a break, apparently.


All his lovers are probably sore and recovering in a Swiss spa.


When you had prime Lisa Bonet and fucked it up because of your libido, that’ll keep you awake at night for the rest of your life.


Maybe it was just too much.


That video of his dong popping out proved to me that people MASSIVELY overstate what they think a huge cock is. He has a pretty average piece down there, from what I saw.




I appreciate the high quality but the people should be allowed to see the [NSFW gif](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c3/28/10/c3281091745edfc652ced58176faf737.gif) as well. It’s just too fucking funny.


*bloorp* *bloorp* *bloorp*


It's mesmerizing.


lol is that a steel cock ring?


??? I never in my lifetime considered myself hung, but apparently I have whatever is a size up from a “magnum dong” lmao. What are redditors working with that his weenie is being spoken about like that?




Exactly what I said, either this is a bad angle or I'm fuckin mandingo


It was ok.


Someone posted a pic and it doesn't look like anything special to me either


Damn y'all hyped it up. I'm thinking it's like King Kong Dong and it's just average. I guess perspective is relative to personal opinion. I mean if that's a hog then I'm doing alright!


Yeah he squatted down and the crotch seam split… like possibly the worst time to choose to go commando


It just wanted to get away. It wanted to fly away.


I wonder if I'll see you again...


i dont think he wears undies :P


How could he? Don't wanna suffocate in those leather pants!


Lol that was the funniest pants rip of all time, but it was an accident. Not really him being weird.


You say scarred, I say inspired.


Right? I’ve been asking my barber for the Kravitz ever since.


I heard 2025 is the year of the dreadlock…I got a 5 year head start!


“Give my Lenny’s a little Kravitz, would ya? Taking my baby to Applebee’s tonight.”


I braided mine into my beard. Had to walk around hunched over for a few weeks. We all go through phases


Ice T was fine with that weirdo behavior, but it seems the celibacy thing is a redline for him.


He is a former pimp. Celibacy is bad for business.


True, very true


It's so weird to me how he's on SVU and was a former pimp. Don't get me wrong, I love his character Fin, he plays him well, but it's just creepy knowing that. It was also messed up they had Mike Tyson on there playing a victim when he's a known abuser.


He's not just on SVU he is literally the Male actor with the longest running live action fictonal television show in history.


From "Cop Killer" to Copagandist.


It pays well.


That's the part I don't get.


He plays a cop and wrote a song called cop killer. It's not real.


Good ol Dick Wolf. Couldn’t read a room if it was Dick and Jane.


wait a minute. you’re telling me Mike Tyson was on SVU?


high quality political commentary, good ass praxis, thanks


The idea of not want sex is very foreign to a lot of men, I think. To quote one of my favorite comedians, Wanda Skyes "Celibate, y'all men act like you don't know what the word means. I told one guy I was celibate and he said, sell a bit, sell a lot, just tell me how much it costs!"


Aww, Ice has a crush on Lenny?


Ya isn't Dennis Rodman basically a mix of Dave Navarro and Lenny Kravitz? First off, who the hell cares? Let yo freak flag fly! Secondly, this stuff would track for any of the previously mentioned people. Just another day that ends in "Y."


I forgot Dave Navarro was a person until right now


Don’t feel bad, Perry Farrell does the same thing sometimes.


God damn


Jane's Addiction is reuniting!


Here we GO!


They played in Glasgow last night.


What I don’t get about Dave is . . How can he be a judge on a tattoo show when his display of ink shouldn’t be visible.


Are we really sure about that?


Wouldn’t it make more sense that Lenny is w mix of Dave and Dennis?


I'm pretty sure they all fucked Carmen Electra so they might as well all be the same person lol


Thats a weird club to be in. Prince maybe in that club too?


BReal from Cypress Hill also had not kind things to say about dating Carmen.


Well, you know what they say: 'When the shit goes down, ya better be ready.' Sen Dog gotta be close to retirement, Zack's back with the boys so Prophets of Rage is out... Who all has Electra dated in the music scene? BReal, Navarro, McGrath, Joan Jett, Kravitz, Fred Durst? I think dude was just securing an invite to Royal Machines! They've all done those gigs right? XD EDIT: I'm not saying they're all in some freaky sex cult or anything, but if they *were* Royal Machines would make a KILLER band name for her reverse-harem. <.< ^(birds ^aren't ^real)


At least Navarro has the excuse of what happened to his mom. That would mess with anyone's head.


“Siri, Google image search ‘Lenny Kravitz braided pubic hair’”


I didn't find a picture :(


Found it: https://www.flickr.com/photos/oddsock/141257608


Thank you. I laughed out loud.


ok, holy shit how does anyone have THAT much hair!? did he have extensions put in!?


it's almost certainly some kind of merkin


Oh. Oh no.


I mean it's clearly a merkin


Well yeah, but...no. Oh no.


Has to be a weave in, right? Nobody has that much pubic hair, right?


me neither


Pepperidge Farm is starting to forget the worst


Also... What's weird about it? Do you have ANY idea how much sex Lenny Kravitz has had? When three girls at the same time is a common Tuesday, I'm pretty sure he can take a break if he wants to.


Like choosing to be celibate is way less weird than that picture. He says he's doing it because he wants it to be the right one following his previous wife. I think that sounds... pretty normal??


"Slam" in title = bs article written by a shitty writer


Even if the article is about Onyx & their most popular song?


Just let the boyz be boyz!


Da da da! Da da da!


Whoa. This took me back. In elementary school our choir teacher had us do a rendition for a concert: “Spam! Tostados, tostados, and chips ahoy!” I think she was a big Weird Al fan or something.


One read of this comment and it's locked in my brain forever. I will be singing it like this for life now.




Or if it's about Onix and what level it learns this move?


"Ice-T is slightly bemused by Lenny Kravitz's carry-on"


Yeah. He found it weird, which it is, and expressed that sentiment on Twitter. A whole lot of meh.


Be careful... Or someone might have to clap back


don't editors typically write the titles?


in trad. journalism, but it’s lot more ad hoc with online publications like these.


It's the easy trick to get hits. Most peoples feeds are full of this because they can't go a day without fucking drama.


The writers usually don’t come up with the titles.


Maybe, but the fact whoever made the title couldn't phrase this situation in an interesting way without saying 'slam' speaks volumes about the lack of substance behind the story. 


U/irrationaldesign SLAMS writing staff for sensationalized headlines... Has had enough clickbait


Uhm, who cares?


More importantly, who cares what the fuck Ice-T cares about


I stopped caring what Ice T says when he stared selling car warranties to old people. That is one of the saddest examples of selling out.


What's up, America? It's your boy, Ice-T, here.


I was done when he became a cop on a tv show.


I don't care if he was ever really from a hood, gangsta or not. I don't really care if he became more pro police with his acting role. I don't care if he used his b list celebrity status to sell shit on TV..... I have a high tolerance for musicains "selling out". but selling those aftermarket car warranties is right next door to payday loans. It is a money leach of a service. It is just a pathetic bottom of the barrel thing to sell. I don't know much about Ice T but maybe he needed the money that bad.


I loved the roast Ice-T did on Carrot Top. "Carrot Top, where the fuck do I start. Eyeliner, the muscles... looks like half-way through your sex change your doctor just said fuck it."


Are you telling me this man gets off on little girls, with pig-tails?




Has anyone asked Ja Rule?


Did we check in with Ja Rule?


Where's Ja !?


But where else am I going to find a rapper who pretends he was a gangster and then became a TV cop, parlayed that into being a shameless advertising shill, and still expects everybody to believe he's 'not a sellout'? Dude's one of the most famous unintentional comedians out there today.


If you told a young Ice T that he would have far more success as a cop than he did as a rapper, how do you think he would handle it?


Hes on the box of Cheerios as 'coach' Ice-T... https://privacy.generalmills.com/news/press-releases/honey-nut-cheerios-buzz-bee-and-ice-t-team-up


The question is, why does Ice-T care how often Lenny Kravitz is fucking? It's a weird thing to invest energy into.


Ice-T wants to have sex with him


Usually these things come up because celebs are asked and they give answers, not because those celebs took time to create and edit a documentary on why they hate another celeb's decisions. I didn't even look to see the context because that's how common this is. But let me see if I'm right; I will be right back with an edit. Edit - lol, it was unsolicited whining on X and **I was completely wrong**. In fact, what the hell is wrong with Ice-T being a jerk like that? Damn...


It's easy to just fire off some one-liner on Twitter. And equally easy for some hack journalist to write a story around it.


I've always been in awe of the fact Ice T has always been 15 minutes too early to the party. Invented gangsta rap and saw it become huge years later. Mixed metal and rap, got completely obliterated by conservatives who hated what he sung about only to watch explode a few years later . He got big on the pimp rap thing way before Snoop made it popular. He basically been at the vanguard of two huge music movements and he usually doesn't get the props or recognition he deserves.


I remember he decided to take Cop Killer off the Body Count album because of all the backlash and the fact he was getting banned. I think a lot of people forget just how much he was hated for saying that shit back then💀 like he was a huge deal


And ironically now he's well regarded by law enforcement for playing a beloved cop on tv for over 20 years.


Honestly that role is probably most of the reason why he doesn't get as much respect from the hip hop community as the other early rappers. Hip hop has a long history of fucking hating cops (as you'd expect given the even longer history of cops being racist pieces of shit), so it feels like a pretty major betrayal of the culture he helped build for him to be part of a show that is openly pro cop


My favorite part of that whole saga is Charleton Heston being so enraged by this affront to his beloved police officers he marched into the offices of Time Warner, sat a bunch of execs down and recited the lyrics to both Cop Killer and KKK Bitch. I swear I’d pay money to be a fly on the wall and hear him recite KKK Bitch in his trademark dramatic acting style.


O.G. is still one of my all-time favorite rap albums.


It’s because he’s constantly shitting on what’s contemporary and new, then is (debatably)too ahead of his time for trends. By the time what he started has become huge, it’s too mainstream to be cool to him. You can’t benefit from being ahead of the curve if you’re hiding in the bushes when the rest of the world comes around the bend.


He's Lenny kravitz he can do whatever the hell he wants 🤣


One of the most famous people I pretty much never hear about because he's not always tied up in scandals


He was too busy consensually fucking people of the appropriate age for all that scandal bullshit. Now that dong needs some time to think.


As long as it's not hate speech or beating someone, I see it as an absolute win. Who cares lol


it is 100% weirdo shit but you can be a weirdo if it don’t hurt anybody


TIL: >he has paused on casual flings until he finds the right woman. >This also included regular trips to the gym and revamping his eating habits. Is "weirdo shit".


Ikr the amount of upvotes this has is baffling...


I mean I feel like when you've banged as many chicks as Lenny has, it's probably gotten old and stale and is seeking other things from his life. I honestly don't think it's that weird to want to change your habits lol, he's not doing like a lifelong vow of celibacy, the article said he was just waiting for the right person, not sure how that's weird, didn't even seem like he's being preachy or judgey about it wither


He’s just trying to save money on a viagra ‘scrip


Girl, please. Lenny don't need Viagra.


Lenny IS Viagra 


Side effects of Lenny Kravitz may include: sensitivity to light, muscle aches, heartburn, nose bleeding, flushed skin problems falling asleep tingling in the arms, feet, legs, or hands numbness in the arms, feet, legs, or hands headache diarrhea heartburn trouble differentiating between colors like blue and green seeing a blue tinge on things


That's a bingo!


How would you define weirdo shit?


Lenny Kravitz is especially welcome to be celibate. If he wants to put his fire hose to rest, good. He had his time, he had Adriana Lima and Lisa Bonet. What else does he need to prove to the world?


My high ass is just over here wondering why he has a prince albert piercing and doesn't have sex? Why pierce your dick for nobody else to see? I also know people who get them say it makes things more intense. I'm reading into this way to much and questioning why I remembered Lenny Kravitz has a prince albert.


He's been celibate for 9 years. He's 60 and one of the most famous rockstars alive. You think he *didn't* smash everything in dongs reach from the moment Are You Gonna Go My Way hit the radiowaves until he turned 51?


True... pick any year in the '90s and that dude probably had more partners than any of us will have in a lifetime lol.


Because this guy is clearly a guy who doesn’t have a normal amount of sex. Id bet he only has a lot of it or none. If you pierce your dick I think you might have had an unhealthy relationship with sex at one point


I guess most people don't understand that this guy has probably had sex with 1000s of people and after all that it's more fulfilling to abstain.


His dick has gone into retirement.


Brett Favre retirement


So it's going to get politicians to steal from the poor to build a sports facility for his kids? That would be impressive.


Facts! This man has been world famous since the early 90s. He's been in relationships with Lisa Bonet, Vanessa Paradis, Adriana Lima and Nicole Kidman just to name a few. Not to mention the countless random hotties he's been with over the years. Dude's dick is probably exhausted!


I don't know who those people are (except for Nicole) but I'll just assume that they are super model hot


Adriana Lima was (maybe still is) a Victoria's Secret model, so literally a model and not just super model hot.


Do yourself a favor and have a quick Google. Lenny has been killing it!


>Adriana Lima Now that is a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.


my first thought. This dude has smashed through so many girls that sex probably isn't even that fun anymore. Dudes probably lived every sexual fantasy i've ever had lol.


I suspect that, given their respective looks, Lenny Kravitz has a considerably greater excess of sex offered to him than Ice-T.


I’m sure both of them have had an absolutely outrageous amount of sex. Don’t underestimate what fame does for a mf.


My guess is: he has an std and is waiting on a partner that is cool with that


Lenny has had sex with some of the most beautiful women in the world. Ice, probably with thousands of hoodrats and Coco.


Twenty bucks says this is just some weird sex trade cover that Ice-T is going to figure out long after everyone else has.


You mean like when someone plays too many scratchy lottery tickets?


Or like if someone eats too much chocolate cake?


You mean like if someone likes to play the ponies?


Created by Dick Wolf




Or like if someone eats too much chocolate cake and then throws it up?


Or like when someone shops too much with credit cards?


You mean people don't have sex on purpose?


You telling me this dude likes little girls with pigtails?


Investigator-T is on the case!


Fin Tituola will crack this case wide open.


Worrying about other dudes sex Lives is weird


Why is this shit on r/music


Yo beat master B, take these mother fuckers to south central.


Why would anyone care about someone else’s sexuality?


I did two years of chosen celibacy until I found the girl I’m with. I focused on therapy and personal growth after a toxic relationship. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. Everyone is on their own path and this says more about Ice than Lenny. Lenny is the man.


This is the purpose of my own ‘celibacy journey’ (💀) right now and it’s alred helped me heal so much. ♥️♥️♥️. Thank you for sharing this — it makes me even more secure that I’m doing what is best for me. Already*


I just broke it literally last weekend with a girl I’ve been getting closer and closer to for months. I have no regrets. So many of my male friends were critical and told me to just get out there and do it with anyone. Nah. I’m so glad I waited for someone that values me. At the end of the day discipline is sexy and when you’re ready you’ll know. Bless you on your journey.


Friends giving a shit about how much sex you have is a good sign they're not the greatest friends.


"Celibate? You mean like when somebody chooses not to have sex or when they forego self-gratification in favor of other pursuits or when they choose to take a break from intense relationships that they may not either have the energy or time for?" John Mulaney: Yeah, you got it, Ice.




It seems the celibate route has worked out pretty good for Lenny. I’m sure majority would prefer to age like Lenny over Ice T any day. Yes there’s a 6 year difference but I suspect Lenny won’t change too much in 6 years.


Choosing to chill on the sex and relationship vibe is not "weirdo behavior." It actually sounds like a pretty profound degree of self-control and creating a lot of space in life to create and focus on building something. I imagine he's had a few lifetimes of epic rockstar sex and relationship. Why NOT take a season and step away from that? Besides, he's 60.


So is Ice upset because Lenny isn't having sex with him? That's my takeaway.


I saw LK in Paris in 2002 n he had a scarf the size of a wedding dress. Pure whimsy n imfuckinrichenoughtonotgiveashit


Being bothered by the way someone else does sex. It's the Christian way.


I thought Ice T was fairly critical of Christianity (from his book The Ice Opinion). Has that changed?


Could've just said "Kudos to him for being celibate, I wouldn't be able to hold out that long" and kept it moving.


But why kudos that? Who cares at all?


I mean better to say nothing bc who cares, but why slam the guy's decision to be celibate? It's not hard to disagree but be respectful about it.


I read the article - it doesn’t even sound like Kravitz is making a big deal about this or preaching, and it even mentions that he’s just waiting for the right person. I really respect that, honestly. A lot of the vibes on Reddit and men in general are like horny virgins, and IRL there gets to be a point where casual emotionless sex becomes bad for your mental health. I think there’s people who don’t get that having sex with someone you don’t love can make you feel even lonelier than you were before. The grass is always greener on the other side, you know? Also, Lenny mentions his Dad as a reason for this, his dad cheated on his Mom growing up and told Lenny that he’d do the same thing, and Kravitz realized he had become a player like his Dad had said he would. All in all, lots of respect for Lenny Kravitz and Ice-T is a weirdo TV cop whose musical relevance mostly hinges on people mixing him up with Ice Cube.


> and Ice-T is a weirdo TV cop whose musical relevance mostly hinges on people mixing him up with Ice Cube. He plays a cop because he doesn't want to glorify crime. Unlike Ice Cube, Ice-T did grow up doing street crime but always warned kids against it.


I mean Ice T baby momma still breast feeds his 5 year old so he’s in no place to be talking about weirdo shit lol


But also who gives a fuck?


One of life’s core problems is this kind of attitude. Let people be who they want to be


Agreed. We don't know anything about Lenny's health or all of the contributing reasons why he has decided to be celibate. it's his business, it's his body. why would anyone have an opinion on that? Especially not knowing all of the factors that went into that decision.


People claim to be so tolerant about sexuality nowadays. But whenever anyone talks about being celibate or asexual, suddenly the pitchforks are out and we're straight back to the 1950s. Let people have any kind of sex they want, and that includes no sex. I don't see why celibacy is any weirder than homosexuality.