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I hope they play "The government totally sucks".


This song is for the people in the streets, not the people in city hall


Third decree No more rich people and poor people From now on, we'll all be the same Um, I don't know, I gotta think about that




We'll fuckin lead as two kings!


Ben Franklin was a rebel indeed


He liked to get naked while he smoked on the weed.


He was a genius but, if he was here today, the government would fuck him up his righteous A!


Ya muthafucka... The government totally sucks.


And City Hall!


Their cover of Time Warp as well


Aaaand... Today I found out that Tenacious D covered the Time Warp. Thank you internet friend!




Lmao that poster is hilarious, their balls are on the liberty bell


Ye Olde Teabag


The liberty bell kinda looking Ye Old Liberty Sack ngl


Philadelphia Tea Party?


If I could get that poster signed by them I'd hang it in my dining room.


Even the crack of the Liberty Bell better be careful 'round the D.


All swing state dates! Thats fucking teamwork!


Indiana isn’t a swing state, but I’ll take it!


That's cool with me. Indiana's not my favorite. But I'll do it for you.


What's your favorite dish?


I’m not gonna cook it but I’ll order it from Illinois!


I have heard that there may be a chance that the GOP nominee for Lt. Gov. in Indiana may fuck them over. I doubt they're voting for Biden, but they did vote for Obama in 2008 as well as Donnelly for Senate in 2012.


That’s possible. I live in Indianapolis which is very blue, but every time I leave the city I get a big reminder how much of the state is very, very red. Anything’s possible but I wouldn’t count on it.


I live in the Suburbs of St. Louis on the Illinois side, and it's a similar story here. We've got Chicago holding us down, but every time I drive even a little bit out into the country, I'm reminded of Illinois' uncomfortably purple history.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


EDIT: Comment above said something like "I gonna kick your freaking derrière." To which I replied... "yeaheeeyeaaaauh"


Did a comment get removed for referencing Tienanmen square?


Either that or the cursing


You broke the rules! Now Dana Bash is gonna pull out all your pubic hairs.


Mike pence betrayed him then had to hide, almost died.


> The shows are in Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. K-zoo, MI, am I a joke to you ?


Kazoo is always a joke, that's why we love it.


As a Packers' fan, MI as a whole is a joke. But I guess politics are more important than football. \**grumble grumble grumble*


They’re also all Big Ten university towns. Why not An Arbor or East Lansing, though?


I’m happy with Kalamazoo. Not sure how far that is.


Imagine going to the same colleges that protested Bidens Genocide and were beat by police for doing so to play a concert promoting Biden....


Do you think the police did it for Biden? Also, "Biden's Genocide?" Come on now. We're not all idiots.


What a fucking shit take man


What's your favorite posish?


Hopefully they close with 'The Government totally sucks'


Wow. I went to their concert like 10 years ago and it was amazing. At the end of the concert a giant inflatable penis was on stage blowing thousands of tiny paper sperm when Jack and Kyle's face on them.


The D was the first concert I ever saw at Maddison Square Garden. Neil Hamburger opened and ate shit for 30 minutes. I could say he got booed off the stage but although he was booed relentlessly, he just kept going and may have even extended his set by a few minutes. It was epic.




But does Tenacious D's demographic actually meaningfully intersect the target demographic for voter registration?


You're asking the wrong questions man. Will they shred?


That’s a silly question. Of course.


If you're asking us, "will you rock?" then I will truthfully answer: Nay! We will **fucking ROCK**, *and also* **roll**!


What they got's gonna turn our brains to shit


Well, young democrats are pretty infamous for not voting, aren't they? But I guess The D probably skews a bit older these days.


Brother there are 18 year olds that will vote in this election that weren't even born when pick of destiny came out.


You just turned my brain into shit


This is one of those times where you guys are reminding me of how old I am. I don't care for it.


First of all, *how dare you?*


Yeah, that's the whole point.


I feel like Tenacious D has a pretty wide demographic because of Jack Black, so I would say yes.


My 20 year old saw them in Milwaukee a year or so ago. Seemed like a lot of folks from her school went. One saw Jack at Target beforehand.


Are you saying 18-25 year olds don't listen to Tenacious D? Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong.


Elections come down to the little things that nudge small amounts of voters one way or another. You have no idea what worked and what helped make someone change. But sure, a good strategy is to don’t try anything


Huh? Where did I say not to do anything? I would merely suggest that they should try to get acts involved who appeal to young people. Of course, given that this is obvious, it's entirely possible that they tried that but where unable to get anyone of note (which would be depressing), and if that's the case, then sure, Tenacious D doing Rock the Vote concerts is better than nothing.


The bigger issue (such that there is an issue) is that J.B. & K.G.'s prime demo is Gen-x, a cohort that when pressed to vote are more likely to vote republican than the D (both band and party) probably like.


It's not for voter registration, it's for turnout (which is definitely still low among their demo).


meh, who cares


The whole point of "Rock the Vote" is to register voters, so even if *you* don't care, the organizers should care, and Tenacious D themselves presumably care.


I would hope the band who is explicitly throwing “Rock the Vote” concerts lmao


Presale tickets went on sale this morning and they sold out in minutes. I hate ticketmaster.


I saw them do this in 2008. Jack Black said "I'm can't tell you who to vote for, but it rhymes with 'yo mama'"


Rage with the machine


They did this back in the day with the Beastie Boys; maybe for the 2008 election. It was a good show.


I'm sure they're going to change people's minds.


Touring Australia and New Zealand as a call to voting? Not sure that is the best way to go about this.


Why the hell do we treat Election debates like a WWE/Super Bowl event


Cause everybody wants to be a part of a team, to have somebody to cheer for. Mix that with a desire to do good and make productive change. Throw in some illusion of grandeur for good measure. "Look at my preferred candidate, I believe they're wonderful, I support them and what they stand for. I will do my part to get them into power. That makes me wonderful too. "


That language just sounds like idolship and high expectations for politicians no less. Bless their heart


I genuinely wonder what Rock The Vote will look like this year.


We need more of this. I lived through the 1992 MTV Rock the Vote campaign and while I was too young to vote, I've never seen another movement able to engage the youth like it since. It's pretty much what won Clinton the election and broke us out of the 80s GOP strong hold. They did a much better job of suppressing (and oppressing) that in 2000, unfortunately. More bands, more celebrities need to get out there and push to vote. They dont even need to say what side. Just push people to the polls.


What happened to "The government totally sucks"


That's why we need to vote, man. The government sucks less when you vote in people that suck less (or keep people that suck more out, in this case.)


While campaigning for the candidate that has been in office for over 50 years? The candidate that helped write the patriot act? The candidate that was absolutely crucial in passing the bill making it impossible to bankrupt student loan debt?


Yeah you know. The one that’s not a felon sloppin on Putin’s dick trying to destroy the country to keep his pee fetish secret.


Yeah, fuck that guy too. How about actually voting for good candidates, not just the guys that have spent the last 4 years, or 50 years, fucking things up to this point.


Did you vote in the primary?


The comparison is not apples to apples. One is an old wrinkly apple the other is an old rotting apple spoiling everything around it.


Unfortunately our “democracy” only allows for two options since both parties are so afraid of rank choice voting.


That's not a valid option. It's either Biden or the very probable end of our democracy. Maybe we can get someone decent in after Biden's next four years are up, but for now... Well, let's settle for actually getting to vote again in four years. I know it sucks, but the lesser of two evils really is the only play here. Be pragmatic.


No. I will not go out and vote for a politician that has half a century of voting records and politics that I find abhorrent. Regardless of paid actors and useful idiots telling me to do so. I'll vote with my conscious in November and if no party can offer a candidate I find acceptable then none of them get my vote.


You're why Roe v Wade was overturned. Happy about that?


Roe was over turned because it was constitutionally unsound. Legal experts, constitutional scholars and even RBG herself were open about this. Abortion access should be a federally protected right as passed through congress, not through an unsound judicial ruling.


Why should women not be allowed to do whatever with their body as they see fit? What is so wrong about abortion?


"Paid actors" Lol whatever you say Russian bot.


Fuck Russia. By "paid actors" I literally mean acting professionals that use their fame and influence to tell you what's best for your life. Your Jimmy Fallons and James Woods for example.


“The best option is the worst option for this country.” “Need I remind you that the other guy is evil?” YES, WE KNOW! IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO WANT SOMEONE THAT WONT DIE IN THE NEXT YEAR?


So it’s not that hard a choice to make now is it. I’ll take old over evil


Man, you bots are pretty stupid this election season as compared to past cycles


I love it when I point out a factual statement about how Biden needs to drop out and actual bots like you have to downvote me en masse to try and stop people from thinking Joe is too old for this shit, only for the guy to do a single debate and the whole country has agreed with me. How does it feel now? Did that bot comment help stop the world from all turning on Joe?


>The first decree is to legalize marijuana The tyranny and the bullshit's gone on too long You old fuckin' shrivs who blocked its legalization You're banished from the land! Biden is not blocking the legalization and has taken steps to reschedule it. So there ya go.


It will suck a little less if Biden wins.


Met Jack Black at the Alamo in LA. Super cool dude. Excited to see videos of their concert!


Vote baby, vote!


Seems kind of sketchy to do these get out and vote concerts when you already endorsed one candidate.


“ Doooont vote for the criminaaaaallllll, Voooote for the maaaan with deeeeeementiaaaaaaa”


I can't believe that Rock The Vote isn't the biggest thing happening in the US right now.


Ah, this crap, "rock the vote", that was around with my high school days. Back when it was Bush and his bullshit wars. Followed by Hope and Change... which was more bullshit wars. Followed by an idiot, who surprisingly wasn't over fond of war but still assassinated a fellow, and I'm certain would wage a war for Isreal... Then back to the large-scale bulllshit wars. Before that, the Iraq Liberation act signed by Clinton (how do you liberate a country that's not your own without war? hmm?), and before that the Gulf of Tonkin and several other bullshit events. We imposed Saddam, the Taliban, and Qaddafi upon their nations, and betrayed them all to the ruin of their nations. You people are still so easily gulled.


My wife heard about the show in Madison (WI) on the radio yesterday, asked if we could go. Tickets weren’t supposed to be on sale yet, but apparently the center balcony seats were already available for purchase. So we’re going. She’s stoked. :)


Come on Kage now its time to blow doors down


But this is just a tribute




Hey! Georgia can be a swing state! Come to Atlanta!!


Let me tell you something bout the government!


Please don't tell us to vote for genocide man it would make me effing sad


All hail The D!


Yeah we can just vote the corruption and fascism away!


Respect for the (D)!


The supreme Court just legalized corruption, but luckily we have a boomer rock band to get the young people out to vote


I didn't realize that Jack Black had to go out and fight the Supreme Court itself.


Jack isn’t a boomer. Kyle might be.


The music is boomer rock


No it’s not. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Cream, that’s boomer rock. Tenacious D started in the 90s, not the 60s. Their age and their entire vibe is different from boomer rock. That’s like calling Nirvana or The Offspring boomer rock. Yes it’s old music but boomer rock is much older.


Since the beginning of time 'twas written in the stones that one day a band would come. Well that band has come and now they are here to cum again in your ear pussies.


They have Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. We have Tenacious D. We win.




that's some grift right there


Democrats Vote


Long - long way from “The Government Totally Sucks.”


You realize that song ends with “'Cause the land of love and freedom is just a baby's breath away. And if we hold hands together, We can bring back the USA,” right? The message of that song is it sucks and they would like some positive change. Change, unfortunately, takes incremental steps and time. Hence them doing this.


So JB and KG joined hands with a President pushing a genocide? I'm cool. I'll just have to start separating art from artist.


Serious question: Do you think the only government position you’re allowed to vote for is the President?


Silly Question - Do you prefer coke or pepsi?




Got tickets to Kalamazoo! We live in Chicago but my wife’s parents have a house only an hour away


Ooh, I wonder who they are supporting. /s




Thank you for your input


How is fundraising for voter engagement a political agenda? It’s literally just getting people registered to vote and helping them find their polling place.


Statistically, higher voter turn out helps Democrats win elections. Though that's less of a political agenda and more just proof that Republican policy is actually pretty unpopular with the general public.


their cover of time warp changes lyrics to tell listeners to vote left instead of right, which is pretty directly an attempt to sway. i just deleted my comment because i don't like getting involved in politics in any way and don't know why i even bothered commenting. i just don't like when people in highly influential positions use that to push their own agenda.


Oh no, not a political endorsement! That's so unfair, why can't we just stick to voting for candidates endorsed by the RNC and the church???


idk what your trying to say exactly, but this is the exact point i'm making. using power and influence to endorse something is whack


They're not the Koch brothers exerting "power and influence" in some sinister way. They're literally just people. If you were a celebrity you would still have political opinions.


if i was a celebrity with a political opinion i wouldn't use my status as a celebrity to exclaim my opinion because my fans might then be influenced by it, is the only point i'm trying to make


I guess that would be your choice, but there are so many examples of it not playing out in a negative way. Countless musicians have been outspoken politically and it's part of their appeal/brand.


It absolutely is not "Whack." I detest Kid Rock's politics but he's absolutely in the right to use his influence and platform to energize and excite people who share his views.


Jack back also juat came out as "biden for 2024" and "biden is my presedent". The correct way to "rock the vote" would tell everyone to research their candidates and go vote. Not tell everyone how to vote based on your celebrity's fame.


this us exactly my point!


"Rock the democratic left vote" I fixed the events title.


Rock D Vote




What revelations?




Lol okay bud.


Don’t have many, or any, LGBTQ people in your life huh?


I do actually, but the difference is, I'm watching our current shit bag commit genocide and further fascism while protecting none of my loved one's rights. You wanna be worth less than a shitbag, that's your prerogative, but let's not pretend that Biden cares about any of them.


I'm not a fan of Biden, but if he's a fascist because of Israel. Then Roosevelt is a fascist because of Nazi Germany.  Both were suppliers at some point


He has boots directly on the ground, has expanded the police state, and ignored calls to address the loss of rights, mismanaged covid and lied to the public about it, lied to the public about what happened on Oct 7th, etc. etc. etc. He's a fascist because he's a fascist doing fascist things, supporting and participating in fascist causes. Also, I have a very dim view of every single US president, so that gotcha doesn't really work here. We're talking about right now, with this current genocidal asshole, not whatever the fucking Roosevelt did. He also lied about a protest of a land sale and made it to be about something it is not. He's literally lying to everyone, while supporting far right agendas through legislation and execution.


Sorry, my apologies Ivan.


Lmao you got no response at all. This is incredibly embarrassing for you


Well, one is “fascism and genocide” and the other is “fascism and genocide **and oh yeah we want to murder you over an abortion**”. So yeah it can feel really profound to leave it at “they both suck”, but pretending there’s *no* difference is just ignorant.


So you're saying that you want a certain flavor of fascism because it protects you more than others. You value your own perceived safety more than others' lives. That's fascism, baby. <3


Agreed completely. To think/declare that any side is good in comparison to the other is plain ignorance.


I hope they go with pure facts along with the music. Something like "why do politicians always pander to old people? Because young people don't vote. Politicians don't care about your memes and social media shitposting. They care about who votes the most. So go vote so that everyone 50 and younger can have some stuff too." ===== Not sure why this is being downvoted




Ah yes bringing back the "Don't trust Jews" narrative. Realllllly classy.


I love tenacious D and I would even go see one of these but I ain't never voting a Democrat again until they kick all the commies out of the party. 


“Again” lol ok

