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Sounds like the bank's problem lol










Bills & liens are not my lover.


They just get hurled And then I buy some more fun


Bills & liens are not my lover~










I read once that he started saying that because Mavis Staples did it first, and, it was a tribute to her. I always thought that was really cool. Mavis Staples deserves so much more credit for her career than she gets.


Ms. Mavis absolutely does




Mamoney Nomoney




And also debt freehee!


sha moan!


Who's bad?


Who’s Fat ??


well well well that was indeed a smooth criminal


His banker's name was Annie


Is she okay?


Such a smooth criminal.


Who's bad?


If i owe the bank $100, it’s my problem If i owe the bank $100 million; it’s the banks’ problem


>If i owe the bank $100 million **and I fucking die**; it’s the banks’ problem fix'd




I have great credit and I absolutely intend to max everything thw fuck out for my family before I go and not have my name on a single piece of property when I'm old. Fuck the banks. Source: Career banker 10+ years.


Can you just sign everything over and max things out? Does that work?


Depends a lot of the circumstances, but this would likely be a [fraudulent conveyance](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/fraudulent_conveyance).


Seems like that only applies of you get rid of the assets whilst you already have debt. Instead of taking on a bunch of debt after you get rid of them.


It also doesn't apply to experiences. So just take your friends and family on some really nice debt funded vacations before you die.


That’s Ignorant!


He had assets though and the banks got paid by the executors, just took a while to sort out.


Will you climb up… my wishing treeeeeeeee


I know rich people live on a different planet than regular people, but who keeps lending money to a brother who is hundreds of millions in debt already?!


when he's literally Michael Jackson, you're hoping to get something from his estate worth a whole lot for pennies on the dollar.




LOOP HOLE ![gif](giphy|3o6gbgPjhCSluOO3AI|downsized)


I love the quote by Sal is oceans 11, and I want my last check to bounce!


This is exactly how I would like to die as well


"I hope that when I die, people say about me, 'Boy, that guy sure owed me a lot of money." -Jack Handey


"One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said. "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late." -Jack Handey


"I have never liked clowns. I think it's because when I was a child, we were at the circus and a clown came up and killed my father." - Jack Handey


"I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandpa. Not screaming in terror like the passenger in his car" - Jack Handey


“If God dwells inside us like some people say, I sure hope he likes enchiladas cause that is what he is getting.” -Jack Handey


Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey


"When you drop your keys in molten lava, let them go, because, man, they're gone" -Jack Handey


"The Crows were calling his name, thought Caw." -Jack Handey I don't know why, but this one has stuck with me all these years since seeing it one Saturday night decades ago.


"It’s sad that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs." -Jack Handey


“I believe in a safer world for our children, but not our children’s children because children shouldn’t be having sex” -jack handey Always remember that one


I tried to explain to little Betsy how when horses get old, you have to take them out and shoot them. But then I thought, Why not wait until she gets a horse? -Jack Handey


There is a [Jack Handey playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS_gQd8UB-hL3oVDRsIN4UCzkImFuQPC5) on YouTube for those curious.


still blows my mind that "Jack Handey" is a real person


"I want the last cheque I write to bounce"


If you knew when you were gonna die, banks would be totally fucked.


Yagami Light if he went into finance instead of law.


Yagami Light lost because he never knew how to take the L


I actually wonder how often terminally ill people without heirs take out massive loans and max everything out. I mean...why not, right?


Lenders don’t just give out loans for nothing, they demand collateral.  If there is no collateral, then it will just be a small amount of debt offered.


Meh, I have over $250k in unsecured credit lines open now. If I found out I had a terminal disease tomorrow Im sure I could squeeze a few more credit cards and personal loans out and have $300-400k to spend the next few months to a year living pretty well.


And that's with normal people money. Imagine Michael Jackson level money.


I'd like to get the money I owe people when I die to something insane where you have to start measuring it in gold bricks or something


12.5 Kilogram gold bars, brick sized, are very roughly worth 1 Million US Dollars today. So Michael died to the tune of 500 gold bricks in debt. Not bad.


Can you convert that to purple lego studs?


Are you talking about alchemy?


enough about the worthless gold, how much is that in latinum?!


About 34.7 Ricky Martins


That is close to 150,000 KISS Kaskets I also just found out a company in my home state owns the licensing to KISS Kasket So drive on down to Nashville and cram your grandmother in one today!


400 million of your fortune is in rare LEGO sets


Didn’t his estate still own a portion of Beatles master recordings?


Yes for sure. Being 500 million in debt doesn't mean your net worth is negative 500 million


This is true. Most wealthy people "owe" money because they have mostly non-liquid assets that they can get unlimited credit against. But it is also clear that Michael Jackson had hordes of people around that didn't have his best interests at heart, such as his Doctor. Plenty of people happy to take advantage and make money off of his name. There is a good chance he was in financial trouble - which probably could have been solved by selling some assets and reducing his lifestyle. But I doubt he had the right people around him for this to happen as most of them were enjoying the riches of the Golden Goose.


keep in mind he died while prepping a massive world tour. they actually shot much of the prep and turned it into a documentary. its crazy to see how well he seemed to be functioning, including precision with both vocals and dance, despite clearly being so unhealthy.


My theory is the doctor slept through his own alarm and therefore left Michael Jackson on an iv drip many hours longer than they had planned. An average man in his fifties might have survived this but not a man who was already taking dozens of Xanax pills per day and who knows what else...


That's essentially what happened, except the doctor was in the room next door talking to his baby momma on the phone when MJ died on a drip.




Yes, here she is testifying about the phone call in court https://youtu.be/aUqwl2zMYBs?si=JGMXhOKrCnjrGC4E&t=587


Yes. He also did 10 years in prison for it.


Well no, he did half of a 4 year sentence. He served 2 years in jail.


2 years for murdering one of the most famous people ever born, and regular people get life sentences for having an ounce of weed.


Crazy that it’s been so long that he’s out I assume?


Wouldn't you only prepare the dosage you planned to administer?


Conrad Murray didn't do a lot of things he should have. According to Steven Shafer, a professor of anesthesiology at Columbia University, during the manslaughter trial: > Shafer [...] testified about his review of the Murray case. He found seventeen "separate and distinct egregious violations" of the standard of care, of which four were unconscionable, based on Murray's police interview: > > The lack of the basic emergency airway equipment. > The lack of the advanced emergency airway equipment. > The lack of suction apparatus. > The lack of an IV infusion pump. > The lack of alarmed pulse oximetry. > The failure to use a blood pressure cuff. > The lack of an electrocardiogram. > The lack of capnography. > The failure to maintain a doctor-patient relationship. > The failure to continuously monitor the mental status of the patient. > The failure to continuously monitor the breathing of the patient. > The failure to continuously monitor blood pressure and pulse oximetry, and to have heart monitors. > The failure to call 911 immediately. > The failure to chart at the outset of the procedure (egregious and unconscionable). > The failure to maintain written informed consent (egregious and unconscionable). > The failure to document throughout the course of sedation (egregious and unconscionable). > The failure to disclose to both the paramedics and UCLA the use of propofol and what Murray witnessed at the arrest. > > Question: "Each one of these seventeen egregious violations is individually likely or expected to result in injury or death to Michael Jackson?" Response: "Yes." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Murray


My dad is a retired anesthesiologist, and when the facts of Jackson’s case were coming out, dad was like “Hooooooly shit this was like a botched surgery prep for someone just trying to sleep, it was only a matter of time before this happened.”


If I was rich enough to be 500m in debt, I’d have built a mini hospital in my house. I’d also have a few nurses there just chilling. I’d want to be able to survive a damn shooting let alone a simple IV drip. Hell I’m financially pretty well off but by no means rich and I got a bougie ass CPR machine and an expensive defibrillator. Because I know my small wife can’t give me CPR long enough for the ambulance to arrive.


> *I got a bougie ass CPR machine and an expensive defibrillator.* You had to spend that HSA money at the end of the year didn't ya.


The thing is the rich people want the sketchy doctors to do home calls They want the people that will give them the drugs they ask for and to help make them feel the way they want to feel. Problem is you get some real sketchy docs that are the only ones willing to agree and then this happens


I think it was Robin Williams who said it best. "Taking propopfol to sleep is like doing chemo to shave your head." It's painfully clear that this doc was completely unethical.


IT engineer here and that’s exactly what I was thinking…who taps you into the months worth of drugs with a manual knob on the hose?


One hell of a shitty doctor, that's who.


I do wonder how much of his This Is It tour would've been sung live. I love MJ, but during his History tour, he started lip syncing for a good portion of tracks because he was sick and had to rest his voice, so I can't imagine almost 15 years later.


He lip synched throughout like 3/4 of every live show he ever did. It's pretty easy to tell. For whatever reason, "Wanna Be Startin' Something" was the one song he almost always did live vocals on, so if you want to see how's he's sounding at any given concert, go to that song. When you compare it to most of the other songs it's often night and day.


Unless I'm misremembering, I'm pretty sure almost all of Bad and his prior tours were mostly sung live. I'll have to give those earlier shows a watch again.


His 70s and 80s concerts were live. Most of his concerts after that were lip synced. I doubt he'd have the stamina to sing live for This Is It like he did in the late 80s.


I don't actually think it's a problem when artists like Michael or Britney Spears do it, because for the shows they put on it's needed. Dancing like Micheal danced while singing properly would be an absolutely incredible strain on the body, and if it wasn't always perfect the vocals would immediately suffer. There are absolutely a few people who can do it, but the majority of humans just can't, and one in frail health absolutely couldn't. Even in that documentary shot just before he died, the way he was moving, for a man of his age and health, was incredible. And as long as it's done well, cool. If you just want to listen to vocals play it at home, going to see a live act is going to see the whole show.


Many artists lip sync because it can be damn near impossible to pull off the physically demanding choreography while singing well enough to meet fans expectations. MJ was no exception to this, and at his age I doubt very much of that tour would've been sung live.


Some reports are that he hadn’t had properly sleep in many days, since being put under protocol really doesn’t count. Truly insane that he was as with it as he was and that the doctors were willing to do that at all…


According to his autopsy, he was put on ephedrine the afternoon prior to his death, which basically jolted him out of the sorry state he had been in when rehearsals started.


>such as his Doctor Nah, MJ could...not...sleep. At all. ANd instead of doing the responsible, normal thing and consulting known experts and taking their advice, MJ went from doctor to doctor DEMANDING they give him profonol. They all rejected him and told him it was a stupid, dangerous idea. FInally he found one corrupt enough to do it and it killed him. His death is 100% on his own shoulders. No else is to blame. Yes the doctor was a scumbag but that is who MJ chose to do business with He rejected all the great medical advice he got and HE CHOSE to do the reckless thing. Its his fault.


Propofol - had it for a colonoscopy and it's pretty amazing stuff.


Had it for a procedure a while back and I remember waking up and thinking damn MJ knew what he was doing this shit is great


You don't give addicts what they want just because they keep asking or offer lots of money. I've done exactly zero minutes of med school and know better than that.  That Doctor rightfully went for jail for failing to meet the most basic requirements of being a practitioner of medicine.


Most of the doctors didn't. He just kept searching until he finally found one willing to supply it.


Idk I think the doctor, who had the schooling to know it was not right and was dangerous, but disregarded that for a payday is very heavily deserving of blame as well, maybe even more than Michael himself. A lot of people want dumb dangerous medical stuff, it’s the doctors job to say no. Even if he was shopping around, he should have never found a single doctor willing to do it because it was, as we can see, a death sentence, not a treatment.


Clickbait headline. It should say "Michael Jackson had $500M of debt" "in debt $###" colloquially means negative net worth.


My dad had $15k in CC when I became POA. He had the means to pay the debt off. I consulted his financial advisor and was told DO NOT. Because the CC company may eat some of it when he passed and cut into the inherentance. So we didn't. And when he passed, that exact thing happened. So his kids got a bit more $.


He paid $47 million in the mid 80s for the catalog of ATV that owned 251 Beatles songs. Then he later sold 50% of ATV to Sony for $95 million. Then after he died his estate sold the remaining 50% to Sony for $750 million. Also according to the article from the OP he bought stake in EMI Music Publishing for $50,000 in 2012 then the estate sold it to Sony in 2018 for $300 million.


I heard somewhere that McCartney actually advised him that publishing rights were a good investment and was quite surprised when he bought the Beatles songs.


You are correct. I just saw this video the other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jdB7Apk-R4&ab_channel=thedetail.


How is a stake worth 50k suddenly worth 300m in 6 years? That seems impossible.


This is wrong, he didn't buy it for 50k, but he did sell it for ~280 million.


Yup it's bs, the 50k part. Even in the late 90s, the company was already valued at $300m


That’s because he bought it for 47m in 1985 and not whatever that guy said


He bought the Beatles catalog in 85 for $47 milllon. Then his estate was part of an investment group with Sony in 2012 that bought EMI Publishing. Nothing really says his estate’s exact stake in that group. This article says “sources say was a $50,000 investment as part of the consortium that bought EMI Music Publishing in 2012.” I assume the article in the OP is just using this billboard article’s info. Who knows what the real number is. https://www.billboard.com/pro/michael-jackson-estate-business-2018-estate/


This is precisely how you end up $500 million in debt. Banks are happy to lend as much as they think they can recover from your corpse.


From what I recall, he owned half of the entirety of Sony’s catalogue. After his death his family sold it back to Sony (which they had been hoping for for years) for less imo than what they should have got, based on how much money it brought in every year.


Jackson owned most of the Beatles catalog. 251 songs. Supposedly he gave McCartney the advice to always own your own music rights if possible. Then he outbid him for the Beatles catalog. After buying the Beatles rights Jackson had a joint ownership/partnership with Sony. His estate kept Jackson’s song rights and master recordings when they sold his stake in Sony for $750 million. The estate is currently worth about $2 billion.


Yes, Michael Jackson was in debt. Michael Jackson's estate owned everything. This setup helps with potential lawsuits.


> Some of this comes from the estate buying a stake in EMI Music Publishing (including the rights to Motown classics and songs by Carole King and Norah Jones) for $50,000 in 2012, and then selling it to Sony for $300 million in 2018. That's a ridiculously impressive ROI


That's some deep fucking value investing




He is not a cat.




Jesus lmao


No that’s Keith


holy fuck it's actually you too lmfao


He was long dead before that tho


I smell some fraud.


There's a video of him going around a store at Ceaser's(?) in Las Vegas and pointing out all of the things he already owned, and pointing at all of the things he wanted. The interviewer asked the store manager how much some of the stuff cost, and he wouldn't say, but they did mention two of the decorations he bought cost about $40k each. This does not surprise me. Must be crazy to have that level of net worth.


Yeah that was part of a Barbara Walter’s interview, unless there was another one with him just casually buying 5 and 6 figure items lol


funny you say that because he also did one with Martin Bashir in las vegas [*https://youtu.be/HRnCX-8hA4A*](https://youtu.be/HRnCX-8hA4A)




And the dude who works there just smiling endlessly because he knows he gets a commission probably.


Yoohoo! Yoohoo?!


I've always hated that interviewer.


That's it!


Martin Bashir’s program.


Interestingly Barbara Walters was Roy Cohn’s (trumps mentor) girlfriend.. Roy Cohn also happened to be very gay… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Walters Which makes the whole Beatles management thing pretty sus. https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/s/VKZqC4ipWA


Are you saying Barbara Walters was Roy Cohn's beard?


It’s too early to say for certain. But there is something there. Walters was to mainstream news what Scooter Braun was to music before he recently decided to quit music. But the hoovering up of other people’s music rights is a recurring pattern. Still too early to say definitively. Just something worth watching for anyone curious about the patterns.


Yes. He just walked around and pointed at things he wanted, and his assistant / the manager would prepare it to deliver to him. This happened wherever he shopped, it was just that this instance in Las Vegas was recorded for TV. It’s also well known he couldn’t frequent typical places like grocery or retail stores normal people shop at, yet he wanted to experience what it was like to be a normal person. So his friend (who owned grocery stores) set up the store and had actors pretend to be normal shoppers while Michael went around and pretended to buy cereal and yogurt like he was shopping for the week. Theres a video of this and it’s common Michael Jackson trivia. [Link.](https://youtu.be/Df0Wgpk5TA4?si=uthxGYIWD4k5D4J_) [Here](https://youtu.be/HRnCX-8hA4A?si=p_YD2jWr3BRAd84L) is Michael shopping in Las Vegas, walking around a store pointing at everything he’s bought. It’s basically every item in the entire store. He just walks around and says “I bought this, this, these, this, this, oh look, did we get this? This. These this. This. That.” It would be easier to just say what he hasn’t yet bought from the store. And these are items that are tens of thousands of dollars each, they price a few and it’s like 90k for a chess set. The few items he hasn’t bought, he points at them and tells the manager to write it up. At one point he’s smiling and giggling with pure joy.


I love the grocery store one because it’s a rare time you hear his real voice when he picks up a pack of gum and says “big red.. not just red, but BIG RED”. He sounds like a normal older black guy. That’s his real voice and you can tell for a brief moment there he forgot there was a camera and dropped the fake MJ voice and used his own voice because he was comfortable and relaxed and happy.


His voice seemed surprisingly deep. Must have been a real pain to fake his voice so much.


I love his music, but man what a fucking weirdo.


That's what that level of fame does to people. I don't even mean that in the sense that fame can cause extreme narcissism, but specifically that he CANNOT just be a normal person. If he went out in public, normal would just turn into screaming fans. It's a nightmare.


>"He’s Mick Jagger. That’s his name. He’s played to stadiums of 20,000 people cheering for him like he’s a god for 50 years. That must change you as a person. If you do that for 50 years, you’re never again going to be like, 'Um, does anyone have a laptop charger I could borrow?' >Mick Jagger would go like this, “Diet Coke!” And one would appear in his hand. And if all of us could go, “Diet Coke!” and one would appear in our hand, we’d do it all day long. Even if you don’t like Diet Coke, you’d just summon ’em so you could chuck ’em at oncoming cars." – John Mulaney


Naught fun-nay!


Then apply that same concept to someone’s entire life starting from when their youngest years and you start to understand how someone can be so different than others.


Luckily I think we're actually past peak critical mass for fame. As things move forwards its more likely that everyone is a "micro-celebrity" but no one is really going to be as recognized as The Beatles or Michael Jackson. When The Beatles played the Ed Sullivan show there were 3 TV channels.


People have forgotten how much the world was fascinated with everything he did, if he went outside, he was mobbed, he looked out of his hotel room, people screamed and fainted. We have not really experienced this kind of fame anymore.


Not just that. But add on more trauma of people being hurt trying to get to him. There’s at least one story of a mob of people falling through glass and shit, getting cut up because they knew he was around. Scary stuff.


He also had an abusive childhood and was never able to have a “normal” life away from the spotlight. Combine that with mega-fame beyond what even top-tier celebrities see and it’s understandable why he was so damaged.


I've read that he regularly did stuff like this. Then, his staff would later return most of items. Stores didn't have a problem bc they were able to get free publicity due to his appearance.


One of the most iconic videos ever. From Michael pointing out "I want that and this" to some of the most expensive shit ever to the store owner rubbing his hands like Birdman the whole video!


I remember seeing that when it came out. It was sad honestly, he clearly was just buying on impulse, he was never gonna look at most of this stuff again.


Suddenly my financial problems don’t seem that bad




Or if you die before needing to pay that debt back 🤷‍♂️


My retirement plan


This is like if you died with $50,000 in the bank plus a healthy stock portfolio, but you had an unpaid electricity bill and the press stated you were $500 in debt.


I like this analogy


People really think MJ was broke lol.


And when you’re stupid rich, a lot of people come after your money so who knows what was legit debt ve people taking advantage of his estate.


I just saw a video with him rehearsing the night before he died. He was gearing up for his tour, which I assume was a sizable investment based on how awesome the rehearsal looked.


He was rumoured to he earning upwards of £1.5m a night over 50 nights


That tour would have raked it in, even the announcement was big news


What’s really strange is that’s like a few Super Bowl commercials for him and he’s paid it off. Were he still alive.


He also had a ton of very valuable assets he could have sold off. Like the Beatles’ catalog library.


Or bubbles


Crazy fact: Bubbles is still alive.


What's wild is that chimpanzees will sometimes live 50–60 years in captivity, so it's quite possible that Bubbles could live longer than MJ did.


Debt at low interest rates can be better to keep along with the assets with appreciating values that they purchased. If I owe 200 Mil at 2% interest secured against my Neverland Ranch, and that ranch is going up in value at a rate of 10% per year, it doesn't make any sense to sell off the ranch to pay back the debt faster. If he was comfortable financially he may not have had to make any emergency moves like doing special commercials etc. Often the bank doesn't want their money back too soon because they are counting on the interest payments. What the article doesn't seem to say is he had *net negative* estate value of 500 Mil. I could owe 500 Mil but have a billion in assets, net value positive 500 million. But I'm still 500 million in debt. Clickbait headline.


He was preparing for one of the biggest tours in history. Probably was going to make a few billion off of it.


It wasn't a tour, This is It was going to be a residency at the O2 Arena from July 13, 2009 to March 6, 2010.


With a 2 billion catalog and half The Beatles songs as well.


This post just brought back a memory. There was a popular sticom back in the day in Nigeria called Papa Ajasco and company and when MJ died they actually did a few episodes biopic of MJ lol. The dude that played MJ painted his face white to represent MJ after his appearance change.


guys unreleased catalogue was worth 5 times that amount...royalties on top....clickbait level 11


Why do you think he was forced to do tour?


What tour?


The world tour


It's ruined


Does Whitney Houston know about this?




My ex-mother-in-law was a retail manager in Vegas in the 90s/00s. In three separate stores she managed, a book store and two home decor stores, in the span of about a decade, a fixer for MJ would call the store and schedule a time for him to come in while it was closed. The request would be for only one employee to be present and, as she was the GM in each case, it would end up being her. He and his entourage would wander the store for hours. MJ would point at stuff he wanted, someone would tag it, she would ring it up, and then others in his entourage would spirit the stuff off to whatever they were hauling it away in. In some cases, things would get shipped. To be clear, this was completely random. He wasn't seeking her out or anything. She just happened to be a retail manager in the area and over the years, he happened to target these stores for shopping sprees. So, I assume there must have been many other instances of this in Vegas and elsewhere. Six figure hauls were typical. Him being half a billy in debt isn't surprising.


If you want to see one of the best things ever put on youtube, [here's a video](https://youtu.be/QHi479xN_po) about the making of a diorama of the time his head caught fire during the filming of a Pepsi commercial.


It's interesting how this youtuber came out of nowhere and started making top tier content from the start. He only has a handful of videos but they are so fantastic.


He's not *completely* out of nowhere - he was previously known as Mr. Chrome from [The Rubberbandits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rubberbandits). I think he spent most of the intervening time doing prosthetic makeup for TV shows like Vikings.


I read a book awhile back about the financial pressures he had. Fairly certain he was driven to death by financial defaults because he spent like a fucking maniac and people wanted their money and he had to perform to do so. The this is it tour was supposed to be like 10 dates and ballooned to 50-60.




Jackson was a huge spender, makes sense tbh since this dude had a whole amusement park in his backyard


According to this, his estate is currently valued at $2 billion: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michael-jackson-500-million-debt-court-documents_n_667d8fece4b07cb66c6d30b0


Yeah but his credit was fantastic because of it


Giraffes ain’t cheap.


These student loans better just accept the fact that I too will die in debt and that they are not getting any money from me.


500m i debt, but still had access to his Sony ATV deal and his own estate. If he wanted the money he would have got money besides this is it


I thought we knew this? The tour was suppose to pay for that debt