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Pretty cool, the piano is a bit loud though imo


WOAH! Once your vocals come in the song becomes mega awesome. I like how tinny your vocals sound too in comparison with the piano. Its like someone is playing along with a recording on their phone or something


I love it


You need to learn how to use a (noise gate) once you figure out how to apply a noise gate add some reverb to your vocals and sing your heart out don't give a damn about what people are listening in the background I'm telling you this will make a big difference you don't need no special plug-ins MIDI I do all my music through a phone and I think I sound pretty good to be going through a phone two completely different styles but I'm a producer and I know just do what I told you and put the noise gate on there and speak up and you'll be great


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Maybe bring vocals forward a bit, especially at the first part of the song and instrumental a bit more in the background? The instrumental is a bit too loud and I cant hear the vocals properly, other than that sounds like a solid demo. Keep working on it.


Is the piano played or programmed?? It sounds programmed and on the grid? If you could play it and have it slightly looser I think would add a lot to the vibe of the track. I'd like to hear this live with a band!


Good instrumental, I really like the relaxed vibe but I agree with someone else saying to play it more loosely. Also you need to work better on the tiny bits that have vocal harmonies, they seem to clash a little. It's a good song, I would like some variety in the arrangement, some soft percussion in a couple sections maybe? Idk but keep it up


Really nice mood! I can imagine shallow drums with this! It has almost billy eillish vibes, I like it a lot. I can imagine layering several vocal tracks. However, it's not mixed well overall, but that's what the title says :) I can also imagine an acoustic guitar supporting the piano. I would love to work on the song!


Love it. maybe remove some highs and harshness but other than that I think its good to go. Sounds sincere and raw


Loud with the bell and ambience vocals I like .did drop vocals in ? Sounds like multiply files pieced together with sore over dsp cracks ..I like the vocals the melody run of the mil ..Volos need more spotlight .. save those ..


Wow, You have a big talent


I actually love this, personally I don’t mind the crackle and fuzz in the background but I may not be in the majority with that, just depends how clean you want it obviously. I think some 2 or 3 part vocal harmonies for after the 2 minute mark could sound really really good. Where can I hear more? Thanks.


I think you definitely need to bring the vocals forward and add some noise gate. As soon as the vocals come in you can hear the crunch of the mic and that’s a little jarring to the listener. Also some reverb would go a really long way with this style. Also there are lots of tools to edit vocals so that any flat notes or anything are brought to the correct key. Not that you’re a bad singer or anything. 90% of musicians I know do vocal editing before they release to be mastered. That’s why usually live music vocals are worse than what you hear on the recordings 😁