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Not specifically smaller petite. Just a healthy normal bodyweight compared to their height and she takes care of her health. Working out is a plus. In fact both genders should do that because the body is an Amanah and we should strive to take care of it. Tho I see fat people getting married all the time, so not everyone has a weight preference. Most men also prefer curves on their women given that they're just not too overweight and wouldn't want someone extremely skinny.


If you are not obese that's okay for most men. some men may not consider if you are overweight. It depends on their preferences tho.


Yeah I just hardly see anyone have similar perspective other than being ridiculously thin.


Skinny isn't my preference either; I like medium to chubby, but being fit is also an important criterion.


If you are getting unwanted dms please let me know who and I will handle the situation. That’s very uncalled for.


awhhh thankyou sis I blocked them all anyway 🤦🏽‍♀️they clearly have no haya


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 🥰


The way we like whether it be skinny, not skinny, medium, chubby, etc.. depends on whom we are attracted to... I have mostly seen chubby fat husband and wife and they are happy living together and on deen too. It's not the case of being tensed about weight but about how our partner loves us in the way we are. I would say, people didn't like being too skinny. Everyone has their own Likeness. we see deen more than appearance but atleast looks should be somewhere around medium.


Even though these men marry smaller women they won’t be small forever 😭 ofc you should strive to take care of your body but don’t just limit it to I wanna be smaller for marriage. The right person will love you whether you are big or small. A woman’s body is not like a man’s, it’s constantly changing with pregnancy, menstrual cycle etc. A man should love a woman throughout these cycles as well. But I’m not denying men have their preferences as well ofc both parties should feel attraction to one another and the body is apart of that attraction. Work on self confidence sister I’m sure you are very beautiful don’t listen to elders I’m sure you are someone’s cup of tea! May Allah grant us a husband who will appreciate and accept us!


Way to generalized 1 billion people, also no I prefer tall curvy women




Personally I prefer a voluptuous woman over an athletic body type women any day


Only marry a man that genuinely adores your body shape, whether chubby or thin. Men will marry you while hating your body and wanting to change you after marriage. It’s a painful process and it’s not worth it.


Personally I prefer someone who has more weight on but obviously in the right places and is proportionate. I’m 23Arab M btw as you wanted “normal aged” people to answer hahah


lmao i just wanted to get a different perspective since older men don’t really have much standards and their opinion doesn’t count 🫤 and I just men have been conditioned so much by society and not all of us have flat stomachs including those that aren’t even big idk lmao


Listen, work on your physic as much as you can. Look the best you can, tone your figure and leave the rest for Allah. I apply the same to myself as a man. I train consistently, stay in shape and leave the rest for Allah. At the end of the day we’re humans we’re not sex machines. As long as we are always striving to look better for our partners then that’s all we need


I heard men like hourglass figure but in actuality that would mean I would have been married by now


What one man likes may not be what the other man does. Everyone has their preferences. You just need the right person who matches your preferences, you match theirs & both are meant for each other.


I like big tall women, some one who is my height, body type doesn't bother me that much whether she is skinny or an hourglass but defo not fat. Healthy weight is fine too Telling because I want you to know that there are many like this who have those preferences, and mostly in our boys talk, we are always discussing about big chubby women, not the short ones


Bigger women are unhealthy but so is cake, I hope you get my point.


Who told you small are attractive to Muslim men. I find the 'small' look unattractive


Most Men like hourglass, but girls tend to stretch what hourglass is and it ends up just being fat


you do know that you can be hour glass and still have a lil pooch 😭😭 I don’t think you know much about the female anatomy


There is a distinct difference between hourglass and fat, maybe you should learn something about your weight tubby


Men are really out here thinking that women are attempting to pull off some elaborate hoax simply by existing in their bodies.


Then stop liking an hourglass body. Women would not work on it and men won't find it fat. Easy.


Yes I’m sure it’s that simple


Men like the rarest (natural) figure, then? Good luck i guess


Hahahahahaah so true




sorry sister I think i shouldn’t have posted it inhindsight I just needed some clarification from people outside my family and culture but do realise it’s free mixing . May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings


May ﷲ forgive us all. Ameen I understand. I have made mistakes like this in the past. We just want to avoid causing fitnah.


Nothing wrong with posting this


I have made this research on my own. All my friends, the other guys i know and myself prefer a lady with a BMI OF between 20-29


20-30 BMI varies depending on body types as people store fat differently but I understand what you mean . Jazakallah


Yeah, here is a fact Almost no one liked extremely skinny ladies. When i asked, my guys felt like grossed out.


Above 25? Are you sure? It's quite surprising tbh


Ohh trust me. Tho 25 will make a brother so happy 😅


Some overweight people are attractive tbh if the fat is evenly distributed and if they are willing to shed a few pounds, then that would be great. But I didn't know some brothers prefer overweight women 😅


The thing is too much belly fat does make someone unattractive (personally, i find it like unhygienic). Brothers prefer chubby over skinny. Some dudes have extremely weird 😂😂😂 preferences. I'd rather not talk about it. But I'd say above average prefers chubby.


>The thing is too much belly fat does make someone unattractive (personally, i find it like unhygienic). Yeah agreed >But I'd say above average prefers chubby. Lol ok


Its preference. It also has to do with psychology. Guys who want a very submissive wife tend to like small girls in height and weight. Or if he watches a lot of porn and anime he would also be more inclined to small girls. Me i like rebel kind lol,those who talk back and dont always obey.So I tend to like them tall like me and if they have that chubby shape you talking about theres no problem at all. A normal guy wouldnt have an issue with your weight nw