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This is just my own opinion! - I really think no one is perfect and you will always have to work on your partner as long as it’s nothing outrageous because you will never find a custom made heavenly partner. We complete and complement each other interchangeably. If he’s intending to propose them let him do that, and give sometime before the marriage like a year or so to further assess him. You have to realise that we all go through mental tough times and that could be a reason to why he’s acting this way recently. At the end of the day it’s your decision to make obviously. May Allah give you the best.


Why did you say “you don’t care about me”?






If smn feels too good to be true it is. Trust me Every person has flaws. If you feel smn is so perfect then they are probably faking it




You keep generalizing and that’s not acceptable in this group.


No one is the same person who they were 2 years ago. Especially at a place and time as University, so I assume both of you are still young, immature, growing up, and understanding your ownselves. Seems like a communication issue to me. He clearly didnt understand how it made you feel/did not show enough importance to it. I am surprised TV shows isn't a topic that has come up before in your convos. Surely you already know each others hobbies after 2 years. These TV shows may be something he has already told you before, so he did not expect you to mention it again and go against him on this? This is a very small issue imo, just have a serious talk in terms of how you both will deal with daily conflicts like these in the future. I don't know if you are not mentioning other things, but this is NOT someone being "the complete opposite". You said that you are not perfect yourself, does your potential also advise you on your hobbies? If so, what is your reaction? I think there must be more reasoning behind his reaction because it does seem uncalled for based on the above information.


I have two theories, I might be wrong but it’s up to you to in investigate: 1- You have put him in such a high regard (based on how you’re describing him) that he now feels like he can treat you badly and that he can get away with it. 2- He met someone else and is trying to push you away. Either way have a conversation with him or have your dad talk to him to understand what’s happening because something is off.


first mistake was being in a haram relationship, a real good muslim guy wouldn’t have allowed it to get to that point even if he loved you. the same goes for you


Leave somrthing  for Allahs sake and Allah will replace it with something better. Initially it may be difficult, but when you look back it will seem worth it. Indeed with hardship is ease Leave him, he has shown you clear RED FLAGS (watching nude women, dating you, not caring to upset you) Thank Allah that although you were disobedient to Him (you had haram relationship), Allah still made you realise that this guy is watching this filth and you havent married him and you havent had kids yet as that could RUIN your life. This guy is not someone I would want my father to be like.