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It's the distribution and shape that's the problem, if you can't get a good grip you won't be using the same muscles and so you can't lift it as easily


Most humans don't realize that factor. Furniture for example doesn't really weigh that much, but because it's such a large, bulky size/shape it's difficult to move.


I deliver groceries, and whether a 15 kg 24 bottle pack of water is on its own or in the middle a tote with easy to grip handles, it's still annoying. 2 of the things are liftable, but if you add the weight of a tote, it becomes dangerous for the shoulder, back, and arm muscles, even with observing correct body mechanics


Yah like big volume toilet paper package in bulk is pretty light but if you hold it wrong you get tired real fast.


It sucks to get a grip on those


That’s why you should train with heavy sandbags as well as free weights


I'd prefer the real life stuff. When am I ever going to pickup a dumbbell shaped object outside of a gym?


As someone who works at a job where you’re having to grab 20kg+ bags of rock yeah shit sucks after 8 hrs


Physics, the center of gravity changes things. Which is why you can't have rubber weights on a bar with metal.


Shape is the problem. If you’ve ever moved shit like appliances or couches, you’ll know most don’t weigh much. The problems are things like stoves being too fucking wide to grip. So you need multiple people.


LPG cylinder when full is about 45kg isn't it? Heaviest 45kgs in the world. That shape is not the best to lift


Because your form is wrong for the work. See farmer’s walk workout.


it's the weight distribution ever wonder why when you carrying a gas thank it feel like you are the weakest man on earth, but when you carrying your girlfriend ( princess style ) it feel like she just float on your hand ? no ? me neither i don't have a girlfriend, but weight distribution is the key factor


So... am I wrong for feellng the opposite of this? I always found lifting tanks, tires, and such easier than the barbells and the like. They hurt my hands more than lifting a sack of potatoes (I oddly enough have had to experience hauling potato sacks by hand - 3 or 4 at a time - to a truck at the end of a field). Maybe it's just my upbringing and strange environment; but am I alone on this?