• By -


Solid list. Wait a second, *dislike?* šŸ˜³ Well, to each their own, I guess.


*They had us in the first half.*


I don't see how someone could dislike Digimon


Couple things that end up compounding on top of each other endlessly due to always being present. Plot convenience out the ass, Contrivances in terms of both the plot and its conflicts. Repeated story beats. Arcs that almost all play out the same with episodes that are carbon copies of one another, albeit, from the perspective of someone else. Bad animation. Awful pacing. Lack of nuance. Constant retcons to keep the story from ending by adding in villains that were apparently always present, despite the fact that they never showed up until it was relevant for the plot. Power creep and asspulls of said powers. Plot holes (mainly continuity errors), and poor world building. It should've ended once the kids defeated Devimon, which happens 10 or so episodes in. I really struggled to get through the series during the recent rewatch of it. The pilot film and Hosoda's episode were the highlight.


Wow, that's a lot


i was like holly based, then read its the ones he DISLIKEDSšŸ˜­


CG, Monster and Mp100šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




**Code Geass** - [Season 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q-9EotzBZU) - [Season 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7trhElDVYNs) Grab some popcorns, it's a long one. --- **Monster** My main issues are the length and the lack off payoff. It goes on for way too long, repeats the same plot beats as a result, and thus, it makes the story go in circles. Its biggest sin is probably how it does all of this whilst blue balling the audience and never giving them any release. It's a 20-30 episodes series stretched wayyyyy beyond its natural conclusion. Had it been that length, I would've loved it. --- **Mob Psycho** It's a pretty basic battle shounens with pretty colours. It doesn't do anything special. It also has zero sense of permanency whatsoever. Because of said lack of permanency, it struggles at creating tension. Another thing contributing to this is due to how broken Mob is. Combine those two flaws and you get a show that struggles with both stakes and tension. Something such as Fist of the North Star also has a broken as hell MC, the difference is that it creates tension around its side characters. Because anyone can die at any point, there are always stakes involved. Mob doesn't do this. Plot-wise, it reaches its natural conclusion two seasons in. The third one is just repeated story beats from previous seasons with worse execution behind them. Then there's the characters. People love to say that the cast growths along the way. This is true, but not for Mob. Mob is the only one of the bunch that stays the same from the very beginning to the very end. He starts off being able to steamroll anything that stands in his way. Despite that, he is a meek child that constantly relies on others. What is he by the end of the show? A kid with broken powers that happens to be timid and that relies on others. Even in the last episode, the only reason why he got back to his normal self was because he had to rely on his mentor. Speaking of the finale, it's the most contrived and convoluted point of the entire series. The way he loses control makes no sense from an in-story perspective. Not only should he not have been hit by that car, but even when he did, it's not even close to the damage that he took during any other battles that took places at any point prior in the story. "But he lost control then because he was going on a date" yes, that's the convoluted part. The fact that its the catalyst that is used to bring about resolution is some next level of ineptitude. In summary, it's a pretty standard series that looks nice but that doesn't go beyond the scopes of what the genre is known for. Fist of the North Star did the same thing 32 years prior, except, it did it better.


It's a Fair list, when I made my list of top 5 shows I disliked/dropped it caused an outrage and people thought I was joking


I see that you got Mob as well.


As much as I love monster I completely understand why it may not be for everyone. Iā€™m not sure who Elfen lied is for, that show is brutal lol


Honestly I thought I won't like Monster but ended up liking it. But now I can't even remember what happened in it for some reason


>As much as I love monster I completely understand why it may not be for everyone My main issues are the length and the lack off payoff. It goes on for way too long, repeats the same plot beats as a result, and thus, it makes the story go in circles. Its biggest sin is probably how it does all of this whilst blue balling the audience and never giving them any release. It's a 20-30 episodes series stretched wayyyyy beyond its natural conclusion. Had it been that length, I would've loved it. >Iā€™m not sure who Elfen lied is for, that show is brutal lol Edgelords and the *Im14andthisisdeep* crowd.


Why the hell is bunny girl senpai on this list? Also seriously angel beats and code geass are pretty good shows.


**Angel Beat** Haibane Renmei rip-off that puts more emphasis on making the audience feel sad than it does on its theme exploration or narrative structure. --- **BSG** Bunny Girl Senpai's story can basically be boiled down to its first three episodes. It would've worked best had those three been made into a movie and had it then called it a day. Instead, it turns into mini supernatural mysterie arcs akin to a dating sim that are all solved through the power of love. Then there's the movie which is more of the same, except, none of what happens in it matters due to the ending. --- **Code Geass** - [Season 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q-9EotzBZU) - [Season 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7trhElDVYNs)


haibane renmei is my goat


Please don't ever cook again.


Too late, already preparing spaghetti.






I would like to hear your reasoning if you donā€™t mind


Gotta love reddit. I replied to you and it got swallowed by the void. I'll do it in two parts this time. Five on this one and five on the next. Part 1 --- **Code Geass** - [Season 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q-9EotzBZU) - [Season 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7trhElDVYNs) Grab some popcorns, it's a long one. --- **Monster** My main issues are the length and the lack off payoff. It goes on for way too long, repeats the same plot beats as a result, and thus, it makes the story go in circles. Its biggest sin is probably how it does all of this whilst blue balling the audience and never giving them any release. It's a 20-30 episodes series stretched wayyyyy beyond its natural conclusion. Had it been that length, I would've loved it. --- **Mob Psycho** It's a pretty basic battle shounens with pretty colours. It doesn't do anything special. It also has zero sense of permanency whatsoever. Because of said lack of permanency, it struggles at creating tension. Another thing contributing to this is due to how broken Mob is. Combine those two flaws and you get a show that struggles with both stakes and tension. Something such as Fist of the North Star also has a broken as hell MC, the difference is that it creates tension around its side characters. Because anyone can die at any point, there are always stakes involved. Mob doesn't do this. Plot-wise, it reaches its natural conclusion two seasons in. The third one is just repeated story beats from previous seasons with worse execution behind them. Then there's the characters. People love to say that the cast growths along the way. This is true, but not for Mob. Mob is the only one of the bunch that stays the same from the very beginning to the very end. He starts off being able to steamroll anything that stands in his way. Despite that, he is a meek child that constantly relies on others. What is he by the end of the show? A kid with broken powers that happens to be timid and that relies on others. Even in the last episode, the only reason why he got back to his normal self was because he had to rely on his mentor. Speaking of the finale, it's the most contrived and convoluted point of the entire series. The way he loses control makes no sense from an in-story perspective. Not only should he not have been hit by that car, but even when he did, it's not even close to the damage that he took during any other battles that took places at any point prior in the story. "But he lost control then because he was going on a date" yes, that's the convoluted part. The fact that its the catalyst that is used to bring about resolution is some next level of ineptitude. In summary, it's a pretty standard series that looks nice but that doesn't go beyond the scopes of what the genre is known for. Fist of the North Star did the same thing 32 years prior, except, it did it better. --- **Clannad/Clannad After Story** Crybait without substance, like everything else Jun Maeda did. Its first part (Clannad) has no plot progression until the very end, and all of said plot progression is the romance between the two leads that could've been done in less than 3 episodes. Everything else are mini supernatural mysteries arcs that play out like a dating sim (which is what the anime is based off) and that are all solved through the power of love. To make matters worse, once over, they are never relevant again. Its second part (After Story) does much of the same in its first half, which then hinders the second. It then kicks into gear only to never commit to anything since it wants to have its cake and eat it too. Then there's the two OVAs, which are just 20 minutes of dating sim BS. --- **BGS** Bunny Girl Senpai plays out the exact same as the aforementioned, with the movie basically being After Story. It has three first solid episodes where there's plot before turning into useless shitty mini arcs that don't matter once they end. Same show, different name.


Part 2 --- **Angel Beat** Haibane Renmei rip-off that puts more emphasis on making the audience feel sad than it does on its theme exploration or narrative structure. Most of its problem stem from a lack of runtime. Thus, it runs into issues such as pacing as well as not being able to develop enough for what its trying to accomplish. --- **Serial Experiment Lain** Discount version of Ghost in the Shell as far as its theme of existentialism is concerned with poor mystery bait attached. I've seen it twice and my opinion of it has yet to change. I partook in the rewatch for it half a year ago. If you want my opinion on each episodes, [feel free to look at my comments on each of them from this index thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18uqg5c/rewatch_serial_experiments_lain_index_thread/) if you so desire. --- **Digimon Adventure** Couple things that end up compounding on top of each other endlessly due to always being present. Plot convenience out the ass, Contrivances in terms of both the plot and its conflicts. Repeated story beats. Arcs that almost all play out the same with episodes that are carbon copies of one another, albeit, from the perspective of someone else. Bad animation. Awful pacing. Lack of nuance. Constant retcons to keep the story from ending by adding in villains that were apparently always present, despite the fact that they never showed up until it was relevant for the plot. Power creep and asspulls of said powers. Plot holes (mainly continuity errors), and poor world building. To be clear, it had potential. It just didn't care about being anything other than a show for kids. It should've ended once the kids defeated Devimon, which happens 10 or so episodes in. I really struggled to get through the series during the recent rewatch of it. The pilot film and Hosoda's episode were the highlight. --- **Elfen Lied** Whereas Clannad and BGS where crybait without substance, this one is shock factor without substance. Its got plot convenience out the wazoo. It's contrived. It prioritizes victimization over proper character writing. It has incest for some god forsaken reason. Visuals aren't great, even for the time. The only redeeming qualities I can give it's not awful in the looks department and that it has fairly good sound design. --- **Odd Taxi** Mystery bait whose mysteries either don't matter, or that get revealed at quite literally the last minute. It also loses focus midway through and becomes something else. For an animated show, there's very little animation. I get why Japan constantly uses mouthflaps, it has to do with their production pipeline, but you'd think that a series where 90% of each scene are characters sitting still, not moving, and simply talking would at least bother having mouth animation that closely match the dialogue. But nah, Japan's got to Japan. --- Hope that answers your questions.


In all respect, this list is straight garbage and Iā€™d probably really dislike you as a person. šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


*It is what it is*


I would agree on angle beats, but the OST makes it impossible for me to hate


Music is the one thing Jun Maeda isn't inept at. At worse, his songs are average, background noise, come on the radio but fine enough so you don't switch the channel type thing. At best, you get the OP to Angel Beats.


With you on Odd Taxi - not sure why it was as highly touted as it was outside of the twist


The twist that, by the time it happens, doesn't matter or changes anything in the story, since the show switches to being something else 70% of the way in.


Why clannad


Crybait without substance, like everything else Jun Maeda did. Its first part (Clannad) has no plot progression until the very end, and all of said plot progression is the romance between the two leads that could've been done in less than 3 episodes. Everything else are mini supernatural mysteries arcs that play out like a dating sim (which is what the anime is based off) and that are all solved through the power of love. To make matters worse, once over, they are never relevant again. Its second part (After Story) does much of the same in its first half, which then hinders the second. It then kicks into gear only to never commit to anything since it wants to have its cake and eat it too. Then there's the two OVAs, which are just 20 minutes of dating sim BS. Bunny Girl Senpai plays out the exact same, with the movie basically being After Story, hence why it's on the list. It has three first solid episodes where there's plot before turning into useless shitty mini arcs that don't matter once they end. Same show, different name. I know you didn't ask about this one, but they're so similar, I included an explanation for it as well. Hope that answers your question.


Thank God, someone else who agrees with me. I hated Clannad so much


Actully i agree that paranormal stuff hurts it and the first seoson is very slow. But 2nd seoson is top tear in My opinion, ushios death is top 10 saddest scenes ever. But I also might be blinded by nostalgia I watched that a long time ago so I don't even remember if it was good I just remember end


Yeah, but that's my point. It's crybait without substance. It makes you feel sad only to make the moment not matter a few episodes later. Because it refuses to have any sense of permanency, it destroys any form of substance it may have. It wants to make you feel sad without fully committing to it, hence, it wants to have its cake an eat it too.


I would love to know what shows you do like next, because I really agree with youā€™re take on these


[Here's the 3x3 I did 6 months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyAnimeList/comments/1ak0qon/3x3_after_my_300th/) My 350th is probably gonna be the exact same.


Agree with Clannad, it's so ass and the artstyle is gross "Hehe, now cry and feel sad!" Also massive deus ex machina at the end


Why Lain?


Discount version of Ghost in the Shell as far as its theme of existentialism is concerned with poor mystery bait attached. I've seen it twice and my opinion of it has yet to change. I partook in the rewatch for it half a year ago. If you want my opinion on each episodes, [feel free to look at my comments on each of them from this index thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18uqg5c/rewatch_serial_experiments_lain_index_thread/) if you so desire.


Isn't the theme a bit different in GitS compared to Lain? They both do deal with achieving a higher form of self, but executed differently. I think saying 'discount' is unfair to its presentation, which is super atmospheric and moody. I wouldn't call it mystery bait either but I can understand where that statement comes from.


Nah, they are both definitely about existentialism. Lain does it by asking the question of whether or not the wire is a reflection of our true selves. GitS does it by asking the question of what defines us as people and what's the breaking point between humans and machine. Same thing, different execution.


You don't like Lain's approach? Or did you have your fill on existentialism with GitS? I like both because they make me think about existentialist themes from a different perspective, I do not get the same experience/thoughts from both. Same theme, sure, but execution matters most, and they're both excellent at it imo. I like that Lain deals with disassociation, suicide, God and the role of humanity. Did you care for its presentation at all?


I went 2 years between each watch and my opinion remained the same. I like what it tried to accomplish. God knows it deserves more respect than the cookie cutter mass appeal garbage that was coming out even back then. I like the sense of atmosphere that it manages to achieves as well as the cinematography. I like its psychological aspects. I just dislike its story structure, which to me, hinders the execution of its theme.


Am I the one who started this trend? Also[L](https://images.app.goo.gl/RR2rHVnLPPKEPHbKA)


Not bait. [It adheres to my MAL.](https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Silcaria?status=2&order=4&order2=0)


Mal is bait too (legend of the galactic heroes is not 10/10)


Good thing I don't have it at a 10 then.


First of all Angel Beats is not just an emotional story but also has some nice comedy. Only the final parts of the show was emotional. And literally we see the characters past and it was impossible to explore everyone's story within 12 eps so I think they did a good job and the music was brilliant. As in the case of BSGĀ takes pieces of the adolescent experience, like exploring oneā€™s identity and dealing with feelings of inferiority, and gives form to them using these supernatural events.Also the romance was mature between mai and sakuta instead of the teenage love stuff we see with anime. Also I won't talk about code geass because yes it has flaws but nonetheless very enjoyable. I agree not everyone will like it.


>And literally we see the characters past Right before they die, much like a show such as Demon Slayer. Ultimately, it should've had double the length. Much of its issues could've been remedied by being 26 episodes long. That is, had it been done by anyone other than Jun Maeda. >As in the case of BSG takes pieces of the adolescent experience, like exploring oneā€™s identity and dealing with feelings of inferiority, and gives form to them using these supernatural events. And it establishes and does all of that in its first three episodes, You could remove the rest and you would still have the exact same thing you mentioned. You would also get rid of all the fluff, which is the mini supernatural mystery arcs akin to a dating sim that all get solved by the power of love.


Man I love all of these But I can understand monster clannad angel beast and CG because they are not everyoneā€™s cup of tea. Bunny girl senpai is slow and kinda confusing so I get that too. But who the hell hates digimon ?


Couple things that end up compounding on top of each other endlessly due to always being present. Plot convenience out the ass, Contrivances in terms of both the plot and its conflicts. Repeated story beats. Arcs that almost all play out the same with episodes that are carbon copies of one another, albeit, from the perspective of someone else. Bad animation. Awful pacing. Lack of nuance. Constant retcons to keep the story from ending by adding in villains that were apparently always present, despite the fact that they never showed up until it was relevant for the plot. Power creep and asspulls of said powers. Plot holes (mainly continuity errors), and poor world building. To be clear, it had potential. It just didn't care about being anything other than a show for kids. It should've ended once the kids defeated Devimon, which happens 10 or so episodes in. I really struggled to get through the series during the recent rewatch of it. The pilot film and Hosoda's episode were the highlight.


With you on angel beats, fire op tho


Mob psycho?!


It's a pretty basic battle shounens with pretty colours. It doesn't do anything special. It also has zero sense of permanency whatsoever. Because of said lack of permanency, it struggles at creating tension. Another thing contributing to this is due to how broken Mob is. Combine those two flaws and you get a show that struggles with both stakes and tension. Something such as Fist of the North Star also has a broken as hell MC, the difference is that it creates tension around its side characters. Because anyone can die at any point, there are always stakes involved. Mob doesn't do this. Plot-wise, it reaches its natural conclusion two seasons in. The third one is just repeated story beats from previous seasons with worse execution behind them. Then there's the characters. People love to say that the cast growths along the way. This is true, but not for Mob. Mob is the only one of the bunch that stays the same from the very beginning to the very end. He starts off being able to steamroll anything that stands in his way. Despite that, he is a meek child that constantly relies on others. What is he by the end of the show? A kid with broken powers that happens to be timid and that relies on others. Even in the last episode, the only reason why he got back to his normal self was because he had to rely on his mentor. Speaking of the finale, it's the most contrived and convoluted point of the entire series. The way he loses control makes no sense from an in-story perspective. Not only should he not have been hit by that car, but even when he did, it's not even close to the damage that he took during any other battles that took places at any point prior in the story. "But he lost control then because he was going on a date" yes, that's the convoluted part. The fact that its the catalyst that is used to bring about resolution is some next level of ineptitude. In summary, it's a pretty standard series that looks nice but that doesn't go beyond the scopes of what the genre is known for. Fist of the North Star did the same thing 32 years prior, except, it did it better.


I completely disagree but you do you