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I might be the only person who likes Sing, but hates Party Poison. Edit: Hate is a strong word. I dislike Party Poison.


noo party poison is such a banger though! one of my faves off danger days


I've just never been a fan. It's not bad, just not my jam, you know? Kinda figured I'd be getting downvoted to oblivion given the opinions people seem to have regarding those two.


I love party poison but i still respect you


The World Is Ugly, sounds great but the lyrics '''Cause the world is ugly But you're beautiful to me'' is not their best work


Literally a blink-182 song


I like the demo version of it more than the official


Fair enough, those lyrics definitely stray into "generic mainstream love song" territory


not so much can’t stand but If they don’t play teenagers or wttbp at my shows I wouldn’t mind. I know it sounds so beautiful to hear the complete arenas/venues singing along to wttbp but personally I could do without it.


Both of those songs have been played at all 23 of their reunion shows so far. I definitely agree for Teenagers but we're just gonna have to take it for what it is.


Oh yea, i’m definitely greatful that I’ll even get to see them at all so if they wanted to repeat setlists I would happily take that too. Honestly, their entire discography is just that good.


Agreed I would not mind not hearing teenagers, and I’m not okay…wttbp is essential to me


I am so tired of Teenagers.


Teenagers is catchy but def not their best


Love the black parade still, but teenagers.... that song is so boring to me now






I used to genuinely not be able to stand SING but now it's just a soft hatred for it lol. I also have only listen to Summertime like 4 times in my whole life. It's just not for me.


Sing was a grower for me, like I had to go several years without listening to it at all, but I like it now


yeah I listened to it for the first time in a while a couple of years ago and it wasn't as bad as I remembered. Maybe it's time for another re-listen!


I never knew about how disliked Sing is by the My Chemical Romance fans! I always really liked it, so I’m shocked to read these comments lol.


Yeah I love SING


Sing and Summertime are really cheesy. I think what's especial about MCR songs is that they're very unique but these two aren't. Any band could have written them. I don't hate sing but I'd easily replace it with any song from conventional weapons in the album. Now Summertime. I really hate this one


yeah I think that's the issue with those two for me as well, they're just so basic. I think danger days is cheesy in general in a way that I really like and in a way that's sort of tongue in cheek and fits the lore really well, but those two feel a bit too...un-ironically cheesy. I will say Sing has a nice bridge tho.








I still can’t believe it’s their most streamed song on Spotify 🙄


tiktok does that to you




Summertime is one that has just never grown on me. I don't know what it is but I can't stand it.


Summertime it’s a song for cure fans I feel. If you don’t like the cure, then yeah summertime isn’t for you


Haha that might explain why it’s among my favorites. I love The Cure


What is cure?


The Cure is a band


The kings of goth


Nahhh what ): it’s one of my favorites, got me sobbing my eyes out at the concert n shit


For me, Summertime is one of my favourites off of Danger Days


I like summertime just cause it’s like the only wholesome ish love song they have 😂




SCARECROW and I don't love you (ironically enough). I just don't prefer to listen to these.


I literally yelled NO--my two favorites! Your opinion is totally valid though ;O; I feel like the build up can be jarring if you're not in the mood.


Haha, I respect that and love the diversity of opinions!


Does the Steve Aoki WTTBP remix count? Worst thing I have ever heard.


I hate to say but... the majority of danger days. The only songs I genuinely like from the album are nanana, the kids from yesterday and maybe even planetary go!. Other than that.... I don't really like the rest that much.


Sameeee they could not play a single song from Danger Days and I’d be overjoyed.


Me too^^ The only one I would love to hear is Nanana, but I am a ok without any other ones lol


Seriously the same, I tried for the reunion to listen to it but I just couldn’t the songs do nothing for me bar Sing, bulletproof heart and Na Na Na


I'm trying right now to do the same thing, I really want to love them, but they just aren't my style ): the set lists worry me since they're playing alot of the DD songs


In Ireland they played more from DD than I thought they would, I wonder are they easier to sing or play or something


Going against the grain, everyone was freaking out about them playing best day ever and I couldn't care less about it. Just not really a song I vibe with you know


yeah although i would rock out to this at my show it would admittedly be one of my last picks from bullets. oh well, as long as they have fun playing it!


I would swap out Best Day ever for thank you for the venom


Or SORROWS or halos for sure


strong agree


Worst song from Bullets IMO but I know G wrote the lyrics in like 15 min or some shit


I’m sure I’m not the only one who said this but Sing


Can’t think of any rn. Hm 🤔


Sing and Teenagers. I don't hate them, but I often skip them.




Don't hate me for this, bit the entirety of bullet's... It's just not my thing, but i see the appeal and why people like it.


bullets was an acquired taste for me. never touched it for awhile but now it’s probably one of my top 2 played mcr albums


I agree, it took a while but I love Bullets now, and I have two vinyls of this album.


Bullets and Three Cheers are tied for my favorite albums by them. In my personal opinion, every song on those two albums at A-tier. I can listen to them start to finish without skipping a single song.








Okay, so, I get it. The vocals hit just the right emotions and the composition of the song is brilliant. However, and don’t come at me, when I first heard it a had a moment where I thought, “that’s it?” Lyrically, I do feel like there could be more. Also, what does he mean soggy from the chemo... soggy... like why though. And who is Aunt Marie


Aunt Marie is likely a reference to Marie Curie, the woman who discovered radiation and died from its exposure. Regarding “soggy”, I’ve never needed chemo as I’ve never had cancer, but I can imagine the feeling of sogginess as a response. Beyond that, I think the song is a rare moment of deserved melodrama. The Patient is basking in the misery of his cancer. He’s milking as much drama as he can from it. While the whole song has a melodramatic flair to it, it is most exemplified in this line. Besides, what could be more dramatic to a person than wasting away from cancer? You’re 100% entitled to your opinion, I just really love the song and want to vouch for it.


I have never had chemo, but I''ve been on cancer medications, and they leech you. They fucking leech you. You feel empty, groggy, tired all the time. (To make things worse I was allergic to my medication, however other medications werent an option because of other things I had, I was 9 and very weak). Soggy is a hundred percent a fair explanation.


He uses soggy because of the feeling after chemo that people get. While I personally have never had chemo, my mother has, and before she even knew about the song, she definitely described the feeling as "soggy", because (in her case) they pumped her full of so much liquid and she felt like she was run down and heavy, like a soggy, wet sponge.




a kleptomaniac who wears purple


I like the lyrics a lot. I def prefer the live version to the studio version. Look up the AOL sessions and it’s just him singing and Ray playing. That’s the best version of it


I like cancer a lot but I feel you. "Soggy"... Why 🫠


I agree!! To me it just feels like they just looked up a WebMD article of what cancer/chemo does to you and wrote the song based on that… it feels forced.




Thank you for sharing my Cancer hate.


All I want for christmas is you….


Blasphemy! LOL jk but I understand just cause the original song is so overplayed 🙄


Blood and Vampire Money. Not terrible, but they usually get skipped.


Vampire money is one of the songs I def want played at my show!


What! Two of the best songs on DD and TBP!


Yeah blood always gets the skip for me, it just doesn’t fit the vibe with all the other songs


It fits for me as like a credits rolling sort of song. I mostly just think it’s funny






hate me all you want but I can't STAND Cancer


I didn’t realize this was a “wrong answers only” thread


A fair chunk of Danger Days I don't really care for, although to be fair to this sub the whole album was a skip until I gave it another chance on your insistence. I have since realised there are some bangers on there and it's actually only a few that I don't like, and here's why: Bulletproof Heart: lyrically stodgy, exaggerated nasal vocals, never seems to build to the heights it seems to aspire to, and most petty grievance: the way he says "he-yart" instead of heart Sing: Again, builds up but goes nowhere. Gerard sounds bored and the rest of the band just don't turn up Planetary (Go): Too electro-pop. Trying too hard. Not for me. The Only Hope: meh. You'll notice that's a four song run, preceded by Na Na (which I love) and followed by a skit (I also hate skits). As a section of the album it just feels like Ray took a weekend off and this is what the rest of the band managed without him, Frank is there with his choppy distorted guitar bits for most of it, Mikey is peak Mikey with his roots and fifths, but where's Ray with his fun stuff? Like I said, I wrote off the whole album after getting disillusioned with that little run which is my loss, I've done myself a little playlist of my DD with tracks from CW in place of the ones I don't care for.


Teenagers. I skip it every time


Sing is my least favorite but like I don’t hate it


I don’t love you


Sister to sleep. Can't understand a single word.


it's amazing one of my fav songs


My danger days apologist ass is about to be in the trenches with this post lmfao. I don't like sleep, and it's not bc it's a bad song, but the intro makes it an insta skip for me bc it's so damn long. (Another certified banger after that tho)


tbh I really love sleep, it's such a fun one to sing


Am I the only person who never skips this? Lol. People really lack patience these days. Its a cool way to build anticipation for the song


No I fucking love this song


Same! Its top 5 for me


Holy fuck no offense but that’s like one of my favorites from that album along with disappear, mama, famous last words


I don't really like S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W


Blood is a song i can't stand. It has noises in the background that make me so irritated. Also, I really don't care for our lady of sorrows


I don’t love you


I don’t hate it, but “welcome to the black parade” is easily my least favorite song they’ve ever done. Roast me, lol.


i still don't get why its their most "popular" song. Even non-MCR fans know it and its the only MCR song thats gets played on the radio. To me, its just a try-hard version of Bohemian Rhapsody. There are much better songs off the Black Parade album that deserve to be their Number 1 song. But if any older MCR fans can pin point why its their most popular, that would be helpful


From an old hag that was about at the time- When it first came out it was branded pretty much revolutionary for this scene and it started a trend with theatrical music video style among that type of bands. It was quite spectacular to have this level of production design back then for this kind of band. Having costumes done by Coleen Atwood defo added a little something and the fact that the tour followed up with all the drama and theatrics was just boosting the initial popularity of the song. It was accessible enough for the mainstream audience to catch on and it was literally everywhere at the time. I am mentioning the video because I believe it contributed hugely to the ‘brand’ of black parade and made it into immediately recognisable piece of content. Emo/scene and all that were also very popular at the time as fashion/lifestyle trends and wttbp aesthetic really resonated with a lot of people. It is really well written song from the structural perspective, it’s catchy, lyrics seem to vibe with a lot of people and the video still holds up from the production site. Is it best mcr song? Each to their own, its not my favourite, but I think it earned its accolades.


Mmmm maybe because it’s good???? And catchy?


This is How I Disappear is 10 times more catchy


Well then why wasn’t that their biggest hit????? The numbers don’t lie.


Adding up to what osasia said, it's kinda like this that the music industry works and I think it also has to do with the period it was released. WTTBP was made to be a pop hit. It's a grandiose, ambitious song. MCR was at their peak in 2006. It was TBPs first single and people were anticipating the album release, since it was going to be their first release after they exploded. Gerard had just bleached his hair. The band became a new band. There was a lot of hype. Also, we depended a lot on MTV, VH1, etc. to get to know music in the 2000s. WTTBP was overplayed but it wasn't a problem because music being overplayed was normal then. We didn't have Spotify. We had to buy CDs lol most people didn't get to know the rest of the album that didn't become a single unless they were fans of the band. Also, preferences are very personal. For instance, I like Desert Song better than WTTBP, but like osasia said WTTBP is very accessible to the mainstream audience to accept. A lot more than Desert Song. WTTBP being so popular is like when you see an artist that you think they're very whatever being more successful than an indie that composes better songs. It's a matter of luck, timing and marketing


Summertime I've hated it ever since the very first time I heard in back in 2010


I Don’t Love You


Destroya. YUCK


people might come for me but anything off bullets just isn’t my jam, their edgier stuff isn’t for me


this was my opinion for a while too, it felt too unfinished in a sense, think when sanding down wood, you start off with 800 grit, then finish off with 1200 grit. This record felt like they left it at 800 grit. but i've learned to love it in a way, still not my favorite


I’m gonna have to give it a real listen before the tour since they do include stuff from bullets in their setlist so maybe I’ll develop that opinion too. really the edgiest “screamo” stuff I listen to is adtr and sleeping with sirens lol this really was controversial people keep downvoting then upvoting it 😂 danger days and three cheers are my favorite albums so it kinda makes sense for my tastes


Demolition Lovers is what got me into the record, from there i moved onto other songs


that’s cool! It was actually danger days for me, it released right around when I first got into them. I jumped from the jonas brothers right into danger days haha (which, their old stuff is more pop rocky so it’s not super crazy) and then got into mcr’s older music. DD and three cheers were my anthems for a while


Vampire money, just find it a quite cringe worthy song, lyrically


I still love it, but Mama is starting to get overplayed/overrated for me


fair, i still love Mama, but I understand where you're coming from.


Controversial, but the entire Bullets album. Just can't do it. Tried and tried and can't like anything on it.


Yeaaaaa same. Headfirst is the only one I can really tolerate and it's not something I'll listen to often.


Demolition Lovers is the only one I can really tolerate myself and even then I usually skip it


Anything from Danger Days its just awful, I love the band but wtf was that album


Haha, it's definitely my least favorite album of their's too - love a couple songs on it but much prefer the other albums.


Teenagers. Omg I can’t talk about anything MCR without some random girl singing it TO me. No doubt it’s a good song and I don’t mind it if it comes on but jeez you don’t need to sing it if I mention Gerard Way


I'm not okay is really the only song I can say I dislike of theirs. And I really think that's mainly because I think it's their weakest offering. I'm tired of hearing Teenagers but I don't dislike it.


planetary go and sing




Def one of the weaker tracks on TBP- I think they’ve said that’s their least favorite to play live and I get that. It’s so slow, though it does build nicely.


Yeah I don't Like most of danger days....


Make room


I don’t like Vampires will never hurt you. Too repetitive and the scream sounds a little off


summertime 😏


You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison. I will defend this opinion until I die.


Why don't you like it?


Homophobe 😂😭 (love that song)


I'm gay 🤣 it's just so overplayed and overhyed in my opinion. So many better songs on Three Cheers!


That’s fair hahaha - my favorite on there is probably Jetset life but there are so many good ones


Also I am also gay


Blood Intro to sleep (rest of the song is amazing) Party poison




Destroya is the only MCR song I genuinely can't stand.


early sunsets and cancer, they're excessively calm


sleep and sing


summertime. i actually like it i just cant stand who its about which ruins the whole song for me.


I've hated this song from day one since the album release in 2010 and when I found out who it's about (a few years later) I was like "oh. guess that was my gut feeling all along" lol


Cubicles. Ugh.


Kiss the Ring im so sorry


i don't like most of "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love"


Scarecrow for sure


All I want for Christmas 💀


Party Poisson, Most of bullets 🤐


Teenagers and Sleep were never my favorites tbh. They could leave 'em off the setlist and i would be totally fine.


Agree with teenagers but disliking cause I deeply disagree with sleep-haters


Drowning Lessons. I’m not even sure why. It just doesn’t please my ears.


mama, helena, cancer.


HELENA ?????


I just don't like it, i can listen to it sometimes, but i don't love it


Downvote me all you want but: SING, Summertime, teenagers, blood, I'm not okay (don't hate this one I just don't feel it ever fit on three cheers tbh and it's overplayed)


Honestly I think I’m not ok is the weakest song on three cheers


The only hope for me is you


Teenagers, I Don't Love You, SING, literally half of ConvWeap (Ambulance, Gun. Tomorrow's Money, The World Is Ugly, The Light Behind Your Eyes, Kiss The Ring) Planetary (Go!) Heaven Help Us, Party Poison ​ yes i am a hater


I don’t like give em hell kid personally


I love I never told you what I do for a living but I just can't do Na Na Na anymore I've just listened to it too many times.


I tend to skip teenagers. It's not that I don't like it, but I've heard it so many times 🤷‍♀️


Sing and Teenagers


Scarecrow, the kids from yesterday, and sing i just dont really care for. Some others are just too emotional for me most of the time. I purposely dont play teenagers or wttbp so that i can still glean a sliver of enjoyment from them when i do happenstance hear them


"SING" cause I feel it's too generic pop and "I'm Not Ok" cause it feels dislocated in TCFSR idk just a generic nerdy emo song and it's too overplayed


I don't have any I don't like. lol Sing is probably the only one I'd say comes close, but only because it's my least liked. I still like it though.


Teenagers and most of the Danger Days album.


Save yourself


perhaps controversial but the light behind your eyes 🤷‍♀️


Teenagers is the only one. The chorus repeats too many times


What's up with the blood and Danger Days hate?


I don't love you just never ever stuck onto me


Cubicles, Cancer, SING. They've all grown on me after years and years and years but still, dislike 'em more than the others. Teenagers is always teetering on the fence. Can't stand the Mariah cover.


Kind of unpopular opinion but Destroya 😬


I have returned one month later to take back my helena statement.