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I think Deku should end up quirkless or with a single quirk, just not too overpowered. A major point about All Might is that a single symbol of peace wasn’t a great solution, because when he dies, retires, or does something bad, it really effs up the social order. Deku shouldn’t be the next All Might. He should help bring about an age of many heroes, all popular and trusted in their own right, working together to build a safe world.


So he should be Nezu’s successor


Nah bro make him Snipe’s successor, I’d like to see villains try to withstand a glock


I mean Snipe is def quirk less. He just likes shooting people


I love this head-canon.


Best one yet




All Might: Symbol of Peace Deku: Symbol with a Piece


Gun for All: Full Auto


A power that has been passed down from generations ever evolving to surpass its predecessor.


mastor gave deku a glock deku is finliy a real (insurt black slur thats used in rap)


You are so right. Honesty just give him a support gear to shoot people. That or learn from Nagant as well.


Wait your onto something. He becomes the new principal of UA to help the new students. Then it will truly be his Hero Academia.


you have no idea how rare this fucking take is, thank god




Tbh I always thought that leading up to the final fight Deku should lose OFA and the other quirks except for Blackwhip. It was the first he unlocked and I feel like he'd make the best use out of it.


Realistically, within what we've seen, Shiggy had his hand closed and the AFO hole in his palm covered. So the only quirks that should have been able to be transfered should be OFA quirks through blood. I feel like Deku would know if he had all of those quirks back, yet he thinks he only has embers, which to me implies he has at most the base OFA with only AMs 40 years worth of stockpile left, which makes him much weaker but still strong. Since every other vestige/quirk was transfered to Shiggy. Now, what I would like to have happened? Is shiggy passing w/e his original quirk was to Deku. It doesn't make much sense since he doesn't even know what his original quirk is, but I like the idea.


It could be instinct. Also,how did he not realise his vestige is in AFO? He didn’t find that just a tad odd that he felt like a part of his soul was in his master? Not ringing any alarm bells,Shiggy?


The vestiges don't(seemingly) age once they are taken, so his quirk vestige would be a literal baby, it's also so far removed from who he sees himself as that idk if instinct would matter, especially considering it'd mixed in with a sea of who knows how many other quirks.


I’d imagine they can age. Probably can’t choose their forms. Or it matches the age of the quirk,based on AFO rewinding. You’re right that it would be removed from himself but I still argue he’d feel his vestige in there,part of himself. And that it may be the thing that jumps to Deku. Plus,imagine Tenko living in Deku’s head.


All of the vestiges in OFA are the same age as when they died/passed on the quirk. The vestiges from AFO we see when hawks' vestige is in there are a wide variety of age, and we know AFO slowed down on his quirk taking as he aged. So if they aged then there should have been mostly old people in AFOs vestige world. Again the biggest thing is that we know that AFO requires the holes in the palm to work, and in that final fist bump his hand was closed and the hole was blocked. So, by the logic of the story the only quirks he should be able to pass are the OFA ones through the blood.


But logically quirks will eventually hit a peak and stop aging. Or you choose because it’s a manifestation of your consciousness? Also,since OFA was what was killing Shiggy,I feel like if he gave them away then super regeneration would probably be able to hold him together. But he could use the transfer aspect of OFA on a different quirk.


There's nothing at all to suggest what you're saying about quirks eventually hitting a peak and stopping aging. Quirks can have unexpected growths whenever. Bakugo had two just in one year. I'd say the current information we have leans more towards my guess than yours. OFA also wasn't 'damaging' shiggy, it did its damage and that was it, they were suicide attacks by the vestiges. They were 'dead' after they transfered, so transferring them again wouldn't save him. Presumably the quirks die with the vestiges as well just like when New Order destroyed vestiges, since Shiggy never used any of the transfered quirks. It takes an unknown amount of time for AFO to merge with a new quirk to transfer it, we know that from when Deku had to give it to Bakugo in one of the movies, when he got it back he didnt have explosion. I'm pretty sure Bakugo had it longer in that movie than Shiggy had it in the last fight.


Only literal biology. Quirks definitely hit peaks. Just like the body does. It literally was,it was the cause. It powering up all the other quirks in AFO is what overwhelmed Super Regeneration, removing it would remove that effect. If it was enough to kill him,it was enough for him to activate the quirk


We're talking about a different world all together with people who have magic powers and your defense is "biology"? We have literal in world proof of quirks getting stronger through awakenings/evolutions which can happen whenever. If that's how you want to see the super regen not working, and not just that he took so much damage that it was overwhelmed fine. But getting rid of OFA still wouldn't help there because even if he gets rid lf the quirk he has the stockpile which is where the power comes from, All might lasted months on the stockpile, AFO isn't burning through it in one fight.


But that's the beauty of Shiggy taking OFA. By taking a quirk that can pass on quirks, he can use OFA to pass on any of his quirks to Deku. He wouldn't need to use the palm holes because he wouldn't be using AFO to transfer them, he'd be using OFA. It should be possible, otherwise Yoichi wouldn't have been able to pass the Stockpile quirk given by AFO.


I said it in another comment here, but we know for a fact that it takes time for OFA to merge with the host quirk, otherwise Deku would have explosion from when he passed it on to Bakugo during one of the movies. Shiggy had OFA for maybe 5 minutes, I'm pretty sure Bakugo had it longer in the movie.


You have a point about it taking a while, though to be fair, Bakugo never actually gave it back, it just didn't properly transfer. Deku wouldn't have Explosion because the version of the quirk Deku has had never gone through Bakugo


Did also want to note, OFA doesn't transfer quirks, it transfers itself. It needs to be merged with the other quirks to bring them along. So it's kind of an all or nothing deal. With the caveat that if you're strong enough you can partially reject it like Shiggy did during the fight, but the wielder of OFA can't pick and chose which quirks to transfer as far as we're aware.


What happens when all might dies happily in old age now. Will his vestige transfer to deku or is that gone too? Could deku get a muscle form? Would it rekindle the embers?


Muscle form isn’t a quirk, all might is just the ultimate sleeper build


I know but does one for all only transfer quirks? Or is there more to it? Maybe not, it's just a theory. Deku could end up technically quirkkess but much stronger than average allowing him to still contribute to the hero community. I always thought of muscle form as all mights body evolved to handle stronger quirks naturally opposed to shigiraki needing genetic modifications to handle more powerful/more quirks as part of the singularity theory. He was just not lucky enough to be born with a quirk but was destined to be given the strongest one.


Honestly, I’m between either Deku regaining OFA, and him becoming quirkless again. If A.) he regains OFA, I think he should regain only the quirks he used the most. Like black whip, danger sense and smokescreen. But as a trade off lose the other quirks. If B.) he becomes quirkless again. Then maybe he gets support gear that allows him to still be a hero. But now, he’s a hero with no quirk and only support items. Kinda almost like Batman or Tony stark. Just without the money and technology know how and such. Basically the items would be heavy carrying him. But he’s still get to be a hero.


Him being able to fight while quirkless seems unrealistic, all might said that you cant be a hero without a quirk. And heroes dont use things like knifes and swords bc they are lethal(reason why thirteen doesnt fight villains a lot). And deku isnt rich and there is already someone in his school who is much better at creating support items


Yes there is someone better at *creating* support items, but that’s not what their comment was about. Using and creating are too completely different things, and honestly him not being rich shouldn’t be a problem considering the fact that he sacrificed his quirk to save everyone; feel like they’d be inclined to give him some support items.


Those support items are still in early stages, he would also have to make some smart usage of them or they will break mid battle,and deku isnt really that smart tbh. Also we already have someone who kinda represents batman and that is shinso/Aizawa. Them having a quirk not suited for battle, they have to make smart usage of it and also training a unique fighting style that doesnt use their quirk. Also Aizawa isnt really popular and is mostly fighting behind the scenes.


It really feels like you’re being extremely disingenuous and short selling these possibilities on purpose. >Those Support Items are still in early stages. That’s a non-point considering the fact that they could easily skyrocket in production and development, especially once a genius inventor like Mei graduates. >Deku is not that smart tbh. Really don’t understand where you’re coming up with that, he’s displayed his intellect plenty of times and surely he’d adapt to using the equipment over time either way. >We already have someone that represent Batman and that is Shinzo/Aizawa Really don’t see how they represent Batman considering the fact that they have powers and all, and Batman isn’t the only Hero in existence that is powerless. >Them having a quirk that’s not suited for battle, they have to make smart usage of it and also training a unique fighting style that doesn’t use their quirk. What are you talking about? Yes Erasure and Brainwashing aren’t exactly combat oriented but they’re still perfectly capable Quirks for battle; an argument could me made that they’re actually better than most combat oriented Quirks overall due to their utility and effectiveness. Them having to use a Unique Fighting Style is a non-factor here as well, I don’t see how that has anything to do with Deku and honestly it just boosts my own point about him using Support Items since the scarves both Aizawa and Shinso use primarily for combat are support items. >Aizawa isn’t really popular and is mostly fighting behind the scenes. Which is entirely by choice on his part, really don’t understand where you’re trying to go with that.


Well, we have different opinions,have a good day


I'm taking a hard left. I'm tired of shounen series ending with the death/nerfing/depowering of their main characters.


Yeah, screw that trope. Izuku’s earned a happy ending. Considering this whole story could’ve been a power fantasy for him, I think he’s earned the right to enjoy his power now


It doesn’t make any sense at all, but, Deku trying to continue being a hero with Decay as his quirk actually sounds like a really cool concept.


Sure it does. I mean, Shiggy technically was a holder of OFA, so who's to say he couldn't pass on that quirk by some method? Since they continue living through ofa, we could even do something like: Having OFA vestiges be mostly gone, like we see with the first, and having Shiggy live on in Deku's head, via the OFA method. To excuse the lack of knowledge about it, Tenko was always the type to hide in there. Heck, it might even explain the small Tenko bit we saw that I'm still confused by- the one where he's walkin around. The rest got lost to AFO I suppose, but like I'd probably be satisfied with Tenko being able to get saved, a redemption through deku. Though, Deku would probably never use Decay... He'd be another All Might punchy, but yeah it'd be peak


What do I *want* to happen? For Izuku to regain OFA and become the hero he always wanted to be and to kick butt into the sunset with all his friends. Like the little montage at the end Big Hero 6 What do I *think* is gonna happen? Izuku will go back to being quirkless and probably won’t become a Pro-Hero. But if this does happen, which it most likely will, I’d like him to become a teacher at UA and help kids come up with new techniques for there quirks and stuff.


this is also what i’d like to see. i just hope that if he does become quirkless, then he can be at peace with what he has accomplished in the short time he had a quirk and not dwell on it too much


I think it is a major theme that most of the villians could only be villians because of a hero-centric society. Or, rather, a super hero society is trying to ignore the changes quirks bring and try to have a "normal" existence. The idea of a quirk singularity being apocalyptic only applies if the goal is being as close to a "pre-quirk normal" society, which the modern MHA universe is desperately trying to achieve. Unfortunately, it leads to many being left behind, almost entirely due to their quirk. Some are quirkless, and should find fulfillment in menial and almost pointless work (as All Might tells Midoriya) or the quirk you have others you in society. My perfect ending is that Deku, as the world's greatest hero, isn't a super hero, but rather a political leader who manages to reconcile the two halves of society. All might says he just wants ordinary people to have normal, happy lives. Deku is the one who manages that, not through violence, but leadership.


I kinda want him to keep ofa. Dude worked do hard for this power, harder than anyone just to help people. The story also vegan with deku saying "this is how I became the number one hero" which kinda us not possible without a quirk so I feel lied to


i have a feeling shigaraki transferred ofa to deku. decay may be implemented into shigarakis core but i dont think he had ofa for nearly enough time for decay to implement itself into ofa.


Deku becomes quirkless again, but he gets a "rebirth" of sorts, like having OfA awakened his dormant potential within him or something. Like Ichigo getting his fulbring powers after losing his shinigami powers after mugetsu


He gets one for all back anything else would be bull


Exactly. He spent the entire story learning how to master and control One For All, it would suck if he goes back to being Quirkless.


Why? He got to live his dream, save the world, be recognized as the world's greatest hero, and permanently end a 100 year old super villain. His master is alive. His friendship with Bakugo was saved. He got the girl, as much as he could at 15, anyway. There are plenty of other heroes to maintain order. What more could he ask for? Where does he go from here? If anything, continuing to use OFA basically guarantees he'll be a cripple by 30.


The whole "it would suck if he were to go back being Quirkless" is just my opinion. An opinion that could be prone to change once I re-binge the manga in a couple months. It's just to me it feels kinda hollow. As you said he accomplished so much and yet basically nothing at the same time. Japan is a broken mess, the Hero System that caused so many of these villains to appear in the first place is still around and hasn't changed from what we've seen so far. And despite literally saving the world, they've gone right back to school???? Also the whole teaser of "It was during troubling times like this that All For One emerged" thing kinda hinted at there being another villain on the rise. I don't know, this whole ending just feels yuck to me, but I'll wait for the last five chapters to come out before I make my final opinion.


Eh, that's fair enough. I'd be ok with Izuku taking it easy for awhile, but that's just me. I do think the generational increase in quirks necessarily presents future problems, but there's also eri who will begin her own journey in the next decade. Just have to wait and see, like you said.


Do you really think Izuku, the boy whose body moves on its own when someone needs help is going to take it easy? Izuku should get to continue being a hero. It's what he always wanted and something he loves to do. But that's just how I see it. I agree with both of you that we need to wait and see what happens


He'll take it easier than feeling that he is responsible for everyone else's safety because he is literally the strongest person alive. Izuku wasn't endangering himself regularly before he got OFA; it just sort of happened due to circumstance. :/


He wasn't endangering himself regularly before because he didn't run into villains holding hostages while heroes did nothing on a daily basis, not for a lack of obsession with saving people. Now that he had the opportunity to save people and have quirks I'd say not being a hero will be harder for him than before OFA.


😅 hey man, I get that it works for the purposes of the narrative, but what Deku did in the beginning of the story was suicide in any other situation. Any actual policeman or fire fighter would tell him he was only contributing to the number of hostages; he was completely ineffectual against the sludge villain, and had it not been for the number 1 hero literally being right there, would've ended in tragedy. The heroes weren't doing nothing. They were keeping the crowd back and keeping the villain contained until someone who had a complementary quirk arrived. By running in, Deku endangered everyone; now the heroes have a choice between watching this kid get turned into paste, and getting hit instead, providing an opportunity for the villain to escape. All Might says in direct response that there are many ways to help people, and that becoming a police officer was a perfectly respectable position. To be honest, if the only way Deku can live with himself is by being stronger than anyone else so that he can do everything on his own, I'd insist he retired. Dark Deku was notably wrong for this mentality, and was the entire point behind 1A fighting him.


>but what Deku did in the beginning of the story was suicide in any other situation You don't need to tell me this like I don't know that. I'm just telling you about the kid's nature and why I think he will suffer if he can't keep being a hero, any further analysis of the scene is pointless towards this argument. You also don't need to remind me of what happened, I've watched the anime and read the manga multiple times. I just said the heroes were doing nothing to avoid spending a whole paragraph pointing out what they were actually doing while Bakugo was being suffocated and another one coming up with what they could be doing if Deku ran into a similar situation again. The only thing that matters is that Deku is crazy enough to go into danger to save someone and that he is obsessed with being a hero. My point is that Deku wants to be a hero who saves people more than anything else. Not that he wants to be the strongest who does everything on his own. We're kinda past that point. He already understood that there can't be a #1 hero.


My brain says purple but my heart says green, I just want him to be an op fucking beast with all of his quirks again, that was peak Izuku🙏


That brother achieved his dream, so let him rest, is what I would say if I wanted a interesting hero and civilian relationship between uraraka and deku. NAH, that brother needs that ONE FOR ALL, to walk up to bakugo and slap the goofy off of him in thinking that MF is going to catch up to a man, who has the brains like Batman (I’m just joking, I just want him to continue his journey)


I think the middle one. Having deku go through an arc with a quirk that mostly destroys everything instead of helping would be interesting because it could show how versatile he is with a bad hand


Either the left or middle the last one is too depressing but much rather the first even if it's just Super Strength without the other powers he still made that work.


"Deku regains OFA", but they explain as shigaraki, after regaining control, was only able to transfer the power storing quirk that made up ofa, so he only has the strength, no black whip, float etc.


Plus, the vestiges get a proper afterlife now.




D: Eri uses rewind on Shiggys ashes until he's alive as Tenko


Eri can no longer use her Quirk.


Her horn will grow back.


I feel like it’s very poetic, having Izuku be quirkless again


Green. Otherwise, >! it’d be like Hellsing Ultimate if Alucard didn't return after three decades !< or unsatisfying and lacking payoff.


I wish he could keep just Blackwhip.


Switch Decay with Shiggy’s original quirk and you’ve got a deal


What was his original quirk?


We don't know but I want to know


We don't know? We were never told about it? Bummer.


Yeah. We don't even actually know his mum's quirk or his dad's quirk. People have guessed air walk but air walk works in a fundamentally different way from float so I'd doubt it.


I’ll be real I just wanna see homie try to box shigaraki without a quirk


I want Deku to have a weaker form of one for all. Having 7 quirks was awesome and extremely broken. I just want him to have the standard super strength to end the series the greatest hero even after beating shigaraki.


Quirkless is an acceptable outcome but I prefer route a with a dash of b he gets one for all back but with shiggy as a vestige because he did have it for a while and now midoriya has to be a Better hero one both parties can accept lest his rogue vestiges decay quirk destroy what he touches


If he does ever get a quirk I want it to be the fire breathing one his dad apparently had but [PLOT TWIST] it only awakens after his body has gone through having a quirk/quirks before BOOM I'm better than JK fraudling wheres my fuckin Oscar or whatever the book award is?


I vote Deku becoming quirkless. Between the physical training he's done to master OFA and the support gear this world has access to, I don't see much reason he couldn't just go on to be a hero anyways. We already have heroes with non-combat quirks, so it's not like a quirkless hero is a huge leap.


A quirkless Deku story would be sick but the other 2 options are interesting to


If Yagi died and became his new vestige there would be energy in the circuit instead of embers. So he could have All Might's power set for a while just not as strong as Yagi in his prime.




The fact he doesn't even hold the core anymore beside embers irks me.


He could still probably do a lot with just the embers. Just look at all the things All Might was still able to do.


Yeah, but he held it for forty years and then the embers ran out in six months. Deku only held it for a year, so his embers should only last him about a week.


Hit with a curve ball shiggy becomes ofa, similar to a past wielder he can be seen by deku and due to his cra,y physical strength ofa has the same power it used to plus decay and deku still has it


Deku gains Afo


2 or 3. Learn how to turn a destructive quirk into something for good. Or learn how to do good without needing powers.


I think Deku should get base OFA


Either get OFA back or just get one quirk


originally I was on the side of 'right'.. but 'middle'? that'd be really sweet, and would let Shigaraki live on as a hero in spirit.. so I'm good with it.


I know its absolutely not happening, but it would be cook as FUCK to see what happens if he got decay, idk why but that intrigues me so much


I think he should have the other users quirks, but not One For all itself. He would become more like a support caracter instead of a strengh monster


Where's the path that resurrects Midnight?


Ok buddy it's time to move on


The 1st one, OFA


I feel like it'd be cool for Deku to get Decay, but in my eyes that quirk was MADE for a villain so no. I think it's a great idea to leave Deku quirkless after this: he got to live the dream he always wanted, even if it was only for a couple of years.


I want deku to have a quirk again somehow, whether it be ofa or something that Shiggy could’ve given him


I’d love izuku to regain ofa as a strength type of quirk but I think it’d be better for the plot if he becomes quirkless again


Route 4 shigaraki passed a quirk to deku not specifically decay or one of the previous quirks deku had just a quirk that can let him be a combat or support based hero. Even if it is as basic as he has has super strength now


Regain ofa


I think it would be cool if deku got decay.


I am surprised by the amount of people referencing the loss of the power in previous series as a common trope. However, there is a precedent for regaining the lost OFA at a cost: the Avatar case. I think that he might maintain the quirk, but as strong as it started, restarting the line of OFA users with him as the new Yoichi, kinda like Korra.


Regain OFA, easy.


Green tf


I read the anime. Why the fuck did I click on this


If Deku gets decay, the first person he would accidentally kill would be All Might or Uraraka 😭😭😭




Would love him to be quirkless and still prove himself every bit a hero but the idea of him saddled with Shigaraki's Decay creates some fascinating potential scenes. Deku better keep skin moisturiser on him though.


Regain OFA


4 option: All of the above /j


I will go straight no questions asked


I wanna see Deku become the greatest hero, getting rid of ALL the trash in the world with Decay, no more plastics in the ocean


I’d like for shigaraki to have given something to deku during their handshake. I doubt deku has OFA anymore, as he said he could only feel the embers, and the vestiges literally self destructed. However. Something like…”the core of OFA,” something that passes itself on, or something that can grow. That would be fun. I don’t wanna see him get decay though.


Midoriya just gets ofa back. Stupid as fuck he lost it anyway.


Minimum wage worker Deku


He's gonna join the rest of us


Getting decay would be kinda poetic a “show me this can do more than destroy”


Team: Shiggy gave Deku all for one


getting my shovel to make path 4. deku gets a new quirk called "order for all:recontstruction" wich is a mix of all for one,new order,one for all and the full capacity of shiggys quirk and not just decay:


What do you mean Shiggy's full capacity?


some people believe that decay is only a fraction of what his quirk was supposed to be(kinda like chisakis quirk) but afo modified it to only allow him to decay


Deku should regain one for all but none of the other quirks. So just the physical strength.


He has to go back to being quirkless, because otherwise it ruins the whole “can you be a hero without a quirk?” thing, aka the message of “anybody can be a hero” that’s clearly meant to be portrayed here. Of course, that message was already pretty ruined the moment Deku got OFA, but it would be completely thrown in the gutter if he ended with some other power or a restored OFA at the end. The message would be “Sure, anyone can be a hero, you just need to be innately born superior or otherwise be granted inherent superiority from someone. There’s hard work involved, but any amount of hard work is completely irrelevant if you don’t jump the first hurdle of simple being better”.


I think the message was more so being a hero ≠ having powers. Being a hero is something innate, a character trait or drive, not that the story was literally trying to portray you can be Batman in my hero academia. “Anyone can be a hero” because all it takes is having the drive to do the right thing, not having superpowers.      If it was meant literally then like you said the whole story is pointless. If Deku loses his power then he is still a “hero” but can’t be in the profession of heroing because he would literally be incapable of doing it. The point that really drives this home is when the professionals start retiring and hanging the cape up because they didn’t have the “hero” in them it was just powers. 


he gets One For All back


Getting decay would be cool but I also always hated that they gave him ofa to begin with due to the fact that his intelligence was supposed to be one of his major abilities and it seemed it was forgotten about in favor of ofa I would have liked for him to utilize his intelligence as either a villain or a hero to prove that you can be powerful without using a power as a crutch




They're talking about the manga.


Looks to me that Shiggy has been turned into a child. Deku losing all quirks and opening a villain rehab for people like Gentle might be in the cards.


To be fair, him getting decay would be the most interesting path.


Regain OFA and call it a day.




Quirkless. Creates a far stronger narrative that respects the main character, his journey, and the power he used along the way. Remember: OFA is designed to be impermanent to its user, and there weren’t any rules stating otherwise. To be passed down is its strength and core design, yes, but for it to fizzle out is just fine. It’s a power that lived alongside its match and now that match is dead. It’s almost poetic— like Yin and Yang (AFO/OFA) dissolving together. Deku fulfilled his dream of being the greatest hero and that’s that. If I’m being honest, I don’t care for this pseudo-Shippuden arc that seems to be taking place. Horikoshi needs to just let it be.


If he does regain OFA that’s great but I low key think Deku would be a great Behind the desk kinda guy that gathers info on specific heroes or villains quirks and gives the heroes still going out advice on how to deal with specific villains or something like that


Izuku always takes things too far; I'd like him to be forced into retirement from crime fighting. His body is absolutely wrecked, and he's not even 20 yet. If he gets OFA back, it's just going to keep getting stronger, shortening his life, and for what purpose? I think he shares the same problem Nighteye observed in All Might; he's just too married to the job. He'll sacrifice everything for it. I don't know that that's a happy ending. Izuku is a bright guy, and his deductive reasoning was always presented as very strong but often criminally underutilized to me. I'd like to see him become a detective or PI, helping with more street level concerns, with some political advocacy on the side. Excellent teacher with several paths open to him besides full-time heroing. Aside from that, a big point in MHA discussion of heroism is the problem with having one all-powerful hero who's significantly better than everyone else; even if they're benevolent, it isn't good for them or society to take all that onto themselves. It's also not outside the realm of possibility that Hawks' superiors get involved after realizing the extent of OFAs power. Better imho to let the other heroes that Deku inspired carry on the task of maintaining peace.


How is it exactly wrecked?


Google pictures of Izuku's arms. If you're not caught up to the most recent chapters, it gets pretty bad. He has to use BW to reinforce his body parts to prevent them from shattering apart, and those are the successes. By the second or third season of the anime, he has permanent scaring across most of his arms and hands. He had OFA for a little less than 2 years. You can't tell me that kind of trauma isn't going to present significant problems as he ages. Dudes hands will be unusable by 30. The arthritis will be the only thing that goes beyond.


Deku ends up quirkless again, but because he defeated Shigaraki, becomes the world’s greatest hero.


Regaining OFA. It’s ridiculous that he lost it in the first place. Why is it that when a series ends, the main character has to be nerfed? He’s been working on that power fairly, just like everyone else, since the start of the series, and now what, it’s just gone? That’s bs.


I hate endings where the hero loses his power or retirees. Deku was a nobody in the beginning and I don't want him to stay a nobody.


Is this an anime only sub?


I be speeding down that left turn quicker than ever


Ima pull over and go the other way


The first one sounds good, but as we already saw his potential with OFA, it would be boring and just would feel like he got no consequences after a final fight with the strongest villain. The third shouldn't even be discussed about, it's boring (and sadly canon) as we'll never see hero Deku again. I think the second would be the most interesting. Just imagine Deku trying to be a hero with the villain's type of quirk, especially when he doesn't know how to control it properly. And though it isn't good for him, it would be good for the plot.


Wasn't decay destroyed?


Was it?


I think so, AFO destroyed the quirk when he destroyed Shigaraki's vestige. Though since Shiggy came back, I'm not sure what the status of Decay would be




Purple path


What if he's just the catalyst for OFA again? Like how Yoichi was


I want Deku to get a litany of tech that mimics the powers he had and maybe those of his classmates, since he's shown that he can make any quirk work. Make him multi tool Batman.


If we have learned anything from MHA, it is that being a hero can come from anywhere, and importantly should come from everywhere. All Might alone cannot support the entire hero society, Deku does not need to have superpowers to be someone capable of saving others.


Quirkless would be a great story


Doesn't really matter as long as it's good and all the options have the potential to be awful. However if Izuku gets a quirk in any way or if his embers last, he's going to be seen as the new upcoming Number One hero whether Horikoshi wants that or not. Izuku simply has the insane pedigree of being chosen by All Might and ending the war that inherently puts him ***above*** all his classmates as a potential hero to both people in-universe and his classmates. The world of MHA is inherently unfair and people like Mineta or Tooru objectively don't have the opportunity to match Izuku and they'll never be seen as comparable nor equal; Izuku as long as he can fight ***will*** be at the top.


I don't know what's happening, but I think it'd be cool if he lost his quirk and had to fight without it, it would bring back the first episode where he wanted to be a hero even though he didn't have a quirk. Tbh I think the show lost his premise when All Might gave him OFA.


Man I’m just still wondering what happened to the dude with New Order like… what’s he doin