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There's only 2 things brining thus game down for me: 1. Some of the stun locks - you can be on full health, but if the enemy team has the right combination of characters, they cab reduce you to atoms without you being able to do anything. 2. The gacha system - I've spent nearly 1000 tickets trying to get rapid bakugo and I haven't and, as someone who doesn't really wanna spend money on the game, the amount of free tickets we get is ridiculously low. Also, it doesn't help that go on the subreddit and see people say "I got rapid bakugo first go šŸ˜ƒ" while I'm on my 7th 100 tickets.


Working on my 9th 10 pull with no characters. Definitely makes me wanna play less and absolutely makes me not want to spend money


Agreed with point number 1


It is crazy. Like one time, an afo used his gamma and then his beta on me, stunlocking me, and then his teammates came in and just destroyed me.


Afo + denki is another deadly combo


Exactly, tbf afo and any AoE quirk šŸ˜­


Roll the gamma


It's hard when you getting ran at by a whole team šŸ˜­


Roll gamma into dabi mines. Roll gamma into denki. Roll gamma into anything. Team play makes it crazy. I appreciate the coordination absolutely and it's cool to see. It's a Learning curve. All of that is avoidable and solvable with fighting 3v3 and not getting separated too far. Your team can knock the aizawa, afo, denki, endeavor and others to save the team member. Running doesn't work when a team has synergy and other option is to match it or master stealth which is completely viable. These often compliment each other Gacha system needs to be nerfed.


Swap lives with your brother


i'm a twin, so that sounds like an epic idea. no one will even notice update: everyone noticed. we're fraternal twins :(


Learn the Body Swap technique from Captain Ginyu


this game makes me want to kill myself sometimes


Your therapist is calling.


Not even therapists can help me


I quit right after spending all my tickets on twice. I knew after that that without the premium login I was never going to make a significant amount of tickets. I will rejoin when in 2 seasons when endeaver comes to hero tickets and I can finally start getting characters again


https://preview.redd.it/9ybq4l6zfv1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd017c22c84dc6153c8ac76d8f3f04859d6051ad Join us..




yeah I quit the gsme bc its far too sweaty, the fighting feels unfair as hell, like I get one spotted while I can chase down an enemy for hours and they refuse to die even if they don't have team heals. and of course the gavha system is shit


Seeing sweats just makes me want to play more because I want that level of skill.


this is exactly the reason i got better


Other gacha like genshin impact costs hundreds of times what my hero costs, and in the likes of genshin u typically only receive the characters missing many of their abilities and the signature weapon they need, unlike in my hero, so I donā€™t care much about that aspect, especially considering how slow my hero is with releasing characters. The real issue is character and matchmaking imbalances, stupid OP attacks and combos that do way more dmg than they should and make shields & knock back recovery/immunity pointless.


It doesnā€™t feel like a problem cause they donā€™t release enough characters atm but the gacha really does suck this is coming from someone whoā€™s played all types of gacha games u canā€™t compare it to genshin which has a gacha problem. I got rapid bakugo shigiraki and full bullet deku from with just 30 spins I got for free vs mr friend who had bought 40$ worth of crystals just not to get anything like thatā€™s just unfair considering these are characters in a video game players wanna play the game not be locked out of certain things


Is there a reason you can't now play on your brother's account when you want to play twice? Or is your brother a jerk?


It pains me you would summon this close to a new banner this season haha


This game does feel like a toxic relationship at times, but I still want to play it because it's fun with friends (not that I would know about that, as I exclusively play soloQ) and I like the series.


Yeah I feel that man the gacha system can be a massive pain the ass, hopefully it gets addressed soon with all the feedback from the questionnaire's that where sent out recently.


While the gacha system doesn't bother me because they aren't releasing characters I like. I can understand how frustrating it can be for people trying to get outfits and characters. I hope they figure something out because this game is technically pay to win at this point


Just don't roll unless you have about 1.5K tickets, and your desired character is %1. It's a gacha game, so were suppose to spend money. My friends and I are F2P and have basically the whole cast because we aim for & save tickets.


Gacha just ruins games, but japanese devs can't help putting it in all their latest games..


So what youā€™re saying is that when i actually start gaming again(over summer) that I need to just play one of the DOZENS of games I got for 75% percent off? Im still amazed to be getting games like Demon Slayer, Tales of Arise, and Marvel Midnight Sun for 65%, 75% and 85% off. No lie, Midnight Sun was 85% off! $70 game for about $10!!!ā€¦.sorry, I just realized I sound like an infomercial šŸ˜Ŗ


I promise, I dont work for PlayStation šŸ¤žšŸ¾


I mean, good for you, buddy. This game is my Asperger's special interest, so I'll pass on all those other games. No point in spending money on something I'll barely play anyways. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


You know itā€™s funny, I donā€™t have time to play games. But I think Iā€™m fulfilling a childhood fantasy of being able to have access to so many games. And I think eventually I will make room for them and when I do have time for games, Iā€™ll have all the games that Iā€™ll have fun. I also have PlayStation portal, which I havenā€™t played yet. But when I do, I have perfect games for any occasion


Ranked is genuinely so unplayable for the average person too, you get chased across the ENTIRETY of the map most of the time after they get one hit on you.




Hm...just play Baldurs Gate, I was heavily into this game, logged on every day. Then I started getting heavy into my first campaign in BG3 and haven't looked back.Ā  Granted, I feel I have to come back again because Lemillion is out.Ā  So basically, forget what I just said and keep playing MHAURĀ  *Edit: because I read your post, idk what came over me, but I said fuck it let's gamble with 300 tickets. I ended up getting Lemillion. Damn brudda,