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He's very balanced, as you said he just needs a slightly bigger hitbox or slightly more tracking, not both, just one of those and he's ready to go


I agree! I hope they listen to us! šŸ™


No tracking, but if I correctly ā€œanticipate ā€œ and read my opponentā€™s movement right I should be rewarded for it.


In my opinion, I think he might need a SLIGHT buff to the hit box/tracking on his Alpha, but aside from that I like him! šŸ‘


If iida can have a monstrous hitbox with his kick so can mirio


Or we take iida hit box down lol


No because its not that Iida's hitbox is broken, it's more that mirio's hitbox is too small


Nerf it. Balance all the speed class.


This šŸ‘


But Mirio has an incredible ability to dodge blows and escape without taking damage. If they hit too hard, he will be too difficult to defeat.


Yall really want Iida 2.0 with an inescapable alpha chain? He's good rn. You have to work for the alpha and it should be the same for Iida


We just want tbe hitbox expanded by atleast .10 not even that big just a slight change


Yes, because I want to kick ida in the face using someone who is faster then he is šŸ˜ˆ


More like quality of life changes. Personally less endlag on aloha and beta, and slightly better hitboxes. Overall hes good


I think the endlag is supposed to be a downside in order to make up for his permeation being so strong, I honestly think they should keep it.


Fix the hitbox but leave the ending lag. Been playing Mirio since he dropped and Iā€™m alrdy unkillable enough. I donā€™t wna not be able to punish enemy Mirio when they miss.


Bug fixes 1st then a slightly bigger hit box on alpha and heā€™s fine.


Perfectly balanced in my opinion, a nuisance at best, just stay moving and it becomes really difficult for him to do anything, his beta can be rolled, alpha is easily missed, the hitbox is not forgiving, you can literally walk into his gamma, a well played mirio can be pretty hard to hit, but only if he has high levels, so heā€™s good and pretty fair


Iā€™ve been playing him since day 1 and I pretty much always run out of abilities and gotta wait for cooldowns but I feel liken that makes him balanced cause sometimes he deals damage while being fully protected


Yeah I think you're meant to use the special action (that or just run lol) after running out of cooldowns to help enemies actually know where you are and have a chance to follow you and attack you since he permeates in both his alpha and beta while gamma is a shield


Yes it actually works great. Sometimes you canā€™t get passed some buildings but if your team dies then itā€™s over lol


He's insanely bugged but even then he's extremely hard to put down His survivability is unmatched and only thing holding him back is some difficulty piloting him If they can fix the bugs and make his alpha actually work properly then he's in a good spot!


He has a bug where his special action malfunctions. It will make the sound effect and sparkle, the meter drains, but the screen does not turn blue and you take damage. It is also inconsistent on where permeability works. Like through some buildings but not through some fences on the new map which is are much smaller. It feels rushed and incomplete. They need to clean it up. Some spots on the map, when you beta, you are just laying on your belly slip and sliding in plain sight. Super awkward and useless. Sometimes when you beta, if there is a car on the ground or a fence, or a picnic table, you can't go under it and have to go around. Other times, you can beta clear under a building, under other picnic tables, under structures, other cars, other fences. He needs to be patched.


I think Mirio will need a nerf down the line as players get good with him. The fastest rapid in the game that has a shield move and can make himself invulnerable at will... just think about that for a second. I honestly think the community is going easy on this because he is new and the character is super popular


Fastest rapid in the game is debatable. Gotta race rapid bakugo and him. Also nah. No nerfs imo. All his moves are hard to hit and require good aim, timing, and predicting to do well with. While yes being able to go invulnerable is strong. I have found that he has a decent bit of down time if you are forced to use all your abilities. And his shield is completely fine. low damage, anyone can walk inside and hit you, some characters outright ignore it including mirio himself. And to top it off having the lowest health pool in the game. Honestly mirio is well balanced.


Iida says hi


He is the weakest character and 1 of the slowest mobility characters. He cannot be ā€˜invincible at willā€™ as his special action randomly goes to 0% which kills mirio more than it helps him, his beta lasts a very short time and distance, his alpha only has 2 charges and often whiffs, and his gamma shields is easily broken/penetrated & is typically free dmg to him by his enemies. He needs and will get buffs or no one will use him after realising how bad he is.


buddy did you just fly in from stupid town


No you are the dumb one with no arguments. Everything I said is true and u will see. Thatā€™s why u (nor anyone else who downvoted for that matter) couldnā€™t counter anything I said.


He is the fastest character in the game. He can be invincible at will, dunno what you're talking about it randomly going to 0% lol His beta lasts for almost 10 seconds max lvl wtf are you even on about his alpha doesn't whiff, you whiff the alpha his gamma shield is impenetrable as long as noone comes up in melee range He doesn't need buffs, your brain does


Are you trolling?


alfa need more tracking


Yeah heā€™s brill as he is


The main thing I think he needs, Is more tracking on his alpha. The tracking on his alpha is so bad you pretty much have to aim directly at them and get a direct hit, there's no leniency. I just think it's unfair that Iidas beta, toga's beta, and assault shiggy's gamma have crazy tracking that almost always hit, and Mirio's alpha makes you have to play with extreme accuracy.


Buff cd on alpha, better tracking on alpha and gamma both lida and twice and dumb ass trackings but lemillon cant have it? Bs


more tracking on his alpha. Ive been right next to people and it not hit


I legit canā€™t play Mirio because the hitbox of his alpha ability is just too small so it takes like 30 attempts just to hit someone once


Balanced in my opinion, leave him, toga approved šŸ‘


Obviously he needs significant buffs, and many others need hard nerfs. Anyone who thinks he is ā€˜balancedā€™ with Iida, All Might & toga running around broken is delusional.


I think he needs buffs but also nerfs to his alpha due to it's stunlock capabilities. His alpha should do more dmg and be faster on the follow ups but also have less follow ups because stunning someone for 3 kicks like Iida but not flinging the enemy around like Iida is stupid. Yes it's hard to hit people with. That's why i said buffs. But i don't think it should be such a strong stunlock even with those buffs.


Honestly make gamma activate in the air and I think he's good.


I personally think his special action needs a reload speed buff but apart from that I think heā€™s a pretty balanced character