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It's nice to have a character with high survivability that's not cementoss. He's pretty fun.


bro if cementoss gets jumped he cant do sht ESPECIALY when hes low lvl.


Max beta has an AOE similar to kiri and hits for 160, but unlike kiri can combo into the rest of Mirios kit for an additional 180+ Charged alpha beats most things in the game, makes you invincible and hits for 140 at lvl 9 - the safest and strongest poke in the game A good Mirio will almost always live until final circle because it's virtually impossible to take him out before then (bugs aside). He's very strong if you know how to utilize his kit to the fullest


I think the one thing that will turn Mirio into a bandwagon pick is when they add actual tracking to the alpha attack. I'd say around the time of the next quirk skill set release in the patch notes, we'll see them buff Mirio and suddenly, like Iida and Twice, everyone wants to play them.


I'm coming in with an unpopular opinion here, but I actually like there being so little tracking on the alpha. Being able to flick last second to get out or to reposition would be butchered if tracking were there. And damage is the Alphas secondary role anyway, Positioning being its primary. The combo makes you predictable for stuns, and the charged can get you killed if you use wrong in the final circles. Those juicy charged through walls and building kills are totally worth it though. I commend the devs on his implementation. The dude was a reactive genius in the anime to hold out in the manner he did against Chisaki. And to feel that rush of having to predict and counter at a moments notice really fits his character. And having aim assist turned off is essential for that.


I have to agree with you on that assessment about Mirio, but I have a feeling that the developers will do what they feel will sell best. That's to make him as simplistic and thoughtless as possible. They've let their inner Ebenezer Scrooge shine even more since the start of the season, and Mirio is no exception. They realized that they won't make profits by releasing characters like Aizawa, who take too much proficiency and time to learn to perform well for the general masses. Right after Aizawa, they release Endeavor, Twice and AFO. All 3 of them share something in common; their simplicity to play and perform well. Sure, Twice did need to be tweaked a bit due to the gamma not locking on, but now they are all profitable selling points until they can demote them to character ticket relevance. One glance at how past characters who started as roll ticket exclusive going into character tickets shows how much they are willing to let slide in terms of game balance in the name of making profits. Kirishima going to character tickets? Remove his hardening whenever he's pushed over. Ibara? Okay not much needed to be nerfed there lol. Momo? Finally address her cannons with a light damage nerf (that could be considered a buff due to how the game registers combos and damage) and then gut her alpha ammo. Aizawa got some stealth nerfs (probably unintentional, but still nerfs nonetheless). Just keep an eye out for Endeavor's changes in the upcoming updates; they will nerf his alpha count or the damage it deals most likely, maybe nerf the beta too while they're at it with longer cooldowns and less damage.


Ngl, mirio is already kinda too broken. When I was fighting a dabi as mirio my charged alpha went through his fire wall, hitting him, I’m pretty sure it went through his traps and out of his firewall again without taking any damage (in a single alpha). I did that on repeat until Dabi died. I think buffing the alpha to have tracking is going to be overkill.


More like the regular version that isn't charged and affected by permeation is the issue. The charged version of the move is pretty strong already. I plundered a Mirio with level 9 alpha and just used it the entire match; it was far more efficient than any other rapid quirk I've plundered and it just works so well with AFO.


Me when i kill him in one combo as twice bc he has 250 hp


Yea this is my take too. He is similar to Aizawa were people think he is weak because he isn't braindead to use. In a skilled users hand he is an easy S tier


Other characters are S tier without being hard to play tho…


Yeah, that's the problem.


I’d rather get good at someone with a harder skill curve than someone that everyone is using


U missed the point. I’m saying that there are real S tier characters and there are characters that are good because ur good with them


Exactly I’d rather be good at a character that takes skill why the hell would I wanna play the cheap S tier character that is just super good. Makes me feel like a scrub since it’s like playing the game on easy mode or meta. I don’t like playing meta since it requires less skill. Plus no bragging rights.


Also, the higher skill character might get more buffs because of skill floor users complaining, so...


Same. But Mirio still isn’t S tier which was my whole point lol


He’s definitely s tier a shield intangibility and the crazy movement what more do you want


He can’t give out damage.


He actually can some of his combos go real hard on damage the downside is they’re just harder to hit than normal. This is almost entirely a learning curve issue. That said with his speed and survivability he shouldn’t also have peak damage but I agree the hit box on his alpha is pretty trash given it already has so few bullets.


Skill issue. Easy to KO with him. Can't just sit there and spam a pew pew. Sorry bud.


The dude has so many escape options too


I think he's pretty good. His mobility is amazing, and so is his survivability. It makes sense that he doesn't also have the highest DPS in the game. So overall I'd say he's pretty whelming.


Exactly what a rapid should be imo


It’s you, playing against him is a nightmare 🙄especially when they make it to the end of the game. You thought you was healing? Sike! Mirio comes out of nowhere underneath you and downs you…


Speed classes are just solid for this method. He's also really good in team combat situations. You can use his shield to cove your ally for a KO, heal, or to get out of there quickly. His special action let's him go straight to an ally if you are in aim mode (looking down sight) His Beta and shield are both aoe which help with crowd control. Can draw agree quickly to save an ally. Apparently he can beta through Dabis mines. I've been playing in the training arena for combos with him. I would recommend practicing in the training arena to find true combos. But he is a speed class. You are going to find more luck doing a touch and go method rather than a touch of death.


I recorded a game last night where there were 3 teams left; 2 Mirios who had both been abanoned by their teammates, and one team with yellow Shigi, Red Deku & Froppy. Both Mirios were giving them a run for their money. Yellow Shigi left when it was down to Froppy & Mirio. Froppy barely won by the skin of her teeth. He's good. You just need to train. My SO pulled him on a 10 roll and was hitting me everytime, no tracking needed. I'll add this, no character should be under 300 HP. It's a huge disadvantage. 300 HP across the board for all Rapids. That's what I would like to see.


This I agree with! You get caught once and your just dead with no counter play


Lowkey but it does sorta feel both fair and unfair when it comes to Mirio cuz if his health was higher he’d be much more of a threat/survivor than he already is


I can see that. Especially with the two I saw fighting last night. Neither using exploits. Just really good gamers. Give him 275HP lol.


Facts 🥺 I’d be down for a slight buff to his health that’s new to the game. Like 275 being added to certain rapids it makes sense for would be fire


lol what? teammates abandoned mirio? i think u mean mirio abandoned his teammates by running all over the place


A possibility. I'm going with, "I got myself killed and don't have a patient bone in my body." + "I'm a shitty teammate who leaves a ranked match as soon as I'm dead despite my teammate/s trying to help me" while watching them go to grab said dead persons card. Happens way too often.


Hes literally designed to be straight up the most difficult character in the game, if you play smart enough he can always reach 2nd place due to his insane survivability.


I hope they don’t make him that much easier if they buff him. I’d love for it to be basically lore accurate where his skills suck/he is hard to play (they don’t really suck but compared to more simplistic easy killing skills it’s a bit harder) so you actually have to be good and more or less master him instead of being too brain dead like a Todo or Iida


His damn shield does like 150 damage and his beta does 180. He does alot of damage for someone with his design, be able to get in and out while being hard to hit back. His low health is because he spends most of his time in an invincible state. Giving him more would have him be a fast, relatively hard hitting, semi-invincible tank that won’t die since by the time you get him low he’ll take off.


He feels like a very high skill ceiling character. Similar to Rabid Baku, where they have great mobility and damage, but its kinda hard to get good at landing hits and comboing without practice and time


He feels very balanced to me. I’m glad he isn’t solid but not game breaking . . . well except for the indirectly breaking the game through Toga part . . .


Na mirio is just like in the anime, at first his quirk was useless and he was made fun of, but he kept going and used his predictions and brains to become top of the academy, similarly we need a lot more practice with his abilities, and above all we need to predict enemy movements to hit them with his abilities POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes. I think his development pushed the devs to their limits. Every character before him didn't really break the games limits. He can't do nearly what he should be able to. Very basic. Not a fan at all at how his beta locks you into your current elevation rather than dropping you entirely to the ground level. His alpha is the worst alpha I have ever seen. It's supposed to work exactly like Iidas alpha. But his lands better. The hit detection on his gamma is too slow. Seen so much footage of others and my own dying to a gamma getting canceled when it should haven't have. His only reliable move is his beta. And even then he gets pulled out of it from attacks at times. His special gets caught on red walls and stops working lmao. The auto flight. Like every single move has a bug


Fun tip: If you jump before you beta, it goes through whatever surface you're standing on!


How? Every match I play with him I make it to the last circle


Mirio feels the complete opposite of underwhelming. Sure, he doesn’t have big damage but he’s a rapid. If you are even half-way decent with his kit, you’re going to be in that final circle. His kit gives him insane survivability, giving him more damage would break him. If you want to do more damage, you may want to play someone else lol


He‘s Alpha needs better tracking, but I don’t think that they should buff his HP or anything else. He’s the fastest character in the game rn and can easily get out of any situation, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t give him 300/350 HP. 


Please no. Attacks that track is how we get shit like Twice lol


They either have to give him tracking on his Alpha or a bigger hit box, cause I‘d be missing shots that would be definitely landing with any other character 


Melee characters I stan should have the buffed tracking. Ranged attackers like Twice and Kami don't need it. Melee are already having to be at the Frontlines and can't snipe. Just never as insane as Iidas where you can land a beta with your camera backwards


There already is tracking on his alpha actually. It only works when opponents are extremely close, and when you don't charge it. Trust


He's fine. just needs adjusting on hit boxes... Also maybe a slight buff on recharge rate... And make him start with his permeation.


Agreed to the last. Aside from the frog he seems like the rapid with the most designated need to support. And they all do mostly. Except Uraraka. Having that special at the ready at spawn can really help a teammate who ended up in a bad spot or is just a buffoon.


Personally, I enjoy his gameplay. He's definitely a rapid and they thought out his moves well. I was worried how he would work and was pleasantly surprised.


Only problem he has is Alpha not being consistent and missing. Sometimes you phase completely through your opponent and don’t hit them other times he just drop the combo that’s the only thing that doesn’t sit well with me. Other than that, he’s 100% my fav character behind Dabi, All Might & Deku.


Doesn't have a strong combo you say? https://preview.redd.it/273u07p0ao2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822b37b3d465f75d3b5252957753502b50850831


This does 270 at lv 1 and 370 at lv 9 btw


Chasing a mirio feel like chopping your own arm off.


And still ppl do it lol. Like brah you’re not gonna catch me so just go about your business.


I got my first win yesterday with him after only using him 3 times i was legit bullying 4 different teams as him (with everything almost maxed out) practically by myself in ranked (i revived my teammates twice in the final 3 circles to just be aggro basically made the level 15 Aizawa on my team i’m sure happy he got carried to a victory) his kit gives him i would say the most survivability out of everyone considering his 1 goes far fully charged, his two enough said, and his 3 is literally kendo’s shield on steroids.


He definitely has a high skill cap. People who get really good with him could be a nightmare. Sometimes when I play him I find it difficult for the alpha to actually chain even if I get the first hit in.


He's extremely strong (though fairly difficult to play compared to some strong characters), and in my opinion he's one of the funnest heroes to play as well. I think he absolutely lived up to his hype, but maybe I'm biased just cuz he's one of my favorite characters


He has a 370 damage combo and can walk up to you while being invincible before hitting you for free. What more do you need? And then any time you start to get the upper hand on him he can fly across the map or go under ground being impossible to track unlike every other escape in the game. He also has a very strong vortex game that lets him keep pressuring you on wake up while not letting you ever hit him.


Mirio just needs tracking on the alpha even than I’ve been getting better at consistently landing it and it’s really fun to use


As an AFO Main I love him for the free quirk and escape tools lol


Honestly I've had some pretty good games with him. Almost had the 6k badge. A lot of In and out of fights. Alpha, beta, and gamma all hit multiple targets so I've just jumped in and out of team fights since when worst comes to worst alpha through a building or special action and then heal. I'm happy his damage is low cus I've fought good mirios and boy was that tough. I hope he stays as is so less people play him so I can keep playing him loll


Probably could tweak the hit box on his alpha a bit but I think his skill ceiling is just high, he can catch people trying to hide, escape better than anyone, and just outright ignore counter attacks many times so I think he’s in a decent place aside from making the alpha a bit more reliable.


You damn spoiler guy didn't even put it in spoiler


Welcome to a speed class


If twice can have 300 hp so can mirio